The fact that Mu Chen was promoted to the fourth-level alchemist caused a sensation in the whole school.

A group of Saint Star students who were still weighing who Mu Chen and Lu Yao were better, all at once favored Mu Chen.

"Mu Chen's alchemy skills have reached the fourth level, it's really unimaginable." Lou Ruoyi was walking on the road, full of adoration.

Michelle nodded, and said with deep conviction, "It's really terrifying, I thought that Mu Chen also studied multiple arts, although he knew a lot, he was not as good as Lu Yao, who specialized in one. I'm too worried."

"A fourth-level alchemist, with this alchemy technique alone, it is impossible for Mu Chen to be poor." Bai Leman said with admiration.

"No wonder, he smashed out more than a dozen fourth-level records before, and he didn't feel bad at all."

"Isn't it? Ye Shi is now a mouse in the rice vat, and he will never worry about not having a primordial stone flower all his life." Lou Ruoyi said sourly.

Ye Rong lowered her head and did not join the conversation.

Her father had completely become a gambler, and Mu Chen had become a prostitute. Ye Shi ignored her, and Mu Chen naturally wouldn't care about her.

Ye Rong didn't understand how she came to this stage. Although she didn't understand, she could only grit her teeth and go on like this. When she accidentally remembered the past, Ye Rong couldn't help but regret. Ye Shi, but, if you have a good relationship with Ye Shi, then everything will be different now.

Xie Danyan held his chin and sighed uncontrollably.

Cheng Wan Bai glanced at Xie Danyan who was sighing while looking at Dan Shu, "Danyan, what's wrong with you!"

"I'm just sighing! It's the same person, why is the gap so big?"

She is only a second-level alchemist, but Mu Chen is already a fourth-level. Xie Danyan was still thinking, Mu Chen is half-hearted, learning is messy, and if he doesn't do it well, the alchemy technique will lag behind. In this case, he can still catch up with him. , Who knows, Mu Chen has become a fourth-level alchemist without making a sound.

A few instructors in the academy are fourth-level alchemists! Those people have always been her idols! As a result, Mu Chen's alchemy skills were comparable to those of those people.

"Don't compare yourself to Mu Chen, you'll know what happened to Lan Ruofeng." Cheng Wan Bai forced a smile, Lan Ruofeng looks more and more decadent now, born in the same era as Mu Chen and Lu Yao, it's really a kind of sorrow.

"That's right, you can't compare with a beast like Mu Chen, you can't compare." When he first met, he regarded Lan Ruofeng as a peerless genius, and Mu Chen as a villain who could only opportunistically. As a result... his own Eyes, it's really not that good!


Danby ended, Shengxing won and lost, and the two houses were tied again.

Lan Ruofeng finally refined the medicine pill, but the quality of the medicine pill made by Lan Ruofeng was far inferior to that of the participating student of Mingyue Academy, so he still lost.

As soon as the game was over, Mu Chen asked Xia Qingyan to call him away.

The first skill competition between the two hospitals was the competition in the Fuyuan Academy. Song Cheng also wanted to find Mu Chen to practice his relationship, and by the way asked about Mu Chen's situation, but Xia Qingyan ruthlessly threw Song Cheng away.

In the face of Xia Qingyan's majesty, Song Cheng could only leave sadly on the principle of good men not fighting women.

"President, do you have anything to do with me?" Mu Chen looked at the aggressive Xia Qingyan and asked.

Xia Qingyan leaned on her waist, looked at Mu Chen coldly, and scolded: "Don't pretend to be a hippie smile, let me ask you, when did you reach the fourth level of alchemy?"

"A few days ago." Mu Chen said lightly.

Xia Qingyan looked at Mu Chen gloomily, "Your alchemy has reached the fourth level, what is the level of inscription?"

"Level three!" Mu Chen said.

Xia Qingyan said angrily, "Your alchemy technique has reached level four, and inscription is only level three. You are a student of our inscription academy!"

Although it was expected, Xia Qingyan was disappointed when she heard Mu Chen's words.

Mu Chen lowered his head. In fact, he is not only a fourth-level alchemist, but also a fourth-level talisman master of Ye Shi and a fourth-level array mage. Before, the talisman used to smash people in the game was drawn by himself. Inscription, he really can't improve.

"Teacher, it's no wonder me, the inheritance of the academy inscriptions is too small." Mu Chen sighed.

His comprehension is amazing, but no matter how deep the comprehension is, if there is not enough knowledge to give him spiritual things, it is useless.

The inheritance of the academy's alchemy and talisman techniques is fairly complete, and the inheritance of the Array Court is actually very scum. However, he accepted the inheritance of the Ye Shi family, and the inheritance is extraordinary.

Xia Qingyan was stunned when she heard Mu Chen's words, her face was stained with a bit of loneliness.

The academy's precious inscription classics are far inferior to that of the Danyuan and Fuluyuan. With Mu Chen's talent, if the inheritance of the Inscription Academy is perfect, he should have been a fourth-level inscription teacher long ago.

"I'm sorry for your tutor." Xia Qingyan said sadly, with Mu Chen's talent, if she were in Mingyue Academy, there might be a wider sky.

"The instructor's words are serious." Mu Chen said sincerely.


The residence of the Moon Academy.

"Yaoyao, don't be too sad? It's not your fault." Liu Xueyan comforted Tong Yaoyao who was lost.

Tong Yaoyao gave a wry smile, she thought she was sure of winning the game, but Mu Chen was such a freak, "Sister Xueyan, I'm fine."

Although she lost, none of her mentors scolded her. In fact, her performance was far better than usual, but the opponent was too defiant. She was not wronged to lose in this competition!

