"Today is the last day." Feeling the rich energy of heaven and earth in the secret, Ye Shi was still in a deep sense.

"The harvest this time is okay, but unfortunately, the time is too short." Mu Chen said with a little regret.

"Yeah!" There are still many places in this secret realm. He hasn't had time to visit yet. It seems that those benefits can only be left to later generations. "I wonder if the master will worry about me." Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "It should be." Jing Chiyan was really nice to Ye Shi, and it could be seen that he really cared about Ye Shi.

As for his own master, that may not be the case. The old guy is probably only worried about whether he has enough wine.

Ye Shi murmured thoughtfully, "Maybe, Master will think I'm dead."

Mu Chen glared at Ye Shi angrily, "What are you talking about?"

Ye Shi stuck out his tongue and smiled shyly.

Mu Chen lowered his head and thought; Jing Chiyan should not think that Ye Shi is dead, but this person may think that he is dead.

Ye Shi counted the jade box in his hand and said, "In addition to the used one, we have harvested a total of thirteen thousand-year-old spirit grasses."

Zhuang Yu and Lu Yao harvested eleven thousand-year-old spirit grasses. Although they harvested more spirit grasses than Zhuang Yu, Ye Shi was still a little unhappy. After all, there were twenty-six restrictions they opened, and as a result, only half of them were in it. There are thousand-year-old spirit herbs, and Zhuang Yu and Lu Yao have opened twelve, but only one has no thousand-year-old spirit herbs in it.

"Put it away, don't be too ostentatious." Mu Chen reminded.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

"Mu Chen, why is Zhuang Yu's luck so good?" Ye Shi muttered unwillingly.

Because he is the protagonist! However, they still harvested more spirit grass than Zhuang Yu, proving that luck is not a panacea.

"Luck always runs out." Mu Chen said lightly.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes."

"Mu Chen, I heard that Lu Yao was attacked yesterday! I don't know if he is dead or not." Ye Shi was full of gossip.

The old monster of the Lu family is really good to Lu Yao. Lu Yao not only has a life-saving token, but also a life-saving magic weapon.

The person who attacked Lu Yao yesterday heard that he was very strong, but he still failed to succeed.

"Not dead, but I heard he was injured." Mu Chen said.

I don't know who sold it yesterday. It should be a master with very old-fashioned methods. I heard that the strength is no less than five-star martial arts.

As soon as something happened to Lu Yao, Zhuang Yu came crying and accusing Ye Shi of being wrong, accusing them of attacking Lu Yao openly and secretly, causing Ye Shi to scold him severely.

At the time of Lu Yao's accident, Mu Chen and Ye Shi were with many students of the Saint Star students, and many people have proved that it is impossible for the two to shoot.

Lu Yao's accident made everyone realize that there was a hidden master in the secret realm, and it was difficult to distinguish between friends and enemies. The students couldn't help but feel a little panic.

"Mu Chen, you say, who was the one who shot? Could it be the secret hand that the dean put in?" Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "Probably not." With the background of the Holy Star Academy, it is not easy to cultivate that pair of four-star martial arts brothers and sisters, how could they still hide such a secret hand.

"Who is it if it's not the dean! It can't be someone from the student Mingyue." Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know, in short, be careful."

Ye Shi lowered his head, a bit of coldness flashed in his eyes, "Mu Chen, Lu Yao's little white face is injured, should we go and rob him now."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi, pondered for a while, and said, "Forget it, we will be teleported out soon, so don't make any extras."

Ye Shi frowned slightly.

Mu Chen helplessly stretched out his hand and pinched Ye Shi's face, "It will take a long time to come to Japan, there will be opportunities in the future, don't be too hasty, you won't be able to eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Hearing Mu Chen's words, Ye Shi was a little embarrassed and shrank into Mu Chen's arms, and Mu Chen stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Ye Shi's shoulders.

inside the cave.

Zhuang Yu looked at Lu Yao uneasily and said, "Are you all right?"

Lu Yao shook his head and said, "It's fine." It's a pity that he couldn't keep that person and almost died in the hands of the other party, but he didn't even know who the other party was. It's a shame to think about it!

"I went to ask Mu Chen and Ye Shi, it wasn't him and Mu Chen's hand, I'm afraid there are other masters in the secret realm, but they shouldn't!" Zhuang Yu murmured.

Lu Yao narrowed his eyes, the person who shot should be around the strength of the six-star martial arts, and there is such a master in the secret realm, which is really unexpected.

Judging from the manner in which the man made his move, it really didn't look like Mu Chen and Ye Shi.

"That person, won't come again." Zhuang Yu said worriedly.

"I don't know, but if this person comes again, he won't be able to leave so easily." There was a bit of chill in Lu Yao's eyes.

Zhuang Yu asked in confusion, "Why?"

Lu Yao smiled and said, "I set a ban here, if he goes and returns, there will be no bones left."

Zhuang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then hesitantly said, "So, is it the same for other people?"

Lu Yao nodded, gave Zhuang Yu a meaningful look, and said, "That's right, it's the same for other people."

Zhuang Yu lowered his head, a bit of complexity flashed in his eyes.

Lu Yao looked at Zhuang Yu's face with mixed feelings in his heart.


The time for the closure of the secret realm is finally coming, and Jing Chiyan stayed outside the secret realm early.

