After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 896: The room is shining, and finally together (two more in one)

   Chapter 896 The room is full of brilliance, and finally together (two more in one)

  At that moment, Xie Dingyuan was at a loss, not knowing where to put his hands and feet.

  Her body is soft and warm, her breathing is as shallow as blue, and her hand is more flexible and light.

  In the dark, there was a click.

  The belt is untied.

  The next second, the man bowed his back like an electric shock, "Yueyue!"

  He pressed her messy hand, but his hand could not stop shaking.

   "...No." The remaining sanity was struggling, and he was already panting so hard, but he still insisted on staying awake.


   "I, we haven't received the certificate yet."

   "But I have met the parents."

  Xie Dingyuan was taken aback: " are still young."

   "If you mean age, I am over twenty today, count the previous life..."

  Lou Mingyue died at the age of twenty-five, plus the three years of life, twenty-eight; if you count the time span of twenty years, forty-eight, you can be his aunt.

   "Puff!" Jiang Fuyue couldn't help laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

   "If you are not referring to age, then...there is no way, just let it go."

  After speaking, before Xie Dingyuan could react, the kiss had fallen.

  In the entanglement, the tense string in the man's mind is broken.

  He turned over and restrained her, his eyes were dark and heavy, "You have to provoke me today, don't you?"

  "Isn't it what you said, I can do whatever I want?"

   "Yueyue..." He struggled, struggled, and forbeared.

  Sweat slipped from the corner of her forehead and dripped on her chest.

  Jiang Fuyue stretched out his hand, encircled his neck, gently pulled it down, leaned his lips over, facing the man’s red ears, every word—

   "Xie Dingyuan, I want you."

"give or not?"

  Two words, he was defeated.


  The room full of stars is shining, and the two people are intimate.


  At some point, it started to rain outside the window.

  The water vapor condensed in the early morning, and it was foggy, as if it was too thick to dissolve.

  The heating is turned on in the room, covered with quilts, and there are more intimate lovers, as warm as March.

  Jiang Fuyue felt hot, turned over, the open quilt revealed her white neck and half of her back.

  Variously visible erythema spots.

   Cool air came in, blowing away the greasy greasy neck, Jiang Fuyue felt very comfortable.

  But the next second, a warm chest came up, stretched out her long arms, and took her back.

  This time, I woke up completely.

  She turned over and faced him face to face.

  Into the eyes are the man’s well-defined profile lines, the nose is tall, and the eyelashes are dense and long.

  Suddenly, those closed eyes opened, full of smiles, but not the slightest dimness and haziness.

   "Are you awake long ago?"

   "Well, a little earlier than you."

   "Then you still pretend to sleep?"

  "Isn't it to accompany you?"

  Jiang Fuyue nestled against his shoulder, "It's a bit hot, can I lift the quilt?"

"……you sure?"

   "Why? Shy? Haven't you already seen everything you should have seen last night?"

  Xie Dingyuan blushed uncomfortably.

  On boldness, he admits defeat.

  Finally, it didn’t turn all the way up, just pulled it down a bit, revealing the upper body.

  It was so cool, Jiang Fuyue was relieved, gradually closed her eyes, and fell asleep in a daze.


  Woke up again, the pillow was empty.

  Last night’s clothes were crumpled and crumpled, and there was something on it. Jiang Fuyue simply took a Xie Dingyuan shirt from the closet and stepped into the bathroom barefoot.

   Soon, the sound of water sounded.

   Twenty minutes later, Jiang Fuyue wrapped her hair and came out of the bathroom. She found that the clothes scattered on the floor were gone, and the sheets and quilts were replaced with clean sheets.

  The shop is neat and tidy, with no wrinkles on the surface.

  The two pillows are also arranged in full order.

  It's self-evident whose handwriting is.

  Jiang Fuyue walked to the living room, and found no one, then turned to the kitchen.

  A scent of food penetrated into her nostrils. She opened the lid and took a look. A bowl of millet porridge and a dish of soup were being warmed with a small fire.

  However, still no one was seen.

   "Xie Dingyuan? Where did you go?"

  Jiang Fuyue finished looking for the balcony, and finally went to the laundry room.

   walked to the door and suddenly stopped.

I saw the man sitting on a small stool with a big basin in front of him, full of foam. He was rubbing Jiang Fuyue’s bottoming shirt in his hands, his eyes were focused and his expression was serious. Those who didn’t know thought he was doing something amazing. Research topics.

  And in the other basin are already washed underwear.

  Yes, it's Jiang Fuyue.

  The stool is too short, his legs are long, there is nowhere to put it, he can only be half-curled.

The washing machine behind    was working, the noise concealed the footsteps, and Jiang Fuyue hadn't worn shoes before, and Xie Dingyuan looked up when he stood in front of him.

   "...Why are you here? Don't sleep more?"

   "Wake up. How do you wash my clothes? I'll do it myself."

