After flying for nearly half a month, the spaceship finally reached Tianxin City.

Mu Chen took advantage of this half-month time to absorb the essence of Yan Yang given by Ji Feiyan, and raised his strength to the realm of five-star martial arts.

"Feiyan, Feiyan, I love you."

"Feiyan, Feiyan, you are the most handsome."

"Feiyan, Feiyan, you are the most beautiful."

"Feiyan, Feiyan, you are the best."


Before the spacecraft landed, Mu Chen heard bursts of passionate shouts.

Ye Shi had long been curious and ran out to watch the fun, and Mu Chen also went out to take a look.

I saw hundreds of red-clothed girls gathered outside Tianxin City, and the slogans composed of various instruments flashed with dazzling light.

Hundreds of young girls, all dressed in red, looked magnificent.

All kinds of fireworks are constantly blooming in the air, colorful and dazzling. All fireworks are triggered by mana, which are more brilliant and spectacular than the most expensive fireworks on earth.

"What's going on here!" There are so many female nuns! Ye Shi was puzzled.

Ji Feiyan came out in high spirits, and said proudly: "I am a man of fame! People who admire me, but, many, these are my admirers."

"Why do they worship you!" Ye Shi asked in confusion.

"Because I am a role model for female cultivators." Ji Feiyan said proudly.

Ji Feiyan stood on the side of the boat, and waved his hand at the people below, which attracted all the girls below, exclaiming.

Xiong Wei walked out of the cabin in a daze, Ji Feiyan rolled his eyes, took out his whip, wrapped it around Xiong Wei's waist, and pulled Xiong Wei to the front.

Xiong Wei didn't expect Ji Feiyan to suddenly take action, and he didn't feel murderous in Ji Feiyan anymore. Suddenly, Ji Feiyan was pulled to the front desk.

"Wow! Oh!" The harmonious voices of the female nuns below were instantly earth-shattering.

A deafening scream hit his eardrums, and Mu Chen was almost blinded by the scream.

"Senior Xiong, it's Senior Xiong Wei!"

"Senior Ji, eat Senior Xiong."

"Senior Xiong, finally fell under the pomegranate skirt of Senior Ji."

"Senior Xiong, it looks like he's a little fat! It doesn't matter, under the guidance of Senior Ji, he will soon lose weight."

"Senior Ji, you can even handle the powerful emperors of the Martial Emperor. You really don't want to be a man, a role model for female cultivators of my generation!"

"Being a woman is to be like Senior Ji, stepping on all men and stepping on the Martial Emperor's strong."


Mu Chen looked at the excited female cultivators below, and secretly said: So there is idol worship in other worlds too! No matter where they are, fans are very terrifying, and there are bursts of aura flashing underneath, which is about to break the rhythm of the sky!


Ji Feiyan started the spaceship, and finally got rid of all the enthusiastic admirers.

After getting off the spaceship, Xiong Wei walked forward angrily.

Ji Feiyan raised her voice and said, "Awei, where are you going!"

"Where am I going, I don't need you to care." Xiong Wei gritted his teeth.

Ji Feiyan said sadly: "I don't need to care, how can I not care, now everyone knows that you are my person."

Xiong Wei angrily glared at Ji Feiyan, furious, "You said, you said, it's all you, now everyone thinks we don't know."

Ji Feiyan snorted coldly and said, "If you can't be clear with the old lady, you can just snicker. I don't know how many people you want to be unclear with me, but in the end, it's clear with me."

"Yes! Senior, don't be ignorant of happiness in the midst of happiness, it's not good, have you seen it? Senior Ji has so many admirers, she is very popular, it is your blessing that she can see you! "Ye Shi was serious.

Xiong Wei looked at Ye Shi and almost fainted from anger. Ye Shi and Ji Feiyan stayed for a few days, but Ji Feiyan accepted them obediently.

So many admirers of Ji Feiyan are secretly laughing at him.

Pity that Xiong Wei's fame will be ruined at the hands of Ji Feiyan, a dead girl.

Ji Feiyan looked at Xiong Wei with a flowery smile, and said triumphantly, "Yes! Awei, Xiao Shitou is right, don't be ignorant of happiness in the midst of happiness."

Xiong Wei: "..."

"Senior Ji, where are you going now!" Mu Chen spoke at the right time to help Xiong Wei.

"Our Ji family has a different courtyard in Tianxin City. I have to go back to the other courtyard. Awei, do you want to go with me!" Ji Feiyan asked.

Xiong Wei said angrily, "I'm not interested."

Ji Feiyan smiled and said indifferently: "I have to remind you! During this time, the rent in Tianxin City is very expensive, and it's not very easy to rent. You can go to my place for free."

Xiong Wei said righteously, "I don't want to accept your little kindness and kindness if a hero doesn't eat what he has come to eat."

Ye Shi said in disapproval, "Senior, you're not really a hero. You peek at people's baths! At this time, it's too late to pretend to be a gentleman. Now that there are free houses to live in, you can't live in vain."

Xiong Wei can't wait to kick Ye Shi out, Mu Chen is so good at making money, but Ye Shi is so fond of taking advantage of him.

Damn it, how could he be unable to think about it for a while, and bring Ye Shi, this bastard, out, it is simply, one slip into an eternal hatred!

He didn't peek at Ji Feiyan's bath, he just accidentally broke into Ji Feiyan's bathhouse, the open-air bathhouse, the ghost knows there will be a woman in it.

