Mu Chen and Ye Shi were quiet and followed a few people honestly.

Mu Chen soon found out that the place they were going was the place where the legendary emperor would never return.

Along the way, several people encountered more than a dozen king-level monsters, all of which were solved by a few emperor-level masters.

Realizing that he was dealing with several emperor-level masters, Rao Shi Ye Shi had always been bold and a little uneasy.

"Senior, where are we going!" Ye Shi couldn't help but asked through gritted teeth.

Lou Qing smiled and said: "What a great place! You will know when you arrive, little friend, you two are lucky! The place we go can bring you great fortune and benefit you forever! When I was young like you, I had no such luck."

"Then I have to thank the seniors." Ye Shi smiled reluctantly.

"It's easy to talk." Lou Qing's expression was a good old man.

Ye Shi held Mu Chen's hand uneasily, and Mu Chen held Ye Shi's hand instead, giving Ye Shi a calm look.

Mu Chen gritted his teeth and said to himself: The other party spent so much effort catching them, they should be used, and they won't kill them easily.

Mu Chen looked at Lin Moyuan with some caution. Lin Moyuan was a fifth-level formation mage. Mu Chen knew that this group of people really relied on this person. He and Ye Shi were just two spare tires. Shi, a little malicious.

Mu Chen sighed lightly. He had planned to wait until he became stronger and come to the Forbidden Land, but he didn't expect... the world is impermanent, and it is impossible to help him!

I don't know, what will happen to his cheap master... Xiong Wei, maybe he's going crazy.

As several people continued to go deeper, they encountered more and more dangers. Even Ning Huai was accidentally injured when he was dealing with an emperor-level monster.

In such a high-end battle situation, Mu Chen and Ye Shi couldn't intervene, so they could only hide and watch the excitement.

"We're here." Lou Qing said with a gloomy face.

"What's the matter? There is a nest of colorful blood doves at the entrance." Ning Huai said with an ugly expression.

"Last time, we attacked the formation, although we did not break the formation, but it seems that the formation has had a certain impact, so that the spiritual energy of the forbidden ground leaked out, so that these colorful blood doves were attracted." Lu Xingfeng carried his hands on his back. , thought for a while, and said lightly.

A few people felt it and found that the vitality around them was indeed stronger than other places.

The colorful blood dove is full of poison, and it is very tricky because it is good at flying.

"What should I do? Do I have to fight recklessly? I don't want to confront these beasts head-on." Gu Miaoyu said with a frown.

In this nest of colorful blood pigeons, three are only level 6, and even if they swarmed up, they would not be able to take advantage of it.

Ye Shi gritted his teeth and leaned against Mu Chen, the pressure from the colorful blood dove made him very uncomfortable.

"We don't need to fight hard, the colorful blood dove likes poison, and I happen to have a bottle of bitterness in my hand, as long as we use bitterness to lead this group of colorful blood doves away." Lin Moyuan said.

Gu Miaoyu narrowed her eyes and said with great interest, "This is a good idea! But, who is going to lead the colorful blood dove away."

Gu Miaoyu's eyes looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi with interest, Ye Shi subconsciously wanted to hide behind Mu Chen, but suddenly thought of something, and blocked in front of Mu Chen again.

"Why, why do you want someone to go? Doesn't Brother Lu have a Swift Wind Eagle? I think this pet is more suitable." Lou Qing rolled his eyes and said.

Lou Qing didn't deliberately defend Mu Chen and Ye Shi. It was of no use if they went there. Both Mu Chen and Ye Shi were only martial arts practitioners. Now, the colorful blood dove came back with a double fold, and lost a bottle of bitterness in vain.

Lu Xingfeng's Blast Eagle is a 5th-level spiritual pet. He has no other abilities, and the flight speed is very fast. If that spiritual pet shoots, it will be able to buy more time and have a better chance of winning.

As soon as Lou Qing's words came out, the eyes of several people all fell on Lu Xingfeng.

"I didn't expect Brother Lou to actually miss my Blast Sculpture?" Lu Xingfeng's voice was a little cold, and his eyes were a little cold when he looked at Lou Qing.

Lou Qing smiled dryly, "Brother Lu, in this situation now, it's most suitable for your Swift Wind Eagle to take action. If your Swift Wind Eagle can really lead these colorful blood doves away, it will not be in vain for your hard work. Feed it."

Lu Xingfeng squinted, thought for a while, and said, "Yes, but, after entering, no matter what is in it, I will choose one first."

"It's natural." Lou Qing glanced at Gu Miaoyu and the others.

"I have to pick one first, the value of bitterness is not under the eagle." Lin Moyuan said coldly.

Lou Qing, Gu Miaoyu and others looked at each other and nodded again.

Bitterness can kill even an emperor-level expert, and its value is indeed not under the fifth-level wind eagle.

Ye Shi bit his lip uneasily and stood silently aside.

"After a while, the galloping eagle will lead this nest of colorful blood doves away, we must seize the time to break the formation, and break the formation before the blood dove rushes back. If it can't be broken, it will be troublesome to lead the blood dove back. "Lu Xingfeng said coldly.

"Brother Lin, are you sure that we can break the formation by attacking the four directions of Jinmu, Water and Earth at the same time?" Lou Qing asked Lin Moyuan a little uneasily.

Lin Moyuan was invited by several people later. The reason why they invited him was because they wanted to use his formation strength.

"Of course, as long as there is no problem with the array map you printed for me, then there will be no problem with my method." Lin Moyuan said confidently.

Lu Xingfeng nodded and said, "If that's the case, let's do it."

