After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 878: The endless building is full, the money scum is abused (two more in one)

  Chapter 878 The endless building is full, the money scum is abused (two more in one)

  Someone started, and he still had a conflict with Jiang Fuyue. Not only did they pass smoothly, they also reportedly got the right to use half of the building!

  In addition, the relevant departments of Huaxia also provided him and his team members with long-term residence permits.

  A week later, Dougel led the team straight to China, and then plunged into the endless building without hesitation, and began to set up a laboratory.

  Funds, manpower, equipment... everything.

  The whole process was unimpeded. Here we will arrange everything for him.

  Not only that, Dougel and the other three researchers in the team were also specially hired by Ming University as foreign professors, so they can do research while attending classes.

  With salary, spend money, live in the boutique apartment in the city center provided by Mingda, enjoy all the good benefits, don’t live a small life too moist!

  This can spoil other foreign researchers.

   "Is it so good?"

  Dougel waved his hand: "No, it's not good at all, don't come."

   "?" It feels like you are fooling an idiot.

   Soon, the endless building officially launched an "experience convocation order" to the global academic community, inviting experts and professors from all walks of life to go to China for a six-day "endless experience".

  All expenses during the period are inclusive, and round-trip air tickets are reimbursed.

  Everyone flocked to it.

  According to statistics, over 100,000 people signed up on that day, but only 50 people were officially selected.

  Unsurprisingly, the number of places has become extremely popular.

  One week later, the fifty scholars who were selected arrived in Huaxia one after another, and stationed in the endless building on the same day.

  Do research during the day, and when you’re tired, go downstairs and walk around, have a coffee or play two golf, or go to the gym to hit the iron.

  Three meals a day are all customized. Submit the menu on the intranet system the previous night, and you can enjoy the food the next day. There is no problem of being unaccustomed to eating in a new place.

  After nightfall, you can run, run, or ride a bicycle on the campus of Ming University. The school also provides swimming pools, yoga studios and other venues, and you can enter by swiping your card.

  As for the problem of sleeping, it is even simpler.

  You can choose to stay in the endless building, because next to the laboratory is the living room, and the compact single room is built with the world's most advanced noise reduction materials, so the sound insulation effect is good.

  Of course, you can also choose to go back to the boutique apartment in the city center, which is more spacious and more private.

  Six days passed in a flash, fifty experiencers have gradually adapted to the life here, but were told by the staff——

  "The experience is over."

  Everyone realized that everything was just experience, and they were not qualified to stay in this building.

  Finally, 38 of the fifty experiencers submitted their applications for admission, and repeatedly urged them to approve them as soon as possible, so they moved in early.

  As a result, the second batch of experience places will be cancelled directly.

  As for the reason...

  Our endless building is almost full, there is no shortage of scholars and professors, so please don't come if you can.

  When it was empty before, everyone dismissed it; now it is full, but one by one has sharpened their heads and tried to drill in.

   Xiao Shan couldn't help coldly: "Don't give it for nothing, you have to grab the talent, what's the problem?"

  Xu Kaiqing: "Perhaps everyone in the world likes to heat stoves."

  In less than a month, the endless building is full.

  The official announcement is that it will no longer accept applications from outsiders.

  If you want to settle in thereafter, there are and only two ways——

  The first is to wait for the existing laboratories to withdraw, vacate seats, and compete for posts.

  The second is to get an official invitation from the endless floor.

  The first way is too difficult!

  Not to mention that no experimental team will quit in a short period of time. Even if you quit, you may not get your turn, because there are other outstanding scientific research teams that will participate in the competition.

  The second way sounds easier.

  But it just "sounds", the actual operation is much more difficult than the first one!

  Let’s ask, why did the official endless floor invite you?

  That must be a great achievement in a certain area, the results are amazing, and the impact is far-reaching.

  Otherwise, how could He De be specially invited?

  At this time, everyone can't help but envy Dougel.

   "The advanced ones have advantages, and the approval process is not that complicated."

   "He responded quickly enough. He moved in as soon as he said he had settled, and he also dragged his family with his mouth, and all moved to China."

   "It is said that Dougel originally came for Jiang Fuyue and wanted to work in the same building with her, so he thought of submitting an application."

  "Didn’t he offend Jiang Fuyue in public because he helped Hamasaki Kawashima? I thought they had a bad relationship."

"Hey, my friend, the structure is small in this way. It is normal for us to have different thoughts and opinions in our research. Before, Douger was deceived by Hamasaki Kawashima, and later he publicly apologized to Jiang Fuyue. Yi Jiangfu It’s impossible to care about Yue’s mind-bearing attitude."

