More and more people gathered outside, and the location near the auction house was crowded with people.

"It's almost time." Ye Shi rubbed his hands impatiently.

Ye Shi has participated in many auctions, and this is the first time that he has held an auction by himself. Seeing that Mu Chen's restored magic weapon has attracted so many people, Ye Shi can't help feeling proud.

Fu Yuanbao nodded and said eagerly: "Yes, I'll prepare, and I'm about to go on stage."

Ye Shi looked at Fu Yuanbao and said hesitantly, "You said, should I pay for a beautiful woman to host?"

Fu Yuanbao frowned. He had proposed to ask a beautiful woman to host this matter, but Ye Shi rejected it mercilessly.

Fu Yuanbao frowned and said, "Aren't you reluctant to give up Yuanshi?" Ye Shi, the iron rooster, had some time to figure it out.

"But you said that you can't bear the primordial stone without the coloring wolf." Ye Shi scratched his head in annoyance.

Fu Yuanbao sighed lightly and said: "You figure it out now, it's too late, the auction will start soon, fortunately, don't worry, my young master's charm will not be worse than that of beautiful women." Fu Yuanbao is confident Full patted his chest.

Fu Yuanbao secretly said: Making money is not easy! When encountering a stingy customer like Ye Shi, he had no choice but to work harder.

"Aren't you less attractive than beautiful women?" Ye Shi looked at Fu Yuanbao suspiciously.

Fu Yuanbao looked at Ye Shi's critical expression, and his face stiffened. Is it necessary for Ye Shi to look down on people like this? Many beauties like him to be round and jade-like. Although no one has confessed to him so far, it must be because those beauties are too shy.

"Student Ye, I'll go on stage first."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."


Fu Yuanbao strode onto the stage and looked down at the people below.

As soon as Fu Yuanbao came to power, everyone's eyes were focused on him, feeling everyone's attention, Fu Yuanbao's vanity rose rapidly.

"Mentors, classmates, good evening, everyone, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come to participate in this auction. Next, I announce that this auction officially begins."

"The first auction item in this auction is Yunshui Weaving Clothes."

As soon as Fu Yuanbao's voice fell, a brilliant and beautiful robe appeared on the stage.

"Everyone, what a beautiful robe, ladies and gentlemen, wearing this robe, your charm will increase by at least 30%."

As soon as Yunshui Zhiyi appeared, the eyes of many female cultivators below became fierce.

Fu Yuanbao raised his hand, and an attack landed on the robe, a golden light suddenly lit up on the robe, and the golden light showed a beautiful pattern, "Did you see it? Yes, you read it right, this robe, He can absorb attacks."

The eyes of the female nuns below became even hotter. The attractiveness of beautiful clothes was fatal to female nuns. Clothes that were both beautiful and protective were enough to make the nuns who usually care about each other ignore them.

"Finally, let me tell you a piece of good news. The person who photographed this Yunshui Weaving Clothes will be presented with a third-level flaming talisman for free. That's right, you heard it right. The new flaming talisman, if you are lucky, can The fire talisman that refines the sun's essence fire from it." Fu Yuanbao raised his fist passionately and said.

"The auction starts below, Yunshui Weaving, the starting price is one million."


"two millions."

"Two million three hundred thousand."


"Four million." Tom Pearl shouted.

Many times, instead of waiting for everyone to slowly raise the price, it is better to quote a high price directly to scare everyone.

It's a pity that the Holy Star Academy's hidden dragon and crouching tiger, Tang Zhuer's offer scared most people, but there were always those who weren't.

"Four and a half million." Another student shouted.

"Four million eight hundred thousand."


Xia Qingyan looked at the crazy crowd, gritted her teeth, "Are these guys crazy?"

Xia Qingli sighed helplessly. There are too many local tyrants in the Saint Star Academy, but as the dean, she is very shy, and sometimes it really hurts to think about it!

In the end, Yunshui Zhiyi was photographed by a male student for 6.5 million.

A group of female students looked at Jiang Cheng fiercely. If their eyes could be turned into reality, Jiang Cheng would have been slashed by a thousand swords.

Xia Qingyan raised her eyebrows and said unwillingly, "I didn't expect that the person who photographed this was not a beautiful woman, but a little white face."

Jiang Cheng's family owns an auction house, so it's not an exaggeration to say that they are making money every day.

As the prince of the Jiang family, Jiang Cheng is naturally not low.

"I heard that the guy is chasing the Ninth Princess recently. If you want to come, that guy bought this dress to give to the Ninth Princess." Xia Qingli said.

The first item, sold for 6.5 million, really got off to a good start.

The second top grade was quickly pushed out, it was a giant axe.

The female students were not interested in this thing. Some burly male students saw the giant axe, but they screamed like they had been beaten with blood as if they had seen their beloved lover.

The bidding for the giant axe was not as fierce as Yunshui Zhiyi, and it was sold for 2.8 million.

In fact, in terms of its own value, it is not much worse than Yunshui Zhiyi. However, Yunshui Zhiyi is beautiful and beautiful, and girls like beautiful things.

The auction was going on in an orderly manner, and in the end, all the auction items were auctioned for 43.28 million.

After the auction was over for a long time, the crowd slowly dissipated.

