Mu Chen and Ye Shi stood in front of the third formation, constantly discussing and calculating.

Ye Shi's talent in art is unique, and in some aspects of the formation, Ye Shi's level is already higher than Mu Chen.

Ye Shi saw the weakness of the formation, and Mu Chen was good at calculating, the two kept on learning from each other, learning from each other's strengths and making up for their shortcomings, and using Ye Shi's formation book as a reference, the progress of the formation was rapid.

It took the two of them four days to finally make a breakthrough.

"Start with this formation eye." Ye Shi pointed to a node on the formation where the formation texts were interlaced. "If this formation eye collapses, this formation will fail."

Ye Shi's eyes lit up with blue light, and his whole body revealed a look of confidence.

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi who was in high spirits, and a little admiration flashed in his eyes.

"My calculations are the same as yours."

Mu Chen and Ye Shi took out a series of tools for breaking the formation, facing the formation's eyes, and attacked fiercely.

"It seems to be loose." Ye Shi said happily.

Mu Chen nodded, "I also think it's almost there."

"You two, do you need help?

Mu Chen's brows twitched, and the broken formation behind the two sent a wave, and Lu Yao and Zhuang Yu walked in.

Ye Shi's face was chilled.

Zhuang Yu glanced at the second empty room, looked at Ye Shi and said, "Ye Shi, I heard that you found a lot of treasures in this room!

Ye Shi said angrily, "What about first!"

Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi with some dissatisfaction, and said, "Ye Shi, why are you always so hostile to me!

Ye Shi frowned. Does he want to be nice to a guy who always wants to pry at his own corner?

"I'm like this. If you are dissatisfied, you can leave!" Ye Shi said coldly.

Zhuang Yu sighed lightly and looked at Ye Shi with a tolerant face, "Ye Shi, you can't always treat people like this, you will offend a lot of people."

Ye Shi was horrified by Zhuang Yu's gaze, and secretly said: I don't do this to others either, I only do this to you.

"Ye Shi, I heard that you killed an eight-star martial spirit?" Zhuang Yu asked curiously.

Ye Shi frowned, looked at Lu Yao, and said angrily, "What does it have to do with you?"

"It has nothing to do with me, but I heard that when you killed the eight-star martial arts, many students helped. However, afterward, you stole everything for yourself." Zhuang Yu slightly accused Look at Ye Shi.

Ye Shi took a deep breath, looked at Zhuang Yu through gritted teeth, and said, "Yes! I took everything, do you have any opinion?

Zhuang Yu frowned and said, "Ye Shi, you are too domineering. Those students have all helped."

Ye Shi rolled his eyes. He didn't ask the gang to thank them for saving their lives. If Mu Chen hadn't arrived in time, he might have... died.

Ye Shi sneered and said, "You are so kind and graceful, just give me all the treasures in your hands."

Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi with hopeless eyes, "Ye Shi, you are too greedy, you have so many things, and you still miss me."

"Go away! Bitch, go away." Ye Shi scolded unbearably.

Zhuang Yu's face suddenly turned pale, Lu Yao stood in front of Zhuang Yu and looked at Ye Shi coldly, don't go too far. "

"Go to hell." Ye Shi threw more than a dozen fourth-level records towards Lu Yao.

As soon as Ye Shi made his move, Lu Yao suddenly remembered the previous martial arts competition, when Ji Dongcheng picked up his own blow, Lu Yao suddenly became furious and looked at Ye Shi with murderous eyes. Although he won that competition, he won. of embarrassment.

Ye Shi seemed to be shooting at Lu Yao, but in fact, all the Fulu turned strangely and flew towards Zhuang Yu.

When Zhuang Yu looked at Fu Lu who flew over, she was shocked.

"Die, die, die soon." Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yu with a warm light in his eyes, dead, dead, finally dying?

Lu Yao dodged and blocked in front of Zhuang Yu. The dozen or so records were blocked by Lu Yao. A cold light appeared on Lu Yao's body. As soon as the golden light appeared, an overwhelming pressure enveloped Ye Shitou.

Ye Shi only felt an unfathomable aura locked on him. Under this aura, he was like an ant, unable to move his body.

As a last resort, Mu Chen opened the third formation and pulled Ye Shi into the formation.

"Boom." Mu Chen's movements were fast, but the speed of the golden light was even faster, and the golden light hit Ye Shi heavily.

As soon as Ye Shi entered the third room, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Stone, how are you?" Mu Chen stared at Ye Shi, he asked nervously.

"I'm fine, just close the formation." Ye Shi spat out a mouthful of blood as soon as he finished speaking.

Hearing this, Mu Chen quickly cast a series of robes on top of the formation, and the formation quickly closed.

Mu Chen's face was extremely gloomy, and he was too careless. He actually watched Ye Shi happen in front of him, but he couldn't do anything.

The attack launched by the golden light seemed to be equivalent to a blow from a strong Emperor Wu. Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi with some panic, and did not dare to check Ye Shi's breath for a long time.

Mu Chen stretched out his hand, hugged Ye Shi, and probed for his pulse. To his surprise, Ye Shi's breath was much stronger than he imagined. Although the injury was a bit serious, it was not life-threatening.

"Are you all right?" Mu Chen opened his eyes wide, full of joy.

