After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 900: Visit Mingshen, travel together in Banna

  Chapter 900 Visiting Mingshen, Traveling Together in Banna

When Jiang Fuyue entered, Lou Mingshen was leaning on the bedside and having a video conference.

   "... Take it back, redo it, if you don't do it well, you can get out!"

  "This is the annual report submitted by your finance department? Anyone who is a fresh graduate majoring in financial management can do it! What do I want you to do?"

   "Lou's has your group of assholes, it's no wonder if you don't go bankrupt!"


  Several people struck each other, Lou Mingshen's complexion was cold and his eyes were cold.

  Suddenly, he looked towards the door as if consciously, the moment he touched Jiang Fuyue, his eyebrows were instantly soft.

  On the other end, Lou's employees witnessed the face change of the president with their own eyes, and almost dropped their jaws one by one.

  Lou always laughs?

  That look is gentle, right?

  I want to see more clearly, but unfortunately the video has been interrupted, leaving only a cold sentence: "The meeting is over."

  This attitude switch, don't be too obvious.

  At that time, in the ward.

   "Sister, why are you here?" At that moment, the 43-year-old Lou Ming was so nervous as a child, he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

but it does not matter.

  Because the foot is still in a plaster and the bandage is also hung with one hand, the arrangement is clear and does not require him to worry about it.

  Jiang Fuyue walked to the bed, put the flowers on the cabinet, and straightened them: "Come and see you, are you better?"

   "Hmm! There is no serious problem. After a while, the bones will grow up and you can be discharged from the hospital. Sister, you sit..." Lou Mingshen pointed to the chair beside the bed.

  Jiang Fuyue sat down and said, “Don’t do stupid things anymore, life is so precious, it’s not you who is so bad.”

Lou Mingshen's eyes burned: "Sister, are you willing to forgive me?"

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes were calm, and her tone of voice was calm: "You're right, so there is no forgiveness or forgiveness."

   He lowered his eyes, cautiously: "Then...Do you still recognize me?"

  Jiang Fuyue did not speak.

  Lou Mingshen is even more depressed, like an abandoned puppy, pulling his head, aggrieved and helpless.

"……Is it important?"

   "Of course!" He suddenly looked up, "In my heart, you will always be your sister!"


  Floor is bright and deep.

Um? What's the meaning?

  He looked at Jiang Fuyue blankly, "Sister?"

   "Hmm. Didn't I respond?"

  For a moment, ecstasy appeared in the man's eyes.

  She should!

  She still recognizes him!

   "Sister—I, you..."

  Dignified president, in charge of multiple companies, up and down thousands of people, unexpectedly stubbornly can't say a complete word!

  Regardless of Lou Mingyue in the previous life or Jiang Fuyue in this life, her appearance and age have changed, but her character with distinct love and hatred and her cold temperament have not changed.

  Because I understand, I am desperate.

Lou Mingshen knew that the word "forgive" was too difficult for her.

   And he chose to commit suicide to atone for his sins, is it not a metamorphic persecution for her?

  She should be angry, angry, blame, or even sentence him to death. From now on, she will no longer recognize each other, let alone see each other.

  But she didn't.

   "Sister, I'm sorry, I was wrong..." Lou Mingshen's eyes were red and tears fell.

  She accepted his cruelty and determination with tolerance, and responded to his inquiries and demands with understanding.

  Lou Mingshen, how can you be?

   "Why are you crying?" Jiang Fuyue frowned, "Man, how can you learn like a woman?"

  He sniffed and whispered: "I was originally taught by you..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." To the effect.


  Sitting for twenty minutes, Jiang Fuyue was about to leave.

  She put the shredded apples on the plate and told him: "Take good care of them and keep your temper less."

  Lou Mingshen: "...oh."

  I knew she was coming, so I won’t open the video conference anymore. He shouldn’t be very fierce when he cursed people just now... right?

"I am leaving."

   "Sister, you often come to see me in the future, OK?"

  Meeting his hopeful and pitiful eyes, Jiang Fuyue: "Are you going to stay in the hospital forever?"

  I still come often...

  Lou Mingshen: "..."

  Go outside, Xie Dingyuan is waiting quietly.

   "Okay, let's go."

"So fast?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "I should have watched it, and I have said what I should say, should I stay for dinner?"

  Xie Dingyuan laughed and took her hand: "Speaking of eating, what do you want to eat for a while?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Hot pot!"

  An unchanging answer for thousands of years.

  "Okay." This is also a constant response for thousands of years.

  After Jiang Fuyue left, Lou Mingshen picked up the apples on the plate, and smirked while eating.

   "Ming Shen, you--"

  Fu Sijun pushed the door and entered, but stopped abruptly before finishing his words.

