"Young Master Mu, these medicinal pills, when converted into primeval stones, cost a total of 16 million." The shopkeeper took the price set by the appraiser in the shop and said nervously.

The price given by the appraiser was neither high nor low, and he did not know whether Mu Chen would be satisfied.

Mu Chen nodded lightly, and casually threw out a Primordial Stone Card, saying, "Let's all hit here."

Seeing that Mu Chen had no objection, the shopkeeper immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay."

The shopkeeper turned his back and was secretly glad that Ye Shi didn't follow. If Ye Shi was there, he would have to add at least another 1.8 million to the deal. Everyone knows that Ye Shi's favorite thing to do is to help Mu Chen bargained.

So many medicinal herbs are really big business! If this batch of medicinal pills were all transferred out, at least three or four million could be earned.

I heard that Mu Chen was very busy all day, but he didn't know when he made so many medicinal pills.

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, Zhuang Yu was stunned for a moment, and said puzzledly, "Mu Chen, you didn't come to buy medicine pills? Are you here to sell medicine pills?"

Mu Chen rolled his eyes and thought: He never said that he was here to buy medicine pills, everything was just Zhuang Yu talking to himself.

"What kind of pills did you sell! It's so valuable? It's more than ten million yuan." Mu Chen didn't answer, and Zhuang Yu didn't care, and asked innocently as usual.

Lan Ruofeng can ensure that Zhuang Yu has enough food and clothing, but he can't guarantee that Zhuang Yu can live a life of spending money. Seeing that Mu Chen sold a batch of medicinal pills and made so much money, Zhuang Yu couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"It's just some ordinary medicinal pills, but there are more of them. I'm sorry, I still have something to do. I'm leaving." Mu Chen said coldly.

Zhuang Yu watched Mu Chen leave, turned her head, and asked the shopkeeper, "Are you buying medicinal pills at a high price? Ordinary medicinal pills can also be sold for 18 million."

The shopkeeper looked at Zhuang Yu but didn't say a word. Ordinary medicinal pills? Those are third-level medicinal herbs, all of which are high-grade. Mu Chen is humble when he says that, but Zhuang Yu doesn't take it seriously.


Mu Chen walked out of the Danding Pavilion and collided with Ye Rong who was walking towards him.

Mu Chen frowned and left without saying hello to Ye Rong.

Probably it was Mu Chen's ruthless rejection last time, which dealt a big blow to Ye Rong. This time, Ye Rong didn't go up to greet Mu Chen with a stubborn face, and the two just passed by.

Seeing that Mu Chen turned a blind eye to her, Ye Rong gritted her teeth and couldn't help but look back at Mu Chen.

Ye Rong looked at Mu Chen's back, a bit of viciousness flashed in her eyes.

Ye Rong lowered her head and secretly said: Even if Mu Chen is a peerless genius, for Ye Shi, he still has to be challenged by his father.

Just as Ye Rong was about to leave, Zhuang Yu and Lan Ruofeng walked over.

"16 million, how many pills did Mu Chen sell! How could he sell so many primeval stones?" Zhuang Yu's words were clearly heard in Ye Rong's ears.

"I don't know! Mu Chen must have sold a lot of medicinal herbs." Lan Ruofeng said astringently.

Ye Rong frowned, sixteen million.

Mu Chen just sold an elixir, and he could actually have so many primeval stones in his account, really...

"Is alchemy so profitable? It's so profitable, Ruofeng, you can also make some pills and sell them." Zhuang Yu couldn't help asking.

Lan Ruofeng smiled and said, "Okay!"

Lan Ruofeng lowered his head. His success rate in refining the third-level medicinal herbs is not high, so after deducting the cost of the spirit grass, the profit is not high. It is really not easy to make more than ten million yuan.

When did Mu Chen refine the medicine pill, he was obviously so busy.

Zhuang Yu looked at Lan Ruofeng and couldn't help frowning.

