Hua Shu looked at Jing Chiyan and couldn't help but ask curiously, "Brother Jing, did you already know that your apprentice has spirit pattern eyes?"

Jing Chiyan stroked his beard and said confidently, "Is it my apprentice? Of course I..." Jing Chiyan gave Hua Shu a look that you understand.

Jing Chiyan's surface is calm, but his heart has long been roaring. There is no one in the world who owns this thing. Why does it appear on the apprentice of his own mental retardation? Everyone can become a master of the formation, Ye Shi is all over his body, how can he look like a master!

Hua Shu looked at Jing Chiyan suspiciously, "Brother Jing, in fact, you just found out."

"How is that possible? Ye Shi is my apprentice!" Jing Chiyan said in disapproval.

Hua Shu smiled indifferently. With Jing Chiyan's temperament, if he knew that his apprentice had such a miraculous thing as spirit pattern eyes, he could not help showing it off, how could he be so calm.

Jing Chiyan turned his face away with a guilty conscience. Damn Hua Shu, he is really sharp! Isn't the sixth sense something only women have? This guy Hua Shu must have been a woman in his last life.

"Ye Shi, it seems that he has really drawn the formation plate," said a man beside Zhuang Yu.

Zhuang Yu frowned and said puzzledly, "What is the spirit pattern eye?"

When the two old men in the court saw that Ye Shi had spirit-patterned eyes, they couldn't even care about Mu Chen. Is this something amazing?

"People with spirit pattern eyes are naturally good at formations. Legend has it that they can see through the omissions of formations at a glance." Murong Yan explained.

Zhuang Yu frowned and thought for a while, "There are very few people who have such spiritual eyes."

Murong Yan nodded and said, "Yes! One thousand and two hundred years ago in the Xuanfeng Empire, there seemed to be a person with spirit pattern eyes. That person later left the Xuanfeng Empire. Before he left, he was already a fifth-level formation. Master Fa."

Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi's azure eyes in confusion, how could something so precious in Lingwen eyes appear on Ye Shi's body.

"Generally speaking, there are many masters of the formation in the ancestors, and the family of the masters of the formation has a higher chance of having spirit pattern eyes in the descendants." A student added.

Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi under the stage full of fear, and was shocked and angry in his heart.

Zhuang Yu felt that Ye Shi was his nemesis. If Ye Shi had a better life, he would not have a better life. However, Ye Shi's life seemed to be getting better and better.

Zhuang Yu would abandon Lan Ruofeng and choose Lu Yao. On the one hand, it was because Lan Ruofeng deceived him, on the other hand, the man who refused to accept Ye Shi was better than himself.

Zhuang Yu originally thought that Lu Yao could be stronger than Mu Chen, but he didn't know Mu Chen's performance, and gave him a solid slap. Ye Shi?

Zhuang Yu gritted his teeth, what is he inferior to Ye Shi! Why did Mu Chen turn a blind eye to him.

Lou Ruoyi looked at Ye Shi on the field, and a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes, "I thought Ye Shi was going to make trouble, but I didn't expect that Ye Shi is real!"

Michelle blinked her eyes and said in amazement, "This guy actually has spirit-patterned eyes. It's really unbelievable." This guy, Ye Shi, has a stupid look on his face, and he actually has the eyes of a grandmaster.

"I heard that the spirit pattern eye is very cherished. Many descendants of the formation family will have the spirit pattern eye, and there are even several in the family. The spirit pattern eye is usually hidden, and it can only be obtained by contacting the formation method. It appears, Ye Rong, you and Ye Shi are brothers and sisters, you don't have spirit pattern eyes, right?" Bai Le said thoughtfully.

Ye Rong smiled awkwardly and said, "I don't know!"

Although Ye Shi and him were nominally siblings, in fact Ye Shi's father was not Ye Xun at all, and the two had nothing to do with each other.

Is it the Array Family? Ye Shi's mother and father, I heard that he was born in a flat, is it his bastard father? This guy, Ye Shi, has a good life!


Mu Chen finally finished drawing the formation, and the formation plate emitted a dazzling light.

After being shocked by Ye Shi, Hao Tu was shocked again. Mu Chen was a fourth-level formation mage.

As soon as the drawing of Mu Chen's formation was completed, there was a burst of violent cheers on the field again.

Alchemy, rune, and array spells reached the fourth level at the same time, which was nothing short of a miracle.

Probably because Mu Chen is very against the sky, so Mu Chen revealed that he was a fourth-level formation mage. Although everyone was excited, it was not too extreme.

The face of the Master Array of Mingyue College was twisted. The tutor of Mingyue College thought that it would be a bit difficult to win two games in the Array Court.

Who knows, in this competition, not only Ye Shi, a genius with spirit pattern eyes, but also a fourth-level array mage freak like Mu Chen appeared.

On the viewing platform, Xia Qingyan's face was also pitch black.

After the competition in the Dan Academy, Xia Qingyan asked Mu Chen what level Mu Chen's inscription skill reached. Mu Chen said at the time that it was the third level. Unfortunately, she only asked about the level of Mu Chen's inscription skill at that time, and did not ask by the way. The level of spells and arrays.

This guy, Mu Chen, has reached the fourth level in alchemy, talisman and even array spells, but he is only at the third level in the inscription technique. What the hell is this guy doing!

He is from the Inscription Academy! Does this person have any sense that he is a student of the Inscription Academy?

Xia Qingli looked at Mu Chen, and an unspeakable anger surged in her heart.

The inheritance of the Inscription Court is incomplete, and the inheritance of the Array Court is not very complete!

How dare this guy, Mu Chen, raise the formation to the fourth level, but the inscription is still at the third level.

Looking at Mu Chen on the court, Lu Yao felt a deep fear in his heart.

