"sleep well?"

As soon as Ye Shi opened his eyes, he saw Xin Ruge standing beside the bed bent over, his face and Xin Ruge's face were less than a centimeter away.

Ye Shi was startled, but he resisted and did not dare to move.

"Senior sister, why are you here?" Ye Shi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he looked at the empty bed next to him.

"Your master asked me to wake you up." Xin Ruge looked at Ye Shi with a clever smile.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, his eyes were erratic, and his face was embarrassed, "Master, he...knows that I am in Muchen?"

Xin Ruge nodded, full of schadenfreude and said: "Master didn't find you in your other courtyard, thought you didn't dare to fight, defected, didn't dare to speak out, and only looked for you everywhere, who knows, you actually had a relationship with Mu Chen was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly."

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Master, he underestimates me too, my opponent is just a nine-star martial artist, I can kill him with one punch, and use it to escape, to escape such a weak thing. , only Zhuang Yu's little white face can do it."

"Junior brother, you are really domineering, but when you fell asleep, you kept digging into Mu Chen's arms, like a pitiful puppy." Xin Ruge mercilessly exposed the short.

Ye Shi stared at Xin Ruge complainingly, and said angrily: "Senior sister, you are a girl, you are not ashamed to peep at people sleeping."

"What are you afraid of, you and Mu Chen have not grown together, let's see what happened?" Xin Ruge smiled nonchalantly.

Ye Shi blushed and looked at Xin Ruge viciously, Xin Ruge laughed even more proudly.

Ye Shi lowered his head, Mu Chen always thought he was small, and Xin Ruge said that his hair had not grown completely, how could he be so small.

"Senior sister, what nonsense are you talking about, I have grown up." Ye Shiyi said sternly.

Xin Ruge raised her eyebrows and said with great interest, "Oh, how old you are when you grow up, and you are about to take off. Let senior sister see how big she is."

Ye Shi looked at Xin Ruge angrily, and said furiously, "Senior sister, why are you so shameless."

Xin Ruge sneered and said, "Little Junior Brother, your skin is really thin."

When Ye Shi heard Xin Ruge's words, he immediately became angry.

"Where's Mu Chen?" Ye Shi asked, curbing the expression on his face.

Xin Ruge shrugged and said, "I'm off to cook."

"Oh, I don't know what Mu Chen did." Ye Shi couldn't help but look forward to his eyes.

Xin Ruge rolled his eyes, he was about to compete in a while, Mu Chen was still in the mood to cook at this time, and he really convinced him.

Ye Shi waved his hand and said, "Senior sister, let's go, Mu Chen is coming back."

Xin Ruge said disapprovingly: "That's not good, I have to stay and accompany you to eat. I heard that Mu Chen's craftsmanship is very good, I don't know if it's true or not."

Ye Shi gave Xin Ruge a vicious look, "Mu Chen made it for me to eat."

Xin Ruge sat down at the dining table, and said slowly: "Senior sister doesn't have nothing to eat, you are a junior brother, do you have the nerve to eat?"


In front of the competition stage, countless students gathered to watch the battle.

When Mu Chen and Ye Shi arrived, many contestants had already arrived.

"Junior Brother Mu." Seeing Mu Chen, Ji Dongcheng immediately folded his hands and greeted respectfully.

Mu Chen nodded lightly to Ji Dongcheng.

Standing behind Mu Chen, Ye Shi couldn't help but look at Ji Dongcheng a few more times. He felt that Ji Dongcheng's voice was a little familiar, and he seemed to have heard it somewhere.

"Zhuang Yu is here." A whisper came, Ye Shi immediately left Ji Dongcheng behind and looked at Zhuang Yu.

Zhuang Yu's face was very pale, and the whole figure seemed to have suffered a huge blow, showing a bit of weakness. However, there was a bit of stubbornness in the weakness, which could not help but make people feel pity.

Fu Yuanbao stood beside Ye Shi and muttered: "It seems that Lan Ruofeng broke up with Zhuang Yu, and Zhuang Yu was hit hard! Young Master Zhuang, it seems that I really feel pity! I could lend him my broad shoulders to lean on."

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said, "The breakup was proposed by Zhuang Yu! Zhuang Yu proposed the breakup, how did he get hit! Also, don't be wishful thinking, a bunch of people lined up and stretched their shoulders. What kind of onion are you!"

Fu Yuanbao smiled awkwardly and said, "I just think about it, just think about it, in fact, the shoulders of those little white faces are not as soft as me."

As soon as Zhuang Yu appeared, several seniors gathered around and asked for warmth. Lan Ruofeng and Zhuang Yu had a falling out. Zhuang Yu is now single again, and all the male students were fighting for the top position like chicken blood.

Mu Chen folded his arms and looked at this scene coldly, with a sneer on his lips, with Lu Yao here, no matter how diligent these people are, it is useless.


"I can't bear to get up." Xiong Wei walked towards Mu Chen carelessly, and gave Mu Chen and Ye Shi an ambiguous look.

Ye Shi lowered his head and said secretly: It seems that not only his master knew about himself and Miju lying on the same bed, but Master Mu Chen also seemed to know.

Mu Chen smiled lightly, and said calmly, "Chunxiao is worth a thousand dollars for a moment. It's reluctant to give up, but no matter how reluctant you are, you can't delay the game."

Ye Shi looked at Xiong Wei and secretly said: Xiong Wei was poisoned before, so he huddled in the quarry as a tortoise. I heard that not only the people from Mingyue Academy, but also many mentors of Saint Star, also disliked Xiong Wei. I have to say that it makes sense that so many people disliked Xiong Wei.

