After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 876: The old deceased, Ming Yu is healed

  Chapter 876 The old deceased, Ming Yu is better

  What genius?

  Except for Jiang Fuyue, everyone else is a little confused.

  Han Shen roughly said what he had passed by, "Take him to Master Qi's place today..."

  Han Ke, after listening, immediately looked at his nephew with admiration: "It turns out that our family is also a genius."

  Han Heng nodded: "It doesn't look like a straw bag."

   "So Brother, do you have any plans next?"

  Han Shen: "I want to send him to learn chess."

  At this point, on the way back, Han Ting had already been asked for his opinion.

  He is willing: "Compared to the first place in the exam, I think it is easier for me to play chess to get the first place."

   is kind of crazy.


   "Master Qi said that he is too old and in poor health, and he can't take students with him, so he recommended a few people."

   But Han Shen asked, none of these people were suitable.

  The main reason is that the character is too gentle, and he is afraid that he will not be able to cure this stinky boy.

  Jiang Fuyue thought of a person.

   "...Weng Xuesheng?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "He is an all-rounder in chess, and his moves are changeable."

  Learned chess at the age of seven, and became famous at the age of twelve. Now at the age of thirty-two, he is a **** at the pinnacle of chess.

  After finishing two rounds of Grand Slam, he chose to retire because he was too lonely to meet an opponent.

  Now teaching at B University, only teaching students, not disciples.

Han Heng: "I know this guy. I asked him to be the art director when he was filming "Remnant Shadows" last year. In fact, I hope he can put up a few endgames, and train the actors how to play chess and make moves. As a result, this As soon as I arrived on the crew, I got a big temper. After crying and scolding Mao Yuqing, he quit, patted his **** and left."

  Mao Yuqing is a big flower in the first echelon of the entertainment industry, and she doesn't even give her face, you can imagine how stubborn Weng Xuesheng is.

  Han Heng: "Later, the director personally came to apologize, and this was the end of the matter. Mao Yuqing swallowed her breath and didn't dare to put a fart."

  Han Ke: "I heard that Hamasaki Naohara had specially come to China to worship him as a teacher, but Weng Xuesheng directly said-don't accept R countrymen! Dismissed him."

  Han Ting said "Wow", "Is this crazy?"

  Han Shen couldn't help frowning, his expression condensed slightly.

  This temper can cure the stinky boy, and he has strong business ability, but he may not be willing to accept Han Ting.

   "Try it." Jiang Fuyue said.

   "Alright." A dead horse is a living horse doctor. There is always a chance, isn't it?

  To say that Han Ting has a talent for chess and may take a professional path in the future, the most depressed person is Han Qishan.

  The grandson who doesn’t know how to play chess suddenly becomes a good seedling with a clear skeleton and great talent?

  It is said that Yueyue is a little struggling to win.

   After that, isn’t he the only one in this family?

  Who can beat him?

  Han Qishan said: "..." It's so heartbreaking.

  Han Shen is an absolute activist. He immediately contacted the secretary and asked him to send a greeting message to Weng Xuesheng’s public mailbox, stating his identity and clearly writing his intentions. Finally, he looked forward to the interview and looked forward to a reply.

  Originally, I just wanted to give it a try, but I didn’t expect that the other party would reply the next day!

  No nonsense, just leave a string of addresses and specific meeting time.

  Han Shen was pleasantly surprised.

  Han Ting squatted in front of Xiao Mang, feeding him snacks, and muttering words: "I'm pretty attractive...Even Weng Xuesheng is interested in me... he knows the goods..."

  It happened that Jiang Fuyue got down from the second floor and stood on the steps, listening to all his words in his ears, and couldn't help the corners of her mouth twitching.

  No one knows, after Jiang Fuyue returned to the room last night, he sent an email to Weng Xuesheng.

   The beginning of a reminiscence: I haven’t seen you in twenty years, how can you be well?

   Then go directly to the topic and briefly introduce the basic situation of Han Ting.

   Finally asked him: Do you want an apprentice?

   In the lower right corner, there is only one word: Lou.

   Twenty years ago, when she was still Lou Mingyue, she became attached to Weng Xuesheng, who was only 12 years old at the time, as a "Mr. Lou".

  The two gradually changed from rivals to friends, fighting against each other, and learning from each other.

After   , he went south to apprentice and was fascinated by chess; while Lou Mingyue went all the way north, returned to the imperial capital, and inherited the Lou clan.

  Until she died, neither of them met again.

   Originally thought Weng Xuesheng had forgotten herself a long time ago, and she sent that email with the mentality of giving it a try. After all, twenty years later, no matter how deep the friendship is, it will fade away. What's more, the two are just friends of gentlemen?

  Unexpectedly, not only did he immediately replied that he had met Han Ting, but he also expressed concern and greetings, and there was excitement and ecstasy between the lines.

  But Jiang Fuyue did not return.

