After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 899: 899 ranks among a book, Ming Da Niu breaks

  Chapter 899 899 ranks among a book, Ming Da Niu breaks

  One week later, the 2052-2053QS World University Comprehensive Rankings were released.

  This is the first one in the rankings of foreign universities.

  The first place is MIT.

  Q is 17, followed by B is 18, then F is 31, and after that, Ming University is ranked 37.

  It is worth mentioning that among the six specific measurement indexes used by QS, the two indicators of "peer evaluation in academic fields" and "number of citations", Mingda even surpassed B and Q, ranking first in China.

  And these two indexes have the highest weight in the ranking, with one accounting for 40% and one accounting for 20%.

  The peer reviews in the academic field are almost all related to Jiang Fuyue.

  It is no exaggeration to say that foreign impressions of Mingda come from the senses of Jiang Fuyue.

  To some extent, "Jiang Fuyue" is "Ming Da", and "Ming Da" is "Jiang Fuyue"!

  In the index of "paper citations", Jiang Fuyue published nearly 20 papers last year. Among them, there are seven researches related to Schenckworth virus, and the number of single citations is more than 200,000.

what is this concept?

  According to the statistics of GoogleScholar, the scholar with the most cited papers in history is the philosopher Michel Foucault of F country. As of last year, the total number of citations reached two million, but he was a person of the last century, a hundred years ago.

   Ke Jiang Fuyue’s total citations of these seven papers reached 1.4 million times in just one year, half of Michel Foucault's!

  The key is that she is still so young and the future is so long.

  Transcendence is only a matter of time.

[You may not know the status of Yue Jie in foreign academic circles. Let’s put it this way, when older professors who are older and more experienced than her, they use the most words genius and amazing. Amazed)]

  [Those foreign college students of the same age will subconsciously use honorifics when talking about her]

  [Long-expected people in China cannot imagine the influence of Luna in the global academic circle]

  [One international student, majoring in clinical medicine. When our professor mentioned Sister Yue, he always looked forward to and admired. Once he asked me if all the girls in China are so smart! At that moment, I almost burst into tears. For the first time in two years abroad, I felt that I was recognized, respected, and favored! 】

   [I am also an international student. Before, new friends asked me where I came from. I said Huaxia Linhuai, they don’t know where it is. Now when it comes to Linhuai, their first reaction is-oh! I know! Sister Yue’s hometown! Yes, they are also called "Yue Jie", I suspect that these might be the two Chinese characters they pronounced best]

  【International students +2! In fact, the overall academic level of XXX University in Australia is not bad, our major is the easiest to get results, but! ! ! Here comes the point! ! Once our whole department studied a paper by Sister Yue, and even the professor said that he couldn't understand it! Can I say, I've been laughing at it for a long time? Of course, besides laughter, there is pride! Who says that the IQ of the yellow race can't keep up with the white people? Stand up, my sister Yue teaches him how to be a man every minute! 】

  [I feel sad and passionate after seeing the experience of international students. Fortunately, Sister Yue is a Chinese native]

  [After walking around the rivers and lakes, I will report the name of the Moon God and walk sideways properly]

  【Mom! I thought I was a fan of a king, but I didn’t expect it to be world-class]

[Some time ago, anthropologists and sociologists joined hands with educational experts to conduct in-depth discussions on Jie Yue’s thesis and scientific research status in the last two years. It seems that there was a report or something. The final conclusion is: it is so powerful. She’s still on the rise, the limit is unknown]

  【I said that Sister Yue is a miracle left by the creator to this world, no one opposes it, right? Opposition is useless. 】


  In mid-January, following the release of the QS World University Comprehensive Rankings, the US, Times and the annual ESl index rankings were also announced.

  Ming Ming is well-known on the list, and the ranking is high, which has a full sense of existence.

  The voices that were suspicious and dissatisfied with the domestic list are completely gone.

  What you don’t believe in is treated as the truth abroad. Now, even if you don’t believe it, you have to believe it.

  At the same time, Xiaoshan formally submitted an application to the relevant departments, with the following demands:

  1. Qiming University is promoted to a college and enjoys the qualifications for admission of undergraduates in advance or the first batch of candidates.

  2, Qiming University applied to join the ranks of "Double First Class" and "National 741 Project" key universities.

  After preliminary examination and review by relevant departments, and on-site inspections, it has been drafted, and the red-head documents will be formally issued in the next year.

  As things have developed to this point, Mingda’s status as a key institution is a big deal!

  The news came back to Ming University, the whole school fry the pot, everyone is crazy——

   "I still have a heavy book in my life?!"

