Ye Shi clenched his fists tightly, his eyes kept rolling around, Zhuang Yu was so lucky, he didn't believe it if he wanted to find another chance to attack, Zhuang Yu can always be so lucky, every time there is someone Give him a head start, wait until he leaves the secret realm and arrive at the academy, and if he wants to take action against Zhuang Yu, it will be too late.

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi's face, lowered his face, and scolded coldly, "Put away your thoughts and don't attack Zhuang Yu."

Ye Shi glanced at Mu Chen with a bit of grievance, his expression lowered, "Hello? You can't bear him."

Mu Chen glared at Ye Shi helplessly, "What are you thinking, of course not, it's because Zhuang Yu's luck is too strong, if you kill him, you might lose yourself, it's too dangerous."

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen puzzled, and there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

Mu Chen sighed lightly and explained, "The golden light before should be Lu Yao's grandfather, the life-saving talisman left on Lu Yao's body."

"It stands to reason that this thing is usually only launched when Lu Yao is in danger. However, before, the person you had to deal with was Zhuang Yu, and there were very few attacks that would actually fall on Lu Yao, but, The golden light is still activated."

Ye Shi blushed and said with a guilty conscience, "You know it was Zhuang Yu that I had to deal with before?

Mu Chen rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not blind."

Ye Shi stuck out his tongue and said, "Mu Chen, since Lu Yao was not in danger at that time, why did Jin Guang activate it!

"Do you know about luck?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "I know."

If a monk wants to reach a high level, luck is essential.

"Zhuang Yu's luck should be very good, so he can always be surrounded by people, and every time you make a move, it will backfire." Mu Chen sighed and rubbed Ye Shi's head helplessly.

"Then what should I do?" Ye Shi said in a panic.

Could it be that because of an inexplicable luck, he has to endure that bitch Zhuang Yu for the rest of his life? Every time he saw Zhuang Yu, he wanted to vomit!

"Just stay away from him. In fact, according to my observation, Zhuang Yu's luck is also related to the people around him. The stronger the people around him, the stronger his luck will be. If he is alone, he is nothing."

Bai Lianhuashou and his official attack should be a relationship of prosperity and loss, because Lan Ruofeng's luck was taken away by himself, and Zhuang Yu's benefits from Lan Ruofeng's hands were also less.

Ye Shi seemed to understand, but suddenly thought of Lan Ruofeng.

Ye Shi suddenly had a feeling that Lan Ruofeng's original future was far more than that, but his luck was taken away by Mu Chen.

"What are you thinking?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "It's nothing, by the way, is there any treasure in this house?

"I haven't watched it yet." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi blinked and secretly said: Because he was worried about himself, so Mu Chen didn't even check the treasure? In Mu Chen's mind, is he more precious than treasures? Ye Shi kept blinking his eyes, and a sweet feeling surged in his heart.

"What are you thinking? You're so happy." Mu Chen said narrowly.

"Nothing." Ye Shi stepped forward and held Mu Chen's hand.

Mu Chen smiled and grabbed Ye Shi's palm, Ye Shi couldn't help blushing.

The third secret room has three walls, and only uses ordinary luminous stone lighting. In the stone room, there are three boxes. If you want to come to these three boxes, it is a reward for them.

Ye Shi opened the first box and found a box of primeval stones.

"What, such a few pieces of broken essence stone, but also solemnly packed in a box."

Mu Chen said angrily, "You see clearly, this is not an ordinary primeval stone."

Ye Shi felt the vitality in the primordial stone, and his face flushed, "It's really not ordinary!

"Master said that the primeval stone veins of the Xuanfeng Empire are very barren. In places with abundant resources, there are higher quality primeval stones. This primeval stone seems to be of higher quality." Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen held a primordial stone and slowly absorbed it. The strong primordial energy poured into his body, and Mu Chen's strength quickly increased by a large amount.

"The primordial power contained in this primeval stone is equivalent to nearly a hundred or even a thousand times that of ordinary primeval stones."

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes.

Ye Shi counted and said, "There are a total of one hundred and twenty primeval stones in it."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Put it away."

"Half of us." Ye Shi thought for a while.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Alright."

In the second box, there are more than ten array books.

"This stone room, Ying Yihai, was left by an array master, and it records some of his experience in array formation." Mu Chen said.

"I feel that the things in here are not as good as my book." Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen said helplessly, "Of course it can't be compared with your book. There may not be many formation books in the world that can compare with the book you have."

Ye Shi's book is penetrating, one sentence often hits the nail on the head, and a lot of profound formation knowledge is analyzed in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, Ye Shi curled the corner of his mouth proudly.

"Although, your formation book is very good, but the things recorded in that book are limited after all. It is also necessary to get in touch with other formation knowledge." Mu Chen reminded.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Well, I understand."

"Mu Chen, take a look at what's in the third box?" Ye Shi stepped forward and asked eagerly.

