Inscription House.

"Sister, is this the heavy hammer worth 3.8 million?" Xia Qingli asked curiously.

Xia Qingyan nodded and said, "Yes, this is the handle. I offered five million to buy it from this guy Kang Jing, but this guy was not willing to live or die, so I had to ask him to borrow it for research."

"That guy has been looking for a heavy hammer for a long time, and naturally he will not let go easily when he encounters a suitable one. However, this iron rooster is willing to lend the heavy hammer to you. It can be seen that your charm has increased again! That guy Notoriously incomprehensible." Xia Qingli smiled happily.

Xia Qingyan rolled her eyes and said, "You think too much. You think he just borrowed it casually. That damned guy charged me 100,000 rent a day."

Xia Qingli was stunned for a moment, then smiled: She said, this is like Kang Jing's style!

"I heard that the explosion pattern on this heavy hammer is very powerful, far exceeding the ordinary explosion pattern. Did Mu Chen invented a new type of explosion pattern?" Xia Qingli asked inexplicably.

Xia Qingyan shook her head, her expression became serious, "No, Mu Chen seems to have combined the explosion pattern and compression. After the explosion force is compressed, the explosion force is even more amazing, that's why this is the case."

Xia Qingli squinted her eyes, full of surprise: "Mu Chen actually has the ability to fuse inscriptions, this guy is really... unpredictable!" Fusion inscriptions is an advanced skill in inscription art.

"This guy, Mu Chen, doesn't know what's going on. Recently, he seems to be in a hurry to raise money." Xia Qingyan said with narrowed eyes.

Xia Qingli rolled her eyes and said, "He! He always has a bunch of things he wants to buy."

"President, at night, Ye Shi and Fu Yuanbao will hold an auction to auction more than a dozen magical instruments. It is said that the original inscriptions were damaged and now they have been repaired." A mentor walked in and said.

Xia Qingyan's expression changed suddenly, and she said, "Is there such a thing?" It is very difficult to repair the inscription. Xia Qingyan originally thought that Mu Chen repaired the inscription on the hammer, but it was accidental.

"Yes, I have!"

"Are you sure they're all restored instruments?" Xia Qingli asked with a dignified expression, frowning.

"It is said that there is an appraisal certificate issued by the Treasure Pavilion, and all the inscriptions on the instruments are all valid." The instructor who came in said.

"There is such a thing, I have to go and see." Xia Qingyan stood up and said.


"Outside the number, outside the number, Fu Yuanbao is going to have an auction." Lou Ruoyi walked into the dormitory with the flyer.

"Fu Yuanbao, the auction? What is that fat fat man selling!" Bai Le asked curiously.

"All of them are instruments with engraved inscriptions. Like the instruments sold by Ye Shi today, they all failed to engrave the inscriptions before, but they have now been repaired." Lou Ruoyi said.

"I heard that it is very difficult to repair the inscriptions! There are more than a dozen things on this flyer. Are they really repaired?" Mi Xueman asked suspiciously.

"The brochure says that all the instruments have been appraised by the Academy's Treasure Pavilion, and it is confirmed that there are no problems with the inscriptions on all the instruments. The brochure also says that if there are problems with the inscriptions, they can be returned unconditionally." Lou Ruo Yi shrugged.

"With so many third-level instruments, it's possible to sell a lot of primeval stones." Bai Le couldn't help but said with envy.

"It is estimated that at least 30 million, so many primeval stones, if you give it to me, then I'm afraid I can't spend it all in my life." Lou Ruo bit his lip, his eyes full of yearning.

Ye Rong sat aside and listened to the conversation of several people, she secretly said: Did she really set the price lower? If it's only 60 million, it seems too cheap for Ye Shi.

"The auction seems to start tonight!" Bai Le said.

Lou Ruoyi nodded, "Yes! Ye Shi seems to be in a hurry."

Bai Le was puzzled and said, "Why is he in such a hurry? This kind of auction usually only gets a good price when the publicity is in place."

Lou Ruoyi shrugged and said, "I don't know! Maybe Ye Shi has no primordial stone flower."

"Ye Shi has no money to spend, how could he have no money to spend?"

"Ye Rong, do you know something?" Mi Xue asked Ye Rong, who said nothing.

Ye Rong smiled lightly and said, "I don't know!"

Michelle looked at Ye Rong suspiciously. Ye Rong was so lost in these days that Michelle always felt that she knew something.


Ye Shi's other courtyard.

"Student Ye Shi, can you lend me the magic weapons that are going to be auctioned in the evening?" Xia Qingyan asked with blinking eyes, looking at Ye Shi with a flowery smile.

Ye Shi looked at Xia Qingyan warily, and when he heard Xia Qingyan's words, he shook his head and said sternly, "No."

"Why?" Xia Qingyan looked at Ye Shi with some anger.

"Before the auction, what the instrument looks like is a commercial secret, and it's not easy for people to see." Ye Shi looked at Xia Qingyan seriously and replied.

"Can't we make an exception?" Xia Qingyan looked at Ye Shi pitifully.

Xia Qingyan is in her 40s. At this age, she may not be young on earth, but for this class of cultivators, life has just begun.

Xia Qingyan looks beautiful, she pretends to be pitiful, and has a kind of pitiful demeanor. Seeing Xia Qingyan like this, a bunch of men couldn't resist.

It's a pity that Ye Shi is not an ordinary man. In the face of Xia Qingyan's situation, the color of defense in Ye Shi's eyes is even heavier.

Xia Qingyan looked at Ye Shi's face as if she was facing a great enemy, and gritted her teeth angrily. Her recent beauty seemed useless at all, and Xia Qingyan couldn't help but wonder if her charm had gone backwards.

