Ye Shi anxiously looked at the relief in the center of the quarry, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Ye Shi secretly said, "That guy Xiong Wei is fine if he is roasted by fire. Anyway, that guy has thick skin, and if he is roasted, it will be delaminated at most. However, if this guy Mu Chen is roasted by fire, it will be troublesome!

Ye Shi was full of unease, spinning around in place, occasionally looking into the distance with his neck turned.

"What are Mu Chen and Xiong Wei doing?" Jing Chiyan floated to the side of Ye Shi, who was turning around in a hurry.

Ye Shiman complained, "Xiong Wei doesn't want to live anymore, he wants Mu Chen to burn him to death, he wants to die himself, it's none of Mu Chen's business!"

Jing Chiyan: "..."

Ye Shi bit his lip and said again: "Xiong Wei wants to die, he must not implicate Mu Chen!"

Jing Chiyan: "..."

Mu Chen and Xiong Wei jumped into the center of the array together, Mu Chen made a move, and the blue and red flames shrunk into a small ball and fell into Mu Chen's palm.

The originally bursting flames became much calmer in Mu Chen's hands. When Xiong Wei saw this scene, his heart was overwhelmed, and he immediately let go.

Although Xiong Wei has been very detached before, not afraid of life and death, but he is a person and always cherishes his life.

Mu Chen's palm pressed on Xiong Wei's back, and a scorching flame force poured into Xiong Wei's body immediately.

Mu Chen said that he was inattentive before, but when he actually started, he was fully focused, and every step he did was impeccable.

Mu Chen lowered his head, a stern look flashed across his eyes, he chose this time to expel Xiong Wei's poison after careful consideration.

Xiong Wei was one of his bargaining chips against Lu Yao. The Mingyue Academy was aggressive, and if the Saint Star Academy was weak, it would be very unfavorable to him.

Lan Ruofeng's aura of the protagonist has completely dissipated, and it seems that he is about to become a cannon fodder from the protagonist, but Lu Yao has not!

Xiong Wei closed his eyes, constantly forcing the cold poison in his body to merge with the flames that entered his body.

"Why is it suddenly cold? Mu Chen is clearly setting fires! It should be getting hot! Could it be that Xiong Wei has gone crazy?" Ye Shi gathered his clothes, full of confusion.

Jing Chiyan glared at Ye Shi helplessly, "Don't talk nonsense."

This is a sign that Xiong Wei is going to advance! It seems that Mu Chen's detoxification went very smoothly!

Shi Ziyu flew over with Zhuang Yu, "Is Mu Chen expelling Xiong Wei?"

Jing Chiyan nodded and said, "Yes."

"He is too risky. He is not a martial artist, so he dares to exorcise Xiong Wei. If something happens, he will be punished." Shi Ziyu said indifferently.

Jing Chiyan smiled and said, "Xiong Wei is not afraid of Mu Chen tossing him to death. You don't need to worry about this."

Shi Ziyu narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly.

"Mu Chen is too rash." Zhuang Yu said worriedly.

Ye Shi said in disapproval, "Mu Chen is not rash, he did it with confidence?" What's going on with this guy Zhuang Yu! Whatever happens, take a stab at it.

"How sure is Mu Chen!" Shi Ziyu looked at Ye Shi in disapproval and asked.

"I don't know this, anyway, I'm pretty sure." Ye Shiyi said sternly. Mu Chen said that there are 20%, and 20% is a lot.

Shi Ziyu snorted in disdain, and Ye Shi rolled his eyes in disapproval.

"No, you can't let that kid Mu Chen come here." Shi Ziyu said righteously, and there was a bit of dark light in his eyes.

Jing Chiyan stared at Shi Ziyu and said, "I advise you not to do unnecessary things. The chief director is watching. Besides, it's really important to defend against foreign enemies now."

Shi Ziyu looked at Jing Chiyan with dissatisfaction and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jing Chiyan smiled lightly and said, "It's not interesting, Brother Ziyu, don't think too much."

Shi Ziyu snorted coldly, his face gloomy like water.


"What is that? Has the secret realm been unearthed?" Tong Yaoyao looked into the distance, her face suddenly a little more confused.

Lu Yao looked ahead, a dark light flashed in his eyes.

"In this situation, there is a king-level master who has advanced to the emperor-level!" Dean Mingyue's air-killing face suddenly turned a little heavy.

Hearing the words of the air kill, the students present became excited in vain.

There are only a few emperor-level masters in the French Empire. The last master who was promoted to the emperor-level was promoted 30 years ago. None of the academies in Mingyue Academy have ever seen such a scene.

Lu Yao felt a sense of unease in his heart. If there was one more emperor-level master in the Holy Star Academy, it would have a great impact on their plan this time.

Kong Kill squinted his eyes, a bit of confusion flashed in his eyes.

The direction of the vision is exactly the direction of the Saint Star Academy. There are only four Martial Kings in the Saint Star Academy, and three are still far behind. Xiong Wei has been hit with cold poison.

"The temperature seems to have dropped." Tong Yaoyao said.

Kong Sha glanced at Tong Yaoyao and said, "Ice-type exercises, it seems that Xiong Wei has advanced."

Xiong Wei is practicing ice-type exercises, and he has already reached the peak of the nine-star martial arts. However, if Xiong Wei wants to advance, he needs the help of a fire-controller who controls the fifth-grade strange fire. In the Xuanfeng Empire, there is such a thing. people?

The academies looked at each other in dismay, and the atmosphere of the promotion of the emperor-level masters was really amazing. They were so far away, they could see and feel it.


The quarry was completely frozen, and the trainees who had served in the quarry were brought out.

