Chapter 895 Thirteen more

  【Damn it! All the details are correct, Professor Xie sees his parents Shichui! 】

  【Gosh, are you getting married? I will move the Civil Affairs Bureau over immediately, please give me the original immediately! land! Go! remember! 】

  【My Luna is only twenty years old, is it too early? 】

  【Professor Xie will be thirty soon, not early, not early】

【shock! I realized that Yuanyue was nearly ten years old? ! 】

   [Then...Can I move the Civil Affairs Bureau? 】

  【Blessings! I want to know if Professor Xie is not nervous when seeing his parents, is he embarrassed by drinking hahaha...]

   [Stop talking, besides, I can't help but run to their home to install a camera and broadcast it on the whole network]

  Today’s hot search list was sweetened by "Yuanyue CP" again.


At nine o'clock, Shi Qingzhi and Qin Yuanchen left Han's house.

  Xie Dingyuan blushed and almost fell asleep on the sofa.

  Han Shen feels a little frustrated: "No? Really drunk? I haven't had a few drinks..."

  The old man stared: "How many more drinks do you want others to drink? Unlike you socializing and socializing outside all day long, how much can he drink?"

  Han Shen was trained to not speak, touched his nose, and looked up at the ceiling.

  Jiang Fuyue: "I drove him back."

  Han Qishan: "How about... let the driver send it?"

  Xie Dingyuan was helped to stand, his big palm clasped Jiang Fuyue's wrist, and he refused to let go.

  Old man: "Go! I'm really drunk."

  Jiang Fuyue: "I don't worry about him like this, let me send it."


  The two went out, Jiang Fuyue got him into the car, fastened the seat belt, and then got in the car by herself and drove out of the villa under the watch of Han Yunru and Jiang Da.

  Jiangda: "It's so late, Yueyue will send it out... can it work?"

  Han Yunru was a little sleepy. Hearing this, he didn’t think too much: “You don’t know how capable your daughter is?”

   Jiang Da hesitated to speak but stopped.

  He didn’t mean that. What he was worried about was the silence of the night, Xie Dingyuan drank again, and Yueyue sent him back. He would definitely be sent home. Once the door was closed, anything could happen...

   "Okay, Dad is already sleepy, let's clean up and go back to the room, otherwise his temper will definitely continue to be consumed."

   "Then, wait for the month?"

   "She has a sense of measure."

   "...oh." Jiang Da glanced at the direction of the car's departure, stuffed his head, turned and entered the house.


  At the same time, in the car.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Okay, don't pretend, they have already driven such a long distance, they are not clairvoyant."

  The eyes were still closed in the passenger seat, but the bewildered man suddenly opened his eyes.

  The pupils are bright and the look is clear, how can there be a little drunk?

  Hey, he pretended it.

  Jiang Fuyue looked straight ahead and looked at the road: "Why do you have to let me come out alone? Is there anything you can't say at home?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "No."

  Jiang Fuyue glanced sideways at him, and met the man’s smiley eyes, she whispered: "What is it? It's mysterious..."

  At the apartment, Jiang Fuyue put on slippers, the first thing is to turn on the lights.

  The result was stopped by Xie Dingyuan: "Don't worry."


  The man led her all the way to the bedroom.

  Jiang Fuyue was about to say something, she raised her eyes unexpectedly and saw a piece of...


  There is no light in the bedroom, but countless stars are projected on the floor and walls, and finally they merge into a bright spot.

  Xie Dingyuan led her, stepped on the galaxy, and entered the room.

  The sky full of stars shone on their faces, their eyes facing each other, Jiang Fuyue obviously did not drink, but was already slightly drunk.

  The man who had drunk had clear eyes and a gentle smile on his face.

  I saw him pull out a red box from his pocket, open it, and there was a diamond inside.

  Bigger than the previous two times, he gave her.

  Jiang Fuyue couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you really planning to give me a diamond every birthday?"

  Xie Dingyuan is indifferent: "You don't like it?"

   "I like it." Jiang Fuyue took it and stroked her fingertips, and the cold and hard texture came along, "No woman can refuse the temptation of diamonds."

  Xie Dingyuan laughed.

  He didn't give out his birthday present in public, he just wanted to give it to her alone.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyes to look at the room full of stars and the Milky Way: "This is?"

   "Restore projection."

  All the stars here were taken by Xie Dingyuan with an astronomical telescope, then put together one by one, and finally modeled and restored according to scale.

  This is a reduced version of the Milky Way!

"so beautiful……"

  Jiang Fuyue looked at the stars, while Xie Dingyuan looked at her.

  Suddenly, the girl turned her head and looked at him, her eyes touched, Jiang Fuyue's eyes were burning: "Xie Dingyuan——"

  She called him by name.

  With a sonorous force, like a general about to go on an expedition.

   "What?" He was a little surprised.

  "Send diamonds every year, without a little innovation, why don't you give me something else?"

   "What do you want? As long as I have it, all—" Yes.

  The man stopped abruptly before he finished speaking. He stood stiffly on the spot, his eyes dull and his expression frozen.


  Jiang Fuyue's hand has already buckled his belt at this moment, and it can be untied with just a flick.

   "Yue, Yueyue, what are you doing..."

   "Xie Dingyuan, you brought me out today and tempted me with stars, so... you can't escape."

  The last five words disappeared between the two people's lips and teeth.

  Jiang Fuyue forced him to retreat and back again, and finally the two fell on the bed...

    is here today.

     Here is an award-winning question and answer: Can Yuejie and 99 succeed in applauding love this time?

    A, can; B, can’t

     answer in the comment area, 10 coins for correct answer~



  (End of this chapter)

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