"Xiong Wei, come out soon! I'm sorry, what's wrong with that, ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her parents-in-law." Ji Feiyan raised her slender waist with a slender waist.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi looked at each other with a strange look on their faces.

Xiong Wei ran out of the cabin, looking at Ji Feiyan aggressively, "Dead woman, don't talk nonsense, I'm Emperor Wu now, I'm not afraid of you."

Ji Feiyan blinked at Xiong Wei, full of grief: "Yes, you are the Emperor Wu now, the slave family is so scared! What are you going to do?" Ji Feiyan said with fear, but his face was full of ridicule smile.

Xiong Wei's face turned blue and white.

Mu Chen: "..."

Ye Shi: "..."

Ji Feiyan sat leisurely in Xiong Wei's chair, held his chin, and looked at Xiong Wei lazily, not paying any attention to Xiong Wei.

"I said, you really can't support the wall! You are the emperor of Wu, and you are still sitting on such a broken boat, tsk tsk, making yourself look like a beggar, what a shame!"

"I told him, but he doesn't listen." Ye Shi stepped forward and reported to Ji Feiyan.

Ji Feiyan stretched out her index finger, tapped Xiong Wei, and said, "Awei! Little Stone, I gave you advice, why didn't you listen?"

Awei, is it so intimate? Mu Chen raised his eyebrows and couldn't help thinking.

"Not only did he not listen, he also said that your ship was recruiting robbers and that you would be robbed sooner or later." Ye Shiman continued excitedly.

Ji Feiyan turned his head, looked at Xiong Wei with bad eyes, and said in a dark way: "Awei, did you really say that?"

Xiong Wei blushed and said, "My name is Xiong Wei, don't yell."

"Who are we with whom! What's wrong with being intimate?" Ji Feiyan said in disapproval.

Xiong Wei said with a dark face, "Don't talk nonsense! I have nothing to do with you."

Ji Feiyan looked at Xiong Wei full of grievances, and said, "You have seen me take a shower, and said it has nothing to do with me."

Mu Chen rubbed his nose and thought: This woman is too sturdy, no wonder Xiong Wei didn't dare to ask for her.

"Don't talk nonsense! At that time, your clothes were half worn, and I actually... didn't see anything. My mother didn't matter at all." Xiong Wei said sullenly.

Ji Feiyan held his chin, looked at Xiong Wei, and said, "It turns out that you didn't see anything, so you have been reluctant to admit it! In fact, as long as you follow me, you can see anything you want to see."

Ye Shi clenched his fists, and looked at Xiong Wei with shining eyes, "Senior, you should just leave." What a great opportunity!

Xiong Wei blushed, glared at Ye Shi, his voice was fierce, "Stinky boy, stop talking nonsense."

Ye Shi pouted and said to himself: Xiong Wei is really bad, he can only be fierce to himself, he has the ability, he is fierce to other beauties!

Ji Feiyan looked at Xiong Wei up and down, and said with disgust: "You...why are you so fat?"

Xiong Wei blushed, "I'm fat, you can find someone thinner."

"A fat person has a sense of security. Senior, Senior Xiong's fat body is all for you." Ye Shi approached Ji Feiyan diligently and said.

Ji Feiyan patted Ye Shi on the shoulder, full of admiration: "Yes, yes, I love to hear what you said."

"Don't worry, Awei, I don't despise you, I just like your fat body, don't worry, you follow me, I promise to make you lose weight quickly, do you remember, when you chased me back then, I lost 30 pounds of meat in a month." Ji Feiyan said with a beautiful smile.

"That's you chasing me, not me chasing you." Xiong Wei said with a gloomy face.

"Who is chasing who is not chasing?" Ji Feiyan said indifferently.

Xiong Wei said angrily: "This time is different from the past. I am now the emperor of Wu, and I will not let you mess around."

"Oh, you're the Emperor Wu now, people are so scared! By the way, when will you marry me?

! If I marry a Martial Emperor and go back, I will have a long face. "Ji Feiyan took out a small fan and kept fanning the wind.

"Senior, you want to marry Xiong Wei!" Ye Shi asked in surprise.

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "Yes!"

"But, you are a woman!" Ye Shi said.

Ji Feiyan raised his head, and said in a unique way: "What's wrong with women, who said women are not as good as men! I just want to marry a man for everyone to see."

Mu Chen smiled, then cupped his hands and said, "Senior's lofty ambitions really make me and other men willing to bow down!"

Ji Feiyan waved his hand, "It's nothing?"

"Senior, you are truly amazing." Ye Shi said with admiration.

"Little Stone, do you want to consider marrying Mu Chen!" Ji Feiyan asked.

Ye Shi shook his head and hurriedly said: "No need, I can only look up to the ambition of the senior."

"My ambition is nothing? When I marry your uncle as the full wife, and then marry a few men as concubines, my life will be complete." Ji Feiyan said.

Ye Shi: "..." Hug left and right?

"There are many men willing to marry you, so don't stare at me?" Xiong Wei said angrily.

Ji Feiyan sneered, "Awei, you are jealous, I am joking, I have no intention of marrying a concubine."

Xiong Wei: "..."

"Hurry up, hurry up." Xiong Wei said angrily.

Ji Feiyan said with some displeasure: "They just came! You have to drive them away, it's really inhumane!"

Xiong Wei gritted his teeth, clasped his hands together, and bowed to Ji Feiyan, "Auntie, hurry up, I thank you!"

Ji Feiyan squinted, stared at Xiong Wei angrily, and said in a dark voice, "How did you talk, who is your aunt, let's get mad, am I that much older than you?"

