After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 877: How does he fit, Lao Xie rolls over (two more in one)

   Chapter 877 How is he worthy? Old Xie overturned (two more in one)

  The media rendered reports, and the hot searches on Weibo are also on again.

  Mingyu will know that Jiang Fuyue is not surprised.

   "Yes," she nodded with a smile, "you should know each other?"

When    was talking, he also put a piece of spare ribs into his bowl, "Eat more, you are too thin."

  Although she knew the answer for a long time, she confessed that Ming Yu still couldn't stop the bitter tongue.


   Just two words, as if exhausting all his energy.

  Jiang Fuyue smiled: "Thank you."

In the second half of   , Ming Yu ate quietly and stopped talking.

  Yeqiangji and Niu Rui are noisy and noisy in order to grab seafood.

  After eating, Jiang Fuyue went to checkout.

   Then he sent Ye Qianji and Ming Yu back to "Angelica" before leaving.

   "...are you okay?" Ye Qianji saw that Ming Yu's face was not very good, and couldn't help asking.

  Mingyu waved his hand: "No..." Before the word of the matter was spoken, he felt a tumbling in his stomach. He retched, and swayed towards the bathroom with his crutches.

   There was a sound of vomiting, accompanied by hard breathing and exhalation.

  Yezhanji waited next to him. When he finished vomiting, he handed over a tissue, and then escaped with a sigh, “Don’t hold on to it if you can’t eat it. It’s yourself that feels uncomfortable.”

  Mingyu took it and said thank you: "...I will not eat, she will be worried."

   "Why do you need this?"

  Mingyu shook his head.

  Yeqiang machine: "You will be stunned!"

  After speaking, he walked away.

  Mingyu looked at the mirror in front of him. His thin cheeks and the white hair hidden between his black hair were reflected in the mirror.

  Wry smile gradually climbed to the corner of the mouth.

  No matter how good the hair dye cream is, he can’t change the fact that he is old, he shouldn’t be disappointed, because—

   shouldn't have extravagant hopes.

   "Ming Yu, Ming Yu, how are you worthy?"


  Jiang Fuyue drove back on the way, Xie Dingyuan called.


  At the other end, "...Are you driving?"

   "Hmm. How do you know?"

   "I heard it."

  This insight is no longer there.

   "Something going out?"

  Jiang Fuyue said lightly: "But it's done already, on the way home."

   "Where is your exact location now?"

  She told the truth: "...what's wrong?"

  Xie Dingyuan rarely breaks the casserole like this and asks the end.

  Coughed lightly on the other end, seemingly embarrassed: "...I'm at the A&G bar, can you come and pick me up?"

  The last four words, he said lightly and softly.

  I am afraid that Jiang Fuyue will be angry.

   To be honest, I am not angry, but the surprise is real.

  Xie Dingyuan actually went to a bar? ! Gee!

"you've been drinking?"


  This is even more magical.

   "Wait, come here now." Jiang Fuyue ended the call, immediately turned around, and galloped away in the other direction.


  Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the A&G bar.

  Xie Dingyuan stood on the steps and felt relieved to see her.


  Before he finished speaking, a figure who had fallen crookedly next to him stretched his arms and hugged Xie Dingyuan’s neck directly.

   "Old Xie, let me tell you... She just doesn't know good or bad! She's blind, blind!"

   As he said, he posted on Xie Dingyuan and slapped a big, smelly drink.

  Jiang Fuyue clearly saw Xie Dingyuan’s face changed, his cheeks clenched, and the blue veins on his forehead protruding, as if tolerated to the extreme and was about to explode.

   "What's wrong with him?" Jiang Fuyue stepped forward and glanced at Shen Qiannan, who was drunk and unconscious and full of nonsense.

  "Loss of love, drunk crazy."

   "Who is broken in love?! I am not broken in love! Absolutely not!" Shen Qiannan quit, stood up straight, stretched out a finger and shook it.

  As a result, I stared too hard and shook myself into opposite eyes.

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." I want to laugh, but I have to hold back!

   "Old Xie, do you think we two are brothers?"


   "Brothers don't take you so short? A fart of a broken love, she is the one who lost it. Why should I be broken in love? I have never been in love! I can't lose it! Hey!"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Be honest! Don't use your hands!"

   "What happened when I gave you a hug? Didn't you give me a hug? Why are you shy?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "?" Are these two people normal?

  Seeing that Shen Qiannan was still beeping Lailai, she immediately greeted Xie Dingyuan: "Okay, hurry up and get the person in the car and send him back first."

  Shen Qiannan heard it, just like a cat with fried hair: "Go back? Where are you going back?! Let me tell you, Lord, stay here, not going anywhere!"

As he said, I wanted to reach out and grab Jiang Fuyue, still looking obsessed, muttering on his mouth: " don't go... if you dare to leave me, I will X until you cry !"