"Let's see Ye Shi, how about you lend us the magic weapon for an hour and a 20,000 yuan stone?" said Xia Qingli, who couldn't see through.

Hearing Xia Qingli's words, Ye Shi's eyes flashed a little quickly.

"The primeval stone that Bai picked up!" Ye Shi secretly said.

Looking at Ye Shi's expression, Xia Qingyan felt a burst of depression in her heart, but her charm was not as good as 20,000 yuan.

Just as Ye Shi was about to agree, he saw Fu Yuanbao quietly raise three fingers at Ye Shi, Ye Shi suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have made a counter-offer yet! Mistake! The counter-offer should never be forgotten.

"Fifty thousand stones per hour." Ye Shi pointed out five fingers.

Hearing Ye Shi's words, Fu Yuanbao's expression suddenly changed.

Fu Yuanbao said to himself: Ye Shi, this guy is really ruthless!

Xia Qingyan looked at Ye Shi viciously, gritted her teeth and said, "Success." Why did she encounter all these people who wanted money recently.

Ye Shi stared at Xia Qingyan with wide eyes.

Xia Qingyan frowned when Ye Shi didn't move, and said, "Where's the stuff?"

"Where's the deposit?" As soon as Xia Qingyan's voice fell, Ye Shi's voice followed.

Xia Qingyan gritted her teeth, Ye Shi was afraid that she would fail her debt, "Here it is." Xia Qingyan took out the Primordial Stone Card and gave it to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi took the primeval stone card without hesitation and transferred 500,000 yuan of stone.

"There's only one hour, you'll have to pay more." Ye Shi said solemnly.

Xia Qingyan's face was dark and she thought to herself, "Why did Jing Chiyan accept such an apprentice, and how did Mu Chen find such a daughter-in-law?"


"The shopkeeper." The shopkeeper, who was dozing off against the counter, heard the call and looked lazily at the person beside the counter.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper suddenly became more energetic, and his sleepiness disappeared.

"Young Master Mu, what kind of wind is blowing you here!" The shopkeeper looked at Mu Chen and couldn't help but feel a little suspicious in his heart.

It is said that Ye Shi is preparing for an auction of inscription weapons! At this time, why did Mu Chen come to their Danding Pavilion instead of helping them?

Mu Chen threw a somewhat worn cloth bag on the counter and said, "These are exchanged for primeval stones."

The shopkeeper opened the cloth bag, only to find out that such an unpretentious bag actually contained medicinal herbs.

The shopkeeper picked up a bottle of elixir and looked at it, and his face changed greatly, "Level 3 Essence Replenishing Pill, Level 3 Luning Pill, Level 3 Qingxin Pill, Level 3 Detoxifying Pill..."

There are eight bottles of medicinal pills in the package, each bottle has five to eight pills, and there are about fifty pills in total, all of which are high-grade medicinal pills. The price of these medicinal pills ranges from 100,000 to 300,000. The total should be more than ten million.

The medicinal pills that cost more than ten million yuan were put in a tattered bag by Mu Chen and thrown here like garbage, what a waste!

"Young Master Mu, where did you get so many medicinal pills!" The shopkeeper couldn't help asking.

Mu Chen folded his arms, looked at the shopkeeper coolly, and said sharply, "Why, Dan Ding Pavilion collects the medicinal pills, and I have to ask the source."

The shopkeeper smiled awkwardly and said, "No, no, Master Mu, you have too many medicinal pills here, I will go to the pavilion master to give you an estimate."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Okay."


"Mu Chen, you're actually here." Zhuang Yu looked at Mu Chen, a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Mu Chen glanced at Zhuang Yu lightly, and politely nodded towards Zhuang Yu.

As soon as Mu Chen nodded, he regretted it, but it was too late to regret it.

Seeing Mu Chen nodding at him, Zhuang Yu immediately approached Mu Chen excitedly.

"Mu Chen, what are you doing here, do you want to buy medicinal pills? You can ask Ruofeng to buy it, and he can give you a discount." Zhuang Yu said earnestly.

Mu Chen rolled his eyes secretly, and asked Lan Ruofeng to buy it. Even if Lan Ruofeng's medicinal pill was given to him for free, he wouldn't dare to eat it!

"No, I have no shortage of medicinal pills." Mu Chen said without hesitation.

Zhuang Yu said in disapproval, "Mu Chen, you don't have to be so polite. We are all classmates, so it's right to help each other."

Mu Chen closed his eyes and said to himself: Heaven and earth conscience, he is really not polite, he really does not need it.

"Zhuang Yu, you probably forgot, I'm also an alchemist." Mu Chen squinted and looked at Zhuang Yu, a little unhappy.

Zhuang Yu nodded and said indifferently, "I know! But, haven't you put all your energy on the inscriptions? Your alchemy skills should have regressed a lot, right?"

Zhuang Yu glanced at Mu Chen with pity, and then said earnestly: "Actually, Mu Chen, I think the most promising technique is alchemy. You really shouldn't give up alchemy because of personal grievances."

On Mu Chen's forehead, several black lines couldn't help but float, Zhuang Yu is really familiar with this guy.

When the shopkeeper heard Zhuang Yu's words, his face suddenly became a little strange.

The appraiser in the pavilion said that the medicinal pills that Mu Chen sold were not only high-grade medicinal medicinal herbs, but they were all refined with different fires, and their effects were better than ordinary third-grade medicinal medicinal herbs.

Medicine pills are refined with a different fire, what does this mean? In the entire academy, even the Xuanfeng Empire, only Mu Chen has a strange fire, so those medicine pills are all refined by Mu Chen himself.

Those are several third-level medicinal herbs! An ordinary third-level alchemist would only be proficient in refining three or four third-level medicinal herbs. From this point of view, Mu Chen's alchemy skills were definitely not inferior to Lan Ruofeng.

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