Mu Chen entered the gate of Duobao Pavilion all the way, and the eyes of many people in the pavilion fell on Mu Chen.

As the Fire Talisman continued to sell well, Mu Chen's reputation became more and more prosperous. Facing so many eyes of jealousy, admiration, and envy, Mu Chen couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Yan Wu happened to be in the Duobao Pavilion, and when he saw Mu Chen entering the door, he couldn't help but glance at Mu Chen. With just one glance, Yan Wu's expression suddenly changed, " are promoted to the nine-star warrior."

Mu Chen nodded, smiled, and said, "It's a fluke."

Yan Wu said disapprovingly: "If you are promoted, you are promoted. There is nothing to be lucky or not."

Mu Chen lowered his head and smiled, but did not answer.

Yan Wu looked at Mu Chen, and something strange flashed in his eyes. Mu Chen learned alchemy, talisman, and inscriptions. Many people are guessing that this guy can't chew too much, and he will achieve nothing in the future. .

However, the fact is that even though Mu Chen has learned so many martial arts, his strength is still very good, and even two geniuses with eighth-level qualifications among the freshmen were thrown away by him several blocks.

Nine-star warriors, Zhuang Yu and Ye Shicai are just five-star warriors. How did this freak cultivate? After studying so many messy things, it didn't slow down his cultivation progress at all.

Yan Wu looked at Mu Chen, and suddenly said, "Mu Chen, are you sure you have a sixth-level qualification?"

"This is the result of the test." Mu Chen smiled lightly.

Yan Wu shook his head and said, "No, no, no, there is definitely something wrong with your qualification test. Let's test it again."

Mu Chen frowned and said, "Senior, this is inappropriate."

"What's inappropriate, there must be something wrong with your qualifications." Yan Wu grabbed Mu Chen's hand and dragged him forward.

Song Xinyue watched Mu Chen being pulled away by Yan Wu, rolled her eyes helplessly, and said angrily: "Master Yan is true, the college's qualification test has never gone wrong, no matter how good Mu Chen's performance is, he is a sixth-level qualification. , what Ye Shi can't change."

Xin Ruge said in disapproval, "That's not necessarily true. Mu Chen's current performance doesn't look like a person with sixth-level aptitude at all."

Song Xinyue curled her lips and said, "No matter how different he is, he is still a person with sixth-level qualifications."

"Although the academy's aptitude test did not make mistakes, it doesn't mean that there will be no mistakes. I think there may be a problem with Mu Chen's aptitude." Xin Ruge said half-jokingly.

Song Xinyue rolled her eyes and said, "You are really imaginative."

"It's not me who is so whimsical, and so is Master Yan, isn't it?" Xin Ruge tilted her head and glanced at Song Xinyue.

"Uncle, let's forget it." Mu Chen frowned.

"Forget it, that won't work." Yan Wu insisted and shook his head.

"Pingshan, I asked you to get a qualification tester. Why has it been so long before you delivered it, and the speed of your subordinates is getting slower and slower." Yan Wu said angrily.

Hearing Yan Wu's words, the shop owner Ping Shan smiled awkwardly and said, "Just come, just come."

After a while, a qualification tester was taken out.

"Go up and test." Yan Wu frowned.

"Senior, I have already tested it." Mu Chen said with some resistance.

"That doesn't count." Yan Wu said with disapproval.

"But..." Mu Chen frowned hesitantly.

Yan Wu rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Okay, I have taken out everything, let you test it, you can test it, there is so much nonsense."

Mu Chen smiled awkwardly, stepped forward, put his hand on the tester, and instantly, the eight-color halo rose into the sky, and the bright eight-color halo confused everyone's eyes.

"It's impossible." Song Xinyue said in disbelief.

Xin Ruge's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief, "How could this be?" Mu Chen was actually an eighth-level qualification, but Mu Chen was an eighth-level qualification, so many things made sense.

Yan Wu looked at Mu Chen and murmured, "I knew it, I knew it."

Mu Chen looked at Yan Wu's appearance, and withdrew his hand lightly.

"Did you have a sixth-level qualification in the test that day?" Yan Wu looked at Mu Chen suspiciously.

"I just finished the promotion that day, but there was a little mistake in the promotion, and my physical condition may not be stable." Mu Chen smiled awkwardly.

Yan Wu nodded thoughtfully and said, "Is that so? That's why your qualification test went wrong."

The news that Mu Chen was an eighth-level qualification immediately spread to every corner of the Saint Star Academy.


Dan House.

Uncle Tai's face was bitter, and he kept sighing one after another.

Lu Han looked at Tai Shuming and said angrily: "Okay, don't sigh anymore, okay! You have been sighing for two hours." Then wanted to sigh.

Tai Shuming raised his head, looked at Lu Han dazedly, and said blankly: "President, Mu Chen is an eighth-level qualification!"

"Okay, I know that Mu Chen has an eighth-level qualification. Today, I have heard no less than ten people tell me that Mu Chen is an eighth-level qualification. You don't need to repeat it again." Lu Han said angrily.

Uncle Tai said with a bitter face, "Such an apprentice with an eighth-level aptitude and outstanding talent in alchemy, I just missed it."

Lu Han gritted his teeth and said, "If Mu Chen entered the alchemy courtyard, it is impossible for him to be your apprentice, so don't do this." If Mu Chen entered the alchemy courtyard, he would definitely be his own apprentice. If Mu Chen became himself Apprentice, when he sees those old friends who make alchemy, he has the capital to show off, but unfortunately...

