Chapter 894 Twelve more

   "You..." Jiang Fuyue met the man's Qingming eyes, "Pretending?"

   "Otherwise, uncle, they will still irrigate me."

   "Hey, it's pretty smart."

  Xie Dingyuan smiled, and subconsciously reached out to hold her waist.

  At this moment, Han Shen and the others came out of the dining room, and Xie Dingyuan retracted the wolf's claws at the speed of light like an electric shock.

  I don’t lean my head, straighten, sit upright, like a top ten good young man.

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  After dinner, the family sat together...they watched the six trophies that Jiang Fuyue received during the day.

  Five individual gold awards, plus one Qiu Chengtong gold award, arranged in a straight line.

  Brother Jiang swallowed, his eyes were filled with little stars long ago, and they flickered.

  Han Ting is not too much.

  Some time ago, he won a municipal prize in the Olympiad, so he was broken by Niu X, and he walked with wind.

  Now look at his sister's...this pile, it's heartbreaking.

  Six national awards, city-level awards are not worthy for people to carry shoes, woooo...

  Han Heng approached the coffee table, touched this one, put it down, took another touch, put it down, and picked up the next one.

  "Is the IQ of our three generations concentrated on Yueyue alone?"

  Han Shen: Your IQ is in arrears, don't drag us down.

  Han Ke: Are you polite?

After touching   , Han Heng took out his mobile phone to take a photo. He moved around to find a few angles and was dissatisfied. Finally, he squatted across to Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan. The lens focused on the trophy and clicked.

   "I post a Weibo..."

  On a Weibo not long ago, he posted a watch given by Xie Dingyuan.

  Audemars Piguet’s official website immediately claimed it and pointed out that it was a limited edition customized model.

  Fan message: Brother Heng asks for support!

  Heizi Tucao: He was condemned for showing off his wealth.

  Han Heng replied to Heizi: [Sorry, Ge Hyun is not rich, but seniority]

  Everyone can't understand it now.


  What the hell?

  What is the relationship between a watch and seniority?

  Han Heng did not say more.

  At this moment, his itchy hand made another post. The picture is of the trophy taken just now.

  With text: The heat of rubbing the niece [Cool]

  [Hengge's blog frequency today is a bit ridiculously high]

  [If you are kidnapped, just blink, we won’t save you]

【Wow! Sister Yue's trophy! Hua Luogeng Award, Chern Award, Zhou Weiliang Award, Xu Baoquan Award, Lin Jiaqiao Award, Qiu Chengtong Award...I am blinded]

  [I suspect that you sneaked into sister Yue’s room and took all the trophies from her competitions to take pictures [狗头]]

  [Correct, it’s not all trophies for all competitions~ This is just the trophy for Qiu Chengtong’s college student mathematics competition. Sister Yue brought it back today.]

  【Scare! Receive six prizes at once? WTF? 】

  [If you don’t know, please go to a thousand degrees and Qiu Chengtong will speak again, thank you! 】

  【Mom! Are all gold awards? 】

  【When did Luna take second place? nonexistent】

  【Look at what I found! ! ! [picture]】

  A netizen pointedly noticed that there were two hands holding together in the background of the photo. Although it was very, very blurry, it was still circled.

Judging from the legs and trousers in the photo, this should be a man and a woman. They are sitting on the sofa with a trophy placed on the coffee table in front of them. When Han Heng squatted down to take a trophy, he held the legs and hands of the two together. It was also photographed.

  But because the focus is on the trophy, the background is automatically blurred, so it looks blurry.

  Han Heng did not expect that the eyes of netizens are so poisonous.

  His first reaction was to delete it, but then he thought about it, isn’t this place without silver three hundred taels?

   actually seemed guilty.

  Just let everyone guess, anyway, you can’t see anything on this picture.

  He put down the phone and left it out.

  As everyone knows, the current netizens are "contemporary Leeuwenhoek (the scientist who invented the microscope.

  Even if the background is so vague and there is so little useful information, they can still get away with it.

  First of all, today is Sister Yue’s birthday, and she received the prize during the day. Should we go home to celebrate that night?

  This picture was obviously taken at home, so Sister Yue must be there.

  Informed people jumped out to analyze the Han family’s family relationship, and found that the person who wears jeans and has such long and thin legs must be that Sister Yue did not run away.

  Those who can sit with Sister Yue and still hold hands closely don’t do what he wants—Professor Xie undoubtedly!

   [So, the professor came to see the parents on the birthday of sister Yue? ! 】

  [Just went to Audemars Piguet’s official website to check, there are only two private orders in the past six months, one from M country and one from China. I asked the little sister inside to check the official website ordering list, and it is a customized limited edition that satisfies China's order and there is only one customer, the last name is Xie, the screenshot is proof [Picture]]

  [Combined with Brother Heng’s last Weibo, he replied in the comment section that ‘Hyun’s generation is generation’, then can we boldly guess that the person who gave the watch to Brother Heng is Professor Xie? Usually, the man will give gifts when he meets the parents of the woman officially.

   [Then you want to give it to Sister Yue’s parents? How to give it to Brother Heng? 】

  [Sister Yue’s parents must have sent it too, but I’m always high-profile, and it’s posted]

  [Linhuai netizens sent a congratulatory message, just after the investigation was completed, today Jiang Ji’s private kitchen is in the hands of the second chef and the third fat uncle, and Yue sister’s parents are not in the store]

  Where can I go if I’m not in the store?

  Of course, it’s the emperor to celebrate his daughter’s birthday, and by the way, I will see the prospective son-in-law!

  (End of this chapter)

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