Zhuang Yu fondly played with the jade bone fan in his hand, looked at Murong Yan, and asked, "Seventh Prince, this is really for me."

Murong Yan smiled and said, "Naturally."

"Thank you so much." Zhuang Yuman looked at Murong Yan sincerely.

"A sword is given to a hero, Zhuang Yu, this folding fan is just right for you." Murong Yan smiled and said.

Hearing Murong Yan's words, Zhuang Yu lowered his head and smiled shyly. This folding fan cost Murong Yan 4.8 million stone, and it was shorthanded. Zhuang Yu couldn't help but feel a little more favorable towards Murong Yan.

Lan Ruofeng watched Zhuang Yu interact with Murong Yan, and the expression on his face was extremely stiff.


"There are so many rich people!" Lou Ruoyi couldn't help sighing while walking on the road.

Everything that happened at the auction just now made Lou Ruoyi feel like a dream.

"Yeah!" Mi Xue couldn't help blinking her eyes. Although she knew that there were a lot of rich people in the academy, many rich people were low-key, and they didn't show off the mountains or water on weekdays, but they couldn't see how rich they were. But today, on this occasion, it was all exposed.

Ye Rong followed behind a few people, thinking of the scene of those noble children bidding, her blood boiled.

What kind of pride is that, really don't think of primeval stone as primeval stone flower, if she can also become one of these people, that would be great!

"The man who bought Yunshui Zhiyi for 6.5 million is a man. He doesn't have any transvestites, right?" Bai Le said sourly.

Lou Ruoyi sneered, "That's Shaodong from Jiyue Auction House. He doesn't have transvestites, but he seems to be pursuing the Eighth Princess, so he bought it as a gift."

"Eighth princess, what a fate!" Bai Le couldn't help saying.

"The jade bone fan bought by the seventh prince seems to have been given to Zhuang Yu." Mi Xue said.

Bai Le frowned and said, "Zhuang Yu already has Lan Ruofeng, so he's still not satisfied, and he's still confusing the seventh prince."

"He's not just these two people. The more outstanding male freshmen in the academy seem to have a good impression of Zhuang Yu. He just wants to catch them all, and he doesn't even leave us any soup!" Lou Ruoyi gritted his teeth helplessly. .

Bai Le pouted and said, "I heard that Zhuang Yu is interested in Mu Chen."

"Zhuang Yu, this guy is not afraid of choking after eating too much. There are so many people, and he still covets Mu Chen. Speaking of which, Zhuang Yu is not good for that person, but Mu Chen seems to despise him. ." Lou Ruoyi was full of schadenfreude.


Ye Shi looked at the primeval stone card in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief. With today's auction proceeds, his primeval stone card already had more than 60 million.

Fu Yuanbao received more than 300,000 yuan in remuneration, and it was considered a small fortune, and he seemed very happy.

"Student Ye, next time there is such a thing, remember to find me." Fu Yuanbao licked his face and said to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded and replied lightly, "Okay."

Seeing Ye Shi's reaction, Fu Yuanbao couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Ye Shi didn't speak coldly to him this time, which made Fu Yuanbao a little flattered.

Because he had collected 60 million yuan stones, Ye Shi was in a really good mood, and even looking at Fu Yuanbao was pleasing to the eye.

Although Ye Shi said he was dismissive of his biological father, in fact, Ye Shi still attached great importance to that thing in his heart.

There is no person who is a son who does not long for his father's love, not to mention that Ye Shi was neglected by his "father" since he was a child, and he yearns for his father's love even more.


Ye Xun's residence.

Wang Li fiddled with the beautiful clothes in her hands and said happily, "Rong'er has written a letter, she said that Ye Shi held some kind of auction, and he received more than 40 million yuan of stone, and 60 million yuan of stone should have been collected. "

Ye Xun was stunned for a moment, full of jealousy, and said, "There will be more than 40 million in one auction."

He sold the family practice method, but only got more than one million.

Ye Xun was actually very uneasy just after selling the family practice method, but after spending a day in the gold-selling cave in the imperial capital, this uneasiness made Ye Xun thrown into the clouds.

Wang Li nodded and said, "Yes!"

After selling the ancestral secret book, Ye Xun has a lot of money.

With Yuanshi, Ye Xunguo is very unrestrained. Thinking that 60 million Yuanshi will be credited immediately, Ye Xunhua Yuanshi has no restraint.

"This little white-eyed wolf is so lucky." Ye Xun couldn't help but said.

"How about the book?" Wang Li asked.

Ye Xun shook his head and said, "I looked for two more people to see it, but no one understood it. It's completely a ghost painting!"

Wang Li frowned and said, "Although I said that, the book can't be torn apart."

Although she desperately wanted the 60 million yuan stone, Wang Li didn't want to give this book to Ye Shi at all. It was absolutely priceless. Although she couldn't figure out what the book was about, Wang Li was With this intuition, perhaps this is a woman's sixth sense.

Ye Xun frowned. He was also a little hesitant. The book looked tattered, but he didn't know what material it was made of. , 60 million yuan stone, returning it to the primeval stone seems to be a bit of a loss!

A lot of things, when I'm around, don't feel very useful, but when I think of giving them away, I feel reluctant to give up. Ye Xun is in this mood at the moment.

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