"President, it's really impossible for us to recruit Mu Chen into the Dan Academy?" Tai Shuming said a little unwillingly.

Lu Han rolled his eyes, the two women in the Inscription Academy are fierce like two overlord tigers, so don't mess with them!

Lu Han said helplessly: "Okay, don't think about it, it's impossible."

Lu Han secretly said: He feels even more uncomfortable! However, he was so uncomfortable, but he had to comfort others, and no one comforted him.

Uncle Tai sighed in disappointment and said, "What a pity."

Lu Han narrowed his eyes, "Unfortunately, isn't it! What did that idiot Landa do?"



Song Chengman angrily tore the letter in his hand to shreds.

"Bring it back, Fan Li, this damn bastard, he still has the face to bring it back. Does he know how much loss our Fuyuan has suffered because of him!" Song Cheng said with a grim face.

Looking at Song Cheng's expression of wanting to eat people, Huang An couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

"President, calm down." Huang An said.

Song Chengman said indignantly: "Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi, Mu Chen is an eighth-level qualification! Eight-level qualification, how can you let me calm down?"

Huang An smiled dryly and said, "President, if you get angry again, Mu Chen is already a member of the Inscription Academy."

Song Chengman looked at Huang An with murderous intent, Huang An was trembling all over by Song Chengman's icy eyes.

Huang An lowered his head and said in his heart: What are you talking about? Misfortune comes out of your mouth!

"You don't need to tell me, I also know that Mu Chen is already a member of the Inscription Academy. Thank you for your reminder." Song Cheng gritted his teeth.

Huang An listened to Song Cheng's crunching teeth, his heart pounding, "Dean, I'll go down first."

Song Cheng said angrily, "Get out of here."


Inscription House.

"Sister, the news just came, Mu Chen, he is actually an eighth-level qualification." Xia Qingli said with joy on her face.

Xia Qingyan took a sip of tea calmly, although her heart had already bloomed with a smile, but Xia Qingyan's face didn't show it at all.

"As soon as I saw it, I knew that this guy was not in the pool, as expected." Xia Qingyan said slowly.

Xia Qingli smiled and said, "Sister, your eyes are like torches."

Xia Qingyan smiled smugly and said, "That's natural, the two old men in the Danyuan and Fuyuan are dizzy, how can they compare with me?"

Xia Qingli pursed her lips, smiled, and said, "Sister said yes! By the way, I heard that Lu Han came to you again?"

Xia Qingyan rolled her eyes and said, "Not only Lu Han, but Song Cheng has also been here several times. Lu Han is still a man of grace, but Song Cheng is funny. It's a pity that he met the old lady, no matter how much he makes trouble, it's useless."

Xia Qingli raised her eyebrows and muttered, "President Song has a thick skin!"

Xia Qingyan said angrily: "It's not a bit thick, it's very thick, very thick, I see that on his head, nothing grows, and he has a face."

Xia Qingli: "..."

Front Court.

"President, there is something wrong with this kid Mu Chen's aptitude test. He is an eighth-level aptitude." Di Han said.

"I heard that during these days, people kept telling me what happened to Mu Chen, what happened to Mu Chen, what did Mu Chen do, what did Mu Chen, what did he do again, this kid, keep the topic of the college away It's all occupied." Hao Tu said angrily.

"Speaking of which, this Mu Chen is really outstanding!" Di Han said.

"What's the use of being excellent? He originally applied for the Dan Court, but he entered the Fu Court by accident. Now he is a member of the Inscription Court. He has nothing to do with our Array Court, not a single primeval stone." Hao Tuman was dissatisfied. typical.

Di Han smiled contemptuously.

Hao Tu thought with some dissatisfaction: Mu Chen, this guy is good at everything, but his eyesight is not good. How can he compare the magic of alchemy, runes, and inscriptions!

"Actually, it doesn't matter. The two old men from the Pill Courtyard and the Fu Courtyard are now so regretful that their bowels are green." Di Han said.

Hao Tu smiled coldly and said, "Those two old men deserve it!"


College canteen.

"It turns out that Mu Chen is an eighth-level qualification, no wonder his cultivation speed is so fast."

"Yeah! I just said that it is impossible for a sixth-level qualification to perform so well."

"He's all nine-star warriors, Zhuang Yu and Ye Shi are five-star warriors."

"He subdued the strange fire, and the cultivation base will naturally grow faster."

"The academy's aptitude test actually went wrong. I don't know if my aptitude test also went wrong." A girl muttered.

"Yes, something must have gone wrong. How could you have a fifth-level qualification? You must not even have a third-level qualification." Another girl giggled.

"Senior sister, you are bullying people!"

Lan Ruofeng listened to the conversation of the people around him, and his heart was gloomy. Since Mu Chen revealed his talents in alchemy, talisman and inscription, the only thing that Lan Ruofeng can surpass Mu Chen is his aptitude. However, now Even the qualifications, Mu Chen went beyond him.

Mu Chen said that his aptitude test went wrong because of course his body was unstable.

Lan Ruofeng sneered, Mu Chen's words can only be attributed to those students who are not yet deeply involved in the world. He felt that Mu Chen must have obtained something from Ye Shi to improve his aptitude and raised his aptitude to the eighth level.

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