The interview went smoothly. With Hao Pingfan's outstanding performance, it was like giving Cha Yan Yue Se another chance to get free publicity.

The next step was the last part, trying Cha Yan Yue Se's new products.

Zheng Qiang nervously brought two cups of exquisitely shaped milk tea and carefully placed them on the table.

Yan Bing thanked him, and during Hao Pingfan's explanation, her red lips gently held the straw.

After a few seconds, her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

This action made Cha Yan Yue Se's employees nervous, especially Zhao Qian, who was in charge of production, whose face turned pale.

"Host, is there anything wrong?"

Hao Pingfan's heart also jumped, but he didn't show it on the surface, and asked softly.

Yan Bing raised her head and said hesitantly:

"I feel it's a little sweet."

"Really? Let me try it."

Hao Pingfan took the milk tea and took a sip. He didn't feel anything wrong.

After thinking for a while, he said to Zheng Qiang:

"Qiangzi, go get a slice of ice lemon."


Zheng Qiang acted quickly and added a slice of lemon to the milk tea.

Hao Pingfan pushed the milk tea in front of Yan Bing.

"Try it again."


Yan Bing hesitated for a moment. It was true that the straw was hers, but Hao Pingfan had just used it, so it felt a little inappropriate to continue using it.

But it didn't seem right to change the straw directly.

Originally, no one thought there was anything wrong. If she pointed out the problem, wouldn't it remind everyone that Hao Pingfan and she shared a straw?

That would be so embarrassing.

Thinking that they had already indirectly touched each other, Yan Bing finally pretended that nothing had happened. She endured the awkwardness and held the straw again with her red lips, her eyes slightly brightened.

"Now the taste is right."

"That's good."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Hao Pingfan reminded:

"Host, have you been eating irregularly recently, and often eat cold and greasy food?"

"How do you know?"

"Hehe, I didn't feel anything wrong when I drank milk tea just now, so I guess there may be some abnormality in your digestive system."

"Ah? Sorry to blame me..."

Yan Bing smiled apologetically, and the employees of Cha Yan Yue Se breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it was not a problem with the milk tea.

Hao Pingfan waved his hand indifferently, glanced at the customers who were still watching, and said solemnly:

"Everyone has different tastes, and Cha Yan Yue Se can't be perfect.

If you think there is something wrong with the milk tea, you must point it out to us, and we will do our best to satisfy you."


Pah pah pah!"

Hao Pingfan's words aroused the applause of the onlookers, and their impression of Cha Yan Yue Se became better and better.

Yan Bing looked at Hao Pingfan, who was calm and composed, and bit the straw unconsciously, with stars in her eyes.

It was originally an accident, but Hao Pingfan took the opportunity to advertise and increase the favorability of customers. It was really a clever move.

If Hao Pingfan hadn't revealed his identity, I'm afraid no one would have regarded him as a student who had just come of age.

But why did such a mature and smooth person treat her so perfunctorily after adding the contact information? What does it mean!

Not mentioning the resentment that suddenly arose in Yan Bing's heart, the interview continued.

Hao Pingfan's answer was still flawless and refreshing, which made everyone see that college students can be so powerful!

Half an hour later, the interview finally ended.

While others were still packing up the props, Hao Pingfan smiled and invited Yan Bing:

"Senior sister, you have worked hard, how about I treat you to lunch at noon?"

"Tell me, what do you want to ask me for?"

Yan Bing glanced at Hao Pingfan and snorted proudly.

He ignored her before, but now he suddenly started to show his courtesy, which was obviously a bad intention.

Hao Pingfan opened his eyes and said innocently:

"Senior, I really don't have any other ideas, I just want to have a meal with everyone.

I never had the chance to thank you and everyone for helping to promote our Cha Yan Yue Se before, but I happened to meet you this time, so I have to express my gratitude.

And I am also very curious about your experience, and I want to know more about how you became a reporter..."

"Well, I have time at noon, I'll go tell them."

Yan Bing naturally knew that things couldn't be that simple, but he was her excellent junior after all, and he left a good impression on her.

If it wasn't too difficult

She didn't mind providing a little help to this annoying junior who played with her feelings.

"Thank you, senior."

Hao Pingfan looked grateful. This beautiful senior is really a good person.

It's a pity why they got married...

Other colleagues at the TV station readily agreed to Hao Pingfan's invitation.

Everyone is not a fool. With the current development trend of Cha Yan Yue Se and the ability shown by Hao Pingfan, it is very likely that he will not be a fish in the pond in the future.

Of course, such connections must be made as soon as possible, otherwise when others become rich, how can they look down on them.

With both parties intending to get closer, the meal was a happy one for both the host and the guest. In the middle of the meal, the names became Brother Liu and Brother Hao, and the atmosphere was as warm as a family.

Hao Pingfan struck while the iron was hot and told everyone about wanting everyone to help find channels to promote the store, and he got the promise very easily.

Of course, Hao Pingfan would not let everyone work in vain, and the remuneration to be paid would be paid in full.

After the dinner, Hao Pingfan saw everyone off. Yan Bing and Hao Pingfan walked side by side, smiling and saying:

"Good junior, didn't you say you wanted to know about my experience? Why didn't you mention it at all during the meal? Could it be that you were just lying to me?"

"Misunderstanding, senior sister, I was just excited and forgot about it.

How about this, I will treat you to dinner alone to make amends in the future, what do you think?"

"Okay, it's settled. If you lie to me again this time, I will really be angry."

"Don't worry, senior sister, I promise to do what I say!"

Hao Pingfan looked at Yan Bing's serious face and could only agree helplessly.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he doesn't like to contact Yan Bing.

It's that he has no confidence in his self-control.

After parting with Yan Bing and others, Hao Pingfan also drove to other branches. From time to time on the road, he would see the advertisements of Banbai Milk Tea.

"Tsk, so damn rich!"

Hao Pingfan sighed, this is the power of capital.

However, he was not envious. The earlier he came into contact with capital, the more shares he had to give up. Banbai Milk Tea was probably now owned by the capitalists instead of the Cai family.

Knowing that the milk tea industry had a bright future, Hao Pingfan naturally did not want to see the majority of the company he had worked so hard to develop taken away by others.

As for the Banbai Milk Tea that Hao Pingfan was talking about, all the senior executives were now working overtime in the company, with two cups of the latest milk tea from Cha Yan Yue Se placed in front of them, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

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