"Master." Mu Chen flew to Xiong Wei in the air and called out lightly.

Xiong Wei looked at Mu Chen with a hint of surprise in his eyes. After a few days of absence, Mu Chen's aura became much stronger. However, this is not the point. The point is that there is a special temperament in Mu Chen. If you want to say what that is, it is a master temperament.

A master temperament appeared on his apprentice, and Xiong Wei felt strange.

"Why are you here? Are you here to bring me wine?" Xiong Wei looked at Mu Chen lazily and asked.

"Wine, no!" Mu Chen said succinctly.

Xiong Wei hated the iron and looked at Mu Chen, and said: "If you say you're stupid, you still don't admit it. You don't need to bring gifts when you come to see Master?"

Mu Chen glanced at Xiong Wei lightly, as if he didn't take Xiong Wei's words to heart at all.

"The flame on you seems to be very strong!" Xiong Wei looked at Mu Chen's indifferent appearance, and turned the topic angrily.

Mu Chen raised his eyes, looked at Xiong Wei lightly, and said in a cold voice, "Master, I think it's time to help you get rid of the cold poison."

Xiong Wei raised his eyebrows, and said somewhat unexpectedly: "Oh, your flame has been promoted to level five?"

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "No."

He is not a martial artist. Even if there is a way to upgrade the flame to the fifth level, he cannot do it at this time. The fifth-level flame is too violent and the flame is stronger than the master. He may be burned to ashes. is not risky.

Xiong Wei raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smiling smile, "Oh, I haven't advanced to level five, how can you help me get rid of the cold poison!"

Mu Chen glanced at Xiong Wei indifferently, and threw out hundreds of array plates.

Xiong Wei squinted his eyes. The array plates that Mu Chen threw out included the ignition array, the gathering fire array, the fire fighting array, and so on. Fantastic graphics.

Although the array plates used by Mu Chen were all fourth-rank array plates, the aura gathered by these fourth-rank array plates was comparable to that of sixth-rank array plates.

Xiong Wei squinted his eyes and looked at Mu Chen's face, he couldn't help being a little more solemn.

The gap between the fourth-level array and the sixth-level array is not a little bit, and such a gap cannot be made up by quantity.

However, Mu Chen's formation plate does have the power of a sixth-level formation plate.

Xiong Wei squinted his eyes, Mu Chen's array seemed to be randomly placed, but it seemed to imply a certain pattern.

Xiong Wei didn't know that Mu Chen used the technique of stacking formations. The technique of stacking formations was not simply stacking the power of the formation plates. Make the most of it.

Mu Chen waved his hand, and a cloud of sun essence appeared in the center of the array.

Hundreds of array plates lit up with golden lights at the same time, and the golden lights converged on the center of the array plate.

The flame in the center of the array rose against the storm, and the raging fire reflected half of the sky.

"Sun Jinghuo?" Xiong Wei said with narrowed eyes.

The loyal sun essence fire of the formation plate bursts abnormally, which is daunting.

"With my current ability, it is very difficult to conquer these sun essence fires, but borrowing them is not a problem." Mu Chen made a move, and the blue and dark flames came out clearly, blending with the sun essence fire, and the intensity of the flames decreased. The child has risen to level five.

The flames in the center of the array turned green and red, looking very strange.

The two flames continuously collided and blended, making bursts of explosions, which sounded creepy.

The flames suddenly soared to dozens of feet, suddenly retracted into a small ball, suddenly scattered like fireworks, and suddenly gathered together.

Xiong Wei squinted his eyes, his face was changing, the flame's fifth-level intensity was enough now, but, no matter how you look at it, this flame is not very well controlled!

Xiong Wei looked at Mu Chen hesitantly, smiled, and said, "Apprentice, this flame doesn't look very peaceful! Are you under control?"

"I don't know, I can only try my luck." Mu Chen smiled shyly at Xiong Wei.

Xiong Wei looked at the smile on Mu Chen's face, and a burst of anger rose in his heart.

How could he accept such a damn unworthy disciple, and actually said that he can only try his luck, if his luck is not good, he will be wiped out by this stinky boy, this bastard.

"Mu Chen." A call came, and Ye Shi flew towards the two of them.

"Stone, why are you here?" Mu Chen looked at the two of them, and his eyes suddenly became a little more gentle.

"I heard that you are out of the border, I'll come and see you! Hey, there are so many arrays, all of them are fourth-level arrays!" Ye Shi cried out in surprise.

Relying on the talent of blood, Ye Shi's comprehension of the formation method is a thousand miles away. Si Ran can't draw a fourth-level formation plate with his ability, but it is not a problem to recognize it.

"That's right, they're all four-level arrays, boy, you have a good eye and you've made progress!" Xiong Wei said lazily.

Ye Shi glared at Xiong Wei and ignored Xiong Wei.

Xiong Wei rolled his eyes, shook his head, and said to himself: Ye Shi, this guy is really rude! Just like his bastard master.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen, and asked with shining eyes, "Mu Chen, did you draw these arrays?"

Xiong Wei sneered and said, "Little Stone, what are you dreaming about, Mu Chen, he is a third-level array mage, and these arrays are all fourth-level arrays."

Ye Shi said in disapproval: "What do you know, Mu Chen is a genius, he is different from you, he can do anything."

Xiong Wei rolled his eyes and thought: Mu Chen is of course different from him, he is a senior, Mu Chen is a junior, he is a master, and Mu Chen is an apprentice.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "It was indeed drawn by me."