Ye Shi took out the golden formation book on his chest, coughed weakly, and said, "Most of the attacks were absorbed by it."

A single blow from an emperor-level master will destroy the sky and destroy the earth. Even if the martial king is hit by this blow, he will die without a place to be buried. Fortunately, most of the attacks are absorbed by the formation book, and he has a fifth-level blood on his body. The silk robe barely saved his life.

Mu Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, it's okay, you put the book away, it must be kept well."

Ye Shi nodded and put the formation book on his chest.

Ye Shi leaned on Mu Chen and couldn't help feeling a little wronged. The first time he wanted to kill Zhuang Yu, Shi Ziyu jumped out to disrupt the situation and seriously injured Mu Chen. The second time he wanted to kill Zhuang Yu, Lu Yao Protecting Zhuang Yu, he not only failed, but was seriously injured, what good is Zhuang Yu, every time someone protects him!

However, Ye Shi touched the book on his chest. His father was not useless. In the dark, he seemed to have saved his life.

"Does it hurt?" Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi's face and asked her anxiously.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "It's okay."

It's just that Mu Chen's embrace was so warm that he didn't want to leave for a while.

Mu Chen fed Ye Shi an elixir to treat the injury, and pressed his hand on Ye Shi's back, the medicinal power was dissolved.

Mu Chen's face was gloomy. In the original text, Ye Shi and him both died at the hands of Lu Yao. Just now, Ye Shi almost died at the hands of Lu Yao. The influence of the original text is really not small!

Zhuang Yu stood outside the formation and said somewhat disappointedly, "Is the formation closed?

Lu Yao nodded and said, "Yes! It's blocked from the inside."

Zhuang Yu frowned, Ye Shi was seriously injured by Jin Guang just now, and it was impossible to close the formation, so the only way to close the formation was Mu Chen, is Mu Chen on guard against him?

Lu Yao frowned. It is said that Ye Shi once blocked Senior Brother Yin Zong for two days by closing the second formation. How could this third formation be more impeccable than the second one? To break the words, I am afraid that I will have to attack for more than ten days in a row.

"Can this formation be opened?" Zhuang Yu asked.

Lu Yao shook his head and said, "It will be a while, I'm afraid it won't work."

Zhuang Yu sighed regretfully, and turned to ask curiously, "Lu Yao, what was that golden light just now, it seems to be very powerful!

Lu Yao smiled and said, "That's the magic weapon my grandfather left me."

He had a token in his hand, which sealed his grandfather's attack. Logically speaking, the token would only be activated when his life was in danger. This time Ye Shi's attack clearly did not threaten his life. The level of safety, but it was activated unexpectedly, it is really strange.

"I think that attack is more powerful than my master's attack." Zhuang Yu said.

Lu Yao sneered and said, "That attack is equivalent to a blow from my grandfather. Your master is a king, and my grandfather is a prince. How can it be compared."

Lu Yao's face was pale, but a bit of contempt flashed in his eyes, obviously he didn't like Shi Ziyu very much.

Zhuang Yu turned his eyes in a blink of an eye, Ye Shi's cultivation was only in the martial arts world with a blow from an imperial master. If he was hit by this blow, would he...die.

This guy, Ye Shi, has always had bad intentions for himself, is he finally going to die?

If Ye Shi died, what would happen to Mu Chen? If there is no Ye Shi, then he and Mu Chen... Zhuang Yu lowered his head, a bit of blush flashed on his face.

Zhuang Yu lingered before the formation, Lu Yao looked at the formation in front of him uncertainly, if he relied on the mad attack, it would take him more than ten days to open it, but the security card on his body was useless. In this situation just now, although Ye Shi was injured, Mu Chen was still intact.

He was a two-star martial artist, and Mu Chen asked the same. He didn't have much chance of winning against Mu Chen.

It has only been a month since he entered the secret realm. Does it take him that long to bet on an unknown future?

Lu Yao looked at the formation in front of him, and suddenly felt a violent unease in his heart.

"Let's go, let's go somewhere else." Lu Yao thought for a while. . Zhuang Yu nodded, glanced at the closed formation with some reluctance, and said, "Okay."

Ye Shi kept absorbing primeval stones and recovering from his injuries. Three days later, Ye Shi's injuries actually recovered to seventy-eighty-eighty.

Ye Shi moved his body, "It's better than I thought."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "It should be the Hundred Exercises that are working."

Ye Shi's injuries weren't serious, but they weren't too light either. If an ordinary one-star martial arts wanted to recover to Ye Shi's current level, it wouldn't take half a month for him to come down.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's true." He spent so much time and primordial stone after feeding him the broken magic robe. If this broken thing is useless, it would be a big loss.

"That little white face didn't attack the formation." Ye Shi said strangely.

"Probably think it's not worth it, so let's retreat." Mu Chen thought for a while and said.

Ye Shixiang clenched his fists and said sullenly, "Assuming he walks fast, if he attacks the formation, I'll show him some color."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi helplessly, and said, "Okay, isn't the lesson enough this time? When you meet him, stay away. For the time being, don't confront him head-on."

Thinking of almost dying by Lu Yao's hands, Ye Shi suddenly became embarrassed.

That little white face didn't look too powerful, but he was hiding such a trump card that he almost capsized in the gutter.

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