  She is no longer Lou Mingyue, nor is she the original "Mr. Lou".

  Not everyone can accept her current identity without asking anything like Ye Qianji and Ming Yu, and treat her as before.


  According to the agreed time and place, Han Shen took Han Ting to the appointment.

  It was still in the tuxedo, Han Ting was full of energy, with his head held high, and finally stopped clamoring that his dad would sell him to another family as a married son-in-law.

  In the afternoon, the father and son came back smiling.

  Han Shen: "It's done."

  Han Ting shook his hand, pretending to be neatly trimming the collar: "No way, who made me a genius?"


   "By the way, do we know a gentleman surnamed Lou? About forty years old."

   "Is that building of Lou's Group?"

  Han Shen nodded, then shook his head: "It's just the surname Lou, it has nothing to do with Lou's group."

  Han Qishan recalled for a moment: "Then there should be no such person. Why are you asking this suddenly?"

"When we left, Weng Xuesheng stopped talking, and finally asked me what is the relationship with Mr. Lou. At that time, I thought it was from the Lou family. Our family has never had much friendship with the Lou family. As a result, he said it was not the Lou family... …"

  Jiang Fuyue sat on the sofa, turned a deaf ear, and calmly watched the news broadcast.

  At present, the Schenkworth epidemic has been completely controlled. A large number of infected patients have been saved by taking special medicines, and healthy people rarely have new patients because of A+ vaccination...


  On the fourth day at home, Jiang Fuyue received a call from Yezhanji, indicating that Yu had returned from Qinghuishan and was in good recovery condition. He could already walk on crutches!

  Jiang Fuyue heard that she didn’t even bother to eat lunch, and drove directly to the Angelica Bar.

   "Master-Where's Ming Yu?"

  After entering the door, she rushed directly to the second floor.

   Just then, a familiar voice came from behind: "Mingyue..."

  There is only one person who calls her that now.

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head, only to see Ming Yu standing behind her, a pair of blue-gray pupils through the special lenses, filled with a gentle smile like a spring.

  'S complexion is also much better than before, no longer pale and weak, and may fall down at any time.

  Finally, Jiang Fuyue's eyes fell on his lap.

  Although I still need to rely on crutches, I really stand up again!

  At first glance, it looks like a normal person.

  Straight back and straight body.

   "You--" She ran over and stopped in front of the man, her eyes that had always been indifferent was full of joy at the moment: "All right?"

  Mingyu smiled and nodded: "Well, that's okay. But it will take some time to rehabilitate before you can throw away the crutches and walk normally."

   "That's good, that's good... After I came back from F State, I looked for my master, but he said that you went to Qinghuishan to recuperate, and I called your cell phone, but it was turned off all the time..."

  This semester, Ming Yu directly asked Xiaoshan for a long vacation, and the originally planned course was not offered.

  Many Ming University students are asking why Professor Ming’s class is suspended.

  Xiao Shan only explained that the professor was very busy. In fact, he himself didn't know where Ming Yu went and what he was going to do.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Everyone cares about you, and I am also very worried..."

  Mingyu looked at her with a gleam of light in her eyes, which seemed to be called...gentle?

  He said, “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

  From the moment I knew you were alive, I was so good that I couldn’t get better, even if I couldn’t stand up again, it didn’t matter.

  I don’t care, but I’m afraid you will be disappointed.

   "Yueyue is here?" Ye Qianji came down from the stairs, holding a cup of pearl milk tea in his hand, half of which had been drunk.

  "Master, how is Ming Yu's situation now?"

  Even though he said "very good", Jiang Fuyue was still worried, so she asked again.

  The night watch looked at him up and down, "It doesn't seem to be a big problem."


  Jiang Fuyue frowned, guessing that Ming Yu had only come back from Qing Huishan, and Ye Qianji hadn't checked him yet, so she could only say "looks like".

  The night-holding machine is of course deliberate.

  No one knows Mingyu’s situation better than him. He has been with him over the past few months.

  Wandering before the gate closed several times, the black and white impermanence is on the way to ecstasy, but in the end Ming Yu still gritted his teeth.

  Even Ye Qianji had to admire his willpower.

  The pain of scraping the bones and clearing the rot, don’t take anesthetics...

   Few people can survive.

  Mingyu, a scholar who is weak in writing, and not too young, actually still has such a stubborn and resolute side.

  For what, Yeqianji knows a little bit.

  After all, in a coma, he still called the word "Mingyue".

  Hey, the love debt of Little Moon...

  In addition to knowing Ming Yu’s physical condition, Ye Qianji knew better how keen Jiang Fuyue was.

  Once the stuff is revealed, it is only a matter of time before the truth is dug up by her.

  So, he can only say "looks", and he has to say the same.

  Sure enough, Jiang Fuyue had no doubts.

  She asked Ming Yu to sit on the sofa, and then pulled Ye Zhuan's hand to bring him to Ming Yu: "Master, you give him a pulse now."