If Mu Chen was a pure fourth-level alchemist, or a pure fourth-level talisman, or a pure fourth-level formation wizard, Lu Yao would not feel anything, but Mu Chen was a third-level fourth-level alchemist. Master, Master Array, Lu Yao had to admit that Mu Chen was his formidable enemy.

In the equipment refining competition, the entire army of the Holy Star was wiped out, the formation competition, the entire moon was wiped out, and the two houses were tied again.

Chen Da sat in the stands and looked at Ye Shi under the stage, a bit of complexity flashed in his eyes.

Ye Shi's mother and father once said that Ye Shi's father was a talented array mage.

Lu Yao glanced in the direction of Chen Da. Chen Da stayed at the academy as Mu Yuanfeng's assistant. Others didn't know Chen Da's identity, but Lu Yao knew very well that Chen Da was the one who seriously injured the three martial arts masters of his Lu family before. Strong King Wu.

Ye Shi noticed Chen Da and waved his hand towards Chen Da excitedly. Chen Da smiled faintly at Ye Shi.

Ye Rong narrowed her eyes when she saw Chen Da in the stands. Saint Star Academy was a holy place in Ye Rong's mind. Ye Rong was always proud to be able to enter Saint Star Academy. Ye Rong couldn't help but feel a little disgusted when the person appeared in the Saint Star Academy in a grand manner.


"Little Junior Brother, you actually have spirit pattern eyes." Xin Ruge said with interest as she looked at Ye Shi.

Ye Shi smiled smugly and said, "It's amazing."

Xin Ruge nodded and said, "Very powerful."

Ye Shi grinned and said triumphantly, "I think it's amazing too."

Chen Da said that his mother and father did not study formation techniques, but his father seemed to be good at formation techniques, and his spiritual pattern eyes should have been passed down from his cheap father, Ye Shi secretly said: his own bastard old man Dad, it doesn't seem to be useless.

Xin Ruge looked at Ye Shi, and said secretly: Ye Shi is an eighth-level aptitude, and he has innate spiritual eyes such as spiritual pattern eyes. If the conditions are good, people will be jealous!

"Little Junior Brother, this time, you have shown a big face!" Xin Ruge praised.

As soon as the array competition was over, Hao Tu ran to apply for Ye Shi to be transferred to the array court. As a result, Jing Chiyan slammed it out mercilessly.

Hao Tu, an idiot, dug into Jing Chiyan's ground. He really didn't know whether to live or die.

"I'm not as good as Mu Chen." Ye Shi lowered his head and said.

Even with the spirit pattern eyes, his formation progress is still one step behind Mu Chen.

Xin Ruge pouted, Mu Chen is amazing, but everyone who is so amazing is a little numb.

Ye Shi is a new face in the arts, attracting a lot of attention.

"Stone, your Muchen's inscription technique has reached level four, right?" Xin Ruge asked.

Ye Shi shook his head regretfully, "No, Mu Chen said that the inscription technique is always blocked by a layer of barriers. There are too few high-level inscription books in the inscription institute. For a while, his inscription technique can't break through. If he meets Lu Yao, he is afraid that he will lose."

Xin Ruge smiled, "No hurry, no hurry, take your time."

Xin Ruge secretly said: "It's good that I can't break through!" This guy Mu Chen is already a beast. If the inscription technique breaks through the fourth level, he will be a real beast. This guy is such a beast, how can other people be mixed up!

"It's a pity, Mu Chen's inscription technique can't break through, and he is always shorter than Lu Yao?" Ye Shi said a little depressed.

Xin Ruge rolled his eyes, "Little Junior Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? Your Muchen is a third-level and fourth-level alchemy, talisman, and formation master! Lu Yao is just a naked fourth-level inscription technique, you The person in my family can beat Lu Yao every minute, who would dare to say that the person in your family is worse than Lu Yao!"

Ye Shi nodded in agreement, "Senior sister, you are right, Lu Yao is not as good as Mu Chen, and he is much older than Mu Chen."

Xin Ruge: "..." Lu Yao is much older than Mu Chen, but not really.


Inscription House.

"Sister, let Mu Chen avoid Lu Yao, this is an indirect admission that Mu Chen is not as good as Lu Yao!" Xia Qingli said with a frown.

Xia Qingyan sighed helplessly, and said, "This is something that can't be helped, I have already asked, this guy Mu Chen, the other three arts have reached the fourth level, only the inscription is the third level, if he is right Lu Yao, lose more and win less."

"This guy, Mu Chen, really doesn't live up to his expectations!" Xia Qingli said sullenly.

Xia Qingyan nodded and said, "Isn't it? This bastard."

"President Xia, if you think Mu Chen is unsatisfactory, you can hand him over to our Refining Institute! If Mu Chen enters the Refining Institute, I will definitely train him for the two deans and help you export. Evil." Lei Cheng clenched his fists and vowed to be authentic.

Xia Qingyan rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Lei Cheng, Mu Chen's matter is our internal matter, we can resolve it internally, don't bother you."

Xia Qingyan gritted her teeth. Since she accepted Mu Chen, the two old men from the Dan Yuan and Fu Yuan came to bother her for three days or two days. The old guy stopped for a while, but Lei Cheng actually jumped out again.

To say that Lu Han, Song Cheng, and Hao Tu came to dig a foot in the wall, she could still understand, but Lei Cheng came to intervene, what kind of thing! Mu Chen doesn't know how to refine weapons at all, right?

Mu Chen, this dead boy, she worked hard to keep him as a student of the Inscription Academy. As a result, this guy, the other three arts have been upgraded to the fourth level, and the inscription is still at the third level.

The three old guys from the other three courtyards haven't come out yet. Most of them think that Mu Chen's inscription skill has reached the fourth level. .

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