"Senior Brother Mu Chen, Dean Hao Tu is looking for you!" A student from the Array Court rushed over when he saw Mu Chen, like a fox seeing a chicken, and said excitedly.

"Hao Tu is looking for you! That guy is blind." Ye Shi folded his arms, his face full of disgust.

Mu Chen glanced at Ye Shi and asked with great interest, "Why do you say that?"

"I told him two days ago that my formation is very good, I am a third-level formation mage, and I want to participate in the formation competition to win glory for the academy. He told me not to mess around and shooed me away, this blind guy , a formation genius standing in front of him, he can't recognize it." Ye Shiman said unwillingly.

Mu Chen smiled, Hao Tu's eyes really aren't very good! Ye Shi's formation talent, he has to be resigned to the disadvantage.

"let's go together."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

When Hao Tu saw Mu Chen, he immediately greeted him with excitement.

"Student Mu Chen, you are finally here, ah ah, you look more and more handsome, ah, you are so handsome, no wonder, the female student of the academy, Shuang'er, has no one else in his eyes except you, go on like this, In the eyes of male students, there is no one else except you."

Mu Chen smiled awkwardly, "Thank you, Principal, for your compliment, you are so rewarding."

Ye Shi stuck his head out from behind Mu Chen and gave Hao Tu a vicious look. Hao Tu smiled innocently at Ye Shi.

Hao Tu coughed lightly, and said sternly: "Young Master Mu, I heard that your father was attacked by an unknown person in the imperial capital. These thieves are too daring to act like this in the imperial capital, Dean. People have been asked to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon."

"There is President Lao." Although Mu Chen didn't think Lian Chengkong could find anything, he thanked him sincerely.

"Mu Chen, the competition is a maze. At that time, you and the competitors of the other college will draw a maze at the same time, and the two colleges will send two students of similar strength to enter the maze of the other college. If you draw a maze, If you trap the students of the other college for a long time, then you will win." Hao Tu introduced.

"Sounds really interesting, I want to participate too." Ye Shi said with shining eyes.

Hao Tu: "..."

Mu Chen looked at Hao Tu and said, "President Hao, please let Shito participate. Anyway, the other court is also going to make up the numbers. Who doesn't make up?"

Hao Tu laughed dryly, "Okay..."

Hao Tu looked at Mu Chen and said that Mu Chen was fine in everything, but he was a bit strict with his wife. The rumors were true!


The court match went on as scheduled.

Lei Cheng sat on the stand with a dark face, his face gloomy and dripping with water.

The Refining Institute was wiped out yesterday. The students of the academy seemed to have known that they were going to collapse, and there were very few people who came to see it.

Today's match against the court, before the game started, a large number of students gathered in the stands, obviously against the court, full of confidence.

"Is there a reply from the dean?" Lei Cheng asked Pan Xingguo, who came over.

Pan Xingguo shook his head helplessly, "He does not agree with the dean." Lei Cheng proposed to the dean to transfer Mu Chen to the Artifact Refining Institute. You don't have to think about it, the dean will not agree to such a ridiculous suggestion.

"I don't agree, why don't I agree, Mu Chen can do everything, but he doesn't know how to refine tools. Sooner or later, the refining tools will support Muchen's hind legs." Lei Cheng said.

Pan Xingguo rolled his eyes helplessly. The dean thought that Mu Chen had learned too much and was distracted. He was worried that his successor would be powerless. He hoped that he could specialize in one subject. Do you want Mu Chen to learn to forge?

"Mu Chen is here."

"Mu Chen is here."


As soon as Mu Chen appeared, there were bursts of exclamations on the viewing platform. Mu Chen raised his hand and waved to the students in the stands, and the sound of harmony suddenly became more violent.

"Mu Chen's little white face is really popular!" Lei Cheng said, looking at Mu Chen in the audience.

Pan Xingguo smiled bitterly. A fourteen-year-old double-material fourth-level alchemist and Fulu master, no surprise, Mu Chen will definitely surpass the academy's teachers and become a fifth-level alchemy and Fulu master. Such people are not welcome. No way!

"The court, besides Mu Chen, who else is there to make up the numbers?" Lei Cheng asked lazily.

"It seems to be Ye Shi." Pershing Guo said.

Lei Cheng frowned, "Ye Shi, how could it be Ye Shi?"

Pan Xingguo shrugged and said, "I heard that it was suggested by Mu Chen, and Ye Shi thought it was interesting. In order to please Ye Shi, Mu Chen suggested Ye Shi like the court."

Lei Cheng rolled his eyes, "Hao Tu, this idiot, what a nonsense, does Ye Shi know how to draw arrays? You can't draw any other arrays! Even if you make up the numbers, you still need to be a bit level. !"


Jing Chiyan looked at Ye Shi under the stage with a tense expression.

"Brother Jing, why did your apprentice get to the stage? Does he want to participate in the competition?" Hua Shu asked Jing Chiyan puzzled.

Jing Chiyan smiled and said inexplicably, "Brother Hua, just look at it."

Jing Chiyan rolled his eyes secretly in his heart, why did Ye Shi run to the stage, Hua Shu asked him, who did he ask? The ghost knows why Ye Shi ran to the stage.

"Brother Jing, is your apprentice going to participate in the court battle? Your apprentice actually knows how to form?" Hua Shu was full of surprise.

Jing Chiyan smiled faintly, still maintaining an expert-like smile, without saying a word.