Mu Chen opened the box and found that there were a pair of golden bees in the box.

"What is this?" Ye Shi couldn't help frowning.

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems to be a swallowing bee."

"Listening to this name, it seems very domineering!" Ye Shi said with wide eyes, full of curiosity.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes and said, "It is said that Tiantianbee eats everything, it is very powerful.

"Really? But these two seem to be half-dead, and they don't seem to be of much use!" Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen looked at the swallowing bees in the box and said, "These two seem to be seriously injured, and they seem to have passed away from sleep now."

Ye Shi frowned and said, "I slept to death, is it useless to walk?"

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be, but we should find a way to wake them up."

Ye Shi frowned, "The owner of this secret room is too stingy, so he left a few broken primeval stones, a few broken books, and two dead bees for us. We have to spend so much effort to break it. array."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi helplessly, and said, "Okay, don't make trouble, it would be nice if someone could leave something for us."

Ye Shi pouted, a little disapproving.

"Let's go, it's only a month in total, and almost half of it has passed. Let's go out and have a look." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi hurriedly nodded and said, "Okay, we have to hurry up, we can't let that bitch Zhuang Yu snatch everything in the secret realm."

Hearing Ye Shi's words, Mu Chen's heart sank immediately. Zhuang Yu's luck has always been against the sky, and Lu Yao followed him, and the two of them didn't know what the benefits were from the secret realm.

"Let's go out." Mu Chen adjusted his expression.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."


Lan Ruofeng was walking in the mountains, and suddenly a cold voice rang behind Lan Ruofeng, "You! Stop for me."

Lan Ruofeng frowned and stopped.

Lan Ruofeng couldn't help clenching his fists, his heart was full of sadness. Lan Ruofeng always felt that he was a genius. Although he was not as good as Mu Chen, he was much better than the average student.

However, on the first day he entered the secret realm, he was embarrassed by an eight-star martial arts spirit, and later, he was mercilessly expelled by Ye Shi. A woman would appear at random, and he could overwhelm the order. he.

The visitor was dressed in the costume of the Saint Star Academy, his eyes were cold, and his strength reached the level of four-star martial arts.

This woman should not know him, the other party has a arrogance from the bones, this person obviously did not take him seriously.

Lan Ruofeng looked at the person who came, and couldn't help but feel a little sad. One hidden genius after another kept popping up, giving Lan Ruofeng a lot of impact.

"Are you here from Yunqingshan?" The person asked coldly.

Lan Ruofeng nodded and said, "Exactly."

Lan Ruofeng looked at the person who came, and suddenly found that this person's face was a little familiar. He suddenly remembered that the man who had been slashed with a sword by the freak of Mingyue Academy before was very similar to this woman.

Lan Ruofeng felt a strange sense of pleasure in his heart. What about a genius, without luck, he would die before he became famous.

The dean has been hiding such a genius and wanted to use it as a private weapon. Who knows, before this person emerges, he will die unexpectedly. The death of that person is really pitiful. When he died, the outside world did not know that Shengxing had such a genius. figure.

"Have you ever seen a person who looks similar to me?" Jing Feiyue frowned and asked.

Lan Ruofeng nodded and said, "I have seen it."

Jing Feiyue's expression lifted, "You've seen him, where is he?

Lan Ruofeng sighed and said sadly: "He was in Yunqingshan before, he encountered a martial spirit from Mingyue Academy and died tragically in the hands of the other party."

Jing Feiyue's face suddenly paled a bit. She and Jing Fei are from a mother's family, and the two have a heart-to-heart connection. A few days ago, she suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart, and she has been feeling uneasy. The ominous premonition is getting stronger and stronger, but I can't believe it.

"Did something really happen to my brother?" Jing Feiyue whispered.

Lan Ruofeng lowered his head and said secretly: Sure enough, they are brothers and sisters. The strength of this woman is so strong, most of them are people with eighth-level qualifications, and most of her brothers are too. He said, why the dean has not accepted the apprentice, it has already been accepted. ?

"Where is that person from Mingyue Academy now?" Jing Feiyue asked with a grim expression.

Lan Ruofeng lowered his head and said with some sigh: "That person died, at the hands of Mu Chen and Ye Shi.

Jing Feiyue's face suddenly turned ugly, "That person should be mine, he should die by my hands."

Lan Ruofeng squinted her eyes, thinking in her heart that sure enough, with Jing Feiyue's pride, she would take revenge, and she really disdains fake hands for others.

"That person died in the hands of Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and his space ring also fell into their hands. Your brother's relics must also be among them." Lan Ruofeng said lightly.

Jing Feiyue narrowed her eyes, gave Lan Ruofeng a meaningful look, and said, "I see, let's go.

Lan Ruofeng only felt that Jing Feiyue's eyes were cold and cold, and a chill suddenly appeared in her heart.

Lan Ruofeng lowered his head and left as if he had been granted amnesty.

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