   "Mom! Goose, I'm good for it!"

   "Who dare to look down on Mingda in the future, drag it out and beat him!"

  "From now on, I will also be admitted to the rich second generation, and I am a scumbag, and I will kill him!"

  “Let’s live up to this life, witness history, and Mingda’s future will be shining brightly.”

   "I thought it was a high-profile moment for Ming Daan to brush the rankings of domestic and foreign colleges and universities. I didn't expect that there would be something even better, so I went straight to a book! Two words-Niu X!"

   "Sure enough, there is meat to eat with Sister Yue, from a prodigal son to a famous school student, the counterattack is as simple as that."

   "The Moon God is here, the country is stable, you can lie down and win."

  "Who said that we will only lose money? Drag racing? Messing up the relationship between men and women? God knows, how hard I have worked after entering Mingda!"

   "The key is not to work hard. You have the role model of sister Yue. I feel that I relax for a second and I am not worthy of going to a school with her."

"Fortunately, I reported to Mingda University under the pressure of the college entrance examination. My relatives all laughed and said that the second book was sorted into a specialty, and the future will probably be ruined. Today I can finally tell them out loud—I chose a specialty for my second grade. , The last one was an undergraduate! Are you stupid?! Hahahaha!!!"

   "Relatives: Are you polite?"

   "So, if Ming University enrolls students in the future, the score will be so high? Suddenly feel that I am so valuable!"

  Li Chen waved a big hand: "At 6 o'clock tonight, at Changfu Palace, I will book the venue to celebrate Mingda’s promotion to a key book."

  Liang Jingzhou tweeted lightly: "Okay, I will invite the KTV after the meal."

  "My pocket money for this month is only 100,000 yuan, or should I invite the whole school to drink milk tea? You can order whatever you want, one cup or two."


  That’s right, this is the case with a key college where the rich second generation gathers!


  At the same time, the principal’s office.

   "...Okay, I see, thank you." Xiao Shan tried his best to contain the ecstasy in his heart, and took a few deep breaths to keep his voice as peaceful as possible until the end of the call.

  But after hanging up, he couldn't help it anymore, and the man’s eyes burst out with unprecedented excitement and enthusiasm.

  There were even tears welling up.

  He raised his head to look at Jiang Fuyue, his eyes met, and the man almost choked: "We succeeded..."

   "Yes," Jiang Fuyue nodded and smiled slightly, "It's successful."

  In an instant, in addition to joy, Xiao Shan also emerged

  A kind of inexplicable complexity.

  A bit sour, a bit astringent, a bit emotional, a bit awakened, a bit trance.

  If he did not bring his son to set up a stall at the night market, did not happen to record the self-made course in the learning machine, and the learning machine was not sent to Jiang Fuyue by his son, then what would he be like now?

   Sitting in a wheelchair, passively disgusted with the world; with children, lonely and helpless; full of hatred, but no way to appeal...

  Recalling the past, Xiao Shan realized that he was so decadent, unfamiliar, and disgusting.

  It was Jiang Fuyue who gave him a new life!

   avenged him, and also handed Mingda to him, which made him go from a despair to a high spirited fighting spirit.

  Now he has a dream, a pillar, a hope, and more courage to face the future.


  She is like a lamp, appearing at the darkest moment of Xiaoshan's life, illuminating him for the rest of his life.


  This night, Li Chen, Liang Jingzhou, Gu Huaiyu and others who were crying and howling in KTV suddenly burst into tears while screaming at the treble.

  No one knows, they used to be just a puddle of mud, but now they want to be a wall-standing upright and bearing the wind and rain!

  Because this is the only way to play with classmate Jiang Fuyue, she has to take pains to point her to Jiang Fuyue.

  How many people are quietly getting better because of her!


  The outside world has also paid great attention to the matter of upgrading the undergraduate of Ming College.

  As early as when Xiaoshan submitted an application to the relevant department, there was a hot search. This time it was officially confirmed and directly rushed to the first place.

  The attitudes of netizens are also polarized, some expressing congratulations, while others sneer and sneer.

  Fortunately, the supporters accounted for the majority.

  Of course, the word "Jiang Fuyue" is mentioned the most.

  Some people say that Jiang Fuyue’s success was earned by Jiang Fuyue. "...Look at those ranking indicators. From the number of paper citations to awards, which one is not Jiang Fuyue's success?"

   “So, don’t tell you how hard the college students are. To put it bluntly, it is a king who brings a bunch of vegetables to dominate the canyon. As long as Jiang Fuyue is good enough, others will be able to lie down and win.”

   "Is this success too cheap?"