Zhuang Yu is not stupid. Looking at Lan Ruofeng's face, he can guess that Lan Ruofeng wants to earn more than 10 million yuan from alchemy, which is not an easy task.

Zhuang Yu lowered his head, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

He used to feel that Lan Ruofeng and Mu Chen's conditions were similar, and even Lan Ruofeng's conditions were better. After all, Lan Ruofeng was born in the Lan family, which was much more powerful than Mu Chen.

However, Zhuang Yu doesn't think so anymore. Lan Ruofeng is not as good as Mu Chen in rune and inscription skills. It seems that even alchemy is no match for others. Lan Ruofeng always thinks that Mu Chen can't chew too much food. However, he even lost the alchemy technique he was proud of to Mu Chen.

Zhuang Yu suddenly remembered the original Mu Chen. At that time, Mu Chen was ignorant and ignorant, circling around him all day long and being frivolous. Zhuang Yu couldn't figure it out. How could one person change so much? Personally.

The disappointment in Zhuang Yu's eyes could not escape Lan Ruofeng's eyes, and Lan Ruofeng felt as uncomfortable as being stabbed by a needle.

Zhuang Yu lowered his head and couldn't help feeling a little depressed. He was no worse than Ye Shi, but Ye Shi's man was so much stronger than his own man. That man was something he gave up before.

Murong Yan walked towards the two of them.

"Zhuang Yu, there is an auction organized by Ye Shi tonight, do you want to go and see it!" Murong Yan came over and asked.

"Okay!" Zhuang Yu's eyes couldn't help but flashed a little bit of light. He was very interested in a fan that Ye Shi was going to auction, but the auction was organized by Ye Shi, and Zhuang Yu was a little nervous.

Lan Ruofeng didn't want to go to the auction at first, but since Zhuang Yu would go, of course he would also go with him.

Lan Ruofeng and Murong Yan looked at each other, and the two smiled tacitly.


The appeal of Fu Yuanbao is still good. In less than a day, the news of the auction has spread to everyone in the Saint Star Academy.

Before the auction started, a lot of people gathered outside the temporary auction.

Ye Shi hid in the backstage, listening to the hustle and bustle coming from the front desk, he couldn't help feeling a little excited, what a nice person! The more people there are, the better the price!

Xie Danyan stood outside the auction and looked around, "There seem to be a lot of seniors here!"

Cheng Wan Bai nodded and said, "Yeah! It seems that a few are all martial spirits, and not only that, many teachers are also here."

"These guys, why don't you want to grab this batch of instruments from us?" Xie Danyan muttered.

Cheng Wan Bai nodded and said helplessly, "I think they and we should have the same purpose."

"These shameless bastards." Xie Danyan couldn't help muttering.

Cheng Wan Bai smiled helplessly, and naturally everyone wants good things.

Xie Danyan took a look at the leaflet and said, "I don't know if the Yunshui woven clothes on this leaflet are really so beautiful."

"I heard that it was a brochure based on the real thing. This Yunshui woven clothes originally had a dazzling pattern. There was a mistake. After completing it, it was beautiful." Cheng Wan Bai said.

"I heard that Mu Chen not only completed the dazzling pattern, but also painted a protective pattern on the clothes, which can resist 30% of the attack power of the martial artist, and at the same time, there is an increase pattern, which can increase the attack power of the martial artist by 30%. I don't know if I want to cheat money." Xie Danyan said with some displeasure.

"I think it should be true." Cheng Wan Bai said.

Xie Danyan looked at more and more people, squinted his eyes, and said with displeasure: "The president of the Inscription Academy is also here. Fu Yuanbao, a fat fat man, what is he doing so well in his publicity work!"

She originally thought that Ye Shi was holding the auction in such a hurry, and most of the people who came would not be too many. She might be able to take the opportunity to pick up something missing. Seeing the bustling crowd at this moment, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Cheng Wan Bai smiled helplessly, and said, "What kind of person is Ye Shi? Fu Yuanbao has no ability. How could Ye Shi be willing to spend money on him?"