  They have all been more or less biased towards Hamasaki Kawashima, so they didn’t apply to settle in at the beginning because they didn’t want to apply, but they felt embarrassed.

  In case Jiang Fuyue takes a grudge and refuses one bite, wouldn’t it be embarrassing?

   "You think too much. If Jiang Fuyue is a careful person, then we wouldn't be here today to participate in the experience."


  Q, Faculty of Medicine, Hongzhi Building.

  In a laboratory.

  Qian Youwen paces anxiously, his expression is irritable.

   "Professor——" At this time, the graduate students he brought back came back.

   "How is it? Have you inquired clearly?"

  The graduate student nodded: "Ming University said that the endless building is full and no new applications for admission are accepted."

   "Full, full?!" Qian Youwen's eyes widened.

  How long is this? How could it be full?

  No one wants to go before, isn’t it?

  "Do you say it again? The endless building is full?!" He raised his tone in disbelief.

   "Yes, yes," the graduate student replied with a half step back fearfully, "Anyway...Mingda responded like this."

   "I want you to ask the endless building, what are you looking for Mingda?!"

   "But... isn't the endless building belonged to Mingda?"

  It was built on the campus of Ming University!

  According to the process, all applications must go through the hands of the Ming University, the principal of Ming University Xiao Shan must sign and agree, and the official seal of the endless building will be considered officially approved.


  Qian Youwen frowned, lost in thought.



  The bell rang at the end of get out of class, Xu Kaiqing took the thermos cup and the roll and left the classroom.

  Just two steps away, I received a call from Xiao Shan.

  "...Who do you think is going to apply for you?! Okay, I'll come over right away."

  Ten minutes later, Xu Kaiqing appeared in the principal’s office.

  Xiao Shan politely offered a cup of hot tea: "Please sit down."

   "Thank you. You just said on the phone that Qian Youwen is applying to settle in the endless building?!"

   "Well, look at it..." Xiao Shan handed him a copy of the application materials on the desktop.

  The computer screen also remains on the online approval page.

   "Agree" and "Reject" one green and one red, waiting for Xiao Shan to make the final choice.

   Xu Kaiqing quickly finished reading, and couldn't help but sneered: "He still has the face to apply for you?! Also against the grass on the wall, wherever the wind blows, people will fall."

   Xiao Shan raised his eyebrows, "Did something happen?"

  It is rare for him to see Xu Kaiqing evaluate a person so sharply and harshly. The key is that this person is his friend.

  And the reason why Xiao Shan will notify Xu Kaiqing as soon as he sees the application materials is precisely because he knows that the two people have made a good relationship.

   But now it seems that "friends" needs to be added with "before".

  Xu Kaiqing hadn't even spoken yet, there was anger in his eyes, which shows that he hates this person to a certain extent.

"One month before the controversy, Jiang Fuyue and I wanted to reproduce Hamasaki Kawajima's experiment, and wanted to ask him to borrow clinical data. He had already said it, and he himself agreed, but when it happened, he suddenly turned back. Collaborating with Fu Zhengxin to release our pigeons, let us wait in vain, and then turned our faces directly, posting and posting on the Internet was extremely discredited."

   "Most of him was watching the endless building being so popular. One was hard to find, so he licked it up facelessly. It was the first time I saw such a cheeky person!"

  Fortunately, he used to introduce him as a confidant and put his heart to his heart, but now in retrospect, Xu Kaiqing only feels that he is stupid!

   "Principal Xiao, what are you going to do with it?"

Xiao Shan's expression sank: "I didn't expect Qian Youwen to be such a thing! Just relying on him standing on Fu Zhengxin's side, serving as a tiger, and now holding another pipa, like this treachery, unscrupulous, unscrupulous person, I am sure Won't let him pass the application."

  Let this kind of people settle in the endless building, what about it?

  A mouse will destroy a pot of soup!

  Xiao Shan immediately rejected Qian Youwen’s application, but he did not expect that half an hour later, he actually called in person——

   "Principal Xiao, I think we need to meet and talk, what do you think?"

  At that time, Xu Kaiqing was nearby.

   Xiao Shan looked at him inquiring: Do you simply refuse, or let him come?

   Xu Kaiqing groaned for a moment, then moved his lips: let him come.

  He wants to see what other tricks this person has, and how shameless he can be!


  When Qian arrived again, although the principal's office door was open, he still pretended to be polite and stopped at the door, raised his hand and knocked three times before entering.

  Now he is implicated by Fu Zhengxin. Not only has he been pointed out by his peers, but the school of Q University has also rejected his two new projects in a row.

  Qian Youwen was frustrated one after another, just like a phoenix who lost hair, so even when he saw Xiaoshan, the pheasant had to show three points of modesty.

