"Master, I'm sorry, I lost." Ji Dongcheng stepped forward with his head lowered and said to Song He.

Song He looked at Ji Dongcheng with a smile, and said indifferently, "It's okay, Dongcheng, you've done a good job, go and rest."

Ji Dongcheng nodded and sat on the stand, a little interest flashed in Song He's eyes.

Before the game, he explained that Ji Dongcheng voluntarily conceded defeat, but Ji Dongcheng made such a scene, which was beyond his expectations.

This kid Lu Yao is too careless. He was hit hard by more than a dozen fourth-level records, and he should have suffered a lot of injuries.

This is too weird. A dozen or so fourth-level talismans need at least three or four million Yuanshi. Just to make Lu Yao suffer a loss, Ji Dong has made such a huge amount of money?

Song He knew very well that his apprentice, from a modest family, had always been struggling.

There is one more strange thing. Ji Dongcheng's soul power is average. With his level, he should not be able to activate so many records at once. It seems that he has a special magic weapon to help him.

Ji Dongcheng has always been cautious, but he suddenly took such a big risk. What is this for!

"Senior Brother Ji, you are really amazing. That kid Lu Yao actually suffered such a big loss from you."

"That little white face, who is defiant, is finally getting his retribution now."

"It's really embarrassing! I usually look like a fake immortal, but at this time, the original form is revealed."

"His clothes seem to be a fifth-level magic weapon. If not, he'd be afraid to run naked."

"It's a pity, if it weren't for the thickness of the clothes, the one who might have won would be you, Senior Brother Ji."

Ji Dongcheng took a seat in the stands, and a few students came over to talk about it in schadenfreude.

Ji Dongcheng took a deep breath and tried to calm his mood. Those dozen or so fourth-level talismans drained his soul and Yuan energy. If it wasn't for his quick reaction, wait for Lu Yao to relax, yes. He started, at this time, if he didn't do well, he was already dead.

Ji Dongcheng smiled bitterly, asking for wealth and danger! If it weren't for the eight million yuan stone at the bottom, he might not dare to reach out to Lu Yao, it was a martial spirit! Moreover, it is still a two-star martial arts.

If there are eight million yuan stone, their Ji family will be able to rise soon.


Ji Dongcheng looked at Mu Chen on the stage.

Mu Chen and Ji Dongcheng's shots were very similar, they both blasted a fourth-level talisman, but Ji Dongcheng wilted after one blast, but Mu Chen was different.

Mu Chen's soul force and Yuan force far surpassed those of other cultivators of the same rank. Before Zhu Xu could use his sword, he let Mu Chen's talisman slam into serious injuries. Before Zhu Xu could finish adjusting, Mu Chen slapped a talisman again. After recording the bombing, Zhu Xu was shaky and shaky. In the eyes of Zhu Xu's full of ferocity, Mu Chen blasted the third blow, directly blasting the seriously injured Zhu Xu out of the battlefield.

Mu Chen looked at Zhu Xu who was kicked off the stage, smiled lightly, and put his hands on his back calmly, "I'm not good enough, but I have money!"

On the spectator stage, Xie Danyan watched this scene in shock, "This fellow Mu Chen, how many talismans have he blasted out in total!"

Cheng Wan Bai estimated, "It should be no less than forty."

"Forty fourth-level talismans, where did he get so many fourth-level talismans!" Xie Danyan's eyes widened and he muttered.

Cheng Wan Bai smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't Mu Chen rich?"

Xie Danyan couldn't help frowning, what is killing you with money, this is the authentic killing you with money! Mu Chen's current net worth is really eye-catching.

The fourth-level Fulu was used to save his life at a critical time. This guy, Mu Chen, was so extravagant that the fourth-level Fulu was smashed like garbage.

Prodigal son, this damn prodigal son.

"It's too evil to win!" Xie Danyan said with red eyes.

Cheng Wan Bai smiled bitterly and said, "How come? It's enough to win."

A martial king tutor from Mingyue College rushed over and wanted to rescue Zhu Xu, but found that Zhu Xu was out of breath.

"You...killed him." The King Wu looked at Mu Chen with a ferocious expression.

Mu Chen smiled innocently, and said, "Sorry, I didn't hold back for a while. What Zhu Xu said earlier made me so nervous that I didn't have a good sense of proportion."

"You did it on purpose." Jiang Feilong looked at Mu Chen grimly.

Xiong Wei's aura suddenly burst out, "Before the game, it was said that life and death have fate, wealth is in the sky, and if you lose your life, you only blame yourself for your poor strength and no one else, Jiang Longfei, do you want to break the rules?"

Jiang Longfei's face changed several times, and finally gave Mu Chen a vicious look, took Zhu Xu's body, and left the stage full of loneliness.

Xiong Wei smiled coldly. Before the game, Jiang Longfei shouted the most fiercely, saying that it was uncontrollable to miss the game, and his apprentice was the first to die.

Mu Chen smiled lightly, and secretly said: It's not worth his painstaking efforts to save Xiong Wei, this old guy is still very useful at a critical moment.

Mu Chen had a premeditated plan to kill Zhu Xu. Regardless of whether Zhu Xu could win his game or not, with this person's strength, he would participate in the exploration of the secret realm. If this person and Lu Yao join forces in the secret realm, he will have to face him. That's right, there are two Martial Spirits, it's too tricky, he has to deal with one first.

When Lian Chengkong saw Zhu Xu's death, a faint smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

Xiong Wei looked at this scene with bright eyebrows, "Tsk tsk, my apprentice is really amazing! With three strokes and two strokes, I killed a person with such a big voice and little ability."

