"Senior, your ship is so luxurious! You dumped Senior Xiong's broken ship a few streets away." Ye Shi couldn't help but admire the magnificent settings in the cabin.

Ji Feiyan smiled calmly, full of humility: "My ship is nothing, but it is more than enough to dump the broken ship of Awei for more than a dozen streets."

Ye Shi: "..."

"Senior, aren't you afraid of being robbed?" Ye Shi asked curiously with wide eyes.

Xiong Wei rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Robbery, she is afraid of being robbed, and the robbers are afraid of her." Ji Feiyan is famous, and the robbers will have bad luck when they meet her.

Ji Feiyan glared at Xiong Wei angrily, "Awei, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Ji Feiyan stretched out his hand while speaking, and twisted Xiong Wei hard, Xiong Wei was grinning from Ji Feiyan's twist.

Ye Shi said thoughtfully, "Senior Ji and Senior Xiong Wei are all afraid of you, so must those robbers be afraid of you."

Xiong Wei looked at Ye Shi angrily, "Who's afraid of her?"

Ye Shi pouted and muttered in a low voice, "If you're afraid, you won't admit it."

Xiong Weiqi's face was ashen, and Ji Feiyan's smile was like a flower.

"Stone, you're joking, I'm a woman, how can I not be afraid when I see the robbers, but I'm very relieved that Awei is there." Ji Feiyan smiled and leaned on Xiong Wei's shoulder.

Mu Chen looked at Xiong Wei's shocked expression, secretly amused, Xiong Wei's appearance seemed to be not a beauty like a flower like jade, but a time bomb.

Xiong Wei rolled his eyes, Ji Feiyan was notorious for being a ghost, and countless robbers died at her hands. Those robbers fled when they heard her name.


A burst of silk and bamboo orchestra music passed over.

Ye Shi raised his eyebrows and said, "What kind of sound is this!"

"Nishang Yuyiqu, it's probably the old man from the Lu family. That old guy always likes to fix these messy things." Ji Feiyan frowned and said coolly, with a bit of annoyance between his brows.

Ye Shi looked out the window, and saw a splendid spaceship flying by.

On the spaceship, there are more than a dozen women holding guzheng, pipa and other musical instruments, playing music, and a few people heard the music coming from the hands of these women.

"So many beauties!" Ye Shi muttered.

"Those are the concubines of the old Lu family." Ji Feiyan held her chin and pouted.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and said, "So many! All of them? Is he busy enough?"

Ji Feiyan pouted and said, "Is it too much? Not much! There are only a dozen or so, and all the concubines of the old Lu family, together, there should be hundreds of them."

Ye Shi's eyes widened, his face full of surprise.

Ji Feiyan looked at Ye Shi's expression and smiled faintly.

Many people at the level of the old man of the Lu family put a lot of emphasis on open branches and loose leaves. There are many powerful emperors like the old man of the Lu family who have married many concubines. There are very few people like Xiong Wei who are still bachelors.

Ye Shi looked at the spaceship outside with fiery eyes, and said with some fiery eyes: "That spaceship seems to be very powerful!"

Ji Feiyan's spaceship threw a few blocks away from Xiong Wei's spaceship, and the spaceship outside was a few blocks away from Ji Feiyan's spaceship.

"It's a Tier 6 spaceship, worth 300 million. Whether it's defense or speed, it's much more powerful than mine, so it's naturally powerful." Ji Feiyan said slowly.

"It turned out to be a sixth-level spaceship! No wonder..." Ye Shi couldn't help but looked at Xiong Wei.

It is also Emperor Wu, his family is full of wives and concubines, Xiong Wei is a bachelor, his family is rich, and Xiong Wei is poor. Except that he may be fatter than the other, Xiong Wei seems to have no place to compare with others.

Xiong Wei glared at Ye Shi angrily, "What to look at, what is there to see."

Although Ye Shi didn't speak, his eyes fully revealed his thoughts.

Ye Shi looked at Xiong Wei meaningfully, sighed, and said, "Senior Xiong, you have to think about it." It's too embarrassing to be the emperor of Wu.

Xiong Wei: "..."

"Senior Ji, the old monster of the Lu family you are talking about, is it Lu Yao's grandfather, Lu Xingfeng?" Mu Chen thought for a while and asked.

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "Exactly, although Lu Xingfeng has married hundreds of concubines, not many can help him. Lu Yao is Lu Xingfeng's favorite grandson, are you two? Have a holiday with Lu Yao!" The stronger the cultivator, the more difficult it would be for the offspring.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "No."

Ji Feiyan said indifferently: "It's good not to, the old man of the Lu family is very vengeful."

Ji Feiyan heard that Mu Chen and Ye Shi were in the secret realm, and they seemed to have had a conflict with Lu Yao. Even the old monster of the Lu family, the guarantee card left on Lu Yao was activated, and the token sealed Lu Xingfeng's one. Attack, I don't know how the two escaped.


Ye Shi frowned, looked out of the porthole, and muttered: "That old man of the Lu family doesn't have the same purpose as us, right?"

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "Mostly the same."

I hope that this guy Lu Yao is not there, Ye Shi secretly said.

Just as Ye Shi thought about it, Lu Yao and Zhuang Yu walked out of the opposite cabin and broke into Ye Shi's line of sight.

The moment he saw Zhuang Yu, Ye Shi suddenly felt a sense of collapse.

Ye Shi grinded his teeth, he thought that if Zhuang Yu and Lu Yao ran away, they would be strangers and never see each other, who knows, who knows... What kind of evil fate is this!

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi's abrupt expression, followed Ye Shi's gaze, and his face became stiff.

