Although he didn't want to pay attention to Ye Rong's words, Ye Shi had been Ye Xun's son for so many years and had a different feeling for Ye Xun after all.

Therefore, even though he was reluctant, Ye Shi returned to the other courtyard and found Ye Xun's letter from the piles of letters.

Ye Shi opened the letter, and the more he looked, the darker his face became.

Ye Xun probably didn't know yet, Ye Shi already knew about his life experience, so he wrote to Ye Shi in the same manner as he used to do.

In the letter, Ye Xun explained that Ye Shi would give him one million yuan of stones, and asked Ye Shi to take good care of Ye Rong. Rong finds a master as a backer.

Ye Xun also scolded Ye Shi for being unfilial in the letter, saying that Mu Chen gave Mu Yuanfeng pills and primeval stones, but he had nothing.

After reading the letter, Ye Shi sneered and tore the letter in his hand into pieces, joking, who is Mu Yuanfeng, who is Ye Xun, Ye Xun, this shameless thing, actually has the face and Mu Yuanfeng Compare.

However, this guy Ye Xun, although he is poor, he is very concerned about his daughter.

Ye Shi gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of ridicule, asking him to take care of Ye Rong, and to divide her Primordial Stone and Fire Talisman, Ye Rong has such a big face! He was polite enough not to pursue what Ye Rong did to him when he was a child. Ye Xun, this guy, really thinks about it.

Ye Shi sat cross-legged on the bed and opened the password box. Mu Chen only took the soul-concentrating water and the pill recipe for Qianlian Bone Refinement Pill. Mu Chen just glanced at it and handed it back to himself.

Ye Shi held the password box, thoughtfully.

In fact, Ye Shi will tell Mu Chen about the lockbox, which is also a bit of a test.

If Mu Chen is really not sincere to him, then he should not keep anything for himself, but, obviously, Mu Chen is not such a person. It was because he felt sorry for himself that he left the medicine pill to himself.

Ye Shi leaned against the wall, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No matter what Ye Xun did to him, Mu Chen was always sincere to him.


As soon as Ye Shi left, Mu Chen merged with the Soul Condensing Water.

Condensing the soul water increased Mu Chen's soul power to more than twice the original level, and at the same time raised Mu Chen's cultivation to the realm of a nine-star martial artist.

When Mu Chen opened his eyes, he immediately felt refreshed.

Condensing Soul Water, Qian Exercise Bone Pill, Lan Ruofeng in the original text did not know how much advantage he took from Ye Shi and how much he gained. No wonder Lan Ruofeng became a "genius".

Although everything went smoothly for Mu Chen, Mu Chen didn't dare to take it lightly.

After all, Lan Ruofeng's current brilliance is not as dazzling as it used to be, but Zhuang Yu's other real attacks are still not good, and that Lu Yao, at some point, will suddenly appear.

Mu Chen walked out of the room. After his soul power increased, Mu Chen's ear and eyesight also improved, and his insight was much stronger than before.

Mu Chen walked towards the Duobao Pavilion in the academy, and Mu Chen promised Ye Shi that he would refine the 9-turn body fluid for him.


"Mu Chen." Lan Ruofeng was walking back to the academy when he happened to meet Mu Chen who was going out, and the two met on a narrow road.

"Lan Ruofeng!" Mu Chen crossed his arms and looked at Lan Ruofeng lightly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Have you been promoted to a nine-star martial artist?" Lan Ruofeng looked at Mu Chen with surprise.

"Yeah! Your strength hasn't improved much, but your eyesight is good!" Mu Chen tilted his head and said.

Lan Ruofeng's face became hot when he heard Mu Chen's words.

Lan Ruofeng squinted, Ye Shi took something from Mingyue Business with his front foot, and Mu Chen was promoted to become a nine-star martial artist on his back foot.

Why is this? If Ye Shi likes himself, then everything that belongs to Mu Chen is his own. Subconsciously, Lan Ruofeng always thinks that Ye Shi should like him, but the fact is that Ye Shi treats himself Not at all dismissive.

"Lan Ruofeng, there's something I've wanted to say for a long time, but I've endured it, and now I can't help but say it, please, stay away from Ye Shi, he's my fiancee, you know? You are stalking my fiancée, making me very distressed!" Mu Chenman said helplessly.

"What I want to do has nothing to do with you." Lan Ruofeng frowned, disapprovingly.

"Ye Shi is my person, and his business, of course, has to do with me." Mu Chen said with a gloomy face.

"Mu Chen, dare you say that you have no other intentions for Ye Shi, you don't like him at all, you are just using him." Lan Ruofeng said coldly.

Mu Chen took a deep breath, looked at the person opposite with a half-smile, and said, "Lan Ruofeng, don't think that you are shit, just save others by yourself, think that everyone is, of course I like Ye Shi, I like him very much."

"Mu Chen, don't make yourself so noble, dare you say that you have never benefited from Ye Shi?" Lan Ruofeng couldn't help but said jealously.

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "I got it, so what?"

"Whoever is white, you are using Ye Shi." Lan Ruofeng smiled proudly, as if seeing through Mu Chen.

Mu Chen rolled his eyes helplessly, Lan Ruofeng looked at the human-like appearance, but he didn't expect that his brain was blurred, and he couldn't explain why!

"What about you, why are you approaching the stone? You like the stone?" Mu Chen rolled his eyes and said.

Lan Ruofeng was stunned for a moment, then nodded hesitantly, and said, "Yes."

Mu Chen laughed silently, Lan Ruofeng actually admitted that he liked Ye Shi, this person is really thick-skinned.