   "Without Jiang Fuyue, Mingda is a fart?"


  The voices such as these are getting louder and louder. Under the deliberate guidance of the caring people, many netizens have begun to criticize——

   "Relying on one person to drive the entire school to take off, I doubt the overall strength of this school."

   "If Jiang Fuyue graduates in the future and Mingda doesn't have this level of dependence, what can we rely on?"

   "I admit Jiang Fuyue's strength, but Mingda's soaring flying into the sky can't agree."

   "Heh, isn't this a typical shortcut? It's boring."

   "If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster!"


   Later, this kind of voice became louder and louder, and it was obvious that someone had the rhythm.

  There are too many people who are uncomfortable going to college to get undergraduates, and Xiaoshan doesn't bother to look for them one by one.

   Simply held a press conference directly, inviting media reporters.

  At the meeting, Xiao Shan explained the changes in the teaching staff of Ming University in the past two years and the achievements of students' quality education with documents and detailed explanations.

   Then, everyone was surprised.

  In just two years, Ming University’s quality teachers have soared by 800%, student performance has generally improved, club interest classes have sprung up, and the number of exchange students has also increased significantly, and they are also counterparts in famous foreign schools such as Oxford, Cambridge and Stanford.

  In addition, other teachers and students of Ming University have published papers, and the number of invention patent applications far exceeds that of B and Q.

  During this period, a lot of self-media big Vs also emerged, and some students went to the entertainment circle to make a lot of trips, and at a cost of millions of dollars, they produced a popular online drama.

  The results in sports are even more gratifying. There are eight champions in the National Games and the Asian Games.

  Medical, intellectual, physical, and artistic, three hundred and sixty lines, Mingda can be said to be in full bloom.

  Xiao Shan: "Does anyone have any questions about the comprehensive strength of Mingda? Jiang Fuyue let the world see Mingda, and Ming Nature will take on this honor, and it will live up to everyone's attention and high hopes for it."

  "We are working hard. In the future, even if Jiang Fuyue graduates, we will inherit her spirit, not forget the original intention, and continue to move forward!"

  After this battle, the network "sour chicken" completely died down.


  As the winter is getting colder and the new year is approaching, Ming University final exams are also coming quietly.

  Jiang Fuyue Forget it, she has nine courses to take, seven compulsory courses and two elective courses.

  Before the exam, the classmates took the notebook and asked her to focus on——

   "Sister Yue! Sister Yue! It's a ballball! Feel good about the child! Professor Ming is too scary."

   "Woo...that's right! Before I took the exam, I felt like I was going to fail."

   "The little lives of the children are in your palms, really!"


   Acting like a baby and begging for mercy, babbled.

  Jiang Fuyue couldn't laugh or cry.

  Mingyu’s class this semester is interesting and interesting. He is also super handsome and seductive after getting rid of the wheelchair and standing up again, but--

  He didn’t make any important points at the end of the term? !

  How do they take the test?

  Some classmates plucked up the courage to ask him, but how did Professor Ming reply?

   "What I have talked about in class is the main point, and I have to test it."

  Everyone was dumbfounded.

  No, it’s approaching the exams, and everyone sums up and begs to come to Jiang Fuyue.

  I hope that the Moon God can lift up your precious hand, make two strokes at random, and help them check the test sites.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Draw two strokes?"

   "Hmm!" full of hope.

   "Then... okay." She really just drew two strokes on the catalog page, no more.

The places drawn by    are electromagnetism and optics respectively.

  "?" Are you serious?

  Jiang Fuyue put down the pen and Shi Shiran left, leaving everyone tangled in place. Are these two parts really? Or is it really just a sketch?

Ah ah ah - Chousi!

"How to do?"

   "Why don't we review the key points of sister Yue?"

   "Agree! A dead horse is a living horse doctor, if you fail, you will have to take the exam after school starts!"

  However, it turns out that they were right.

  On the day of the test, 50% of the papers were issued, including electromagnetics, 30% of optics, and 20% of acoustics, thermals, and mechanics.

   "My mother! Sister Yue is a god, right? An unknown prophet!"

   "If you refuse to accept it, this is strength."

   "May I ask sister Yue to accept disciples? The kind of clumsy brain, slow response, and very good in all aspects."

  There is another paragraph about Jiang Fuyue’s yoting legend.


  After the exam, Jiang Fuyue took the time to go to the hospital to visit Lou Mingshen.

  The weather was very good that day, and the sun was so warm after the snow that it made people want to doze off.

  Xie Dingyuan accompanied her.

   But only to the door of the ward, "Go in, I'll wait for you outside."

  (End of this chapter)

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