The auction in Tianxin City is very amazing. The boxes upstairs in the auction hall are only rented to Martial Emperor powerhouses, and hundreds of Martial Emperor powerhouses have come.

Ye Shi sat next to Xiong Wei and couldn't help looking around.

"In this auction, there is also an auction of dragon blood! I didn't expect that the auction house could even get dragon blood. It's really amazing." Ye Shi couldn't help but look a little weird.

Ji Feiyan held his chin and said indifferently: "Of course it can't be pure dragon blood, it's just a dragon, and a trace of true dragon veins has returned to the ancestors, but even so, it is still amazing, for that dragon, five Martial Emperor powerhouses were dispatched. , I heard that one of them has fallen."

Ye Shi gritted his teeth and said, "If I have a lot of dragon blood to refine my body, maybe I can break through to the golden wall quickly."

Xiong Wei smiled dryly, Ye Shi really wanted to.

The starting price of this dragon's blood is 200 million, which is not much less than the price of his ice chalcedony!

Maybe the auction price of dragon blood will be higher than that of ice chalcedony. After all, ice chalcedony is only useful for those who practice ice magic, and dragon blood is useful for all powerhouses.

Ye Shi gritted his teeth and said sadly, "It's really painful to have no money!"

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said, "If you come to Japan, you will always have money. Besides, it's too early for you to use the blood of an emperor-level monster to refine your body."

Ye Shi nodded and said earnestly, "That's true."

Mu Chen lowered his head, it was too ostentatious for the two of them to covet dragon blood.

Ye Shi looked outside the box and saw that under the auction stage, there were many powerful emperors of the Martial Emperor, who were rarely seen at ordinary times.

"Senior, I didn't expect you to be able to grab a box." Ye Shi couldn't help but looked at Xiong Wei with some admiration.

Xiong Wei smiled and said, "I'm Emperor Wu." This damn box needs 10 million rent for three days, damn vampire auction.

Ji Feiyan crossed his legs and held his chin, sitting on the side with a variety of styles.

The auction started soon. The first auction item in the auction was a sixth-level magic weapon, which was auctioned for a sky-high price of 1.8 billion.

"Wow wow!" Ye Shi's eyes widened, watching this scene, "It's so expensive, so expensive, the first item is so expensive, we're afraid we won't be able to buy anything."

"The opening auction items should be the first to win people, and naturally they should be more precious. Not everything is so expensive." Ji Feiyan smiled lightly and explained.

Ye Shi nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

Xiong Wei gritted his teeth and thought to himself: All the commodities are so expensive, should he still live?

Ji Feiyan was right, the price of this second item dropped quickly.

During the period, Mu Chen spent 20 million yuan stone to photograph a bottle of demon summoning liquid.

"Why did you buy this thing?" Ji Feiyan asked puzzled.

The function of the monster-calling liquid is to wake up the sleeping monsters. If you find the eggs of the monsters, but the eggs of the monsters are weak and difficult to hatch, you can also put them in the monster-calling liquid.

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "I have a half-dead bee, maybe Bubbles can come back to life."

Before Mu Chen and Ye Shi, they found a pair of Swallowing Heaven Peaks in the secret realm. Mu Chen had been trying to wake up the pair of Swallowing Heaven Bees, but there was no progress.

"Bee? What bee? It's worth your attention!" Ji Feiyan asked casually.

"Wanhuabee, it is said that the honey brewed is delicious." Mu Chen said lightly.

Ji Feiyan rolled his eyes and said, "Twenty million yuan stone is enough for the two of you to buy dozens of pairs of Wanhua bees."

Ye Shi pursed his lips. He had been staying with Mu Chen all the time, and he naturally knew that what Mu Chen was interested in was not the Wanhua Bee, but the half-dead thing called "Swallowing Bee" brought out from the secret realm.

"It's okay, Mu Chen is rich." Ye Shi said lightly.

Ji Feiyan looked at Ye Shi's sincere face and couldn't help grinding his teeth, these two little devils are really rich and willful!

Ji Feiyan said with a serious face: "Stones! Even if Mu Chen has Primordial Stones, you can't let him spend it all, and give it to him. What do you spend?"

"Mu Chen has left a lot for me, let me be ho ho." Ye Shi said with a blink of an eye.

Ji Feiyan: "..."

The auction will proceed in an orderly manner, during which Ji Feiyan also bought two items of interest.

The specifications of this auction are extremely high, and there are also several sixth-level records.

Flood Dragon Blood, Level 6 Spirit Grass, Level 6 Spirit Pill, etc. appeared one after another, with auction prices exceeding one billion yuan everywhere.

The ice chalcedony that Xiong Wei wanted was auctioned at a price of 900 million. There were many good things in the auction. The ice chalcedony was not very conspicuous. Other emperor-level masters might also want to sell Xiong Wei to save face, so this thing It went well.

Mu Chen closed his eyes, only to feel his head sinking tightly, he couldn't open his eyes, and his body kept tumbling.

"Brother Lou, you're finally here, we've been waiting for you for a long time." In the groggy, Mu Chen heard a chilly voice.

"It was not easy to catch these two boys, it took a lot of time, otherwise I would have arrived already." Lou Qing said lightly.

"Isn't this Mu Chen and Ye Shi? What are you doing here with two boys whose hairs haven't grown together yet? The place we're going to this time is a secret. The less people know about it, the better." Ning Huai said coolly.

"Though these two boys are young, they are all fifth-level array mages. I put a bounty on the array mage guild. These two boys can see that they can't start from the fire position. They should be of some help to our trip. ." Lou Qing said slowly.

"Well, the fifth-level formation mage, it's okay to bring it."

