Ye Shi and Mu Chen were walking on the road, looking around curiously.

The black market in Tianxin City is extremely prosperous, and Ye Shi is dazzled by all kinds of commodities.

"Just now, a young man picked an ordinary Origin Stone, and actually opened a large piece of Mingxin Jade. Judging from the size of the Ming Xin Jade, I am afraid that it will be worth 8 million, but the cost of the Origin Stone is only One hundred thousand."

"This boy's luck is so good! The stone he picked out has a dull luster and low spiritual energy. I thought he must have lost his bet, but I didn't expect that such a stone actually hides the universe."

"That young man is really good. The top card of Jinxiu Garden is not half as bright as that young man."

"The strength of that young man seems to be very strong! He is a martial arts spirit at a young age."

"There are too many young geniuses now, and we can't keep going."


Ye Shi was walking on the street, and a loud chatter entered Ye Shi's ears.

Ye Shi frowned, and a bit of suffocation appeared on his face. He intuited that the young man being talked about was Zhuang Yu.


"Mu Chen." Lu Yao's voice entered their ears.

Mu Chen raised his head and saw Lu Yao and Zhuang Yu.

Ye Shi grabbed Mu Chen's arm tightly and took a deep breath.

Seeing Zhuang Yu's moment, Ye Shi almost had the urge to vomit, Ye Shi thought sadly, maybe, Zhuang Yu is the nightmare he can't get rid of in his life.

It's good to get used to it, and it's good to get used to it, Ye Shi lowered his head and cheered himself up secretly.

Ye Shi felt uncomfortable when he saw Zhuang Yu, and Zhuang Yu also felt uncomfortable when he saw Ye Shi.

The protagonist should have attracted much attention and went smoothly, but because of Ye Shi, Zhuang Yu suffered a lot of blows along the way.

Lu Yao looked at Mu Chen, his eyes shrank all of a sudden, and said, "Are you a five-star martial arts?"

When Zhuang Yu heard Lu Yao's words, Zhuang Yu's heart trembled.

Zhuang Yu bit her lip and thought: When he was Lan Ruofeng, Lan Ruofeng's alchemy skills and strength far surpassed Mu Chen's. As a result, it didn't take long for Mu Chen to surpass the past. The ray of light was suppressed by Mu Chen and could not lift his head. In the end, he died anonymously in the secret realm.

When he first met Lu Yao, Lu Yao's strength was also higher than that of Mu Chen, but it took so long for Mu Chen to rush to the front. Lu Yao wouldn't follow in Lan Ruofeng's footsteps.

Zhuang Yu shook his head and expelled the thought in his mind.

The four of them just looked at each other in pairs, and then passed by.

Lu Yao couldn't help but look back at Mu Chen behind him, and there was a deep fear in his eyes.

Lu Yao bit his lip. During this period of time, he and Zhuang Yu were both cultivating, their strength was advancing rapidly, and they were about to advance to the fifth rank. Lu Yao thought that he could advance to five stars one step faster than Mu Chen.

Obviously, the last time we met on the flying boat, Mu Chen was only a four-star martial arts spirit, and as a result, it was only a short time.

Lu Yao couldn't help but glance at Zhuang Yu, the body of Tianyin is very magical, but unfortunately, Zhuang Yu's body of Yuanyin was destroyed by Lan Ruofeng, if Zhuang Yu's first man was himself, he should have entered Martial spirit, that guy Lan Ruofeng is really worthless.


"Mu Chen, the young man they were talking about was Zhuang Yu." Ye Shi muttered to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I think it's him too."

Ye Shi frowned and muttered unhappily, "Why is his luck so good?"

Mu Chen sighed lightly, who would let the protagonist be the protagonist? Ye Shi wanted to compare his luck with the protagonist.

Zhuang Yu's light has been dimmed by the original. After all, the original Lan Ruofeng will get Ye Shi's full help, and Lan Ruofeng's road will be very smooth. Lan Ruofeng is considerate to Zhuang Yu, and his things , will share with Zhuang Yu without hesitation.

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said indifferently, "It's just a piece of jade, if you like it, I'll buy it for you too."

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "No, we are nervous right now, so we need to save some money."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Stone, he really knows how to keep a house."

"Uncle Chen said, wise helper, you have to stop it, I'm spending a lot of money." Ye Shi lowered his head and muttered in embarrassment.

Mu Chen: "How come, after making money, it always has to be spent..."

"Two little brothers, do you want to come in and play in our stone gambling shop! Our source stones are all from Tianyin Ancient Mine, and the minerals are very good! There was a little brother just now who spent 10,000 stone and opened it. A piece of 8 million Mingxin jade." A beautiful woman looked at the two of them and said enthusiastically.

"Gambling stones?" Ye Shi's eyes flashed with interest, and he looked towards Mu Chen.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "If you want to go, go." This world has to bet on stones, which is somewhat similar to the earth. It is equally poor and rich. However, the gambling stones in this world have a variety of things. , Tianyin Ancient Mine is very magical. The source stone contains jade, primeval stone, primeval crystal, even weapons, ancient books, some people have even opened monster eggs in the ore, and even the space ring of ancient Xiu, and so on.

"However, Uncle Chen said that gambling is not good." Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen said nonchalantly, "It's okay, as long as you like it."

The beauty looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and her heart flashed a little bit of joy, these are two "Lengtouqing" who are not deep in the world! It seems that they are rookies, but I don't know what their net worth is.

