
"Yo, Brother Jing, why are you here, rare guest!" Xiong Wei shook his feet and looked at Jing Chiyan lazily, saying that Xiong Wei's shoes had a big hole and most of his toes were exposed.

Jing Chiyan looked at Xiong Wei's sloppy appearance, rolled his eyes, and said, "I'm here to tell you something."

Xiong Wei took a sip of wine and said, "What's the matter!"

"Do you know that your apprentice Mu Chen is an eighth-level qualification?" Jing Chiyan asked.

"I already knew that." Xiong Wei said proudly.

Jing Chiyan squinted his eyes and said puzzledly, "I already knew it? How did you know?"

Xiong Wei shrugged and said: "This is very obvious! As the saying goes, if there is a teacher, there will be an apprentice. I am stronger than you and Shi Ziyu, and my apprentice is naturally better than your apprentice and Shi Ziyu that little white face. My apprentice is strong, Ye Shi and Zhuang Yu are both Grade 8 qualified, how can my apprentice be worse than them!"

Jing Chiyan had a dark face, and said angrily: "Although they are all eighth-level qualifications, the light of the eighth-level qualifications tested by my apprentice is much more dazzling than your apprentice."

Xiong Wei pouted and said with disapproval: "So what? My apprentice is a nine-star martial artist, and your apprentice is only five-star."

"Mu Chen is just lucky to walk in front of Ye Shi, Ye Shi will be able to surpass Mu Chen sooner or later." Jing Chiyan said angrily.

"What's the use of surpassing, your apprentice is my apprentice's daughter-in-law, and he is destined to be crushed by my apprentice." Xiong Wei looked at Jing Chiyan and smiled like a fox who just stole chicken.

Jing Chiyan had a dark face. He didn't have a clear head, so he came to see Xiong Wei, an idiot.

"Wait a minute, don't rush to leave? It's rare to come here once." Xiong Wei stopped Jing Chiyan and said.

Jing Chiyan turned his head, looked at Xiong Wei impatiently, and said, "What else do you have to do!"

Xiong Wei smiled, shook the jug in his hand, and said, "There is no more wine. When you see my apprentice, remember to ask him to bring me some wine."

Jing Chiyan said angrily: "You are someone's master, but you actually asked your apprentice to bring you wine."

Xiong Wei nodded and said, "Yeah! I'm his master, so it's not right for him to bring me wine."

Jing Chiyan An'an rolled her eyes and said to herself: Shameless.

Xiong Wei looked at Jing Chiyan's expression, pouted, and said, "Are you calling me shameless in your heart?"

"Brother Xiong, you think too much, why do I miss you so much." Jing Chiyan said with a sane face with his arms on his back.

"Hmph, I know you're just calling me shameless in your heart. You don't need to explain. I'm shameless, and you're not much better. You're not robbing your apprentice for food every day." Xiong Wei squinted at Jing Chiyan and said.

Jing Chiyan frowned and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Only you can do this kind of thing."

"I'm talking nonsense, your apprentice told me." Xiong Wei said lightly.

Jing Chiyan's face became hot, "I'm leaving."

"Wait, wait a minute." Xiong Wei exited again and stopped Jing Chiyan.

Jing Chiyan glanced at Xiong Wei impatiently and said, "What's the matter!"

"I accepted such an excellent apprentice, and I never saw you give my apprentice a little greeting! Brother Jing, you don't seem to be very good." Xiong Wei looked at Jing Chiyan with a melancholy expression.

Jing Chiyan said angrily, "It's like when I accepted my apprentice, you gave my apprentice a gift!"

"How can it be the same?" Xiong Wei said disapprovingly.

"Then why is it different?" Jing Chiyan said irritably, co-authoring Xiong Wei's apprentice is his apprentice, and his Jing Chiyan's apprentice is not his apprentice.