   Before Jiang Fuyue changed his face, she heard a crisp sound from Pia, Xie Dingyuan slapped him on the back of his hand, and then lifted Shen Qiannan away.


  He squatted down on the ground, raised his head in a daze, and blinked, as if he hadn't figured out what was going on.

谢定渊弯腰,揪住他衣领,冷着脸一字一顿:“你爱怎么疯,我不管,再敢对我的女人乱开黄腔,我保证把你揍得爹妈都不认识。 "

  Shen Qiannan: "?"

  "Have you heard?" His hands tightened.

   "Cough cough cough cough... let go, let go... you're going to strangle me to death!"

   "Speak! Can you hear me?"

   "I heard it! I heard it!" Shen Qiannan shouted loudly.

  I don’t know if Xie Dingyuan gripped too tightly, or if he choked himself, the sound was broken when he roared.

   "Get up." Xie Dingyuan closed his hand, stood up straight, and looked at him from a high position.

  Shen Qiannan didn't move, the handsome guy who was about 1.8 meters tall was sitting on the ground like a raunchy tramp.

  The scene was once funny, a bit funny.

   Jiang Fuyue couldn't hold back, she took out her phone and took a picture of him.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Say it again, stand up."

  Shen Qiannanmu spent two seconds: "...Damn! You can help me somehow!"

  Xie Dingyuan remained motionless.

  He curled his mouth, scolded, and patted the ash on his pants.

   "Now that you know how to pay attention?" Xie Dingyuan coldly.

  Shen Qiannan: "..."


   "...oh." This time, he was good.


  Jiang Fuyue intends to send Shen Qiannan home first.

  He and Xie Dingyuan sat in the back seat side by side, leaning up and down like bones, and didn't know if they were really drunk or pretending to be drunk.

   Said he was really drunk, and he knew that he opened the window for ventilation.

   Said that he would pretend to be drunk, but some things are really not as utterly utterable in a sober state, such as—

  "Who does she think she is Lin Weiwei? Oh, treat me as a high-level duck and slept with me, patted my **** and left without even paying prostitutes. Is there such a good thing in the world?!"

  Jiang Fuyue slipped on one hand, almost unable to stabilize the direction.

  What kind of horrible gossip is this? !

"I think Shen Qiannan is also a person who has been among the thousands of flowers. I didn't expect that the ship was capsized in the gutter and I was scumbed by a female sea king? Why am I scumbed? Hahaha—Lao Xie, do you believe it? What international jokes are you making? !"

  As he said, he was about to lean on Xie Dingyuan's shoulder.

  As a result, Xie Dingyuan avoided disgustingly.

  He didn’t care, and continued: “Why am I being scummed? Obviously I slept enough, so I don’t want her! Yes, I don’t want her first... how old is she?”

"Fortunately, you didn't get on her thief ship at the beginning, and as a result... I got it on! Grass!" Shen Qiannan said here, and for a moment grief came from it, and he didn't even notice Xie Dingyuan's already black face. And the violent eyes that wished to eat him.

   "How good would you be to go on a blind date with her? I wouldn't be the cannon fodder? I don't usually provoke that kind of type, so why do I treat her..."


  A sudden brake, the car pulled over and stopped.

  Jiang Fuyue's chilly voice sounded: "Blind date? Who will meet with whom?"

  Xie Dingyuan only felt his scalp numb and his body was stiff.

  Shen Qiannan was suddenly excited, and the wine was completely awake.

   "Then, what... I'm all of a sudden now. You don't need to send it off, just take a taxi and go home by yourself."

   After finishing speaking, he opened the door and rushed to the middle of the road to stop a taxi: "Master, hurry up! Drive forward! Go anywhere!"

  As if there is a ghost chasing after.

  The taxi drove away, leaving only Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan in the car.

  The cool breeze makes people's necks cold.

   "Yueyue, it’s not what he said, listen to me..."

   "Did you go on a blind date? When? With that... Weiwei?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  "Does not speaking mean by default?"

"without me……"

   "Okay," Jiang Fuyue waved her hand, "I don't want to say it, I don't want to listen. You, get off the car now."

  Xie Dingyuan: "?"

  Two minutes later, on the brightly lit road, the car drove away, leaving a gust of wind, Xie Dingyuan stood alone on the side of the road, eyes dumbfounded.

who am I?

where am I?

   Is she angry?

  Am I being kicked out?

At this moment, a taxi drove up and stopped beside him. Shen Qiannan, who had already slipped away, poked his head out of the back seat window, "Hey... Didn't you expect it? I'm back again! Surprised? Do you mean it? An accident?! Come on, get in the car quickly, the woman left you behind, it doesn’t matter, there are brothers and me!"