Jing Chiyan originally thought that Xiong Wei would not come, but he didn't expect Xiong Wei to come very early, and, I don't know if it was his illusion, Jing Chiyan felt that Xiong Wei seemed to have lost a few pounds of meat.

Xia Qingyan looked around anxiously, Hua Rong a little haggard.

Kong Killed, and even Cheng Kong came very early, and the atmosphere in the two houses was a bit tense.

The teleportation array outside the secret area lit up with golden rays of light.

The students in the secret realm were teleported out almost at the same time.

"Ouch." Ye Shi slammed down heavily from the sky, and suddenly cried out in pain.

"Yeah." A screeching sound came from under Ye Shi, and Ye Shi hurriedly stood up when he realized that he had pressed a person under him.

Ye Shi couldn't help but turn pale in shock when he saw who was being crushed under him.

Ye Shi frowned. When he was teleported out, he actually pressed Zhuang Yu under him. What kind of evil fate is this!

Speaking of which, Zhuang Yu's body seems to have no bones, it's really comfortable to press on her body, she's really delicate and weak and easy to push down, no wonder so many men want to fuck him.

Mu Chen folded his arms, leaned close to Ye Shi's ear, gasped into Ye Shi's ear, and said, "How does it feel to overwhelm Zhuang Yu?"

"Not so good? It's hard and uncomfortable at all." Ye Shi hurriedly shook his head and said.

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi's erratic expression, and smiled helplessly, "Are you uncomfortable? It's quite intoxicating to see you press on!"

"How can I!" Ye Shi said angrily.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi were on the side, flirting, but Kong Kill and Lian Chengkong were already anxious.

Twenty people entered the Mingyue Academy, and there were six remaining. Eighty people entered the Saint Star Academy, and there were 24 remaining.

There are still six remaining in Mingyue Academy, killing them in the air, and it can be seen at a glance that Yin Zong is not among them.

Lian Chengkong originally saw Cheng Wanbai, Xie Danyan and others came out, so he didn't worry too much. After searching around, he didn't find Jing Feiyue and Jing Feili, and he was immediately anxious.

"Zong'er, Zong'er." Kong Sha couldn't help but called out with a gloomy expression.

Lu Yao bravely walked up to Kong Sha, and said with a sad face: "Master, brother has passed away."

Kong Kill's face changed suddenly.

Air Kill originally thought that Yin Zong killed seven, seven, eighty-eight people in the secret realm. He had already prepared for Yin Zong and the Saint Star Academy to tear his face apart, but he did not expect Yin Zong to die in the secret realm. middle.

"How could this be? How did your brother die? How did she die?" Kong Sha stared at Lu Yao coldly.

Yin Zong is an eight-star martial arts spirit, and no one who enters is her enemy.

The three-star and four-star warriors of the holy star all survived, but Yin Zong died.

Lu Yao couldn't help but feel a little gloomy in his heart. He and Yin Zong were both disciples of Kong Kill, but Kong Kill obviously preferred Yin Zong.

"Senior brother, unfortunately, Mu Chen and Ye Shi joined forces." Lu Yao said with a sad face.

Kong Sha raised his head and looked towards Mu Chen and Ye Shi with murderous intent.

Xiong Wei has been listening to the movements of Kong Sha, and when he heard Lu Yao say that the eighth-level martial arts spirit that Kong Sha put into the secret realm died in the hands of Mu Chen and Ye Shi, he was overjoyed, and the whole person moved quickly. Mu Chen and Ye Shi blocked them from behind.

Jing Chiyan was one step slower than Xiong Wei, and Ye Shi was blocked by Jing Chiyan.

Kong Sha looked at Xiong Wei, and there were traces of cold killing intent in his eyes.

Xiong Wei smiled faintly, watching the empty kill with all his attention.

Mu Chen looked at Xiong Wei, his eyes couldn't help flashing a little bit of different colors, Mu Chen suddenly realized that his master was actually a pretty good person.


Lian Chengkong took out a cyan compass, and as soon as the compass was taken out, a golden glow lit up on Ye Shi's body.

Lian Chengkong stared at Ye Shi with a cold face, "Why is your brother's space ring on you?"

Mu Chen's brows were raised, and Lian Chengkong actually made a mark on Jing Feili's space ring.

Xiong Wei looked at the golden light on Ye Shi's body, his heart sank, and he secretly said: Mu Chen and Ye Shi not only killed the secret hands who put the Mingyue Academy into the secret realm, but also took the dean to death. The apprentices who were put into the secret realm were also killed. These two guys were too cruel.

"Senior brother was killed. We killed that person and seized that person's space ring. As a trophy, senior brother's space ring is also inside." Ye Shi said neither humble nor arrogant.

Ye Shi looked at the compass on Lian Chengkong's hand, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Since Jing Feili's space ring has the mark of Lian Chengkong, Jing Feiyue must also have it. Fortunately, he gave up the space ring, otherwise , it will be troublesome.

When Xiong Wei heard Ye Shi's words, he breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be the case.

It's just that Jing Feili, the apprentice of the dean, heard that he was a four-star martial arts spirit. That man died at the hands of Mingyue's eight-star martial arts spirit. Ye Shi and Mu Chen joined forces to kill that guy. How people do it is amazing!

"Feili is dead, what about Feiyue? Have you seen it?" Lian Chengkong asked eagerly.

Ye Shi blinked and said, "I don't know."

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