   "So anxious?" Ye Qianji took a mouthful of milk tea calmly.

  "If you are not in a hurry for a major health issue, I will invite you to dinner at noon. You can eat whatever you want, you can help him see..."

  Even acting like a baby, I'm afraid that the night will not be allowed.

  Mingyu looked at her, her eyes were broken and soft.

   But the moment Jiang Fuyue turned her head and looked over, she converged cleanly.

   "Ayu, stretch out your hand."

   "Okay." Ming Yu Yiyan, like a good obedient child.

  If Assistant Zhong Hao is present, I'm afraid the eyes will pop out.

  When did Professor Ming speak so well?

  Yezhanji: "You can eat anything you want?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Of course!"

  "It seems that there is nothing to eat but nothing to drink..." Ye Qianji sucked two mouthfuls of milk tea, probably because he ate the pearls inside, and chewed twice with his mouth.

  Jiang Fuyue immediately stated: "Enough to drink."

   "Okay!" The night lead machine threw the empty plastic cup into the trash can, and clapped his hands like dust.

  Jiang Fuyue understood her heart, and immediately brought him a chair from the side: "Master, you sit down."

  Take the machine at night, roll up the cuffs, put your fingers on Mingyu's wrists, and begin to close your eyes for a closer examination.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't speak any more, stood by her side, waiting with her hands down.

  Mingyu sat on the sofa with his crutches aside, his brows and eyes were soothing, and his expression was calm.

  At that moment, it seemed that the air was quiet.

  I don’t know how long it took, and finally—

  Ye pulls the machine to open his eyes, retracts his hands, and slowly puts down the cuffs he rolled up.

  Jiang Fuyue was a little anxious and urged him: "Master..."

  "Don’t worry, he is very healthy! His legs have recovered, but he has only been in a wheelchair for decades. It takes time to fully adapt to walking, keep exercising, take medicine on time, and be alive and kicking after three months."

  Now Jiang Fuyue is completely relieved, but...

  "His eyes, can it be..." healed?

  Yezhanji seemed to know what she wanted to say, waved her hand, and sighed regretfully: "The damage to his eyes is irreversible. Fortunately, there are lenses. Although it is inconvenient, there is no problem with normal vision."

"……All right."

  This can only happen temporarily.

  But Jiang Fuyue is very optimistic that medical technology is constantly evolving. If it can't be cured now, it doesn't mean that it won't be cured in the future.

  Who can tell the future?

Everything is possible.


  Since he agreed to the treat, Jiang Fuyue asked Ye Qiang to choose a place.

  He chose a seafood restaurant not far away.

  "It is said that their Aolong has thicker legs than mine, and the sea urchin is also the fattest and freshest..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Can Mingyu eat seafood now? Is there any effect?"

  Ye Qianji: "Seafood is a fat thing, and the impact will definitely be a little bit..."

   "Then change the house."

   "It doesn't matter to me."

  Jiang Fuyue and Ming Yu spoke at the same time.

  She turned her head and glanced at him, her face was disapproving: "Don't be fooling around."

   Mingyu stretched out his hands and dared not speak anymore.

  Finally, I decided to choose the seafood restaurant, because it also sells common dishes, Ming Yu just doesn't eat seafood.

  Before going out, Niu Rui, who stayed up late last night playing games and slept until now, appeared on the stairs of the second floor with a chicken coop head.

   Seeing the three of them were about to leave, his eyes suddenly beamed: "Hey-where are you going?"

  Night pull machine: "You continue to sleep, we will not disturb you."

  Niu Rui: "I woke up," touching my belly, "I am a little hungry now and want to eat something. If it is seafood, it would be fine,! Big lobster! And sashimi..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Are we going to eat out, together?"

  Niu Rui remained silent: "What are you eating?"


   "Good! Go and go, go now!" He grinned and ran down the stairs.

  Yezhanji: "..." The meal plan failed.

  Mingyu could not help but remind: "Your hair?"

  Niu Rui hurriedly planed twice with his hand, and he actually told him to be smooth, young handsome, from sloppy to handsome, it only takes a few seconds.

  Mingyu looked at his young face, faintly showing a trace of yearning, but soon disappeared.

  If it hadn’t happened to be seen by Ye Qianji, no one might have known his thoughts.

  Time, no matter how hard you work, you can't bridge the gap.


  At the restaurant, Jiang Fuyue ordered a table of seafood and handed it to Ye Qianji and Niu Rui to solve it.

   And she accompanied Mingyu to eat light home cooking.

  Ming Yu is in good condition and has a good appetite.

  Jiang Fuyue looked happy, and tried to pick him up with vegetables.

  Suddenly, "I heard that you are with Xie Dingyuan?"

    revised it a bit, I wrote it so poorly, ┭┮﹏┭┮



  (End of this chapter)

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