After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 858: Hamasaki Kawashima, academic questioning (one more)

  Chapter 858 Hamasaki Kawashima, academic questioning (one more)

  To be precise, there is no time to participate.

In early November, the famous geneticist, psychiatrist, pediatrician, and mathematician Hamasaki Kawashima in R country published an article in the famous medical journal TheLancet, which is often called "The Lancet" in China. "Study on the Harmfulness of Schenckwater's Effective Drugs in Clinical Trials to Pregnant Women and Fetuses During Pregnancy".

Among them, the "Schenkworth effect medicine" developed by Jiang Fuyue was analyzed by the ingredient analysis of the "cramp and peeling", and then the relevant clinical trial data were listed. The final analysis showed that the so-called "Schenkworth effect medicine" is strong. The conclusion of teratogenic drugs is expected to be used with caution in all countries.

  Speaking of this Hamasaki Kawashima, there are still a few roundabout connections with Jiang Fuyue.

  First of all, the two are both Lasker Prize winners. Hamasaki Kawashima was in 2010, and Jiang Fuyue was in 2052.

  The two are both young and ambitious, and both are awarded for their achievements in virus specific drugs and vaccines. They are more or less similar.

  Foreign media once called Jiang Fuyue the "young version of Hamasaki Kawashima", but Jiang Fuyue directly said No, and asked them not to call it that again.

  Strong attitude, slightly contemptuous eyes.

A camera photographed a reporter from country R who was present at the scene with a green face, and wanted to speak several times (it is estimated to be Huiyue), but every time he only opened his mouth, and he looked at Shang Jiang Fuyue's fierce gaze for an instant, and finally Stunned without saying a word, his expression was distorted.

  The video was sent back to China the next day and posted on the Internet. It was immediately discovered by sharp-eyed Chinese netizens and made a animated emoticon pack with text——

  [Air to Distortion]

  [Clown Angry]

  [Fear of being dominated by the moon]


  Since then, the term "young version of Hamasaki Kawashima" has not appeared in all foreign media reports.

  Of course, for Jiang Fuyue’s unrelenting approach, there are also voices of criticism from the outside world.

   said that she had offended seniors like Hamasaki Kawashima as soon as she won the prize.

  And Jiang Fuyue neither denies nor argues.

  According to how the outside world evaluates, she does not accept it or she does not accept it, hates it is hate, and expresses rejection and disgust clearly.

   Still confident.

  Everyone thinks about the grievances between China and R country that have existed a hundred years ago and continue to remain unreconciled, and suddenly they can understand her approach.

  Domestic netizens shouted: Quit your breath!

  Foreign netizens praised: So just!

  However, for the sake of harmonious relations between the two countries (at least on the surface), this matter has been exposed, and has not been exaggerated.

   means: just need to make a stab in the dark, you still have to put on a dress on the face, not too obvious.

  Above, is the relationship between Jiang Fuyue and Hamasaki Kawashima in academic awards.

  Secondly, Hamasaki Kawashima, as the speaker of the Hamasaki family, is also the father of Hamasaki Chiba and Hamasaki Naohara.

  What a coincidence, Jiang Fuyue and his two sons have played against each other.

First, the R national team headed by Hamasaki Chiba was defeated in the international competition, and then during the exchange period, in front of all the teachers and students of Linnan No. Hara stepped on the floor and rubbed.

  So this time, my father went out and came out aggressively. It seemed that he wanted revenge?


Finally, as a mathematician, Hamasaki Kawashima is also a mathematician who has achieved good results in R country. Ten years ago, he proposed a new conjecture about the J equation and the supercritical Hermit-Yang Zhenning-Mills equation. .

  However, due to the logic problem in the proof step, the world-renowned mathematics journal "New Progress in Mathematics" returned his manuscript.

  Hamasaki Kawashima refused to accept it and appealed many times, but unfortunately they failed to pass.

   "New Progress in Mathematics" is determined not to publish his "fallacy".

  But Hamasaki Kawashima insisted on claiming that his steps were correct, and he poured dirty water on "New Progress in Mathematics", and cursed the editorial team for lack of vision and level in front of the media.

  At that time, the mathematics community was making a lot of noise about this matter, and mathematicians from all over the world stepped into this conjecture, rechecked the calculations, and divided them into two camps——

  One party believes that since there is insufficient evidence to prove that Hamasaki Kawashima is wrong, it should be judged that he is right.

  The other party felt that although there was insufficient evidence to prove that Hamasaki Kawashima was wrong, there was no accurate evidence to prove that he was right, so it could only be handled as a mistake.

  Seeing that so many scholars and experts are unable to categorically say that he is wrong, Hamasaki Kawashima is now more confident. In order to save the face of the rejected manuscript, he even tried to take "New Progress in Mathematics" to court.

  Fortunately, in the end, I braked in time, and did not fail.

  However, "New Progress in Mathematics" still put him on the blacklist, and the internal notice will never accept Hamasaki Kawashima's submissions.

  While Hamasaki Kawashima doesn’t care at all, no one has proven him wrong anyway, that’s enough!


  Jiang Fuyue's "J Equation and Supercritical Hermit-Yang Zhenning-Mills Equation Deformation" paper turned out, and was selected as "New Progress in Mathematics", published in the most conspicuous position.

  There is ample theoretical evidence to prove that Hamasaki Kawashima’s original conjecture was wrong.

  This face slap, don’t be too loud.

  Hamasaki Kawashima was ridiculed by the entire mathematics community: not as good as a little girl.

  After that, he quietly stopped speaking in public.

  The outside world has speculated: I am embarrassed by the old face, and simply shrink up and become a tortoise!



  Xu Kaiqing: "This old guy Hamasaki Kawashima is not easy to deal with."

  Old Peter: "Now he says there is a problem with the special effect medicine, and he also put out the data, obviously he is preparing."

  Xu Kaiqing: "Being prepared is not prepared, thank you."

   "...It's the same anyway."

   "The key "The Lancet" has published this paper publicly. I don't need to say more about what does it mean?"

  This proves that "The Lancet" endorses the point of view of this paper.

  "The Lancet" is one of the four internationally recognized comprehensive medical journals sponsored by Elsevier Publishing Company.

  According to the latest "Lancet" magazine official website: last year's journal citation report and ClarivateAnalytics analysis, the impact factor is as high as 60.392.

  It can be seen its influence and authority.

And the "dangerous degree of drugs to pregnant women and fetuses" mentioned in the paper is mainly based on the standards issued by the Food and Drug Administration of the country, namely the FDA, which are usually divided into A, B, C, D, and X levels, a total of five kind.

  A grade is a drug that has been clinically controlled and observed and does not cause harm to the fetus, and belongs to the safety level.

  B grade is not found to have any damage to fetal animals in animal experiments, but there is still a lack of human clinical experiment observation data; or there is damage to fetal animals in animal experiments but cannot be confirmed in human clinical studies.

  C level...

  Usually Class A and B drugs have no harm to the fetus, no side effects, and can be used safely. Such as multivitamins, and antibiotics similar to penicillins and cephalosporins.

  However, class C and D drugs have teratogenic or miscarriage hazards to the fetus, but they are beneficial to pregnant women and should not be used rashly, such as some antibiotics and hormone drugs.

  As for grade X... Whether it is from animal experiments or clinical data, it is harmful to the fetus and belongs to drugs that are banned during pregnancy, such as anti-cancer drugs.

  In this paper, Hamasaki Kawashima, he privately classified Schenckwater's effective drug as X-level without FDA approval!

  (End of this chapter)

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