Mu Chen lowered his head and clenched his fists. It seems that there is a force in the dark that pulls them and the protagonist together. If they can't escape, they can only kill Zhuang Yu and Lu Yao like killing Lan Ruofeng. done.

"Lu Yao and the old monster from the Lu family came out, and Zhuang Yu's little white face is there!" A murderous look flashed across Xiong Wei's eyes.

Ye Shi clenched his fists, his face full of evil spirits.

"Lu Yao has been promoted to a 4-star martial arts spirit, and Zhuang Yu is also a 3-star martial arts spirit. Small stone, keep the skin tight, don't let anyone overtake it." Xiong Wei's soul force swept across the opponent's boat, facing the Ye Shi smiled.

Ye Shi nodded solemnly and said, "I know."

Zhuang Yu was actually a three-star martial arts spirit, and this little white-faced entry was really fast, Ye Shi gritted his teeth unwillingly, and stared at Zhuang Yu fiercely, as if he wanted to stare hundreds of holes in Zhuang Yu.

Ji Feiyan couldn't help laughing at Ye Shi's expression.


"On the opposite side is Senior Ji Feiyan Ji's car. Senior, if you are interested, come over and talk about it." Lu Yao's voice came over from a distance.

"Boy Lu, you are getting more and more handsome. Auntie, I have something inconvenient now, so I won't come here." Ji Feiyan raised his voice.

Hearing Ji Feiyan's reply, Lu Yao's face flashed a bit of strangeness.

"Lu Yao, isn't Ji Feiyan very powerful?" Zhuang Yu asked beside Lu Yao in confusion.

Lu Yao frowned and said, "This woman..." She's a strange creature and a legend!

Grandpa also seemed to have some interest in Ji Feiyan back then. It was the dream of many men to hold a rebellious woman under him and tactfully, but because the Ji family behind Ji Feiyan was powerful, grandpa did not reach out.

"Ayao, come back." Lu Xingfeng's voice came over.

Hearing Lu Xingfeng's words, Lu Yao frowned and returned to the cabin.

"Grandpa, Ji Feiyan, said something happened, but come here." Lu Yao said.

Lu Xingfeng smiled and said indifferently, "She has guests over there, so naturally she doesn't want to come here."


Lu Xingfeng nodded, his eyes flashed a little bit of evil, "It's Xiong Wei."

Lu Yao was stunned for a moment. Back then, the affair between Ji Feiyan and Xiong Wei was very noisy. After so many years, the connection between Ji Feiyan and Xiong Wei seemed to be broken, and Lu Yao thought the two had ended.

"On Ji Feiyan's side, in addition to one Xiong Wei, there are two other teenagers, both of which are four-star martial arts. It should be Mu Chen and Ye Shi as you said before." Lu Xingfeng said indifferently.

"All four-star martial arts?" Lu Yao asked.

Lu Xingfeng nodded and said, "That's right."

Lu Yao's expression changed. When he first arrived at Shengxing, Mu Chen had just been promoted to Wuling. At that time, he was a 2-star Wuling. Then he would become a 4-star Wuling. Mu Chen also became a 4-star Wuling. Yes, Ye Shi is the same, these two people are his great enemies!

Zhuang Yu lowered his head, a dark look flashed in his eyes, Ye Shi was already a four-star martial arts spirit, and he thought that he had become a three-star martial arts spirit, surpassing Ye Shi.

"Hundred exercises are in Mu Chen's hands." Lu Xingfeng asked.

Lu Yao nodded at him, "Yes, it was the grandson who neglected his duty and did not ask for the law back."

Lu Xingfeng shook his head and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, there is always a chance, and it will be long in Japan."

Lu Xingfeng's spaceship is a sixth-level spaceship, and its speed is much faster than Ji Feiyan's spaceship. After a while, Ye Shi can no longer see the shadow of the other's spaceship.

"They left." Mu Chen frowned deeply.

"The speed of the sixth-level spacecraft is not comparable to the fifth-level spacecraft." Ji Feiyan sighed lightly.

"Senior Xiong, take a good look at others!" Ye Shi tilted his head and said.

Xiong Wei rolled his eyes and said, "What are you looking at?"

Ye Shi shrugged his shoulders and said, "Look at how powerful they are, there is no shadow of them throwing you away at once. To be a Martial Emperor is to achieve that level to be called a veritable Martial Emperor!" Xiong Wei Why? Look, they're all fake emperors.

Xiong Wei glared at Ye Shi angrily. Why did he bring Ye Shi out in the first place? Did he bring Ye Shi out to block himself.

"Go, go, go, you have the ability, you can mix up to his level." Xiong Wei said angrily.

"Senior Xiong, you underestimate me too. I am young now. When I get older, I will definitely be better than him, and I will never be like you." Ye Shi said confidently.

Xiong Wei: "..."

Mu Chen stood on the side of the boat, the wind was blowing, and the waves in his eyes were flowing.

Lan Ruofeng died, and Lu Yao was the next one. As long as the Hundred Exercises were in his hands, Lu Yao would not be able to let him go.

Fate determines them, and it must be a hostile relationship.

Ye Shi walked to Mu Chen's side, looked at Mu Chen who was wandering in the sky, and asked softly, "Mu Chen, are you alright?"

Mu Chen smiled at Ye Shi and opened his arms towards Ye Shi.

Ye Shi blushed and fell into Mu Chen's arms.

Mu Chen hugged Ye Shi tightly, resting his head on Ye Shi's shoulder, "Stone, whoever harmed you, I will deal with you one by one."

"Ah!" Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen puzzled.

Mu Chen smiled and took Ye Shi into his arms, "You just need to stay by my side."

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