Xiong Wei saw Ji Feiyan's face gloomy, and did not speak in embarrassment.

Mu Chen looked at Xiong Wei's face, and secretly felt that his master was a little useless in front of this senior Ji.

Ji Feiyan looked at Xiong Wei, full of puzzlement: "I said, you are stupid, stupid, poor and stingy, how can you be promoted to Emperor Wu?"

Pity her Ji Feiyan Bingxue is smart and talented, but she is still an eight-star martial king. She was driven ahead by a dead fat man, and she surpassed her by so much.

"Yeah! I am the Martial King of the City, and I am only the Eight-star Martial King." Xiong Wei said complacently.

Ji Feiyan looked at Xiong Wei, snorted coldly, and said, "Don't get carried away, you are Emperor Wu, and you are destined to marry me."

"You are dreaming." Xiong Wei said angrily.

Ji Feiyan shrugged and didn't bother about this issue any more, "Mu Chen, I heard that you have a different fire!"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

"You are so young, you have a different fire, and the courseware is blessed!" Ji Feiyan looked at Mu Chen with admiration and said.

"Senior has won the prize." Mu Chen respectfully said.

Ji Feiyan looked at Mu Chen lightly. She had been searching for a strange fire for many years, but found nothing. Unexpectedly, Mu Chen actually had a strange fire, and because of fate, she became Xiong Wei's apprentice.

"I don't have anything to give you when we meet for the first time. Let me give you this essence of Yanyang." Ji Feiyan threw a fiery red stone to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen hurriedly picked it up. The essence of Yan Yang can improve the quality of the different fire, and it is also a priceless treasure. Ji Feiyan should have this one for Xiong Wei.

Ye Shi looked at the stone in Mu Chen's hand, and the admiration for Ji Feiyan in his eyes grew even more.

"Where are you going!" Ji Feiyan asked lazily.

"Go to Tianxin City. It is said that there is an auction there. A large piece of ice chalcedony is auctioned. Senior Xiong wants it." Ye Shi said.

"Oh, then we are on the same road!" She also wanted to go to Tianxin City to look for something that could improve the spiritual things in the city.

Ji Feiyan looked at Xiong Wei and said suspiciously, "You want to buy Frozen Chalcedony, do you have Primordial Stone?"

"Yes! There are five hundred million!" Ye Shi said.

Xiong Wei glared at Ye Shi fiercely, this idiot can't wait to tell him everything after receiving a little favor from others.

"Five hundred million? Can't tell, you're doing well!" Ji Feiyan looked at Xiong Wei and said in surprise.

"Of course." Xiong Wei said with his head held high.

"Five million was given by the dean. Senior Xiong himself has only five million in savings." Ye Shi said.

Ji Feiyan sneered, "So that's the case, I said, how can you have so many multi-element stones."

Xiong Wei: "..." Ye Shi's stinky mouth needs to be sewn up.

"You guys, do you want to go to my spaceship! The speed of this spaceship is too slow." Ji Feiyan said angrily.

"Good! Good!" Ye Shi said hurriedly.

Xiong Wei rolled his eyes and said, "I'm going to you, I'm not going."

Ji Feiyan hugged Xiong Wei's arm and shook it, "Go, go, sooner or later, you are someone else's person, now it's just right to go see someone's spaceship."

Xiong Wei was hugged by Ji Feiyan, goosebumps all over his body suddenly brushed up, "Don't move your feet."

Xiong Wei blushed.

"Then come with me!" Ji Feiyan said with a smile.

Xiong Wei said angrily: "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, go with you."

Mu Chen and Ye Shi followed Xiong Wei to discuss Ji Feiyan's boat. Ji Feiyan's boat was luxuriously furnished, and it was very different from Xiong Wei's tattered boat.


"Mu Chen, I heard that the Hundred Exercises are in your hands?" Ji Feiyan asked indifferently.

Mu Chen was stunned and said, "Yes!"

"Senior, do you want a hundred physical exercises?" Ye Shi asked a little warily.

Ji Feiyan shook his head and said, "I'm not interested, this thing is a bit tasteless."

"Chicken ribs?" Mu Chen asked in confusion.

"I heard that the Hundreds of Body Exercises must be cultivated to the capital wall to open the so-called Jin family secret cave. I don't know what water is in this secret cave."

"Apart from the dead ancestor, the Jin family has not cultivated to that level."

"Jin family, there is a martial king-level ancestor who died inexplicably. I heard that he practiced the Hundred Exercises and became a demon. He practiced such a magic formula. It hurts to death, the difficulty of cultivating this art can be imagined." Ji Feiyan said with a smile that was not a smile.

Mu Chen said in a daze: "It hurts to death."

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "Yeah! Mu Chen, I have a piece of advice for you. You can practice with a hundred body exercises. However, you must not be obsessed with Thailand. For a genius like you, if you are a practitioner of body exercises, it will be painful. Die, that's a joke."

Mu Chen nodded and said authentically, "Thank you, senior, but I don't understand, since this formula is so difficult to practice, why is it still passed down to this day."

Ji Feiyan lightly tapped the table thoughtfully, and heard, "This kind of magic formula is not something that ordinary people can practice. People with special physique can practice it, and it can be practiced a thousand miles a day."

Mu Chen lowered his head and couldn't help but glanced at Ye Shi. Ye Shi started practicing the Hundred Exercises, and the speed was very fast. Moreover, this guy never complained of pain, so he might be very suitable for practicing the Hundred Exercises. people.

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