After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 857: The interview begins, urging to see the parents (two more)

  Chapter 857 The interview starts, urging to see the parents (two more)

  Tang Youtian put a lot of thought into propaganda.

  Han Qishan said: "He is showing off!"

  So many domestic media have tried their best to get Jiang Fuyue’s interview, but he got it.

  As soon as the news was released, everyone's eyes were different when they looked at it.

  Since it is a publicity, the host candidate must naturally be informed in advance.

  【I'm going-it's actually Lao Li! The devil! 】

  [Legend of the rivers and lakes, the Kochi, scholars, and professors interviewed by Li Shanshui basically all overturned, leaving none of them]

  【The mudslides in the host world, can sister Yue hold live? [Worry]】


  On the day of the broadcast, an authorized video website was exclusively first published, and a promotional banner was hung in the most conspicuous position on the page——

  Death questioning Li Shanshui vs. Jiang Fuyue, a genius scientist

  In less than ten minutes, the number of pageviews soared to one million, and the number of instant active users hit a record high in the history of the website.

  Backstage maintenance staff——

"so horrible."

   "The top stream is nothing more than that, right?"

   "Sister Yue, yyds!"


  Cen Qiaoqiao ran to the room just after lunch in order to squat for this interview.

  Pro mother Xie Yunmiao chased after her, shouting to her back: "Run slowly! Don't fall! This child is really getting more and more unruly..."

  Back to the room, Cen Qiaoqiao opened the ipad, stood firm, put on the wireless headphones, and pulled two packs of potato chips out of the drawer, and then clicked on the interview video...

  The first thing that catches the eye is Jiang Fuyue's delicate and beautiful face. The camera zooms in and a close-up comes.

   all say "photogenic fat three points", so many celebrities have to thin into pieces of paper for the screen effect.

   Ke Cen Qiaoqiao looked at Jiang Fuyue in the video, only to feel that some people are still invincible even if they are "three-thirds fat".

  Especially, when it is close-up, the white and tender skin is like a peeled egg, with almost no pores visible.

   "Gudong..." She swallowed lifelessly.

  In the video, Li Shanshui and Jiang Fuyue are saying hello to each other——

  One is honored to be interviewed, and the other is honored to be interviewed.

  The barrage is like falling snowflakes, submerging the entire video window——

  [It's over, the interview hasn’t officially started, I already smelled the smell of gunpowder]

  【Li Shanshui is worthy of being the first sister of Beijing and Taiwan. The typhoon is super stable, but Yue sisters has a stronger aura. Without saying anything, she sits on a chair and the wind of the king comes out.】

  Next is the question and answer between you and me.

  When Jiang Fuyue spit out a bunch of professional terms, Cen Qiaoqiao almost frightened the potato chips in his hand.

  Except for the bewildered expression, there is only a daze left.

  After the reaction came over, she couldn't help but blurt out: "Sister Yuet!"

  She was wearing headphones and staring at the screen intently, not even knowing when Xie Yunmiao would stand behind her.

   "Watching Jiang Fuyue's interview?"

   "Mom?!" Cen Qiaoqiao choked, "Cough cough cough..." Potato chips spurted out of his mouth and flew around.

  Xie Yunmiao quickly patted her on the back, and said helplessly: "I'm all college students, why are you still awkward? Drink some saliva slowly..."

  Cen Qiaoqiao quickly took it, and drank half a cup: "Who makes you walk without sound..."

   "I stood at the door and called you twice. Is it still silent?"

   "Ah...I didn't hear it..." Cen Qiaoqiao muttered softly.

  Xie Yunmiao didn't mean to go, so she dragged the dressing stool and sat with her daughter.

   "What are you doing?"

   "Look at the interview."

   "Hey... is it to see the future sister-in-law, right?"

  Xie Yunmiao glared at her: "What are the children talking nonsense? I think your classmates can't do it?"

   "Okay! Why not? Anyway, my classmate is your future sister-in-law, my preparatory little aunt, it makes no difference."

  The mother and daughter just sat in front of the tablet, eating the same bag of potato chips, looking relish.

  After half a minute——

  Xie Yunmiao: "What is she talking about?"

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "I don't understand."

   "...oh." Then don't worry, I wasn't the only rookie originally.

  Finally, Jiang Fuyue asked questions——

  What is the number one above the bottom?

  Not to mention that Li Shanshui was stunned in the video, the barrage also appeared temporarily stagnant, and Cen Qiaoqiao and Xie Yunmiao did not react.

  Until Jiang Fuyue announced the answer, the barrage exploded——

  【This is the legendary way to treat his body? 】

  【Sister Yue is good or bad! But I still love it! 】

  【Li Shanshui was actually asked to fall down? The old driver overturned the car, the absolute son]

  【No way, who let her hit the Moon God's hand? If you don’t dig a pit, you will be pitted]

  [Two seconds of silence for Sister Li]

  [No one has ever dared to be wild in front of Sister Yue]


  Cen Qiaoqiao: "This, this... is too powerful?!"

  She turned to see her mother.

  Xie Yunmiao muttered in shock: "It's really amazing..."

  It’s no wonder that the old four didn’t ask for it, he got a fishy, ​​offended Xiao Jiu, and was blamed by the whole family.

  As far as her rank, still want Jiang Fuyue to retire? I'm afraid that we really met, she can't even speak.

  After watching the video, the whole network has been heatedly discussed.

  Cen Qiaoqiao smiled and rolled on the bed while reading Weibo and reading comments.

  Xie Yunmiao left the room and returned to the living room, immediately took out his mobile phone and called the old lady——

   "Mom! Guess what I saw just now?"

  Old lady: "What do you see?"

   "Jiang Fuyue's interview video!"

   "Huh? Where? Why don't I know?!"

   "XX video site, there is a big banner on the home page, you can click to watch it."

   "Okay! I'll get it right away!"

  The old lady started to command Xie Zhendong: "Land this... and then click this... No, it's next to... Oh! Yes, yes, yes..."

  Xie Yunmiao organized the language and tentatively said: "Mom, do you think we should invite Jiang Fuyue to have a meal at home?"

   "I think! I mentioned it twice, but A Yuan didn't say anything. I couldn't figure out what he meant for a while."

   "This way..."

   "Why do you suddenly remember this?"

  "Didn’t you just watch the video... just ask casually."

   "This matter, A Yuan has to take the initiative. We can't do anything in a hurry. If he doesn't take people home, can we still find the door?"

  Xie Yunmiao's eyes rolled, "Actually I have a way..."

   "Huh?" The old lady was excited, "What can I do?"

  "Qiaoqiao’s birthday will be next week. How about me, I will give her a birthday banquet at home. She and Jiang Fuyue are roommates and must invite her. Wouldn’t it be a matter of course?"

"This is good!"


  Xie Yunmiao told her daughter about the birthday banquet that night.

  Cen Qiaoqiao was so happy that he jumped up and down the room: "Really?! Then I can invite classmates and friends to celebrate at home?"

   "Of course." It is for you to invite classmates.

   "Yeah! Great! I love you dear Ma Ma~"

  The next day Cen Qiao Qiao sent out an invitation in the dormitory group.

  Unfortunately, Xie Yunmiao’s wishful thinking will eventually come to nothing, Jiang Fuyue did not agree to participate...

  (End of this chapter)

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