   "So, at this critical moment, I have to rely on my brother. I'm gone, but I'm back to pick you up, isn't it interesting?"

  Xie Dingyuan's face was expressionless: "Running quite fast."

   "Of course! Don't run and wait to be cut by Jiang Fuyue? I heard that she used to practice shot put, so one push can send me away."

  Xie Dingyuan: "I know a lot."

   "Right? Hey...Hurry up and get in the car. You can't stop here for too long." As he said, he opened the door, moved to the other side, and saved his seat.

  Xie Dingyuan sneered forward, and dragged Shen Qiannan out of the car. Without giving him any time to react, he directly raised his fist and punched him: "I will let your mouth go! Let your mouth go!"

   "Grass-are you crazy? Why are you hitting me?"

   "Oh! Don't slap your face... Lin Weiwei likes my face the most... Damn! Are you really slapped?"

   "It's too much, thank you! You, you, you... Whoa! It hurts!"


  Back home, Jiang Fuyue changed her shoes and walked to the living room.

  Now the person playing chess with the old man is replaced by Han Ting.

  The former frowned and frowned, scratching his ears; the latter had a relaxed expression and urged from time to time.

  "Sister! You're back! There is longan and lotus soup in the kitchen. Mother Liu made it. I will leave a cup for you."


  With a bowl of sweet and delicious lotus soup, Jiang Fuyue's mood instantly became beautiful.

  She walked to the side of the chessboard and gave Han Ting a wink, so that he could relax a bit, and don't depress the old man.

  Han Ting gave her a look of "rest assured, I understand".

  Jiang Fuyue then went upstairs with confidence and returned to her room.

  Take out the phone and put it on the bedside table. During the time she went to the bathroom to take a bath, the screen was on because someone was making calls.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Fuyue has been turned into silent mode a long time ago.

can not hear.

  After washing out, blow-dry the hair, and apply a mask leisurely.

  Brand party gave it to Han Heng, so when Han Heng couldn't use it up, half of it was piled up in her room, and the drawers were full.

  Before going to bed, Jiang Fuyue also browsed two Science papers online on her tablet, but she just didn’t look at her mobile phone.

   Then, turn off the lights and go to sleep!

  I have no dreams all night, sleep well and sweet, just like that bowl of thick but refreshing lotus seed soup.

  It’s just that some people toss and turn, gritted their teeth until dawn——

  I regret it, I knew I should kill the dog Shen Qiannan!


  On the last day Jiang Fuyue was resting at home, she received an email from Country E. The sender was --Dougal Dixon!

   is the first person who jumped out to support Hamasaki Kawashima in the academic debate.

  It is said that he and Hamasaki Kawashima met when they were studying in M ​​country when they were young, and they have maintained a deep friendship for decades.

  In the end, in a controversy, it fell to pieces.

  At first, Dougel didn't believe that Hamasaki Kawashima would academic fraud, and even rudely refuted Jiang Fuyue on the spot.

  But when the evidence was in front of him, he personally asked for the evidence after he got down, and finally he couldn't help but not believe it.

  For this, Dougel was very depressed for a while.

  However, just a week ago, he became active again.

  In an interview, he cheerfully said that he has found a new goal and a new direction for the future, and that this new direction is related to China!

  When the reporter asked if he still had contact with Hamasaki Kawajima, Dougel bluntly stated that he was very disappointed in this friendship and would completely separate from Hamasaki Kawajima in the future and no longer communicate with him.

  At the same time, in front of the media camera, he bowed and apologized to Jiang Fuyue for his partial hearing and arrogance and contempt.

  But this kind of apology in the form of shouting in the air did not get Jiang Fuyue's response.

  It is reasonable to say that the posture is sufficient, and the outside world is beyond blame, and he should stop.

  But I didn’t expect this person to send her an email?

  Jiang Fuyue click to open.

  The first half is a deep and sincere apology to her again.

  It can be seen between the lines that Dougel has put his posture very low, full of sincerity.

  The second half expresses the expectation that he wants to apply for admission to Mingda Infinite Building, and hopes to be eligible for admission.

  Although Jiang Fuyue tried his best to publicize after the controversy ended, but there are no other people who are really willing to move the laboratory into the building except Xu Kaiqing, Old Peter, and Ming Yu.

  Dougall is the first foreign scientist to apply for admission to the endless building!

  Jiang Fuyue immediately contacted Xiaoshan and asked him to help Dougel complete the relevant process as soon as possible.

  She has a strong hunch that the breakthrough between the endless building and the ice-breaking of the western scientific community has been found.

  Approved soon.

  The news that Dougel will soon be stationed in the endless building of Huaxia Qiming University spread rapidly in the global academic community...

    August 15th, it broke at midnight, probably more than ten.



  (End of this chapter)

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