"It's so cold!" Ye Shi folded his arms and stomped his feet on the spot, "That old guy Xiong Wei made such a big noise."

Jing Chiyan glanced at Ye Shi helplessly, and said, "You can't call it an old guy, you have to call it a senior."

As soon as he entered the emperor level, he turned into a dragon. The emperor-level master was the top figure in the Xuanfeng Empire. In the future, even if he met Xiong Wei, he had to be respectful.

Ye Shi flattened his mouth and said helplessly, "Got it."

Mu Chen walked out of the quarry step by step. The breath of flames around Mu Chen was very active, and the momentum on his body had reached the edge of advanced.

Jing Chiyan looked at Mu Chen, a strange color flashed across his eyes.

With the strength of Mu Chen's martial artist level, it is truly a genius to be able to control the fifth-level strange fire with the help of the power of the array!

Mu Chen's face was pale, and he looked extremely weak. Suddenly, he was about to fall down.

Before Jing Chiyan could react, Ye Shi took a step ahead, rushed out, and hugged Mu Chen.

"Mu Chen passed out." Ye Shi howled eagerly.

Looking at Ye Shi's anxious appearance, Jing Chiyan sighed helplessly, and only Mu Chen could arouse his apprentice so nervous.

"Don't worry, he's just too tired, he slept." To remove the cold poison for Xiong Wei, it was a bit too much for Mu Chen after all.

When Ye Shi heard Jing Chiyan's words, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Jing Chiyan looked at Mu Chen and said thoughtfully, "He needs to rest now, so let's take him back to another courtyard first."

Ye Shi nodded without thinking.

In the center of the quarry, a mighty aura erupted, and the surrounding temperature dropped several points again.

"I've finally been promoted to Emperor Wu." A deafening roar sounded above the quarry, and Ye Shi was shaken emotionally.

Ye Shi gritted his teeth and said to himself, "Isn't it the promotion to Martial Emperor?" Is it necessary to yell like that?

Xiong Wei walked out of the quarry in high spirits, his body was extremely imposing.

Jing Chiyan looked at Xiong Wei with a bitter smile on his face. Although Xiong Wei was stronger than him originally, he could only look up now.

"What's wrong with this kid?" Xiong Wei looked at Mu Chen, frowned and asked.

Ye Shi couldn't help but glanced at Xiong Wei complainingly, "He passed out from exhaustion."

Xiong Wei shook his head, full of regret and said: "You are young, your body is weak, and you are so weak, what can you do!"

Ye Shi gave Xiong Wei a fierce look, and Xiong Wei laughed indifferently.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said to himself: Xiong Wei, he is still a bachelor, so he is worried about Mu Chen.

"Senior Xiong, is Mu Chen really okay? He doesn't look very good!" Zhuang Yu said worriedly.

Xiong Wei looked at Mu Chen and said, "There's nothing wrong."

The cold poison in Xiong Wei's place needs to be eliminated by the fifth-level abnormal fire. It's not an ordinary thing. Halfway through the exorcism, the cold poison felt threatened and ran around in Xiong Wei's body.

Mu Chen had to pour his whole body in order to trace the traces of the cold poison. While Mu Chen had to chase and calculate the traces of the cold poison, he had to control the constant rioting strange fire. It was a miracle that he could support the poison until the end of the poisoning.

Xiong Wei looked at Mu Chen, his eyes couldn't help being a little complicated. He always thought that this apprentice was cautious, but he didn't expect that he was quite adventurous, but he was taking risks with his old bones.

"He's already fainted. There's nothing wrong with him. It's all your fault." Ye Shiman looked at Xiong Wei with a grim look.

Xiong Wei rolled his eyes, "He just fell asleep, look how sound he sleeps!"

Mu Chen used the formation method to fuse the sun essence fire and the strange fire. After this fusion, the strange fire in Mu Chen's body became stronger by a few points. This time the poison was removed, so that Mu Chen's control over the strange fire was strengthened. , I want to wait for Mu Chen to wake up, he is a martial arts master.

Hua Shu looked at Xiong Wei, and his eyes couldn't help but get a bit of envy, "This guy Xiong Wei has actually been promoted to Martial Emperor."

From today onwards, the three Martial Kings will be shorter than Xiong Wei for the rest of their lives, and Xiong Wei's promotion to Martial Emperor is considered timely.

"Mu Chen is really amazing!" Hua Shu couldn't help sighing.

At the beginning, Shi Ziyu chose Zhuang Yu, Jing Chiyan robbed Ye Shi, but Mu Chen had no owner. If he took Mu Chen in front of Xiong Wei, then this talented apprentice would be his own, but unfortunately, I'm not good enough in my own eyes! Didn't find this piece of raw jade, so Xiong Wei picked it up cheaply.

Lan Ruofeng carried his hands on his back and clenched his fists tightly. Before, no matter how powerful Mu Chen was, he was only relative to the younger generation. However, helping Xiong Wei to become an emperor-level master has already been separated from the abilities of these students. For a generation, it can only be left behind.

Hao Tuhou was in a hurry outside Mu Chen's courtyard.

"President, don't worry!" Di Han looked at Hao Tu and said.

"Don't worry, can I be in a hurry?" Hao Tu first waited for Mu Chen to retreat. After waiting for many days, Mu Chen finally came out. He rushed to the quarry without saying hello. Come out of the stone field, and fell asleep at once, with a posture of being unable to sleep.

"President, Ye Shi said that Mu Chen is a fourth-level array mage, so he can't lose the competition in the array court." Di Han said.

Hao Tu rolled his eyes and said, "You believe what Ye Shi said, let alone the fourth-level array, he doesn't even know what the third-level array looks like."

Di Han: "..."

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