"Hmph, I only know how to use tricks." Kong Sha clenched his fists and looked at Mu Chen on the stage with cold eyes.

He explained to Zhu Xu that he would kill Mu Chen when he had the chance. As a result, he was such an idiot and underestimated the enemy that he didn't have time to make a move, so Mu Chen was killed.

On the stage, Mu Chen carried his arms on his back, with a small smile hanging from the corners of his mouth.

On the other hand, Lu Yao was in a state of embarrassment and disheveled hair. The two were compared to each other and judged.

"It's a coincidence, what is this saying? No matter what, if you win, you will win, and if you win, you will have strength." Xiong Wei said with disapproval.

Kong Sha looked at Mu Chen on the challenge stage, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The man who came to the stage to compete with Lu Yao used the same routine as Mu Chen. Both of them fought like this. I don't know if it was ordered by the top of the Saint Star Academy or if Mu Chen was in the way.

Ye Shi's combat power was very high, and his opponent was swept out of the stage by Ye Shi with a whip.

Zhuang Yu also quickly won the competition. Zhuang Yu's stage was next to Ye Shi, and Zhuang Yu's opponent was a nine-star martial artist.

Ye Shi originally thought that Zhuang Yu had little chance of winning, but soon Ye Shi found out that things were not that simple.

Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yu seriously, he felt that Zhuang Yu was a goblin, and when a man met him, he would lose his head.


Wubi Sacred Star Academy has won five games. Dean Lian Chengkong is very satisfied when he sees such a result. Sacred Star's strength is far inferior to Mingyue Academy, and it is not easy to tie it.

Lian Chengkong is still satisfied, but air kills are not satisfied.

According to the original prediction of the air kill, Mingyue can win at least seven games. Who knows, Zhu Xu will lose his life when he underestimates the enemy, and there is another problem with the student who went to Zhuang Yu. He lost to a person whose strength is much worse than himself. people.

As soon as the game was over, Air Kill walked away with a gloomy face.

In a huge lounge, the elite students of Mingyue Academy gathered together.

"The students of Wubi are too careless. They only got five places. For the next skill ratio, everyone will give me snacks." Kong Sha said coldly.

Tong Yaoyao frowned, she originally thought that the strength of their Mingyue Academy, even if they couldn't win all, it would not be a problem to win seven or eight games. As a result, Zhu Xu, who was second only to Lu Yao in strength, actually made people hit twice. After the bombing died, Ye Shi's combat power was also outstanding. The most wronged one was Zhuang Yu's one.

Tong Yaoyao glanced at Lu Yao secretly, Zhuang Yu's opponent was Jin Shiyu, and Jin Shiyu's strength should be more than enough to deal with an eight-star martial artist, but he lost, and it is very suspicious that Lu Yao was before the game. , I found Jinshiyu alone.

Senior Brother Lu Yao, who will not make you lose your mind. In order to please Zhuang Yu, let Jin Shiyu lose on purpose. Tong Yaoyao shook her head and threw this unrealistic idea out of her mind.

"In the competition of the Academy, whoever underestimates the enemy, take it lightly and lose the game, don't blame the Academy for being rude to you."

Tong Yaoyao was thinking wildly here, the teacher's voice suddenly sounded in her mind, and Tong Yaoyao followed everyone and hurriedly responded.

"Lu Yao, that Mu Chen, it's more difficult than you imagined, you need some snacks." Kong Kill said to Lu Yao seriously.

Lu Yao nodded earnestly, thinking of Ji Dongcheng, Lu Yao was full of fire, an ant that he would never take seriously, but made him look so ugly, Lu Yao knew very well that the real There is someone else who has to deal with him, and that person is likely to be Mu Chen.

No matter what, Ji Dongcheng and Mu Chen, he would not let either of them go.


Zhuang Yu sent the classmates who came to Hexi full of thoughts and hid in the house.

Before the game, he once said to Lu Yao that he had no confidence in winning the game, but he didn't want to lose, he didn't want to lose face, he didn't want to disappoint Master, and he didn't want people to think that he was inferior to Ye Shi.

At that time, Lu Yao told him that he would not lose if he was there, and sure enough, he did not lose.

Zhuang Yu sighed lightly. The person who was fighting against him today seemed to have not done his best at all. It should have been ordered by Lu Yao. Lu Yao sacrificed two places for himself. Zhuang Yu couldn't help but feel A deep emotion and an apology.

"Student Zhuang, classmate Lan Ruofeng is here."

Zhuang Yu frowned and said, "Let him go, I don't want to see him."

Zhuang Yu was immersed in Lu Yao's deep friendship, and she couldn't help but reject Lan Ruofeng "with ulterior motives" in her heart.

Lan Ruofeng heard that Zhuang Yu had won the game, so he carefully prepared a table of wine and food, and wanted to celebrate with him and ease the relationship between the two, who knew that Zhuang Yu didn't even want to see him.

Lan Ruofeng clenched his fists, with Mu Chen in front and Lu Yao in the back, when will he be born! It would be great if the two of them perished together.

Looking at Zhuang Yu's other courtyard, Lan Ruofeng felt a self-deprecating feeling in his heart.

Zhuang Yu had wanted to leave him for a long time, but Mu Chen didn't like him, so he reluctantly followed him, and now that there was someone comparable to Mu Chen, he couldn't wait to dump himself.

The more Lan Ruofeng thought about it, the more he hated it.

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