"My apprentice is the one who oppressed people, and your apprentice is the one who was oppressed, can it be the same?" Xiong Wei looked at Jing Chiyan with a smile on his face.

Jing Chiyan's face instantly turned purple, damn it, Xiong Wei, this bastard, bastard.

separate! Go back and let Ye Shi and Mu Chen break up immediately. His apprentice is Shuang'er, not a woman, and Shuang'er is not uncontrollable. His apprentice is such an excellent person, there is absolutely no need to hang him on a tree like Mu Chen.

Xiong Wei looked at Jing Chiyan's angry back, and said, "Jing Chiyan is so stingy, I'm afraid it's impossible to count on him to give my apprentice a greeting, it seems that I have to visit, Lu Han and Song Cheng, who have accepted such excellent apprentices. , These people, they don't show anything at all, it's too much."

Jing Chiyan was walking unhappily. Hearing that Xiong Wei was going to find Lu Han and Song Cheng to receive apprentices, he immediately observed a moment of silence for the two of them.


"Ayu." Lan Ruofeng quickly chased after Zhuang Yu, a little aggrieved: "Ayu, what happened to you recently? Why are you avoiding me on purpose?"

Lan Ruofeng looked at Zhuang Yu, Zhuang Yu and Ye Shi with some uneasiness. He really liked Zhuang Yu of course.

Zhuang Yu has a long-standing reputation, he is considerate, and has a gentle temper. Not only that, Zhuang Yu can also help himself to cultivate, find treasures, and always share them with himself. Lan Ruofeng feels that Zhuang Yu is the best in this world. The best lover.

If you lose Zhuang Yu, your life will fall into darkness.

"Don't you like Ye Shi? Then why don't you go after Ye Shi?" Zhuang Yu looked at Lan Ruofeng angrily.

Lan Ruofeng grabbed Zhuang Yu's hand and said, "Ayu, what are you talking about? You are the only one I like."

"Really? I heard that you are always entangled with Ye Shi." Zhuang Yu said dissatisfiedly.

"How could I like Ye Shi, you think too much, he is so ugly, he doesn't look like a twin at all." Lan Ruofeng said with disgust.

Ye Shi's face, if born on a man, would be considered handsome and handsome, but unfortunately, he is a twin, and that face is always a bit weird when born on a twin.

Lan Ruofeng didn't understand where his strange feeling about Ye Shi came from, but he knew that if Ye Shi really fell in love with himself, he would be able to help him a lot, but unfortunately, he fell in love with others.

Every time he watched Mu Chen's strength improve by leaps and bounds, Lan Ruofeng had a feeling that his treasure was being snatched away. This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable, and he always wanted to take back the things that belonged to him.

When Zhuang Yu heard Lan Ruofeng say that Ye Shi was ugly, a sense of pleasure surged in his heart.

Mu Chen has already been taken away by Ye Shi, if Lan Ruofeng is taken away by Ye Shi again, then Zhuang Yu simply doesn't know what to do.

"You didn't tell Mu Chen that you like Ye Shi." Zhuang Yu said dissatisfied.

Lan Ruofeng frowned in surprise and said, "Who did you listen to?"

Zhuang Yu said somewhat capriciously, "Don't care who I heard from, you just tell me if it is or not."

Lan Ruofeng smiled nonchalantly and said, "Why would I say that, you must have misunderstood something?"

Zhuang Yu nodded, looked at Lan Ruofeng with anticipation, and said, "You don't like Ye Shi at all, do you?"

Lan Ruofeng smiled gently and said, "Of course."

Zhuang Yu smiled smugly, looked at a place in the bamboo forest, and said arrogantly, "You can come out."

Ye Shi took off the hidden talisman on his body and walked out of the bamboo forest.

When Lan Ruofeng saw Ye Shi, he was stunned for a moment, his eyes shrank all of a sudden, Ye Shi was actually here.

"You heard it, Ruofeng doesn't like you at all." Zhuang Yu said arrogantly.

