After the Fulu competition was over, Mu Chen finally managed to steal half a day of free time.

"Please tell the Dean of the Artifact Refining Institute, I'm really not humble, I really don't know how to refine artifacts." Mu Chen reluctantly sent the person away.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said with great interest, "Dean of the Artifact Refining Institute, has someone come to you again?"

Mu Chen's face was covered with a helpless smile, "That old man, treat me like a god, really thought I could do anything!"

He has never been in contact with the refining tool, and he really does not know anything about refining.

Ye Shi held his chin and smiled brightly, "Mu Chen, you really look like a fairy!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" If he is really an immortal, why can't he reach the fourth level of inscription by now, Mu Chen has some doubts, he will not be able to enter the fourth level, is it Lu Yao's protagonist halo is at work, luck Although this thing can't be seen or touched, it really can't be ignored.

"You're amazing!" Ye Shi said of course.

Unsurprisingly, in the competition in the Refining Institute, the two people who entered the field were completely wiped out.

Inscription House.

"Sister, what are you laughing at?" Xia Qingli asked, looking at Xia Qingyan who was laughing and trembling.

Xia Qingyan said helplessly, "The old guy from the Refining Institute said that if Mu Chen is transferred to the Refining Institute, he wants to train Mu Chen to become an all-round talent, and he cannot let Refining become Mu Chen's shortcoming."

Xia Qingli followed and laughed, "That old man is really delusional."

"It's too hard for him." Xia Qingyan narrowed her eyes.

Both the Dan Academy and the Fu Academy were tied because of Mu Chen, but the Refining Academy was completely defeated and was crushed by the Mingyue Academy. It was a shame to lose.


Fu Yuanbao walked in, Ye Shi looked at Fu Yuanbao, who was getting fatter and fatter, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'm here to send you materials?" Fu Yuanbao said earnestly.

"Is the next match a court battle?" Ye Shi asked.

Fu Yuanbao nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Then don't look at it, Mu Chen will not lose." Ye Shi said firmly.

Fu Yuanbao stared blankly at Ye Shi, how could Ye Shi be so confident? Could it be that Mu Chen is a fourth-level array mage?

"Yuanbao, there is something I want to ask you to do." Mu Chen said while clasping his fingers on the table.

Fu Yuanbao was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly cupped his hands, "Young Master Mu has something to do, try to tell me, I will do my best."

Fu Yuanbao looked at Mu Chen as if he had been beaten by chicken blood. Ji Dongcheng has developed a lot these days. I heard that he did a little favor to Mu Chen and got a reward of 10 million yuan. Pity that he followed Mu Chen. After working together for so long, the reward was only a few million.

"I want to ask you to check for me, the origin of the Hundred Exercises Body Art, this matter cannot be disclosed." Mu Chen instructed coldly.

Of course, it wasn’t Fu Yuanbao that Mu Chen asked for. Fu Yuanbao was still able to investigate the little gossip of Shengxing Academy, and he was too stretched to investigate the 100 exercises. On the surface, Fu Yuanbao’s family was in serious business, but secretly, they also worked part-time jobs. Search for news.

Fu Yuanbao rolled his eyes and realized that his chance was coming. Whether he could gain Mu Chen's trust and get on Mu Chen's boat completely depended on his ability this time.

"Young Master Mu, I will give you an answer as soon as possible." Fu Yuanbao said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I'll wait for your news."

Seeing Fu Yuanbao go out, Ye Shi couldn't help frowning, "Mu Chen, is it okay to do this? I don't think it's worth mentioning about the training of the body."

"I'm measured." Mu Chen frowned, he also knew that this matter shouldn't be made public, but Lu Yao had already found him, and it was the same whether he made a sound or not.

The efficiency of Fu Yuanbao is very high. The Fu Yuanbao that Mu Chen asked for in the morning, Fu Yuanbao conveyed the news in the afternoon.

The Hundred Exercises is the family tradition of the Jin family. The ancestors of the Jin family once produced a royal-level master. It is said that the master is actually very strong and can always surpass the challenge.

Since the death of the master, the Jin family has gone downhill.

The entire Jin family is getting poorer and poorer. In the Jin family's generation, the family business has declined, and there are only more than 100 people left in the whole family.

These more than 100 people were slaughtered overnight more than ten years ago.

After the demise of the Jin family, Hundreds of Physical Exercises disappeared without a trace.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes helplessly after seeing the information Fu Yuanbao had brought back, "Is the Bai Exercise Tactics the Jin family's handed down law? Zhuang Yu, that idiot, actually said that the law is the Lu family's heirloom. Treasure." The Jin family was slaughtered, maybe it was the Lu family who did it.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes, looked at Fu Yuanbao thoughtfully and asked, "Before the Jin family perished, the Hundred Exercises Body Art was always in the hands of the Jin family."

Fu Yuanbao nodded and said, "Yes? The Jin family has possessed a hundred physical exercises for no less than three hundred years."

Mu Chen couldn't help but feel a little strange. If there were any secrets in the Hundred Exercises, wouldn't the Jin family know about it? If relying on this secret, the Jin family can reach the sky in one step, why would the Jin family fall to the point of being destroyed.

"The Jin family, why are they getting poorer and poorer!" Ye Shi asked in confusion.

Fu Yuanbao frowned and said, "According to the survey results, because the entire Jin family is popular for body training, and body training requires a lot of primeval stone support, their family's money is spent on body training."