Ji Feiyan giggled and said: "Little Stone is right! Awei! You have lived so many years longer than Xiao Shi, but you still don't have Xiao Shi, so you understand the truth."

Xiong Wei: "..."

"Get out, get out, get out." Xiong Wei cursed angrily.

Ye Shi pouted in dissatisfaction, "Senior Xiong, you are very poor, it is best not to spend money indiscriminately."

"Nonsense, I have five hundred million." Xiong Wei said angrily.

"That's the principal's money." Ye Shi said disapprovingly.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes and said, "Master, in fact, Shitou has some truth in what he said! Anyway, the relationship between you and Senior Ji can't be washed away even if you jump into the Yellow River. Why don't you just break the jar and smash it."

Xiong Wei: "..." This bastard, Mu Chen, Ye Shi says what he says, and he has no opinion at all.

Three to one, Xiong Wei was taken into the Ji Family Courtyard by a few people.

Xiong Wei regretted it as soon as he stepped into Ji's other courtyard, or in other words, Xiong Wei regretted it before he stepped into Ji's courtyard, but it was too late to regret it!

"Ah! Aunt Feiyan, have you finally married Senior Xiong Wei? Great, I'll go tell my grandma, she will be happy." A girl screamed excitedly when she saw Xiong Wei. Dong Dong Dong ran away.

Xiong Wei looked at the girl's back, his face dark.

Looking at Xiong Wei's dark face, Mu Chen couldn't help but feel a little sympathy in his heart.

Ji Feiyan dragged Xiong Wei to see the "husband's family", and Mu Chen and Ye Shi were placed in a different courtyard.

"Mu Chen, I want to buy a set of magic weapons." After being promoted to martial arts, Ye Shi hadn't had time to give himself a whole set of fourth-level magic tools. The level of the original magic tools was not enough.

Mu Chen: "Buy it!"

"Mu Chen, I want to buy a spaceship." Ji Feiyan's spaceship made Ye Shi couldn't help but get a little jealous.

Mu Chen: "Buy it!"

"Mu Chen, I want to buy a thousand-year-old ice lotus." Ye Shi felt that he was getting more and more angry recently, and his murderousness became more and more serious. It is best to buy an ice lotus to defeat the fire.

Mu Chen: "Buy it!"

"There is no primordial stone." Ye Shi said sullenly.

Mu Chen touched his nose and said, "How much do you have on hand?"

"I want 10 million more. The items in Yin Zong's space ring will probably sell for 5 million." Ye Shi muttered.

Ye Shi is used to seeing big money, and he doesn't like the mere five million yuan, but no matter how small the mosquito is, it is also meat!

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes and muttered, "It's hard to live a poor life!"

If Mu Chen's words were heard by the people of Shengxing Academy, most of them would drown the spittle stars. If Mu Chen said that he had no money, then there would be no rich people in Shengxing.

"Yeah!" Ye Shi nodded in agreement.

Mu Chen held his chin and said, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Ye Shi asked.

"Sell some medicinal pills first, and then go to the black market after you have money. I heard that the black market in Tianxin City is very interesting." Mu Chen smiled and said.

"I heard that there are many seemingly ordinary items on the black market that are actually worth a fortune." However, more of them are fakes. "It's a test of eyesight," Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen nodded, smiled, and said, "My little stone, with outstanding eyesight, will definitely be able to choose a good one."

Ye Shi bit his lip and said, "My eyesight, in fact, is useless."

"It's alright, if you're wrong, just take it as a fortune." Mu Chen said with a smile.


Ye Shi followed Mu Chen to Danyuan to sell eight fourth-level Danyuan, and harvested 3,000 yuan stone. The shopkeeper gave Li Muchen a gold card of 3,000 yuan stone.

"The shopkeeper is just a martial spirit. I don't know where his medicinal pills came from. Do we want it?" Watching Mu Chen and Ye Shi leave, the dark guard beside the shopkeeper made a throat-slashing motion.

Danyuan boss smiled, shook his head, sighed lightly, and said, "This person can't move."

"Why?" The dark guard asked in confusion.

"His master is Xiong Wei, who is a strong martial emperor. Xiong Wei looks like a good man, but in fact, he will pay him back. If you move his apprentice, he will have to fight with you." The boss said lightly. Although Xiong Wei is a new Emperor Wu, but since he has entered the Emperor Wu, his strength cannot be underestimated.

When Xiong Wei was in King Wu, he killed countless people. After he was infected with the cold poison, he gradually became quiet. Now that his cold poison has been cleared, he has been promoted to the emperor of Wu, and most of them will come out to play.

Ji Feiyan seems to have an inexplicable relationship with Xiong Wei, Xiong Wei is not easy to deal with, Ji Feiyan is a ruthless character!

"Is that Mu Chen?" The dark guard froze for a moment.

"Yeah! I heard that he was promoted to martial arts a while ago, but it turned out that he was a five-star martial arts spirit. Eighth-level qualifications are amazing! The progress is so fast." The shopkeeper shook his head, full of emotion.

"The current youth is really amazing." Shadow's face flashed a bit of annoyance.

"These eight medicinal pills all carry the aura of different fires. Mu Chen should be proficient in refining a variety of fourth-level medicinal medicinal herbs. At such a young age, his alchemy skills are so superb. Grandmaster." The shopkeeper's face flashed with admiration.

"No wonder, the shopkeeper will give him a gold card." Shadow said suddenly.

Danyuan's gold card has always been issued to the strong King Wu. He was still wondering why the shopkeeper gave such a precious gold card to a "Second Generation Ancestor."

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