The beautiful receptionist sent Ye Shi and Mu Chen out of the guild tremblingly, her eyes full of shock and admiration.

"It's really amazing. Both of them have passed the verification of the fifth-level formation master."

"How did those two guys learn the spells!"

"One of these two teenagers has spirit-patterned eyes! Spirit-patterned eyes really are something that defies the sky."

"These two people must have obtained the mantle of which array mage! Otherwise, no matter how good the aptitude is, without inheritance, it is impossible to become a fifth-level array mage so early."

Pei Ya watched in shock as the two left, biting her lip, a feeling of grief welled up in her heart.

Pei Cheng patted Pei Ya's back and comforted him: "Ya'er, if you go down step by step like this, you may not be worse than the two of you. When you are young, big is not necessarily good. Many young geniuses gradually disappear. "

Pei Ya raised her head and said blankly, "Is that so?"

"Naturally." Pei Cheng nodded.

Lou Qing listened to Pei Cheng and Pei Ya's words, and a faint sneer appeared on his lips. Looking at the figures of Mu Chen and Ye Shi, there was something strange in his eyes.

After walking out of the court, Ye Shi looked at the Primordial Stone Card in his hand and exclaimed suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Mu Chen asked.

"One hundred million stone came." Ye Shi blinked.

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, and said, "Really!"

Ye Shi nodded, his face full of joy, but he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, "Who gave this reward! It's too generous, will there be any traps!"

There are actually 100 million. If I knew earlier, they could earn so much by answering questions. What are they doing so desperately to kill monsters? This primeval stone must be too profitable.

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes and said thoughtfully, "What are you doing? Since it's given to you, it's yours."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "I think so too." If there are any traps, Primordial Stone will never be fake.

Ye Shi had just received the bounty when a communication bird stopped in front of the two of them.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi couldn't help looking at each other, Ye Shi took off the jade talisman in the communication bird's beak and looked at it.

"The other party asked us to meet at Qinghui Pavilion in eight days, and said he wanted to give us a chance." Ye Shi bit his lip.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes. He was in the Array Mage Guild just now, and he always felt that he was being stared at. Could it be that the person who just posted the bounty is there? Why would the other party do this?

"You said us? Not you?" Mu Chen said hesitantly.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! The other party not only mentioned me, but also you."

Mu Chen squinted, something strange flashed in his heart, "Take a step, take a look."

Ye Shi nodded, and said cheerfully, "Mu Chen, now that we have money, we might as well go and scan the goods."

"Okay!" Mu Chen said without hesitation.

Only those who can spend money will make money. Only by spending the primeval stones will their strength increase. When their strength increases, they can earn more primeval stones. Just like Xiong Wei, his master, even if he is not proficient in art, can still rely on it. Kill monsters to make money.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi walked into a large shop in Tianxin City.

"Ice lotus water!" Mu Chen couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the items in the shop.

Back then, Lan Ruofeng spent a lot of money at an auction and bought ice lotus water for Zhuang Yu. Thinking of Lan Ruofeng, Ye Shi couldn't help but feel as if he had passed away.

The ice lotus water in this shop is obviously several grades higher than what Zhuang Yu bought at that time, and the price is 3 million yuan.

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said, "Buy it if you want."

Ye Shi nodded and swept over them all the way. The net worth of the two of them was comparable to that of ordinary king-level masters.

When Ye Shi went to pay the bill, Zhuang Yu and Lu Yao just came in.

"This fellow Daoist, you have spent a total of 158 million." The beauty behind the counter said to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, stepping on his feet, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Is there so much? Up to 120 million!"

The beauty nodded and said, "Yes! That's all."

Listening to the conversation between Ye Shi and the beauty, Zhuang Yu couldn't help but said, "Ye Shi, why did you spend so much."

Ye Shi turned his head to look at Zhuang Yu, couldn't help frowning, and said sullenly, "How do I know why I spent so much, I spent so much before I knew it."

"You shouldn't be so messy." Zhuang Yu said with a frown.

Ye Shi shrugged and said, "I can't help it! I can't control it, do you want to lend me primeval stones?"

Zhuang Yu sighed lightly and said, "I don't have any primeval stones to lend you."

"Oh, then let's go." Ye Shi waved his hand impatiently.

"Calculate the account, it's cheaper!" Ye Shi took out two primeval stone cards and gave them to the beauty shopkeeper.

The beauty saw the primeval stone card that Ye Shi took out, her eyes lit up, and she silently scratched the primeval stone from Ye Shi's primeval stone card.

Zhuang Yu gritted his teeth. He originally thought that Ye Shi didn't have Yuanshi to pay the bill, but he didn't expect the other party to be so... rich. It seems that he has made a lot of money recently!

Mu Chen walked out with a large amount of materials, "These are also included."

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said puzzledly, "Mu Chen, what are you doing buying so many array materials!"

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "It's useful for killing monsters and arranging caves. It can be made into an array and sold."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's right."