Ye Shi smiled and said, "That's great! You two are a good match."

"I know, it's hard for you right now, but Ruofeng really only likes me." Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shidao with pity on his face.

"Uncomfortable, why should I feel uncomfortable, I only need Mu Chen to like me, and if others like me, it will only cause trouble to me." Ye Shi said calmly.

Looking at Ye Shi's calm expression, Zhuang Yu felt disappointed for some reason, "You don't have to hold on, I understand how you feel." Zhuang Yu said.

A cold light flashed in Ye Shi's eyes, "Hold on, what am I holding on, I'm just an ordinary martial artist with a seventh-level qualification, and I'm still very poor, my fiancé is Mu Chen, an eighth-level qualification, and he is very rich. "

"In that case, why did you tell me that Lan Ruofeng likes you?" Zhuang Yu asked.

"I'm just afraid that you won't be able to control your man, so I want to help you." Ye Shi said coldly.

Lan Ruofeng clearly doesn't like herself, but she doesn't know why, always in front of her, pretending like she likes herself a lot, Ye Shi really has no choice, so he deliberately provoked Zhuang Yu and directed this episode.

Ye Shi secretly said: After this incident, after Lan Ruofeng, I am afraid that he will not have the face to appear in front of him.


"Stone, your Muchen has an eighth-level qualification." Xin Ruge said, looking at Ye Shi who walked in.

She just said, how can a person with a sixth-level qualification have such a fast cultivation speed, and Mu Chen really has more than a sixth-level qualification.

"I already knew." Ye Shi said proudly.

"You already knew, how did you know?" Xin Ruge asked in a puzzled way.

"Guess." Ye Shi said of course.

"Guess what?" Xin Ruge became more and more puzzled.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Mu Chen is better than Lan Ruofeng! Lan Ruofeng has a seventh-level qualification, how could Mu Chen be worse than me, so Mu Chen is an eighth-level qualification!"

Xin Ruge laughed dryly and said, "So that's how it is!"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's it, Mu Chen is amazing."

"It's amazing, you're amazing." Jing Chiyan walked in angrily.

Ye Shi looked at Jing Chiyan and called out obediently, "Master."

Jing Chiyan looked at Ye Shi and said angrily, "Apprentice, can you improve a little bit!"

Ye Shi gritted his teeth and said, "I've always been very motivated!"

"Bullshit, Mu Chen is a bastard who doesn't do his job all day long. He is already a nine-star martial artist. You are only a five-star martial artist. You dare to say that you are making progress." Jing Chiyan said angrily.

Ye Shi lowered his head and muttered, "I'll be a six-star martial artist soon."

During this period of time, he fused the Fire Talisman every day, and each time he merged, his Yuan Power would increase. Although the effect of the Fire Talisman was gradually weakening, it was still effective. After merging more than a dozen Fire Talismans, he would Should be able to advance.

"Is a six-star martial artist amazing? That bastard Mu Chen is a nine-star." Jing Chiyan said fiercely.

Ye Shi pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "Master, why do you say Mu Chen is a bastard!"

Jing Chiyan took a deep breath, why did he accept such a hard-working apprentice, and the point is that Mu Chen is an asshole? The point is not to be aggressive!

"He was a bastard." Jing Chiyan said angrily. Master Mu Chen is a bastard, so is his apprentice.

Ye Shi looked at Jing Chiyan with resentment.

Jing Chiyan glared at Ye Shi angrily, and said: "What are you looking at, don't go to practice, Mu Chen is already a nine-star warrior, if you are thrown too far by him, be careful he dumps you, find someone stronger. "

Ye Shi's eyes fluctuated, and suddenly said, "Master, you're right, I should work hard to cultivate and not be thrown too far by Mu Chen."

Jing Chiyan was shaking with anger at Ye Shi's reaction.

Xin Ruge raised her eyebrows and watched Ye Shi's reaction with interest.

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