In the stands, the students cheered one after another. Basically, everyone cheered for Mu Chen, and Ye Shi was selectively forgotten.

Ye Shi looked around excitedly, and when he saw Jing Chiyan, Ye Shi enthusiastically shook his hand towards Jing Chiyan.

"Brother Jing, your apprentice is greeting you!" Hua Shu looked at Jing Chiyan a little narrowly.

Jing Chiyan smiled dryly, and said, "My apprentice is so energetic, how has your apprentice Lan Ruofeng been recently?" I heard that the guy suddenly wilted, and he looked like he was about to die.

Hua Shu frowned, Lan Ruofeng seemed to have suffered a huge blow since the defeat in the competition, and the whole person was a little helpless, Zhuang Yu also seemed to give up Lan Ruofeng completely, and did not even show a face.

Jing Chiyan looked at Zhuang Yu's side. Zhuang Yu would never lack admirers. Without Lan Ruofeng, there would be more people around Zhuang Yu.

Lu Yao from Mingyue Academy seems to be interested in Zhuang Yu too! What a disaster.

Zhuang Yu sat in the stand, looked at Ye Shi beside Mu Chen, frowned, and said, "Ye Shi, why did you get on stage?"

"I heard that Mu Chen temporarily proposed that the court would replace the contestant with Ye Shi." A well-informed student next to Zhuang Yu said immediately.

Zhuang Yu frowned and said, "Mu Chen is too foolish. This is a game, not a game. Ye Shi is fooling around, and he actually helps him."

"Isn't it? Even if Mu Chen won the competition, it would be too much to act like this." A student who was jealous of Mu Chen immediately agreed.

Xia Qingyan looked at Ye Shi under the stage, a little interest flashed in her eyes, "Why did Ye Shi come to the stage?"

Xia Qingli shrugged and said, "I heard that Mu Chen recommended it. Ye Shi heard the competition process and found it interesting. If he wanted to participate, Mu Chen recommended Ye Shi."

The old man in the court court didn't want to save Mu Chen's face, so he agreed.

"This guy, Mu Chen, doesn't avoid suspicion!" Xia Qingyan said with narrowed eyes.

Xia Qingli rolled her eyes, "He doesn't care about that." Mu Chen looked at He Shun, but he was actually vicious and unscrupulous.

Someone in the Danyuan and Fuyuan offended him, and he ignored what the elders of the two departments said.


Game start.

The four contestants picked up the pattern pen at the same time and began to draw the pattern plate.

Ye Shi was concentrating on his writing, and one by one array texts quickly landed on the array plate.

Hua Shu looked at Ye Shi, raised his eyebrows, and said somewhat unexpectedly, "Brother Jing, can your apprentice draw an array plate? Look at this action, it looks like it."

Jing Chiyan smiled and said triumphantly, "My apprentice, of course, has a similar appearance."

The so-called layman is watching the fun, and the expert is watching the doorway. As soon as Ye Shi made his move, Hao Tu and Di Han's expressions changed.

Ye Shi was completely immersed in the drawing of the pattern, and a azure azure light bloomed in his eyes.

"Lingwen eye, my God." Hao Tu screamed and couldn't help standing up.

Di Han followed and stood up, both of them seemed very excited.

Hao Tu's eyes widened. Damn it, damn it, Ye Shi, this guy actually has spirit pattern eyes.

People with spirit pattern eyes are all born magicians. Such people can quickly memorize and copy the formation, and can see through the omissions of the formation.

Spirit-patterned eyes, some are born, some are acquired through practice, natural spirit-patterned eyes have more advantages than acquired spirit-patterned eyes, Ye Shi's eyes, at first glance, are born with spirit-patterned eyes. Eye.

A genius array mage appeared in front of his eyes, but he didn't even notice it.

Before, Ye Shi suggested himself before, and he seemed to have kicked him away, God! It's really a sin!

Damn, if it wasn't for Mu Chen's recommendation, they would have missed such a peerless genius in the court.

Hao Tu blushed. Mu Chen had already entered the tiger den of Xia Qingyan and Xia Qingli. It was estimated that he would not be able to dig it out. However, this Ye Shi must be dug up. .

Di Han looked at Ye Shi thoughtfully.

Spirit-patterned eyes appear randomly. Generally speaking, people who have spirit-patterned eyes in their ancestors have a higher probability of having spirit-patterned eyes in their descendants. Who is Ye Shi's ancestor? .

Ye Shi's abnormality was discovered not only by the Saint Star Academy, but also by the people from the Moon Academy.

The formation instructor of Mingyue Academy suddenly turned blue.

Jing Chiyan glanced at Hao Tu, and his eyes flashed for a bit of thought. Originally, he thought that Ye Shi's appearance was pure nonsense, but looking at Hao Tu and Di Han's faces, Ye Shi was real. It's surprising that his apprentice is actually an array genius.

Lei Cheng's face turned darker and darker. Ye Shi actually had spirit-patterned eyes. The court just picked up a genius with spirit-patterned eyes. Why, he didn't have such good luck.

The array plate on Ye Shi's hand emitted a blue light, and a beautiful array pattern appeared for a while, and then disappeared again.

The light curtain in Ye Shi's eyes slowly dissipated.

"The third-level array is a third-level high-level stray array." Hao Tu clenched his fists and said.

He had never seen the maze drawn by Ye Shi, but, obviously, this formation was more complicated than he had seen before, and it should be a powerful formation.

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