"Are you a fourth-level formation mage?" Ye Shi's eyes widened, full of joy.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "It's all thanks to you."

Ye Shi glanced at Mu Chen proudly, and sure enough, the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and his front waves would be beaten to death by Mu Chen immediately on the beach.

The array spell in Ye Shi's hand is extraordinary. There is a lot of knowledge in the array that the Xuanfeng Empire can't access at all. If it wasn't for the array spell, Mu Chen would have to wait at least a month if he wanted to advance to the fourth-level array mage. .

Ye Shi smiled smugly, raised his fist, and said, "Very good, you are now a fourth-level formation mage, who dares to say that you are too greedy to chew, not as good as that idiot in Mingyue College. account."

Mu Chen squinted his eyes, not knowing how the original work affected the current situation. He died in Lu Yao's hands in the original work. If Lu Yao beat him, it would be really hard to clean up, but he is not the original owner. idiot.

Xiong Wei looked at Mu Chen with a strange expression, "You are really a fourth-level formation mage."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

Xiong Wei: "..."

"Wow, what a strong flame!" Ye Shi said as he looked at the flame in the center of the array, the sun's essence fire was continuously injected into the center of the array, and the flames burned more and more vigorously.

"Mu Chen, why are you burning such a big fire, are you trying to roast meat?" Ye Shi turned his head and looked at Mu Chen and asked.

Xiong Wei rolled his eyes and said, "You would really think that with such a big fire, the meat would have been roasted to ashes."

"With the help of the sun essence fire, the intensity of this flame has reached the fifth level." Mu Chen said lightly.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes, suddenly thought of something, turned his head, looked at Xiong Wei, and said excitedly: "Senior Xiong, this flame has reached the fifth level, and it can remove the cold poison from your body."

Xiong Wei glared at Ye Shi angrily, and said, "Look at this flame, it burns so fiercely, you don't want to help me get rid of the cold poison, he wants to murder me." evildoer.

Ye Shi gave Xiong Wei a dissatisfied look, "Mu Chen is a kind hearted person, you are timid, don't slander Mu Chen."

Xiong Wei: "..."

"Who do you say is cowardly?" Xiong Wei said in a rage.

Mu Chen blocked Ye Shi behind him and said calmly, "Master, Ye Shi is talking nonsense, don't take it to heart."

"Who is talking nonsense, I'm just talking about things?" Ye Shi hid behind Mu Chen and muttered in a low voice.

Xiong Wei glared at Ye Shi fiercely, Ye Shi hid behind Mu Chen and pouted in disapproval.

"Apprentice, if you do it now, you have a good chance." Xiong Wei looked at Mu Chen with a serious face.

"Thirty percent." Mu Chen thought for a while.

Xiong Wei glared at Mu Chen angrily, Mu Chen, this dead boy, clearly had bad intentions, or deliberately took revenge.

"It's actually not even 50%." Xiong Wei said bitterly.

Ye Shi glared at Xiong Wei with dissatisfaction, and vowed: "Mu Chen is humble, in fact, Mu Chen is 40% sure." Ye Shi touched Mu Chen's arm with his elbow, and said uneasily: " Is there any!"

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "No."

Ye Shi: "..."

The flame in the center of the array turned into a wolf and a tiger, and they were slaughtered together.

Mu Chen looked at this scene, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I don't think I'm 30% sure."

Ye Shi blinked his eyes. He didn't have 30% confidence. That's really a bit tricky. In case, if you can't get it right, if you bake this Lord Martial Artist, the trouble will be big. The strong King Martial Artist is rare even in the academy. Species!

"Otherwise, just wait." Ye Shi lowered his head.

With Mu Chen's ability, it shouldn't take long for him to enter the Martial Spirit. When that time comes, he will find a way to upgrade Qing Mingyan to level five, so that he can have a better grasp.

"Go ahead, but try to be careful." Xiong Wei sighed lightly.

Ye Shi glanced at Xiong Wei, frowned in confusion, and said, "Don't you want to live?"

Xiong Wei smiled bitterly, "Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven."

Ye Shiman looked at Xiong Wei hesitantly. The assassin Xiong Wei held his head high, and there was a detachment in his eyes.

Xiong Wei narrowed his eyes helplessly. As soon as Mingyue College opened his mouth, there would be 60 places. Obviously, the visitor was not good. The principal was only a two-star Martial Emperor. The guy from Mingyue College was rumored to be a five-star Martial Emperor. , the principal can't support himself alone!

It is an absolute shame to let an outsider come to his own territory to show off his power.

If, at this time, he can get rid of the cold poison and advance to Martial Emperor, he can always give Mingyue Academy a little deterrent.

With Mu Chen's intelligence, he would propose to get rid of the cold poison by himself under such a low grasp. Ye Shi was afraid of Mingyue Academy.

"Senior, you are so enlightened! You can't tell!" Ye Shiman looked at Xiong Wei strangely.

Xiong Wei said angrily, "I'm much more enlightened than your kid. If your kid is afraid that the city gate will catch fire and bring disaster to Chiyu, you should stay away."

Ye Shi puffed out his chest in disapproval and said, "I'm not afraid."

Mu Chen glanced at Ye Shi and said, "Stone, stand farther away, don't let other people approach, and affect the process of detoxification."

Ye Shi nodded, and walked a little farther with three steps.

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