Ye Shi nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, body training is expensive."

In the early stage of the Hundred Body Exercises, a large amount of low-level animal blood is needed to refine the body. Of course, this is just the beginning. Later, the quality of the animal blood required is getting higher and higher. The magic formula also needs special flames to temper the impurities of the body. The high-level spiritual liquid regulates the body, so that the body will not leave dark wounds under the high tempering.

If it weren't for Mu Chen's ability to make money, they would have been very poor. In fact, even if Mu Chen was very good at making money, they spent most of their financial resources on body training.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and asked curiously, "When the Jin family was wiped out, what level was the most powerful person in the clan?"

"When the Jin family was destroyed, there were two elders at the level of Martial King." Fu Yuanbao said solemnly.

"Wow!" Ye Shi couldn't help but opened his mouth wide and looked at Mu Chen.

"Elder Wu Wang?" Mu Chen couldn't help but frowned in surprise.

Fu Yuanbao nodded and said, "Yes." The strength of the Jin family is actually quite strong. I really don't understand what happened back then.

There are two martial kings in the Jin family, but they have not yet been slaughtered.

There must be something hidden behind the destruction of the Jin family. Lu Yao is so concerned about the Bai Exercise Tactics, it is estimated that it has something to do with the Bai Exercise Tactics.

For the sake of a hundred physical exercises, the Jin family has been destroyed, and things seem to be a big deal!


There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a student rushed in panting.

Looking at the person coming, Mu Chen felt an ominous premonition in his heart, "This classmate, what's the matter?"

"Student Mu Chen, someone is looking for you."

"Who?" Mu Chen asked.

"It's your father, he seems to be injured."

At this time, it was actually strictly forbidden for outsiders to come to the academy, but it was none other than Mu Chen's father. Mu Chen was now flourishing in the academy, and the staff of the academy had to give Mu Chen some face.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi looked at each other, Mu Chen stood up abruptly, "I'll go take a look."

"I'll go too." Ye Shi hurriedly said.

Fu Yuanbao's chubby face flashed a bit of complexity, and he moved quickly to follow.

Mu Yuanfeng was placed in a reception room of the academy, and when Mu Chen and Ye Shi received the news, they rushed over immediately.

"Father, are you alright?"

Seeing that Mu Chen was safe and sound, Mu Yuanfeng breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm fine, it's just your Uncle Chen, he was slapped by that person. Your Uncle Chen is... a master at the level of King Wu."

Mu Yuanfeng looked strangely at Chen Da, who had a pale face. Chen Da was at Mu's house, and he was always at peace. Someone asked him for trouble, and this person laughed. Arresting him, Chen Da actually broke out all of a sudden.

If someone hadn't come to find fault, he might have regarded Chen Da as a useless person in his life.

Mu Chen looked at Chen Da, a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes, he always thought that Chen Da was weird, this person is really not simple.

"Uncle Chen, you are King Wu! Why have I never heard of you before?" Ye Shiman said in shock.

If Chen Da was King Wu, why did he never stand up for him when he was in the Ye family before.

"I was severely injured in my early years. I can use this skill twice. After two times, I will die." Chen Da sighed lightly.

He was deeply favored by Qu Kun, and was ordered to protect Qu Xinyang. Ye Shi was always wronged.

If he didn't do it, he would have lived for about ten years, but when he did it this time, it was estimated that it would only be five years.

"Ah!" Ye Shi looked at Chen Da and said anxiously, "Uncle Chen, are you injured? Can you be cured?"

Chen Da glanced at Ye Shi and said with a gentle face, "As long as you don't take action, everything will be fine, don't worry."

Ye Shi looked at Chen Da in despair. If Chen Da said so, could it be cured.

"Uncle Chen, what do you think, is there any way to cure it? Mu Chen is very rich now, so there must be a way." Ye Shi said.

Chen Da shook his head and said, "I'm really fine."

Mu Chen is indeed very powerful now, but his injury is too serious, only the sixth-level medicinal pill will work. Although Mu Chen is a genius, he is still too young.

Mu Chen gritted his teeth, looked at Mu Yuanfeng, and asked, "Dad, you know who the other party is, ah?"

Mu Yuanfeng shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it seems that the other party doesn't want to kill me, but just wants to catch me. Moreover, the other party's strength is very strong, and the one who shot it seems to be a martial king."

Chen Da squinted his eyes. Fortunately, the other party was frightened by him. In fact, his injury was very serious, and his shot would not last long.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes and was careless. Since someone could kill the entire Jin family for the sake of the Hundred Exercises, how could he not do anything else now that he knew that the Hundreds of Exercises were in his hands.

"Father, it's too dangerous outside, just stay in the academy." Mu Chen thought for a while.

Fu Yuanbao frowned and said hesitantly, "Young Master Mu, this is against the rules!"

"I know, however, that my father can strive to be the mentor of the academy."

Fu Yuanbao nodded, his eyes lit up, "That's okay. Senior Mu is a fourth-level alchemist. If you want to become an academy's tutor, it should be more than enough."

Mu Chen lowered his head. In the original text, Lu Yao obtained the Hundred Exercises and killed Mu Chen, and Mu Yuanfeng was killed by Lu Yao's men in order to avenge Mu Chen.

Judging from the current situation, the Lu family are cruel and ruthless, and even if Mu Yuanfeng does not avenge Mu Chen, Lu Yao will find Mu Yuanfeng.

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