"Let's play with it, you're welcome, if you lose all, it's a big deal, I'll sell a few more pills." Mu Chen handed Ye Shi the three thousand yuan stone he had just received.

When the beauty saw the gold card handed out by Mu Chen, a few lights flashed in her eyes, and she secretly said: These two are not only rookies, but also local tyrants! This card should have been issued by Danyuan. This kind of gold card has always been issued only to King Wu. I don't know how this kid got it.

The beauty looked at Ye Shi, and a bit of jealousy flashed in her heart. With the wink of the receptionist, it was not difficult to see that the two were a couple. The receptionist looked at Ye Shi and couldn't help but muttered to herself: This little pair is not Knowing where the luck came from, I actually found such a generous concubine.

Ye Shi took the Primordial Stone Card and happily walked into the gambling stone shop.

The receptionist looked at Mu Chen, her mood was up and down, and she secretly greeted Mu Chen from time to time.

Mu Chen smiled helplessly, completely ignoring the reception of the beauties, and looked at Ye Shi, who was wandering in the Middle East of the Stone Casino, with gentle eyes.

The reception beauty saw that Mu Chen had no intentions of him, so there was no need to entangle him any more.

Ye Shi was stimulated by Zhuang Yu, and he chose a dozen Originium savagely.

"This little brother, the Origin Stones you selected are 12 million in total." The beautiful receptionist took stock of the Origin Stones that Ye Shi had purchased.

Ye Shi frowned and said, "Why is it so expensive?" Obviously, that kid Zhuang Yu only spent 10,000 shi, what are you doing!

"Because, little brother, the primeval stone you chose is relatively large, and the number of pieces is relatively large." The receptionist said.

Ye Shi frowned and said, "Then I'll give back a few pieces."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said, "No need, let's go."

"It's expensive!" Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen didn't take it seriously and said, "I'm born with my talents, and I will come back after all my money is gone. Maybe, what kind of treasure will I have for you!"

Ye Shi blinked and said, "Okay."

The reception beauty listened to the conversation between the two, and couldn't help but secretly said: I don't know how many people gambled on the Origin Stone, and the family went bankrupt. These two boys are going crazy if they want to make a fortune. Among so many Origin Stones, it would be good to be able to open one with Origin Stone. .

The primeval stones contained in the Tianyin Ancient Mine ore are of much better quality than the primeval stones outside.


"You two, please come with me." Receiving the beautiful woman, she led the two to the place where the stones were cut.

"Two little brothers, are you newbies?" said an old man with a white beard.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! I'm a novice."

The white-bearded old man looked at Ye Shi and said helplessly, "When you look at your source stone, you have chosen it blindly. You actually chose such a piece, the Wancrack Stone. There are so many cracks on this stone, and there must be cuts in it. Nothing."

"Ah! Then I'll go back." Ye Shi said with a frown.

The receptionist smiled faintly and said, "I'm sorry, little brother, once the Origin Stone here is sold, it will not be returned."

Ye Shi's face twisted, and he said sullenly, "Profit merchants."

Mu Chen smiled lightly and said, "Okay, don't get excited, just try your luck."

Ye Shi murmured with a twisted face, 12 million.

"Little brother, which primeval stone do you want to cut first?" The stone cutter asked Ye Shi.

"From small to large, cut in order, cut carefully, don't cut it for me." Ye Shi said nervously.

The Stonecutter smiled lightly, and said, "Little brother, don't worry, I've been doing this for decades, and I'm careful."

There was so much in the mouth of the stone cutter, but there was a hint of disdain in his eyes. It was probably a few stones that Ye Shi had selected. The seeds were too poor, and the other party probably felt that it was impossible to open anything.

Ye Shi clenched his fists and looked at the rocks on the ground nervously.

Soon the stone cutting begins.

"Hey, nothing, lost the gamble?"

"Too young and inexperienced!"

"It's broken again. Stone gambling is really not something ordinary people do."

"Nothing came out, tsk tsk, so many Originium, the loss is huge."


After cutting more than a dozen Originium stones, nothing came out, and Ye Shi collapsed.

Mu Chen hugged Ye Shi and comforted: "Okay, okay, all bets are gone, it's only 12 million, it's not a big deal."

"But, but..." Twelve million, how many roast chickens can you buy! I can't finish eating it all my life. Thinking of my dream back then, it was to eat roast chicken every day. Moreover, Zhuang Yu makes money when he gambles, and loses money when he gambles.

Seeing that Originium was cut open piece by piece, but nothing came out, Ye Shi's expression became more and more broken.

The stonecutter cut across the top of an Originium stone at the end, "Boom."

A dazzling aura gushed out from the opening, "Something has come out." Ye Shi said excitedly.

Mu Chen's eyes lit up, and something really happened.

"Continue to cut! Don't cut it." Ye Shi said excitedly.

As soon as Ye Shi's voice fell, the source stone actually cracked open layer by layer, revealing a huge hammer.

"This instrument was originally sealed in the source stone, but now that the seal is broken, it automatically emerges." A cultivator next to him said excitedly.

"This magic weapon looks very extraordinary! It should be some years old."

"Little brother, you're so lucky!"

"Little brother, it's time to make a fortune."

The cultivators who were standing on the side watching the fun said one after another.

The receptionist covered her mouth with a look of disbelief.

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