The reporter was very happy.

"Brother, I'm Yan Bing, a reporter from the Lifestyle column of Magic City TV. Is your boss here? We want to do an interview."

The beautiful female reporter named Yan Bing came to the counter and greeted Hao Pingfan first. Even with a professional smile, she looked extremely charming.

But Hao Pingfan was surrounded by school beauties, so he naturally wouldn't be fascinated by a smile. He nodded lightly and said:

"Ask me if you have anything. I can make the decision."

"Really? Then I'll trouble you, brother."

Yan Bing's eyes flashed with surprise, but she didn't think much about it.

She subconsciously thought that the handsome young man in front of her should be the boss's children or relatives.

After a little preparation, the interview officially began.

"There is a new milk tea shop in Shanghai that has recently opened and is very popular. You can see long queues outside the shop almost every day. Today, let's take a look at the charm of this shop..."

Yan Bing first spoke a prepared opening speech to the camera, and then turned the camera to Hao Pingfan.

"I have never heard of many of the milk teas in your store. Are they all original to your store?"


Hao Pingfan gave an affirmative answer without hesitation, and continued to make up stories:

"Our boss has loved drinking milk tea since he was a child, and he also likes to study and make milk tea. After years of exploration, he finally created these new milk teas that are different from traditional milk teas."

"Can you tell us what the characteristics of this new milk tea are?"

"First of all, it is healthier. Compared with the milk teas that were blended with milk powder, our tea soup uses real ingredients and the freshest ingredients.

Secondly, the taste is richer. Compared with traditional milk tea..."

Hao Pingfan was not at all shy in front of the camera. He kept talking non-stop, not only moving reporter Yan, but also confusing the employees of Cha Yan Yue Se.

Is it so awesome that our milk tea is so awesome?

"Brother must be very good at sales. Even I can't help wanting to drink a cup. How about this, brother, give me a cup of this fleshy grape, and I'll try it for everyone."

"No problem!"

Hao Pingfan skillfully made a cup of milk tea under the recording of the camera and handed it to Yan Bing.

Yan Bing tried a sip and a surprised expression quickly appeared on her pretty face.


"Delicious, right? In fact, other products in our store are not worse than fleshy grapes, and we will launch a new product during the National Day..."

Hao Pingfan naturally would not miss such a wonderful time to advertise. He said a lot of things quickly, and his serious look seemed to be really just recommending to Yan Bing, not taking the opportunity to advertise.

Wei Chuan behind him opened his eyes wide, feeling that he really learned something.

As expected of his brother Fan, his ability to find opportunities is too amazing.

Yan Bing's eyes became strange when she looked at Hao Pingfan. She felt that the young man in front of her might be better at oral sex than her, a reporter.

Yan Bing continued to ask a few questions and randomly interviewed some customers about their experiences before the interview was completely over.

Before leaving, Yan Bing couldn't help gossiping:

"Brother, are you really just a clerk?"

"It's just a part-time job. I'm actually a student of the University of Science and Technology."

"What a coincidence. I also graduated from the University of Science and Technology."

"Really? How about adding your contact information? To be honest, I also wanted to be a reporter before."

Hao Pingfan immediately made a request.

Yan Bing didn't think much about it. After adding the phone number and QQ, he twisted his long black silk legs and walked out of the store.

Hao Pingfan looked at Yan Bing's graceful back and smiled unconsciously.

With the help of the TV station, Huang Zhiguo and his people are even less likely to be his opponents. Even if they buy the formula, they can only eat dust behind him!

Coming back to his senses, Hao Pingfan was about to continue working, but when he turned around, he saw the strange looks from Lin You, Wei Chuan and others, and frowned:

"What are you looking at? I added reporter Yan's contact information just to better promote the store!"

"Brother Fan, I believe it."

Wei Chuan felt that he had grown a lot in the past few months, and quickly covered for Hao Pingfan, changing the subject:

"Brother Fan, Xu Kun wants to organize a class reunion on National Day, do you want to go?"

"Not interested, go by yourself if you want to go."

Hao Pingfan recalled several classmates who came to Shanghai to study, except for him and

Besides Wei Chuan, there were only Tang Yuwei, Zhao Lin, Xu Kun, and Yang Wei. It can be said that most of them were people who didn't like him, so there was really no need to waste time.

"Forget it, I won't go either."

Wei Chuan originally wanted to go to the party to show off, but seeing that Hao Pingfan was so indifferent, he felt that he was too superficial.

As a company veteran, he couldn't be a person with low tastes!

Because it was the weekend today, there were unusually many people who came to the store to buy milk tea.

Hao Pingfan helped in the store until the evening, and then took the bus back to school.

When he arrived at the school gate, Hao Pingfan called Qin Lingyue, wanting to have dinner with her to deepen their relationship, but Qin Lingyue went to work part-time.

Helplessly, Hao Pingfan could only eat a little by himself, and then he asked a few brothers in the dormitory to go to the Internet cafe together.

Fire in the hole!

The two-day vacation passed in a flash, and soon it was Sunday night, and the class meeting was held on time.

This class meeting will formally establish the class cadres. Zhao Chengcai, Li Zhuangzhuang and other people who want to run for class monitor seem a little nervous.

Hao Pingfan is very relaxed. Anyway, he is not going to run. If nothing unexpected happens, he will just be a spectator tonight.

Who knows that there is really an accident!

"Hao Pingfan, your classmates all respect you so much, are you really unwilling to run for class monitor?"

After the class meeting started, counselor Cheng Chao first talked about some precautions, and then organized the class cadre election.

Hao Pingfan did not sign up for the class monitor, but when voting, a classmate suddenly asked whether Hao Pingfan could be the class monitor, and he actually got the support of most of the classmates.

Not only was the counselor stunned, he had never seen such a scene, even Hao Pingfan was shocked.

He did nothing during the military training, how could he become so popular in the class?

"Thank you for your support, but I really have no interest in the position of class monitor. Let's choose someone else."

Under the nervous eyes of Zhao Chengcai and others, Hao Pingfan finally chose to refuse.

His energy in the future is destined to be focused on business, and he may not even be able to take care of his studies, let alone be a class monitor.

Zhao Chengcai breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a little more admiration in his eyes when he looked at Hao Pingfan.

He is worthy of being the invisible boss of the dormitory, his life mentor, and he has won so many people's hearts without doing anything. He still has a lot to learn.

The female classmates were a little disappointed. Hao Pingfan's image as a good brother has taken root in their hearts. If Hao Pingfan could be a class monitor, he must be very gentle and considerate, but it's a pity that the flowers are willing and the water is ruthless.

The male classmates were even more disappointed. They also wanted to get closer to Hao Pingfan through this kind of show of goodwill, so as to learn the skills of picking up girls, but now their wish has failed.

But the ones with the most complicated feelings are Li Ling and Zhen Xiaoyue.

Both of them didn't think much of Hao Pingfan before, but now seeing that Hao Pingfan is so popular, they can't mention what they feel.

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