"Master, five hundred million, I'm afraid you won't be able to buy what you want." Mu Chen folded his arms and said thoughtfully.

Xiong Wei nodded and said, "Five hundred million, it's really impossible to buy it." The cold ice chalcedony was sold at a low price of three hundred million, and it was sold for more than ten million.

"Isn't this still you? Apprentice, would you lend me some first?" Xiong Wei stared at Mu Chen with sparkling eyes.

My apprentice is very good at making money! Everyone at Saint Star Academy knows that Mu Chen is rich!

Ye Shi hurriedly stopped in front of Mu Chen and said eagerly, "No, no, Mu Chen has no money, and Mu Chen... still has to support his family."

Xiong Wei looked at Ye Shi and rolled his eyes helplessly, Ye Shi is really a miser!

Mu Chen smiled lightly and said, "Master, the primeval stones on my body have already been spent."

Mu Chen was telling the truth. Before entering the secret realm, most of the primeval stones on his body had been purchased for refining Talisman materials. The materials for Level 4 Talismans were still very expensive. The remuneration paid to Ji Dongcheng also cost a lot of money.

There are very few primeval stones on him now, but there are more than a dozen bottles of medicinal herbs, all of which are refined from the thousand-year-old spirit grass found in the secret realm, and there are more than thirty pieces. If so many medicinal herbs are sold , sold for 100 million. More than enough, but these medicinal pills are all for eating.

Xiong Wei glanced at Ye Shi and Mu Chen, and said angrily, "I'm just joking, I know you two are unreliable, and I don't dare to count on you."

"There are still three months before the auction. Let's go to Tianxin City early. Outside Tianxin City is the Monster Beast Forest. When that time comes, I will go outside the city and kill a few king-level monsters for a little subsidy." Xiong Wei carried his hands on his back and said lightly.

Mu Chen squinted, a king-level monster, a good-looking king-level monster corpse, it should not be a problem to sell it for fifty or sixty million.

In this way, once Xiong Wei makes a shot, it is worth his hard work for a few months. It seems that he still needs strength! If you have strength, you will only be able to earn primeval stones.

Ye Shi was instantly overjoyed, "Are you going to kill a king-level monster? Great, great, senior, you're so fat, it's long overdue for some activity."

Xiong Wei: "..." Ye Shi, is he thinking that he is fat? This dead boy is really nosy! All he needs to do is stare at Mu Chen and not let Mu Chen get fat.

Ye Shi thought with joy that he had begun to need the blood of king-level monsters to refine his body. He was still worried, the blood of king-level monsters was too expensive, and it used up too much energy, so it was not good. buy, what to do?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he fell asleep, someone sent a pillow, Xiong Wei went to kill the monster, and he just went to order the blood of the monster.

Looking at Ye Shi's expression, Xiong Wei frowned and said angrily, "Little Stone, what are you trying to do?"

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "No! I didn't make any crooked ideas. I am an honest person."

Xiong Wei glared at Ye Shi coldly, and said angrily, "Looking at your thief's eyes, you know that you are plotting against me."

Ye Shi said in disapproval, "Senior, there is something wrong with your eyes, how could I be so stubborn?"

"You two, you haven't killed a monster before, so I just went out with my senior to see and learn, and practice my hands by the way. If you encounter a monster, your legs will be weak, and you will be scared to wet your pants." Xiong Wei said in a high-spirited manner.

"Senior, you underestimate us too." Ye Shi said disapprovingly. "Senior. You take us out. We will encounter a tricky monster soon. We will help you fight. Maybe, when necessary, the two of us can save your life."

Xiong Wei sneered, "With your help, I can almost die."

Ye Shi gave Xiong Wei a displeased look, "Senior, don't look down on people like that!"

Mu Chen lowered his head, it was really good to have Xiong Wei take them out to practice. With such a master by his side, they could let go of their hands and feet when they were fighting, so they didn't have to worry about safety.


Mu Chen went to Xia Qingyan to say goodbye, but Xia Qingyan didn't stop her, she gave Mu Chen some inscription experience, and told Mu Chen to study inscriptions well.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi sat on Xiong Wei's flying boat and embarked on a journey to Tianxin City.

"Senior, your flying boat is very slow! It's like a classic car." After a day of practice, Ye Shi stretched out and walked out.

Xiong Wei lay lazily on the rocking chair, rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and said, "Sometimes it's good to sit. Don't underestimate this flying boat. This is a fifth-level flying boat, and it costs 20 million."

Ye Shi rolled his eyes, Xiong Wei would buy cheap things, this flying boat is indeed a tier 5, and an ordinary tier 5 flying boat is at least 50 million. Because of the age of this flying boat, there are many problems in many places. It was about to be eliminated, but it was bought back by Xiong Wei, tinkered, and put into use again.

Patches can be seen everywhere on the flying boat, and it looks very tight.

If Mu Chen hadn't used his spare time to repair the flying boat, the speed of the flying boat would have been even slower.

"Senior, you are an emperor-level master! Sitting on such a broken ship will damage your worth!" Ye Shi muttered.

"I'm a high-level person, and a high-level person just wants to hide it like me, you don't understand." Xiong Wei said earnestly.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes, he didn't understand, what did he not understand? To put it bluntly, Xiong Wei was a pauper, this guy was too bad.

"Senior, a flying boat is chasing after him." Ye Shi stood on the side of the boat, looking into the distance, bored.