   Her eyebrows tightened: "What the **** did the caregiver do? I don't know how to cut an apple, just give it to you in one piece, it's not too particular!"

Lou Mingshen smiled suddenly: "What are you doing here?"

  Fu Sijun's expression was slightly stagnant, but she soon raised her smile again: "Of course mom came to see you. This apple is oxidized, don't eat it anymore, mom will cut one for you again?"

  Lou Mingshen avoided her hand, with a cold tone: "No trouble."

   "How can this be troublesome? Isn't it right for me to take care of you? What's more, mom is not at ease with the way you are now..."

   "You go back," Lou Mingshen interrupted her, "Don't come again, I don't need your care."

  The smile on Fu Sijun's face gradually faded, until finally there was no expression on his face: "I don't know what you are awkward. Anyway, I am also your mother. You were born in October. You have this attitude toward me?"

Lou Mingshen is obviously reluctant to say more, don't overdo it, and don't look at her at all: "In these years, we have not interfered with each other, and our peace is not very good? I don't know the reason for your sudden return, and I don't want to know, just ask you. Stop disturbing my life."

   "Bright and deep--" Fu Sijun said sternly, "I am your mother! My mother!"

   "I know, I don't need you to remind me over and over again."

   "But why are you—"

  Lou Mingshen finished the last bite of the apple, threw away the core, lay down, and turned his back to Fu Sijun: "I'm tired."

  The woman looked gloomy and left angrily.


  On January 10th, the winter vacation officially began.

  Two days later, the final result will come out.

  Unsurprisingly, Jiang Fuyue achieved full marks in all nine courses.

  Han Ting volunteered to help log in to the student backstage to check his grades. The moment he saw the grades, although he was prepared, he was shocked.

  He quietly rubbed against Jiang Fuyue and pulled her sleeves, like a coy little daughter-in-law——

   "Sister, can I ask you something?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "You said it."

   "Just... how can I get a perfect score every time?"

  Jiang Fuyue pondered for a moment, and finally gave him eight words: "Study hard and make progress every day."

  Han Ting: "……"

  Let's play chess well, don't think about studying, it is destined to miss him.

  Now for full marks, the three uncles and the old man of the Han family are already very calm.

   "What kind of reward do you want?"

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head: "No, I have everything."

  Han Heng's eyes rolled: "Yueyue likes plush toys, you guys give her plush toys!"

  Jiang Fuyue looked at her imploring uncle, "...oh." The plush toy is just a plush toy.

  Han Shen folded his arms: "Lao San, are we really stupid?" Don’t know your little ninety-nine?

  Han Ke: "Do I look so good to cheat?"

  Old man: "I think your skin is itchy!" I originally wanted to open one eye and close one eye, but you just thought I was blind?

  In the end, Han Heng not only failed to ask for plush, but was also washed away.

   nestled in the corner of the sofa, not daring to open his mouth.

  Afterwards, Jiang Fuyue was very puzzled: "Uncle, don't you have money? Can't you buy it yourself?"

  Why do you have to cheat from others?

  Han Heng: "Hey, you don't understand, how can you get a free prostitute at your own expense?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." Excuse me.


  On the third day of the winter vacation, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan decided to take a vacation in Xishuangbanna!

  Before departure, Jiang Fuyue was packing her luggage in the room, and the four King Kong of the Han family took turns knocking on the door——

  Han Shen: "When you go out, pay attention to safety. In addition to external factors, this ‘safety’ has internal factors, understand?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

   "It's a dangerous person, not just strangers outside, but also... those around you."

  Xie Dingyuan: You can just click my name [smile]

   "Anyway, you have to protect yourself as a girl when you go out, you know?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "...I know."

   "That's good." Han Shen nodded, let out a sigh of relief, and left.

  Sure enough, she is still obedient to her daughter.

  After a while, Han Ke knocked on the door again——

"this is for you."

  Jiang Fuyue took it and looked down: "What?"

   "Don't press it! Little ancestor! Electric shock wolf device, carry it with you, and be prepared for it."

  After finishing speaking, before Jiang Fuyue could speak, she slipped away.

  Two minutes later, Han Heng brought a big box to her room.

  Jiang Fuyue: "What is it?"

  He squatted down, opened it, and with a clatter, things also fell out——

   is actually a box full of sunglasses!

  Han Heng: "How can there be fewer concave-shaped artifacts in the tropics?" With a big hand, he was very generous. "Choose it. This is my uncle's collection for many years. Which one you fancy, don't be polite."

  Jiang Fuyue really picked a pair, then looked up and asked him: "Can I only get one?"