Zhuang Yu looked at Mu Chen and said several times, but still didn't say much, and Mu Chen ignored them.

As soon as Mu Chen and Ye Shi left, the people in the store immediately started talking.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi left without saying anything to Zhuang Yu and Lu Yao.

"Who are those two boys! It's too ostentatious, so flowery."

"That's Mu Chen and Ye Shi of Saint Star. They have a good master, and they are very good at earning primeval stones."

"Nearly 200 million primeval stones are spent as long as they are spent, and none of the martial kings and powerhouses have such a hand."

"I heard that the two of them have just been certified by the 5th-level Array Master at the Array Guild, and they are already 5th-level Array Masters."

"It's really amazing. At a young age, the array spell has reached the fifth level."

"No, it is possible for these two to become seventh-level formation wizards in the future."

"Where did you two go?" Xiong Wei asked when he saw the two entering the door.

"Go to the Array Mage Guild for certification." Ye Shi said lightly.

Xiong Wei nodded, "Oh, both of you are certified to be fourth-level array mages."

Ye Shi stretched out five fingers and said, "Level five, it's level five!"

Xiong Wei twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "It turned out to be level five!" Hao Tu, the dean of the academy's formation court, is just a level five magician. These two little devils, now that they go back, Hao Tu will be on an equal footing!

"I also answered a question there by the way, and they gave me 100 million." Ye Shi muttered.

Xiong Wei's eyes widened sharply, and he spit out a sip of wine, "What did you say?"

"I said, I answered a question."

"What about the back?" Xiong Wei said impatiently.

"People gave me 100 million."

Xiong Wei's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "You answered a question, and they gave you 100 million yuan. I can't see that you are so good at making money!"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yeah! I didn't expect that I would be able to make money like this, but compared to you, it's still worse."

Xiong Wei smiled dryly, joking, he is Emperor Wu! Ye Shi, the guy whose hair hasn't even grown yet, does he want to compete with him now?

"No matter what, I've eaten so many more years than you, so don't be discouraged even if you can't beat me." Xiong Wei said with an inscrutable expression.

"I'm not depressed! When I have eaten your meal for so many years, I will definitely be very rich, very rich." Ye Shi said.

Xiong Wei gritted his teeth and stared at Ye Shi's neck.

Seeing that Xiong Wei's face was not good, Ye Shi secretly hid behind Mu Chen.

"Master, the person who offered a reward of 100 million said that he wanted to give the stone a chance. I think there may be some problems with this." Mu Chen said lightly.

Xiong Wei's expression changed, and he said, "Tell me about this from beginning to end."

Mu Chen nodded and explained the matter from beginning to end.

Xiong Wei frowned tightly and said, "There is no white pie in the sky. This formation may have been used by someone for fishing."

"Fishing?" Ye Shi asked.

Xiong Wei nodded and said, "Yeah! The person I want to publish the formation may have found some secret place, and this secret place is hindered by the formation. The other party needs the formation master to open the formation."

Ye Shi was stunned for a while, and said, "So, the other party has taken a fancy to me and Mu Chen?"

Xiong Wei nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Today, the formation that Mu Chen and I saw seemed to be a sixth-level formation. I can only make a rough idea. I think it would be better for the other party to find a sixth-level formation wizard." Ye Shi said thoughtfully. The formation seemed simple, but it was actually very complicated. His answer was actually a bit simple.

Xiong Wei smiled helplessly, and said, "You guys are more suitable than sixth-level formation wizards, you know?"

Ye Shi looked at Xiong Wei puzzled.

Xiong Wei glanced at Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and said, "The formation technique is relatively unorthodox. There are very few sixth-level formation wizards, not to mention, those who can become sixth-level wizards are very powerful. If the opponent really finds one There is a secret place guarded by a formation, so the partner he is looking for, the higher the formation, the better, and the lower the strength, the better, you say, are you two very suitable?"

Ye Shi looked at Xiong Wei, tensed his nerves, and said, "Senior Xiong, do you think the other party will kill people?"

Xiong Wei shook his head and said: "I don't know. If the other party has a good conscience and really finds any benefit, maybe he will give you some broth, or maybe, of course, the more likely is..." The other party used the two One person, and then solve the two.

"I guess, the two of you may have been targeted by each other."

Mu Chen folded his arms with a gloomy expression on his face, "Let's not touch this matter for the time being."

The other party has a reward of 100 million yuan at hand. It can be seen that they have strong financial resources, and most of them are heaven-level masters. The difference in strength is too great.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

Xiong Wei squinted his eyes and said, "Since the two of you don't plan to take over this business, then you'd better not leave my side. When the auction is over, I'll take you away immediately."

Mu Chen and Ye Shi looked at each other, nodded, and responded to Xiong Wei, "Okay."

Ye Shi pushed this opportunity away, and the other party quietly fell silent, seemingly leaving the two behind, and soon the auction would come.

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