Xiong Wei took a sip of wine carelessly, "Come over, just chase over, let them fly so fast, rushing to reincarnate?"

"What a beautiful spaceship! Senior, the other party's ship looks like a nobleman, and yours looks like a beggar." Ye Shi muttered sullenly.

"What's the use of a beautiful spaceship? It's so beautiful. It recruits robbers and gets robbed sooner or later. Robbers love this." Xiong Wei said sourly.

"Lianyan spaceship is so beautiful!"

"Bang." Xiong Wei rolled from the chair to the ground.

Ye Shi looked at Xiong Wei, who was pale in shock, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, "Senior, what's wrong with you!"

"What did you say, you said the ship was called Lianyan spaceship?" Xiong Wei said in a panic.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! It's written like this on the ship."

"Hurry up, hurry up." Xiong Wei's face turned pale, as if he was facing an enemy.

Ye Shi blinked, puzzled: "Go, where are you going?"

"It's fine to go anywhere, avoid that spaceship." Xiong Wei said.

Ye Shi said puzzledly: "Avoid that spaceship, why!"

Xiong Wei glared at Ye Shi angrily, "If I tell you to avoid it, just avoid it. Why are you asking so many questions?"

Ye Shi puffed out his cheeks and said, "I can't avoid it, they are faster than us! Your flying boat is so bad."

Xiong Wei: "..." No way! Doesn't he have no money?

"Senior, are you afraid?" Ye Shi looked at Xiong Wei, puzzled.

Xiong Wei said angrily, "Afraid, just kidding, why should I be afraid?"

"Why are you afraid, how do I know this, I'm not the roundworm in your stomach." Ye Shi muttered innocently.

Xiong Wei rolled his eyes and said to himself, "It's a miracle that Jing Chiyan's bracelet, such an irritating apprentice, didn't die of anger.


"Ah! A beautiful woman came out of the other party's boat. Senior, she is a great beauty." Ye Shi muttered.

Xiong Wei bent down and moved to a corner.

Ye Shi couldn't help being a little suspicious when he saw Xiong Wei's sneaky and sneaky look.

"Senior, the beauty is looking at us, do you want to come and have a look?" Ye Shi said in a bored tone.

"Stone, shut up now." Xiong Wei cursed angrily.

Ye Shi glared at Xiong Wei with some dissatisfaction, and shut up, why did he want him to shut up.

Ye Shi leaned against the side of the ship and looked at the woman on the Lianyan spaceship lightly.

The woman is dressed in red and looks enchanting and charming. However, there is a spirit of heroism in the enchanting, which looks amazing.

"The other party's boat rushed over, as if it was aimed at us." Ye Shi turned around and found that Xiong Wei was gone.

Ye Shi frowned in confusion, Xiong Wei, is this... escaping?

The two boats were running side by side, very close to each other.

"Little brother, you look so handsome!" Ji Feiyan said, standing opposite Ye Shi, with a faint smile.

"Where! Senior has won the prize." Ye Shi said with a red face.

Although the other party was a charming and charming woman, the pressure on her body was very heavy, heavier than her master, which made Ye Shi feel a pressure.

"You are Xiong Wei's apprentice Mu Chen, right?" Ji Feiyan said.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "No, I am Ye Shi."

Ji Feiyan nodded and replied, "Oh."

Mu Chen walked out of the cabin, Ye Shi pointed at Mu Chen and said, "This is Mu Chen."

Ji Feiyan squinted his eyes, looked at Mu Chen, and said, "Yes, yes, you look better than your master."

Mu Chen: "..."

"Where's your master?" Ji Feiyan asked.

"Hide." Ye Shi blinked.

Ji Feiyan sneered, "Have you been hiding? I heard that he has been promoted to the powerhouse of the Martial Emperor, how come his strength is high, but his courage is getting smaller and smaller. I think back then, his strength was weaker than me, and he dared to peek at me taking a bath. "

Ye Shi: "..."

Mu Chen: "..."

Ye Shi looked at Ji Feiyan, blinked, and secretly said: Xiong Weiyan is a blessing! Such a beautiful woman.

Ji Feiyan folded his arms and looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi thoughtfully.

"Yes, yes, young people are all four-star martial arts spirits, and the future is limitless!" Ji Feiyan said with a light smile.

"Senior has won the prize." Mu Chen respectfully said.

"I heard that Yin Zong died in your hands, so young and promising!" Ji Feiyan praised.

Mu Chen frowned, thinking to himself: This person is from the French Empire, is he here to find fault.

"Don't worry, Yin Zong once killed a well-qualified junior in our Ji family, and he died at your hands, I'm very happy." Ji Feiyan smiled.

Ye Shi heard this and couldn't help but feel a little more favorable towards Ji Feiyan, "We were lucky to kill him, senior, are you here to find Xiong Wei?"

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "Yeah! I came all the way to find him, but he doesn't seem to see me very much."

Ye Shi said angrily, "Senior Xiong, it's really inappropriate."

"Isn't it?" Ji Feiyan said hilariously.

"Xiong Wei, come out quickly! I saw you, don't hide." Ji Feiyan raised his voice.

"Senior Xiong Wei, hid in the cabin." Ye Shi said.

Ji Feiyan tilted his head and smiled evilly, "Hiding, this guy is getting more and more shy! Really, at this age, he is still ashamed."

Ji Feiyan jumped and flew to the boat of Mu Chen and others.

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