  Han Heng: "You want two too!" The meat was cut and he was bleeding heavily.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Then I will pick one for Xie Dingyuan."

  Han Heng: "?!" Is it too late to take back that sentence?

  Finally, the old man came over——

   only said one sentence: "Go home early."

  Under the light, Jiang Fuyue smiled slightly and nodded at him: "Okay."


  The flight at 1:50 in the afternoon landed on time at 3:50.

  As soon as he got off the plane, the heat wave hit his face. The two took off their coats, revealing the couple's short sleeves and shorts of the same color.

  The vacation mode is officially opened!

  On the first day, the two slept in the hotel until they woke up naturally.

  Now Xie Dingyuan will never ask to open two rooms anymore. Last night he pestered Jiang Fuyue to make a fool of himself until the early hours of the morning.

  "Aren't you tired?" Jiang Fuyue yawned, looking at someone who was pressing on him.

  Xie Dingyuan: "?" Is she doubting my ability?

  In order to prove that he is strong and fierce, the man who has always been restrained completely let go this night.

  Poor Jiang Fuyue, but just casually asked, she paid the painful price of sore waist and soft legs.

  The next day, I slept until noon and then eased up.

  On the other hand, men are full of food and drink, and they are full of energy.

  In the afternoon, the two went to Manting Park.

  This is the imperial garden of the Dai King and the oldest park in Banna.

  The area is small, but the scenery is beautiful, and the air is faintly scent of flowers, which is refreshing.

  In the evening, the two spent money to experience a bonfire party.

   Lively, noisy, commercial atmosphere everywhere, a bit less original and simple.

  But it’s all here, and you can enjoy yourself in the crowd.

  It was already ten o'clock in the evening when I returned to the hotel. Jiang Fuyue took a shower and began to apply a facial mask.

  Knowing that she was going to Banna for vacation, Han Heng thoughtfully stuffed a bunch of sunscreen products and repairing masks into her suitcase.

  Before leaving, I did not forget to say: "You must do good sun protection! Ultraviolet rays are the number one natural enemy of aging!"

  A piece of mask on the face immediately refreshes and cools.

  Jiang Fuyue simply lay on the bed, playing with her mobile phone while waiting for time.

  Uncle said that it can be torn off in more than ten minutes.

   But somehow she went to sleep directly, but Xie Dingyuan called her after taking a bath, and Jiang Fuyue woke up.

   "Are you sleepy?" The man sat on the edge of the bed, curious and funny watching her wearing a mask.

  There is also an unspeakable intimacy——

  She has only seen such a thing!

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes were sleepy and her expression was blank: "Why did I fall asleep?"

   Talking, sitting up, but still lacking energy.



   "Well, kind of."

  The next second, the man picked her up sideways: "I'm not tired, am I going to the bathroom? I'll take you."

  Xie Dingyuan not only took her to the bathroom, but also helped her tear off the mask and wash her face.

After    wiped it dry, she took Jiang Fuyue back to the bed, pulled the quilt over, covered her, and finally turned off the light and lay down.

   "Go to sleep."

   "Good night, Xie Dingyuan."


  This night, the two had a good night's sleep, and set off early the next morning to head to Menglun Town, Mengla County.

  There is the largest tropical botanical garden in China, and it is also the only 5A scenic spot in Xishuangbanna.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Do you know the meaning of'Menglun'?"

   "In Xishuangbanna Dai language, it should be... a soft place?"

   The man chuckled, "Do you really know everything?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Of course!"

  The Botanical Garden is across the river from the Menglun town area, forming a gourd-shaped peninsula where the Luosuo River turns 358°.

After    arrived, the two of them did not just watch the flowers, but observed the tropical plants here very carefully.

  I have to say—the variety is so dizzying and dazzling.

  While walking, the two of them discussed the ecological habits, appearance types, growth environment and so on of a certain plant.

The vocabulary that    blurted out was difficult to understand and obscure, but the two of them were still very interested.

  The more I talked, the more excited I was, and there was a tacit understanding between my eyes.

  No wonder some people say that true love is essentially a mode of getting along with each other pleasantly.

  A tourist passed by the two of them, thinking they were talking about something funny, they pricked their ears to listen, and then they all walked away with weird faces.

  In the evening, the two simply stayed in the hotel in the botanical garden.

  Xie Dingyuan: "I want a room."

  The receptionist at the front desk smiled and handed out the room card: "You take it, thank you."

  At this moment, a woman in expensive clothes rushed up, stretched out her fat hand wearing a jade bracelet and pointed at the staff, her voice was sharp and her expression was perverted——

   "Didn't you just say that there is no room? Why can he still check in?!"

  (End of this chapter)

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