Lian Chengkong lowered his head and looked at the compass in his hand. The compass in his hand did not show the location of the Jing Feiyue space ring.

That space ring should have been in the secret realm. If Jing Feiyue was killed, the student who killed Jing Feiyue would definitely collect her space ring. Could it be that Jing Feiyue died? In the hands of the monsters in the secret realm.

I found that the two apprentices I had carefully cultivated were really in the secret realm, and even Chengkong had aged a lot.

Xiong Wei looked at Lian Chengkong's face, and couldn't help but feel some sympathy in his heart.

Lian Chengkong had accepted two apprentices with eighth-level qualifications, and they usually hid them like treasures. If the secret realm hadn't been opened, Xiong Wei would not know that Lian Chengkong had such two apprentices.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Lian Chengkong has worked so hard to cultivate the two of them, and he has high hopes for the two, but the two of them died so quietly in the secret realm, and neither of them was left.

Yin Zong's death gave Kong Sha a great blow, but seeing that even Cheng Kong's two apprentices were dead, Kong Sha's mood suddenly calmed down a lot.

Kong Sha looked at Lu Yao, and thought to himself: After all, he still has one apprentice left, but the two apprentices that connected Chengkong are all dead.

Kong Sha looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi with a bad expression on his face, Ye Shi made a face at Kong Sha with no fear, turning Kong's murderous face ashen.

Looking at Ye Shi's actions, Jing Chiyan couldn't help but laugh a little.

After the death of a genius, he is just an ordinary dead person, and the empty killing did not turn his face for Yin Zong and Shengxing.

The trip to the secret realm of the two colleges was not bad, but because the two principals died of their apprentices, this trip to the secret realm cast a shadow.


"Apprentice, you are really amazing, and you can handle the eight-star martial arts. You are the proud disciple of Kong Kill! You turned Kong's murderous face green, and you are the first to be able to make him so angry." Jing Chiyan looked at Ye Shidao with admiration.

Ye Shi said proudly, "It's just an eight-star martial arts spirit. If I mess with it, I'll kill it. It's no big deal."

Jing Chiyan rolled his eyes and said, "I've heard that you're fat, but you're still out of breath. I've heard that you can kill that guy with the help of the formation, and luck also accounts for a large part."

Ye Shi retorted disapprovingly: "My strength, Ye Shi, is very important."

Jing Chiyan shook his head helplessly, "If it wasn't for Mu Chen, how could you be shy here."

Ye Shi rubbed his nose and said, "Mu Chen is very powerful."

Jing Chiyan squinted. Beforehand, the people in Mingyue's academy thought that Yin Zong had killed both Mu Chen and Ye Shi. As a result, it was the two who killed Yin Zong. Mingyue's people must have been greatly disappointed.

"Speaking of which, it's a bit strange. Jing Feili asked Yin Zong to kill him. Jing Feiyue doesn't know how she died. She is a four-star martial arts spirit. If she didn't meet Yin Zong, she should have the ability to protect herself. ." Jing Chiyan muttered inexplicably.

When Ye Shi heard Jing Chiyan's words, his heart couldn't help thumping.

"Maybe it was some monster. Seeing how beautiful she was, he married her back to be his wife." Ye Shi said with erratic eyes.

"You! You will talk nonsense, that's all, everyone is dead, and it's still in vain to investigate how she died." Jing Chiyan smiled helplessly, shook his head, and sighed lightly.

Seeing that Jing Chiyan no longer mentioned about Jing Feiyue, Ye Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, what happened to Shi Ziyu?" Ye Shi asked.

Jing Chiyan's face turned gloomy. Shi Ziyu was a spy for Mingyue students. As soon as Xing Tang found out, the dean quickly and resolutely dealt with Shi Ziyu.

Shi Ziyu was originally from the French Empire. He had been lurking in the Xuanfeng Empire for decades, and then entered the Holy Star. It can be said that he had ulterior motives.

The academy focused its attention on Shi Ziyu, but as a result, Zhuang Yu ran away with the people from Mingyue Academy.

The dean thought that Shi Ziyu had bad intentions, but the college treated Zhuang Yu well. Zhuang Yu should always have feelings for the college. The dean sent someone to persuade Zhuang Yu.

As a result, Zhuang Yu felt that the college was indiscriminate and killed her master, which was really hateful, and she seemed to hate the college to the bone.

Because of the death of the two apprentices, the dean was exhausted, and Zhuang Yu was so angry that he almost went into trouble.

"Master Ziyu died, and Zhuang Yu followed the people from Mingyue Academy."

Ye Shi squinted his eyes and left, good to go. It's too annoying to be in front of me all the time.

"Unfortunately, the academy used a lot of spiritual things on Zhuang Yu, but this kid walked neatly." Jing Chiyan shook his head, full of helplessness.

Ye Shi pouted. Before the martial arts competition, the academy used a lot of things to help Zhuang Yu improve his cultivation. In the end, was it all about making wedding dresses for others?

"Before, I didn't see that Zhuang Yu, a delicate and weak boy, is such a ruthless master." Jing Chiyan said with a frown.

Zhuang Yu is also an eighth-level qualified person! It is also a body of Tianyin. I heard that she also has a special spiritual eye. It is a pity that such an excellent student was taken away by the people of Mingyue Academy.

"Master, you really have no vision! I took a look and knew that this guy Zhuang Yu is a ruthless, scorpion-hearted person, who is different in appearance and double-sided." Ye Shi said proudly.

Jing Chiyan smiled helplessly and said, "Yes, you have the most accurate vision."

"Zhuang Yu, it's good to go." Ye Shi said happily.

"What's so good about him leaving?" Jing Chiyan asked.