Before the match, she also scolded the opponent for being half-hearted and grandstanding. As a result, the opponent's strength far surpassed her own. In the opponent's eyes, she was probably just a joke.

Liu Xueyan looked at Tong Yaoyao and breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine."

"Sister Xueyan, will you collide with Mu Chen in the next match against Fulu?" Tong Yaoyao asked.

Liu Xueyan shook his head, "No, my opponent is not him."

Although Liu Xueyan didn't think that she would lose when she met Mu Chen, she was relieved to know that her opponent was not Mu Chen, Mu Chen was too deep and unfathomable.

Tong Yaoyao narrowed her eyes thoughtfully, smiled lightly, and then shook her head.

Liu Xueyan looked at Tong Yaoyao's expression and asked, "Yaoyao, what are you thinking?"

Tong Yaoyao smiled brightly at Liu Xueyan, and said half-jokingly, "I'm thinking, maybe Mu Chen is a fourth-level recorder, but he's not sure!"

"You really know how to tell jokes." Liu Xueyan smiled subconsciously, and then her heart trembled. Before the game, if someone said that Mu Chen was a fourth-level alchemist, she would take it as a joke too!

"From the bottom of my heart, Mu Chen's strength doesn't seem to be weaker than Senior Brother Lu Yao." Tong Yaoyao muttered.

"I don't know, Senior Brother Lu Yao, when we meet Mu Chen, who wins and who loses." Liu Xueyan smiled and said.

The words of Tong Yaoyao and Liu Xueyan were passed into Lu Yao's ears, and Lu Yao's complexion suddenly changed.

Tong Yaoyao and Liu Xueyan had always had 120,000 confidence in him, but now, they started to doubt whether he would lose.

Lan Ruofeng hid in the room without saying a word.

Mu Chen's radiance was too strong, and all the students of Saint Star were immersed in the joy of Mu Chen being a fourth-level alchemist. The loser, Lan Ruofeng, was selectively forgotten.

Lan Ruofeng wanted to win the game, and then went to Zhuang Yu to explain what happened before, but he lost.

Lan Ruofeng gritted his teeth and secretly said: With Mu Chen and Lu Yao here, he might not be able to turn over in his entire life.


After Danby, it was the ratio of Fulu. In addition to Mu Chen, the Fuyuan participated in the competition, and there was a young man named Tao Mo, who was a second-level Fulu teacher. At first glance, Song Cheng used it to make up the number.

The test of Fulu is to refine the attack Fulu. Whoever refines the Fulu with the strongest attack will win.

Each person had three chances to draw the scriptures, and Mu Chen drew a total of three scriptures, which took a long time.

Four targets are erected in the center of the square. The targets are made of top-grade sapphire granite, which has a very high resistance to attack force.

The first test was the Fulu drawn by Tao Mo. The Fulu drawn by Tao Mo was only at the second level. After it was activated, nothing was left on the target.

Liu Xueyan's record, blasted a big hole in the target, and won the game without any accident.

Mu Chen's opponent, the fulu drawn by him, caused the same damage as Liu Xueyan.

"Mr. Mu, you have drawn a total of three records, which one are you going to use?" asked the person in charge of testing.

Mu Chen folded his arms and said lightly, "Just take one."

The person in charge glanced at Mu Chen with a strange look, and launched a Fulu, with a loud "Boom", the Fulu launched and directly blew the target out of the field.

"Cheating, there is a problem with the target, you must have cheated?" A mentor from Mingyue Academy stood up and said furiously.

Mu Chen glanced at the irritable tutor, calmly facing the person in charge of the test, and said, "There are two more talismans, you can launch another one for everyone to see, and just shoot at that one." Chen Yang raised his hand and pointed at Liu Xueyan's target.

Liu Xueyan frowned and said nothing.

The inspector glanced at Mu Chen even more strangely, and thought to himself: Could it be that Mu Chen had already guessed that this would happen, so he deliberately drew two more records.

With a loud "Boom", Liu Xueyan's target disappeared.

"Fourth-level Fulu? You are a fourth-level talisman." Liu Xueyan looked at Mu Chen in shock. Damn, Tong Yaoyao's joke actually came true. Mu Chen was really a fourth-level fuluist. This guy is really scary.

The viewing platform suddenly boiled, and the sound of harmony came one after another.

A fourth-level talisman, Mu Chen is a fourth-level talisman master of alchemy, talisman, and double-material.

Wizards, geniuses!

Xia Qingyan gritted her teeth, her eyes were blood red, "This guy is actually a fourth-level talisman..."

Alchemy and Talismans have reached level four, but this guy's inscription technique is only level three. This guy who doesn't do his job properly is a member of the Inscription Academy!

Xia Qingli sighed lightly, "Song Cheng finally rested. Seeing Mu Chen's performance like this, it is estimated that he will persevere to pry the wall again."

"What's the use of him prying, Mu Chen, can he teach him?" Xia Qingyan said indifferently.

"Xingguo, go and ask Mu Chen if he can refine weapons!" Lei Cheng sat on the viewing platform, blushing.

Pan Xingguo smiled helplessly and said, "President, I have asked, Mu Chen really doesn't know how to refine weapons."

Lei Cheng said with a bitter face, "It doesn't make sense! Why can't he? He obviously knows everything."

"Because he is not interested in refining." Pan Xingguo smiled bitterly and repeated what he had avoided many times.

Lei Cheng looked at Mu Chen dully, "How can you not be interested? You little bastard with no vision."

Of the five competitions in the Art Institute, Mu Chen participated in four, and it was too much to leave out his Artifact Art Institute alone.

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