  Xie Dingyuan avoided her hand, "Don’t move, it's ready to wash. There is breakfast in the kitchen, it’s hot, you go eat it first."

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head, "Eat later."

   Then he moved a stool and sat next to him, so he held his chin and looked at him intently.

   "You... what do you see me doing?" His ears were red.

   "Xie Dingyuan, do you know what you look like now?"


   "Male mother."


  It’s breakfast again, and it’s washing clothes, "Why are you so virtuous?"

   "Just, you didn't change the wash...I woke up anyway, I have nothing to do, just wash it..."

  His cheeks are flushed and kowtow.

  After speaking, continue to scrub your hands.

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at it: "If you rub it again, it will break."


  Xie Dingyuan put the bottoming shirt into the clear water for three times, until the foam was rinsed and the water became clear, he picked it up and wrung it out with his hands.

During   , Jiang Fuyue wanted to help, but was stopped by him.

   "I won't wash, I will dry it." Is this the head office?

  Xie Dingyuan: "I'll dry it."

  Then Jiang Fuyue watched as he stretched the bottoming shirt, and then hung it on a hanger.

   Then, she dried her underwear together.

  Several pieces of thin cloth in the man’s hands were easily picked up, wrung out, and finally hung up.

  He also flattened the folds with his palm.

  One click, another click.

  Jiang Fuyue was stunned, cheeks rose, and two flames arose.

  It's hot and hot.

   "Why is your face red? Is the heater turned on too much?" Xie Dingyuan wiped off the water on his hands and stroked her cheeks with his fingers.


  Fortunately, the washing machine promptly issued a beep sound, and then stopped running.

  Xie Dingyuan walked over, opened it, took out the cleaned sheets and duvets, and dried them.

  Jiang Fuyue don't look too far, and breathe a sigh of relief.

   "After washing, go, and have breakfast." The man finished speaking, and gave her a side hug.

   still squeezed in his hands, it’s too light.

  Jiang Fuyue subconsciously stretched out his hand to circle his neck: "His—why? I can go by myself."

  Xie Dingyuan glanced at her feet: "I don’t have any shoes on, how can I go?"


  Hold her and go find slippers first.

  Just as Jiang Fuyue was about to put it on, Xie Dingyuan suddenly said, "Wait a minute."


  He stepped quickly to the bathroom, and quickly came out with a wet towel.

   Then squatted in front of her.

  Jiang Fuyue is a little confused, what are you doing?

  Xie Dingyuan sighed helplessly and reminded her: "Foot, lift up."

  Jiang Fuyue obsessively did so.

  The next second, a warm touch was placed on the soles of her feet, and Xie Dingyuan wiped the soles of her feet with a towel soaked in hot water.

   "Okay, let's wear it."

  Jiang Fuyue broke the defense, and at a certain moment, it can even be said that he was overwhelmed and dizzy.

  Is a straight steel man so gentle when he is so terrible?

   Put on your shoes, and the two of them go to the dining room.

  Xie Dingyuan put the breakfast on the table, then copied his hands, and sat across from Jiang Fuyue: "Let’s eat."

   "You don't want to eat?"

"I have already eaten."


   Just eat one by one and watch one by one. Although he didn't speak, there was warmth in the silence, and the air was sweet.

  When Jiang Fuyue finished eating, Xie Dingyuan put the dishes in the kitchen again, washed and drained.

  His movements are not proficient, even jerky.

  But he still finishes meticulously.

  Washing his hands, just turning his head, Xie Dingyuan looked at Jiang Fuyue with a smile, and Xie Dingyuan was at a loss for a moment, his eyes went blank.

  Jiang Fuyue frowned.

There is something wrong with   .

  She got up and walked to Xie Dingyuan: "What's wrong with you?"


   "Why don't you dare to look at me? Keep hiding."

   "...Yes, do you?" This sounded fictitious, obviously lacking in confidence.



  Jiang Fuyue glanced at the kitchen: "Did you finish?"

   "Hmm. It's finished."

   "Go, go to the living room."


  Xie Dingyuan's whole person looked like wood, let Jiang Fuyue pull it, and finally he was pushed to sit on the sofa.

  Be well-behaved throughout, let her do whatever she wants.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Look up."

  He did it.

"Look at me."

  Xie Dingyuan's eyes fell on her face, and the next second, he quickly moved away.

  Jiang Fuyue looked inexplicable: "What's the matter with you? No wonder everyone says that men turn their faces after they slept. It turned out to be true..."

  "I'm not! I don't!" He was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his ribs instantly stood up, his expression tense, and his eyes cramped.

   "Then what are you awkward?"

  The man looked down and said nothing.

  For a while, he seemed to have made up his mind, and said quickly: "Sorry Yueyue! I, I couldn't hold back last night...I shouldn't..."

  If it was said that it was a ghost obsessed with the heart last night, then when he woke up this morning for the first time, he took Jiang Fuyue into his arms so naturally and affectionately, and entangled Jiang Fuyue without any shame.