"You really know how to tell jokes, you like Ye Shi, what about Zhuang Yu?" Mu Chen asked.

"Zhuang Yu is different from Ye Shi." Lan Ruofeng said.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes, of course it was different, Zhuang Yu was Lan Ruofeng's true love, and Ye Shi was Lan Ruofeng's ascending stairs, one for guarding and one for trampling.

"What are your ideas, I know very well, the two men in black outside the academy are yours, right? They died without a corpse! Did you go and see, they worked for you! What a tragic end to end like this! However, who let them get on my head." Mu Chen said coolly.

"I don't understand what man in black you said." Lan Ruofeng said with a sullen face.

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "Lan Ruofeng, you don't speak secretly in front of Mingren, I think you can see that, Shitou doesn't mean anything to you, you keep doing this over and over again. It doesn't make any sense to humiliate it."

"You have so much time to disturb Shitou, so you might as well spend more time on Zhuang Yu, after all, he is the person you like, and Shitou is just a stepping stone to your success, but I think you also know that, With me here, it's impossible if you want to rely on the stone."

Lan Ruofeng looked at Mu Chen, his face turned blue and white for a while.

"You told me this because you were afraid that I would threaten you?" Lan Ruofeng asked suddenly.

Mu Chen laughed and said, "Threatening, Lan Ruofeng, you are looking too high on yourself, I did this not because I was afraid of you, but because I just couldn't stand you, and it was disgusting again and again. It's just stone."

Lan Ruofeng clenched his fists tightly, "Mu Chen, don't go too far, you say I'm disgusting, what about yourself? You have the face to say me? ."

"You have such a big face! You thought Stone would believe what you said as a rubbish." Mu Chen snorted coldly and walked away.

Lan Ruofeng looked at Mu Chen's back, his eyes were full of evil.


As soon as Ye Shi walked out of the house, he saw Ye Rong.

"Why are you here again?" Ye Shi said in disgust.

Ye Rong gritted her teeth, swallowed her breath, and said, "Have you read your father's letter?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Look."

"Father asked you to take good care of me, and asked you to hit one million yuan stone." Ye Rong said.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes, interrupted Ye Rong, and said, "Enough, you don't need to say it, Ye Rong, you don't really think I'll listen to Ye Xun's bullshit, you think too much."

Ye Rongguang twitched his eyebrows and said, "Ye Shi, do you know how difficult it is at home? You are so rich, what does it matter if you help your family?"

Ye Shi said in disapproval, "I don't know how difficult it is at home! If it is difficult, I will be happier. The more difficult it is, the happier I will be. No matter how much money I have, I have nothing to do with Ye Xun. I have a primeval stone on me, dream about him."

Ye Rong gritted her teeth and looked at Ye Shi, "Ye Shi, you ungrateful thing, have you forgotten who raised you so big?"

Ye Shi looked at Ye Rong coldly, and said, "What my mother and father left to the Ye family is enough for anyone to raise me this big."

Ye Rong looked at Ye Shi with a dark face and said, "Ye Shi, you are simply unreasonable."

"Yes, I'm just unreasonable, and I don't need your reasoning, so get out of here." Ye Shi said aggressively with his waist on.

Ye Rong looked at Ye Shi, gritted her teeth, and walked out.

Ye Shi looked at Ye Rong's back, and his heart was relieved for a while.

"Ye Rong is gone!" Cheng Wan Bai walked out from the side and said.

Ye Shi looked at Cheng Wan Bai with unkind eyes, and said, "You heard it all."

Cheng Wan Bai smiled awkwardly, and said, "I didn't do it on purpose, I just asked you for something."

Ye Shi tilted his head and said puzzledly, "Looking for me, what are you looking for?"

"Well, I want to buy the Flame Fire Talisman, can I get a discount?" Cheng Wan Bai smiled awkwardly.

Ye Shi raised his eyebrows and said, "Why don't you look for Mu Chen, but me!"

Cheng Wan Bai smiled and said, "I heard that Young Master Mu, listen to you."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "You're right, Mu Chen listens to me, how much are you going to spend to buy the Fulu!"

"I only have 400,000 on me. If it's not enough, give me the number, I'm... trying to think of a way." Cheng Wan Bai hesitated and said.

"Just 400,000." Ye Shi said without hesitation.

Cheng Wan Bai was full of surprises and said, "400,000 will do." Although the enthusiasm for the Fire Talisman from the outside world has gradually cooled down, buying a Fire Talisman for 400,000 is definitely cheap.

The two quickly handed over the business.

"Thank you, Young Master Ye Shi." Cheng Wan Bai said gratefully. Cheng Wan Bai just gave it a try with one percent hope, but he didn't expect things to go smoothly.

Ye Shi said coolly: "No need to thank me, I really want to thank me, just stay away from Mu Chen."

Cheng Wan Bai: "..."

Xie Danyan watched Cheng Wan Bai come down from the stone steps, and quickly stepped forward and said, "How's it going! Does he disagree? Wan Bai, Ye Shi is notoriously stingy, don't worry, he There is no way to go, we can think of other ways.”

"I bought it." Cheng Wan Bai smiled at Xie Danyan.

Xie Danyan was stunned for a moment, and then she was full of surprise: "What did you say, you bought it?"

Cheng Wan Bai nodded and said, "Yes!"

Xie Danyan blinked and said confusedly, "When did this fellow Ye Shi become so good at talking?"

Cheng Wan Bai shrugged and said, "I didn't expect him to talk so well."

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