Lu Xingfeng hung the bitterness on the eagle's neck and let it fly away. He smelled the smell of bitterness, and several colorful blood doves rushed towards the eagle.

"Do it." As soon as the colorful blood dove left, several people rushed to the entrance at the same time, attacking the formation.

"Boom", the formation gave out a burst of light, and it shattered. Before a few people were overjoyed, a few people saw that there was another formation behind the formation.

"What the hell is this?" Gu Miaoyu said with wide eyes.

"Array within an array." Lin Moyuan squinted his eyes and said, the outer formation was broken, and the inner formation was exposed.

"Brother Lin, what should I do?" Ning Huai asked eagerly. When the colorful blood doves fly back, all previous efforts will be forfeited. If it is not good, there will be a fierce battle.

Lin Moyuan gritted his teeth and quickly began to calculate, but the formation inside was more complicated than the formation outside. Lin Moyuan was an emperor-level master, but only had a fifth-level formation. For a while, he couldn't find any clues.

A blue light flashed from Ye Shi's eyes.

"Attack here, break this formation node, this formation will be broken." Ye Shi said immediately.

One or two of these gang members were scheming. Ye Shi was actually not willing to help, but if he didn't help, the group of blood doves would fly back, and Mu Chen and him would probably be the first to be eaten.

Lin Moyuan glanced at Ye Shi, and said without hesitation, "Do as he said." Lin Moyuan looked at Ye Shi's eyes with blue light, and felt envy in his heart.

"Bang." The formation broke in response.

There was no time to rejoice, Lin Moyuan and others quickly got into the formation, a few people passed through the formation with their front feet, and a burst of sharp bird chirping sounded from their back feet.

Mu Chen grabbed Ye Shi and dragged Ye Shi into the formation.

Seeing the colorful blood dove with a ferocious expression that was blocked outside the formation, Ye Shi patted his chest with lingering fears.

"Little friend's eyesight is very good!" Lu Xingfeng looked at Ye Shi, full of admiration.

Ye Shi pursed his lips, smiled with a pale face, and said, "Senior has won the prize."

For some reason, he felt that Lu Xingfeng's words were not like praise, but rather like gloating.

Lin Moyuan looked at Ye Shi eagerly, Ye Shi lowered his head, avoiding Lin Moyuan's gaze, Ye Shi intuitively looked at Lin Moyuan's eyes, like a blade.

Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi faintly.

"Bang bang bang." The sound of a formation attack came over.

"That group of colorful blood doves is attacking the formation." Ning Huai said.

"The damn group of beasts also want to come in and get a piece of the pie." Gu Miaoyu said angrily.

They broke through from the gap of the formation, and the wisdom of the colorful blood dove is obviously not low, but they have not understood the formation of the formation, only know how to rampage.

Lin Moyuan entered a series of spells in the formation, and restored the formation.

"This formation can probably hold this group of blood doves for a while." Lin Moyuan said with an ugly face.

"Let's go." Lou Qing said.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi bit their lips and followed behind a few people.

Zhuang Yu frowned and couldn't help but said, "Senior Lu, what exactly is this place! Such a strong vitality!"

Lu Xingfeng smiled and said, "This is a place where a strong martial artist practiced ten thousand years ago." Time changes, and no matter how powerful people are, they will die one day.

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, a dim light flashed across his eyes.

Because of his appearance, Zhuang Yu's life has changed a lot, and the original route in the book is also different.

Cang Forbidden Land, 10,000 years old, a cultivation place for martial arts experts, it seems to be recorded in the book!

Mu Chen grabbed Ye Shi's hand and followed a few strong men forward. It didn't take long before a majestic palace came into view of several people.

"This dragon column looks good!" Ning Huai said.

"This dragon column seems to be integrated into the sixth-level secret gold, which is really good." Lin Moyuan said coldly.

Ning Huai smiled and said, "Although I have incorporated this sixth-grade material, there are not many. When I find a refiner to refine the secret gold, convert it into prime stone, and then distribute it equally to everyone."

Lin Moyuan and others nodded, expressing acquiescence.

Ye Shi pursed his lips, and said to himself: "Emperor-level masters treat treasures like this!"

Mu Chen and Ye Shi followed a few people and watched them collect treasures. Along the way, a few masters made some gains, but the gains were not very big.

Several people walked into a studio, "A lot of paintings!" Gu Miaoyu said in surprise.

"I didn't expect that the martial artist is actually a person who loves painting."

Hundreds of paintings are displayed in the studio, and each painting is vivid.

Mu Chen's eyes quickly swept across the scrolls, and his eyes quietly landed on the danqing at the door. Above the danqing was an elegant-looking man. The man's appearance was not too outstanding, but, It seems to have a warm and jade-like temperament.

Just as Zhuang Yu was about to pick up the painting, the portrait was already in Mu Chen's hands.

"Mu Chen..." Zhuang Yu called out subconsciously.

Mu Chen grabbed the portrait with one hand and Ye Shi's hand with the other, a golden light burst out from the portrait, and both Mu Chen and Ye Shi were involved.

"What do you two want to do?" Ning Huai asked in surprise.

When Lu Xingfeng and others found something wrong, Mu Chen had already activated the teleportation array on the scroll.

Lin Moyuan waved his sword and slashed at the teleportation array. The teleportation array emitted a burst of golden light, which bounced Lin Moyuan away. Before the teleportation array was activated, anyone could easily destroy it.

Several emperor-level masters watched as Mu Chen and Ye Shi disappeared in front of their eyes.

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