  When reason slowly returned, Xie Dingyuan was struck by lightning as he watched the mess in the room and the pile of clothes on the floor.

   Self-blame and self-loathing emotions surged up, making him afraid to lie down again.

  So, Professor Xie Tangtang, even without clothes, fled and ran out of the bedroom.

  He cleaned the house, made breakfast, washed the clothes and sheets and duvet cover, but even so, when facing Jiang Fuyue, he could not help but feel guilty and ashamed.

   "Sorry, Yue Yue."

  The man sits on the sofa with his head down, his hands on his thighs, his palms unconsciously tightened, like a child who has done something wrong and is waiting for criticism.

  Dazed, flustered, ashamed, uneasy...

  All kinds of emotions are intertwined in his eyes.

Jiang Fuyue lifted the man’s chin, moved closer, pointed the tip of his nose to the tip of his nose, and breathed tangled together: "Xie Dingyuan, why are you like a big girl? I took the initiative last night. Would you dare not agree? Then I am not. Very shameless?"


   "What do you see me doing? Is it that I am so unattractive to you, I have eaten it in my mouth, and I have to regret it..."

  Jiang Fuyue coldly snorts.

   "No, that's not the case!" The man was caught off guard, how could she become unattractive?

   "What is that?"

   "You..." He bowed his head ashamed, "It's charming, so I couldn't hold back..."

  Speaking of this, the naked eye is visibly annoyed.

   "Really?" She raised her eyebrows.

   "Yueyue, if you are angry, just hit and scold, I will never fight back, nor will I fight back..."

   Jiang Fuyue looked depressed: "Why am I hitting you?"

   "I know, my bastard, I promised to wait until we get married—"

  The words come to an abrupt end here.

  It's like being cut off in the middle, and the man's body suddenly stiffens, and every pore is trembling.


  Jiang Fuyue suddenly approached and kissed him on the bridge of his nose without warning.

  The soft touch aroused the excited nerves, and the trembling from the soul went straight to the brain.

  Xie Dingyuan's eyes were late, and his Adam's apple was rolling in disorder.

  In the next second, Jiang Fuyue directly straddled his lap and said with a smile, with picturesque eyebrows.

  She said: "Last night I asked for an extra size on my birthday gift, it has nothing to do with you."

  Xie Dingyuan whispered: "It doesn't matter, the code added is me..."

   "Hey! It sounds like you are aggrieved?"

  The man circled her waist and stopped at the waist. The voice was very soft, but the tone was very deep: "I am not wronged, you are wronged."

  Jiang Fuyue put it in his ear: "Compared with being wronged, I feel quite comfortable, except for the first time it is a bit faster."

  Xie Dingyuan stiffened. After listening, his neck would not turn anymore. He tilted his head mechanically, and his eyes were filled with confusion.


  I really dare to say it!

  Jiang Fuyue was very satisfied with his sluggishness, and his smile became more and more unrestrained, and the bright and colorful facial features fainted with the thick and charming color, which was intangible.

   "Fortunately, the next few times are good, but I think there is still room for improvement, what do you think?"

  After asking, without waiting for Xie Dingyuan’s answer, he stood up lightly, and the white shirt was taken up with this action. In an instant, the straight legs, flat lower abdomen, and the jade-like snowy skin fell into the man’s eyes.

After Jiang Fuyue retreated, she turned and walked towards the bedroom, regardless of someone on the sofa who was still in a daze.

  Xie Dingyuan reacted quickly, jumped up, strode to catch up: "What did you just say?"

  Jiang Fuyue pretended to be stupid: "What do you say?"

  The man bit his cheek tightly: "That sentence still has room for improvement..."

   "Do you have one?" She blinked.

  Xie Dingyuan was choked.

Reply? Appears to care too much-out of style.

  If you don’t answer...

   Looks a bit aggrieved, where is the dignity?

  Jiang Fuyue saw that his eyebrows were almost frowning, couldn't help but laugh, "I think you have."

  I was afraid that he would not believe it, and added: "Really!"

   Then, she also said--

   "No need to apologize, I'm happy to be with you, fool!"

  The atmosphere is right, the timing is right, and she did so if she thought so.

   (cough... I definitely don’t admit that he is the body of a gluttonous man)

  Xie Dingyuan met her calm gaze, and through the bright black pupils, he seemed to see a free soul.

  She doesn't care, nor is she casual, it's just that she wants, she is willing!

  That's it.

  Xie Dingyuan couldn’t help asking himself, how good is he?

  The big palm swept the woman's slender waist, and buckled her into his arms.

  Jiang Fuyue: "What are you doing?!"

   "Go to the bedroom!"


   "Relax, help you blow your hair, not discussing room for progress together."


    So the answer is A, I really turn off the lights for love~

     Lao Xie can be regarded as a thousand-year-old iron tree blooming a small flower, it is not easy.

    PS: Revised some details to make Lao Xie’s mental activities clearer.



  (End of this chapter)

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