  If it was before, he knocked on the door? He walked in with a big swing, and the people inside had to nod and bow to greet him.


  I only sigh that a phoenix with feathers is not as good as a chicken!

Qian Youwen suppressed the discomfort and contempt in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

   "Principal Xiao, he rushed to the door, it was really annoying."

   Xiao Shan raised his head, his tone was cold: "I don't know what Professor Qian wants me to interview?"

  Qian Youwen was a little dazed by the opponent's straight ball, but quickly reacted, suppressing dissatisfaction in his eyes, and smiled: "I submitted an application for admission to Mingda in the morning..."

   "Oh, it was rejected," Xiao Shan interrupted him directly, "You should have received a reply from the system? In that case, do you have any questions?"

  "Why dismissed? Please give me a suitable reason." Qian Youwen smiled suddenly, and his voice became cold.

  Since Xiao Shan doesn't give him face, don't blame him and show no mercy.

  Who is not a superior professor or scholar?

   "A suitable reason?" Xiao Shan laughed. "You knock on the door and the master will not let you in. Is there any reason for this?"

  If you don’t let it in, you just don’t let it go. You have to explain why?

  Where is such a thick-skinned person?

Qian Youwen's old face was embarrassed, and his eyes flashed with shame and anger: "Principal Xiao said that is narrow. At the beginning, Jiang Fuyue welcomed all the invited guests in front of all the invited guests. You are now going to overthrow Jiang. Did Fu Yue say something?"

   "You!" Xiao Shan choked. This man really has two brushes. No wonder Xu Kaiqing, an old river and lake like Xu Kaiqing, also looked at him, and he was playing around.

   "What? I'm wrong?" Qian Youwen asked triumphantly.

  "Okay, do you want a reason? Now that the endless building is full and no longer accepts foreign applications, are you satisfied now?"

  Qian Youwen smiled slightly: "But I heard that there are still invitations."

   "Heh—" Xiao Shan stared at him like a joke, "Professor Qian, do you think you are worthy?"

  "Why don't you deserve it?" Qian straightened his collar and raised his chin slightly. "In terms of academics, my achievements are not inferior to any peers in the industry."


   Before Xiao Shan could speak, Xu Kaiqing, who hid inside, couldn't bear it, and rushed out.

"You stink and shameless thing, don't you lose to anyone in the industry? Haha, it's a joke! If I were you, I would have gone as far and far away as I would have applied to enter the endless building? Who gave you the courage? Yours Seeing the wind as the rudder, or your shamelessness? Or black heart and lungs?"

   Qian's face changed suddenly: "Why are you here?!"

   "Heh... I am a distinguished professor of Ming University, where am I not here? But you, what are you?!"

   "Xu Kaiqing, keep your mouth clean! Don't, insult people!"

   "Huh? Just you? Are you worthy of insulting me? Qian Youwen, you are too high on yourself!"

  "Principal Xiao, I respect you as the principal of the University of Ming Dynasty. You have been respected since you entered the door. Do you just allow Xu Kaiqing to bark at the guests like a mad dog in front of you?"

After seeing Xu Kaiqing, Qian Youwen rolled his eyes and began to take advantage of Xiaoshan.

  He thought, Xu Kaiqing is nothing more than a distinguished professor. Xiao Shan is the head of a school anyway, which is equivalent to an employee presumptuous in front of the boss. Who can bear it?

  It's best if Xiaoshan goes crazy and dismisses the old man Xu Kaiqing!

  I can only say that Qian Yuwen thinks too much and is smart.

  He didn't understand Xiao Shan's character at all, nor did he know the inextricable connection between the two men and Jiang Fuyue.

  Xu Kaiqing is a friend Jiang Fuyue cares about, and Xiao Shan is a friend Jiang Fuyue valued.

  On this basis, even if two people have opinions about each other, they will choose to agree with each other. What's more, there is no contradiction between them, and they work together quite happily.

   Xiao Shan raised his eyebrows: "Mad dog? Who do you scold?"

   "Of course it is to scold Xu Kaiqing!"

   "By the way, it's really a mad dog scolding Professor Xu."

  Qian was stunned for two seconds, then he reacted, his eyes widened in disbelief: "You-- actually call me a mad dog?!"

  Xiao Shan: "Aren't you? You actually have the face to say that you are a guest? I have never seen a guest who would be confident as soon as I walked in! Not to mention that there is no room in the endless building, even if there is one, I will definitely not give it to you!"

  Qian was trembling with anger again, his face was red and white, white and blue, and finally walked away——

   "This kind of bad place, please me and I won't come!"

  (End of this chapter)

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