Xiong Wei rolled his eyes, this apprentice of his own is really not ashamed.

"Tell you, in this game, no matter what method you use, you can win but not lose. If you lose, I will invite you to eat bamboo shoots and shredded pork." Xiong Wei said fiercely.

Ye Shi looked at Xiong Wei angrily, "What if you win? What if you win?"

"If you win, if you win, you will win. As my Xiong Wei's apprentice, isn't it a matter of course to win a trash with a 2-star martial arts strength?" Xiong Wei said as a matter of course.

Ye Shi: "..." Two-star martial arts are waste? Then what is Mu Chen just entering Wuling?

"Boy, be careful with me, if you lose, see if I don't beat you into a pig's head." Xiong Wei opened his sleeves, showed his fat at Mu Chen, and left in high spirits.

Ye Shi looked at Xiong Wei fiercely until Xiong Wei walked away.

"Mu Chen, when I become stronger in the future, I will definitely beat him up for you." Ye Shi vowed to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen nodded and smiled lightly, "Okay, beat him to the death."

The surrounding students: "..."

Fu Yuanbao rolled his eyes suspiciously, "Senior Brother Mu, have you offended Senior Xiong!" Xiong Wei looked like he was trying to find fault!

"How could that be? He is my master. It's too late for me to respect him, so how could I offend him." Mu Chen said sincerely.

Fu Yuanbao rolled his eyes secretly, Mu Chen is not someone who respects teachers and respects Taoism!

This kid is full of bad water. Ruo Shang is definitely a profiteer who eats people and doesn't spit out bones.

Mu Chen carried his hands on his back and secretly said: When he gave Xiong Wei a poison last time, he accidentally roasted the old guy's ass. This guy Xiong Wei didn't say anything at that time, but he must have hated himself, the truth. That little injury, with Xiong Wei's strength, can be easily recovered.

Master, he is an old man, he is such an old man, and he is still brooding about this matter, what a small belly!

"Fu Yuanbao, which one is Zhu Xu!" Ye Shi asked.

"The one in red." Fu Yuanbao said.

Ye Shi heard the words and looked at the man in red. Most people in red would look a little feminine, but this man wore red, but he wore a bloody body, which seemed to be a genital evil.


"The competition will start soon, all contestants are invited to come on stage and prepare."

With the order of one suit, twenty students landed on the ten stages one after another.

Lu Yao, dressed in white and graceful, landed on the stage, attracting all the female cultivators, dazzled and dazzled.

"Lu Yao's little white face is so handsome!" Xie Danyan sat on the stand and looked at Lu Yao intoxicatedly.

Cheng Wan Bai smiled helplessly, and said, "Dan Yan, are you tempted?"

"I don't care if I'm tempted. This person has been targeted by Zhuang Yu, the goblin who eats people and doesn't spit out bones. I'll take a look." Xie Danyan said casually.

Cheng Wan Bai heard Xie Danyan's words, and knew that Xie Danyan was not really tempted, but simply admired. Lu Yao is indeed a rare and beautiful man. In fact, Lan Ruofeng is also very handsome, but unfortunately, handsome cannot be eaten. Look at ability.

Lu Yao looked at the man opposite and shook the folding fan in his hand lightly. Although Lu Yao's eyes were dull, there was still a bit of disdain deep in his eyes.

The Saint Star Academy sent a nine-star martial artist to deal with him. Lu Yao didn't show it on his face, but he was very dissatisfied in his heart.

Lu Yao looked at Ji Dongcheng lightly, with the demeanor of an expert who let Ji Dongcheng take the shot first.

Ji Dongcheng looked at Lu Yao, gritted his teeth, and there was a fierceness in the depths of his eyes.

"Mr. Mu, I heard that you are a genius at Saint Star Academy, proficient in many arts, but not good at fighting, I advise you to step down yourself, I am a ruthless man, I can't stop it, if I break you Now, you are such a genius of a saint star, you are going to die early." Zhu Xu held a blood sword and looked at Mu Chen with disdain.

Mu Chen smiled indifferently, but didn't speak. The more Zhu Xu said now, the more embarrassing he would be when he was defeated.

Ye Shi waved the whip in his hand and looked at Mu Chen's stage with some unease.

"Game start."

Following the referee's order, Mu Chen and Ji Dongcheng took the lead.

"Boom." The flames in the sky rose, and Ji Dong made more than a dozen fourth-level talismans, and blasted straight at Lu Yao.

Because Lu Yao was too arrogant, he was almost thrown off the stage when he faced more than a dozen fourth-level talismans, and Lu Yao made Ji Dongcheng face bitterly.

Suddenly suffering such a big loss, Lu Yao looked at Ji Dongcheng with a grim expression on his face.

Ji Dongcheng quickly jumped off the stage and conceded defeat before Lu Yao came back to his senses.

Lu Yao just wanted to teach Ji Dongcheng a lesson, but Ji Dongcheng had already fled.

Although he won the game, Lu Yao was trembling with anger.

Ji Dongcheng turned his head and looked at Lu Yao, who was covered in smoky fire. He secretly said: In this way, it should be fine. The final payment of 8 million should be available.

Ji Dongcheng frowned a little regretfully. The clothes on Lu Yao's body should be the fifth-level Tian silk treasure clothes. If the clothes hadn't blocked most of the attacks, he would have kicked Lu Yao out of the stage. It's possible for Shi, if Lu Yao is out, then...

Ji Dongcheng shook his head and did not continue to think about it.

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