"Unfortunately, old man Mu has something to do. Otherwise, he can be asked to help." A mournful female voice sounded, and the voice was a little hoarse.

Lou Qing said disapprovingly: "Old Man Mu, the Seven Star Martial Emperor has a cultivation base and is very domineering. Even if he is free, I would not dare to ask him to take action. With him, we can get much benefit."

Ning Huai nodded and said, "That's true."

"Mu Chen is Xiong Wei's apprentice, have you fought against Xiong Wei?" Gu Miaoyu asked with interest.

"Our actions are secret, how could I openly fight with Xiong Wei? I used a trick to transfer Xiong Wei, and then brought these two little devils out. Xiong Wei is really watching the two of them! I don't know. Yes, it should be his illegitimate son." Lou Qing said coolly.

"What kind of strategy did you use!" Mrs. Miaoyu said with interest.

"I sent someone to tell him that Ji Feiyan was plotted against him, and his life and death were unknown. This guy really believed it. It seems that this guy and Ji Feiyan really have an affair." Lou Qing's eyes crossed a bit of sneer.

Madam Miaoyu squinted her eyes, and a bit of coldness flashed in her eyes, "Ji Feiyan is just a Martial Emperor, and she is too ostentatious."

Also a woman, Gu Miaoyu is much stronger than Ji Feiyan, but her reputation is not as prominent as Ji Feiyan. Gu Miaoyu is both disdainful and jealous of Ji Feiyan.

Several people looked at Gu Miaoyu's displeased face, and did not touch her bad head.

"Waiting for me?" Lou Qing asked.

"Old man Lu, he hasn't come yet. Old man Lin said that he will prepare some magic weapons to break the formation, and he will arrive later. Lou Qing, you brought such two people here, obviously to cut old man Lin's face!" Miao Lady Jade brushed her hair, a little gloating.

Lou Qing's expression changed. Lin Moyuan was a master of the two-star Martial Emperor. He was very interested in the battle method.

"Bring these two people just in case of emergency. Of course, it mainly depends on the ability of Fellow Daoist Lin."

"Forget about Old Man Lin, Old Man Lu is always like this, slow, as if he will suffer a lot if he arrives a little early." Ning Huai said coldly.

Mu Chen closed his eyes and listened to the conversation of several people, while Ye Shi was snoring softly.

Mu Chen didn't know that Xiong Wei was already insane in Tianxin City. When Xiong Wei met Ji Feiyan when he went out, he knew that he had fallen for the other party's plan to move the tiger away from the mountain. However, when he arrived at the location of Mu Chen and Ye Shi, he found that someone had already Go upstairs is empty.

"Several people are here." There was a sound of breaking wind, and Lu Xingfeng approached a few people in the blink of an eye.

"Old man Lu, Lou Qing brought two little devils whose hairs haven't grown up yet, why did you bring two?" Gu Miaoyu frowned.

Lu Xingfeng smiled and said: "My grandson Lu Yao, I took him out to see the world, this is his partner Zhuang Yu, although Ayu is not very good at formations, but with a pair of eyes, he can see through formations. Oversight, Ayu's hunch is very effective, and with him we can avoid many dangers."

Ning Huai narrowed his eyes and said, "That's it! If you can take care of Old Man Lu yourself, it's okay to take it with you."

As soon as Lu Yao arrived, he saw Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and his eyes couldn't help but be puzzled.

"Why are the two of them here?" Lu Xingfeng looked at Lou Qing and asked.

"Aren't these two little devils fifth-level formation wizards? I brought them here, maybe I can help a little." Lou Qing explained lightly.

Lu Xingfeng smiled and said, "Before I came, I saw Xiong Wei looking for these two people, and it seemed like he was going crazy."

Lou Qing smiled disapprovingly, "I'm afraid what he will do, but he's just a novice who has just entered the imperial level. Besides, no one has proven that I did it." Even if they are all emperor-level masters, the gap in strength is still very large. , Xuanfeng Empire is just a small country, and a few people do not take it seriously.

Lu Xingfeng smiled and said, "Yes."

"Has Old Man Lin arrived yet?" Gu Miaoyu asked impatiently.

"Are you waiting for me?" An old man in a gray robe leaped over.

"Yeah! It's just you." Gu Miaoyu said with a smile.

"Hey, isn't this Ye Shi?" The gray-robed man looked at Ye Shi in Lou Qing's hand, his eyes full of greed.

"Yes!" Lou Qing said.

The gray-robed man stared straight at Ye Shi's closed eyelids, and the expression on his face was a mixture of greed and ferocity, which made people shudder.

Lou Qing looked at Lin Moyuan's eyes with mixed feelings. Lin Moyuan seems to have an eye-catching spell in his hand. This kind of spell seems to be able to deprive others of the spiritual eye and transplant it into himself. Of course, this kind of spell transplantation is risky. Blind first.

"Since everyone is here, wake up these two little devils and let's go." Lu Xingfeng said.

Lou Qing nodded and said, "Okay."

Ye Shi was suddenly woken up by Lou Qing. Looking at the people around him, Ye Shi felt a sense of unease in his heart.

"Who are you?" Ye Shi asked.

"Little friend, the old man said that I want to give you a chance, follow me to find the chance." Lou Qing said with a smile.

Ye Shi gritted his teeth and said in his heart, "The primeval stone is not easy to earn! I originally thought that Bai would get 100 million yuan, but this 100 million yuan is a life-threatening charm! The old man in front of him is not a person to be messed with at first glance, and so are the others. Same.

Ye Shi glanced at Zhuang Yu, but he didn't ask any further questions. Zhuang Yu saw that someone was protecting him. At this time, he could only bear it.

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