Xie Danyan nodded helplessly and said, "That's right!" It was not an easy thing to ask Ye Shi, a miser, to bleed willingly.

A girl with all kinds of treasures hanging on her body broke into the eyes of the two of them.

"I didn't expect her to come." Xie Danyan couldn't help but look a little weird when she saw Tang Zhuer.

Cheng Wan Bai glanced at Xie Danyan with some pity, and said, "She should have also come to weave clothes for Yunshui."

Xie Danyan gritted her teeth, Tang Zhuer's family has a big business, and she likes gorgeous things the most. With her here, it would be difficult for her to want to weave clothes in clouds and water.

"Zhuang Yu is here." Cheng Wan Bai's expression changed.

Xie Danyan heard the words and looked in the direction of Zhuang Yu. Zhuang Yu was followed by Lan Ruofeng and Murong Yan. It seemed that Zhuang Yu and Murong Yan had a good chat, but Lan Ruofeng seemed to be left out.

Many things are precious because there are so many people grabbing them.

According to the original trajectory, not only Ye Shi, Xie Danyan will also have deep roots in Lan Ruofeng, and there are even many other people who will do a lot for Lan Ruofeng, and Lan Ruofeng will walk with the help of these people. It's getting smoother and better.

If Mu Chen didn't show up, his performance would not be as mediocre as he is now.

Xie Danyan looked at Lan Ruofeng, and there were a few different colors in his eyes. When he saw this person for the first time, Xie Danyan felt that this person was very charming, but after a long time, this feeling has faded a lot.

"Lan Ruofeng is so qualitative! This guy Zhuang Yu flirts with others, and this guy doesn't care." Cheng Wan Bai couldn't help saying.

Xie Danyan shrugged and said, "I'm afraid I can't control it if I want to."

Cheng Wan Bai nodded and said, "That's right."

"Why are there so many people here?" Xia Qingyan asked a little unhappily.

"Fu Yuanbao guy, he still has some skills." Xia Qingli said with admiration.

Xia Qingyan curled her lips and said, "About your skills? Hmph, wandering around all day and not knowing how to cultivate, even if he really made a fortune, he would have been robbed."

Xia Qingli: "..."

"You bastard, Ye Shi, asked him to buy two million yuan stones and bought all the magic tools. This guy is still not willing." Xia Qingyan said in a muffled voice.

Xia Qingli squinted her eyes, and an ordinary magic tool with inscriptions, about two million yuan stone a piece.

However, this batch of instruments is different. This batch of instruments was drawn incorrectly and repaired. In addition to practical value, the research value is also very high.

Not to mention the practical value and research value of the instruments, since these instruments come from the hands of Mu Chen, the price of these items will not be low. Mu Chen is now an idol in the minds of many students, and there are many geniuses in the Saint Star Academy. There are also many local tyrants.

Xia Qingli looked at Tang Zhu'er covered in jewels, and the corners of her mouth twitched. "Sister, it seems unlikely that we want to snatch this batch of instruments from this group of people!"

Xia Qingyan couldn't help but grit her teeth and said unwillingly, "That old guy, the principal, just give a little budget, how can it be enough?"

Xia Qingli nodded in agreement.

"There are so many people!" Lou Ruoyi couldn't help but said.

The crowd on the field was mixed, but it was vaguely divided into two factions, one of the civilian students and one of the aristocratic students.

Ye Rong looked at the beautifully dressed aristocratic students in the field, and the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked. When her father got the 60 million yuan stone, she would be able to have a good luxury.

Ye Shi hid in the crowd watching in the dark, and when he saw Ye Rong in the crowd, Ye Shi's face changed suddenly.

"Student Ye, what's wrong with you?" Fu Yuanbao was a businessman, and he was the most observant. The change in Ye Shi's face was immediately discovered by Fu Yuanbao.

Ye Shi retracted his gaze and said, "It's nothing."

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