"That is a master who eats inside and out. For such a person, it is better to leave early than late." Ye Shi said naturally.

Jing Chiyan smiled and said, "That's right."

I heard that Zhuang Yu was in the secret realm and helped Lu Yao find more than a dozen thousand-year-old spirit grass. Zhuang Yu and Lu Yao should have hooked up long ago.

Zhuang Yu, this kid, really... can't see it!

"Lan Ruofeng died in the secret realm." Jing Chiyan looked at Ye Shi thoughtfully.

Ye Shi nodded and said lightly, "Oh, he deserves it."

Jing Chiyan looked at Ye Shi's schadenfreude expression, but did not ask Ye Shi whether Lan Ruofeng's death was related to him.

"The dean has been in a bad mood these few days. You and Mu Chen should calm down a bit, and don't stand in front of his old man's eyes." Jing Chiyan said solemnly.

Ye Shi nodded and said politely, "Okay."

Ye Shi lowered his head. He didn't want to go to the dean to shake it. Although no one saw Jing Feiyue's death, it was hard to guarantee that there were no traces left. At this time, it was better for him to avoid the limelight and wait for the limelight. After that, even if the dean knew that he had killed himself, he would have calmed down.


After resting for a while, Mu Chen and Ye Shi both retreated.

In the secret realm, the two took the medicinal pill refined by the thousand-year-old spirit grass, and the medicinal properties were not fully absorbed in the body, and the primeval stones they harvested in the secret realm were not used up.

During this trip to the secret realm, the appearance of Yin Zong and the Jing family brothers and sisters made Mu Chen feel the hidden dragon and crouching tiger in this world.

Lu Yao and Zhuang Yu also put a lot of pressure on Mu Chen, and Mu Chen realized that if he didn't work hard, it would be easy for them to catch up and then be cannon fodder.

After a month of seclusion, Mu Chen completely absorbed the medicinal properties that were silent in his body, and all the sixty primeval stones found in the secret realm were also completely absorbed.

After coming out of the retreat, Mu Chen's strength was promoted to the four-star martial arts level. When Mu Chen was surprised, Ye Shi's strength was also promoted to the four-star martial arts level, catching up with him.

"Stone, progress is very fast!" Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and smiled.

Ye Shi scratched his head and said, "Really?"

The sixty primeval stones were absorbed by him within a few days. After those primeval stones were used up, Ye Shi couldn't, so he had to start absorbing ordinary prime stones. After getting used to high-quality primeval stones, Ye Shi felt very low. The quality primeval stones are not enough.

"Yes!" Mu Chen said.

There is still a gap between the innate level 8 qualifications and the acquired level 8 qualifications. Looking at Ye Shi, Mu Chen couldn't help but muttered.

It seems that Weilong will not be left behind by people with real 8th-level qualifications, he has to work harder!

"Both of you have left?" Xiong Wei walked over with his hands on his back and looked at the old gods of the two.

"Yes! Master." Mu Chen respectfully said.

Xiong Wei looked at the two of them and smiled slightly. Both Mu Chen and Ye Shi were only fourteen years old, and they were already four-star martial arts. The two apprentices of the dean became four-star martial arts, but they were already eighteen years old.

"I want to take a trip to Tianxin City, do you two want to go see it together!" Xiong Wei said.

"Tianxincheng?" Ye Shi couldn't help blinking.

Mu Chen squinted, Tianxin City is said to be a commercial capital, as long as there is primeval stone, you can buy anything in it.

Tianxin City does not belong to any country. He is jointly organized by several powerful forces. There are several Martial Emperor powerhouses in charge. I heard that it is very powerful.

Mu Chen couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken. His cultivation had reached a bottleneck, and the number of techniques was the same. At this time, he would not make much progress by cultivating hard behind closed doors.

"Senior, have you noticed something?" Ye Shi asked.

Xiong Wei nodded and said: "Yes! I heard that there is an auction in Tianxin City, and this auction has a washbasin-sized black ice chalcedony for sale."

If he can get this thing, the cultivation base should be able to quickly rise to two stars.

The cultivation base has reached the level of Xiong Wei, and it is very difficult to move up. Many Martial Sovereigns leap from one star to two stars, and it will take decades, or even hundreds of years.

Given such an opportunity, Xiong Wei naturally did not want to give up easily.

"That thing must be expensive." Ye Shi said.

Xiong Wei nodded and said, "Yes! The starting price is 300 million."

Ye Shi's eyes widened, the starting price was 300 million, how much was the transaction price!

Ye Shi looked suspiciously at Xiong Wei and said, "The starting price is 300 million yuan, what are you looking for? You can't even buy it."

"Why are you talking?" Xiong Wei glared at Ye Shi angrily.

Ye Shi pouted, he was telling the truth, Xiong Wei was already very poor!

"The dean gave me 500 million primeval stones, and I still have some wealth." Xiong Wei took out a primeval stone card and said.

Ye Shi looked at the Primordial Stone Card in Xiong Wei's hand, his eyes shining with golden light, five hundred million, five hundred million! The dean is really a local tyrant!

Xiong Wei looked at Ye Shi's glittering eyes, and glared at Ye Shi angrily, "Don't worry about it blindly."

"Senior, you have a family background, how much wealth do you have!" Ye Shi asked curiously.

"Five million." Xiong Wei said a little dejectedly.

Ye Shi: "..."

"It's only five million!" Ye Shi looked at Xiong Wei with a look of contempt in his eyes.

Xiong Wei looked at Ye Shi's face, and he was angry.

"What kind of expression do you have!" Xiong Wei asked angrily.

"Senior, you are a Martial Emperor. You are a Martial Emperor with only five million wealth." Ye Shi muttered.

What happened to Emperor Wu, can't Emperor Wu be poor?

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