"You little bastard with no conscience, when the old lady goes in, I will cook you raw." Gu Miaoyu said viciously.

Ye Shi shrugged and said disapprovingly, "Let's talk when you can come in."

Ye Shi pouted. These people, who spoke harshly to him all day long, would cook him, stew him, braise him, and steam him. A table full of Han Chinese... Ye Shi was numb when he heard it.

Gu Miaoyu looked at Ye Shi's indifferent expression and wanted to kill Ye Shi, but she couldn't.

Ye Shi looked at it for a while, felt bored, patted his butt, stood up, and left.

"Bastard, bastard, I'm going to burn him to ashes, I must make him look good." Gu Miaoyu looked at Ye Shi's back and said furiously.

Ning Huai looked at Gu Miaoyu and reluctantly said, "Okay, don't be angry. When we break this formation, are you afraid that we won't be able to clean up these two little devils?"

Gu Miaoyu gritted her teeth and said secretly: Breaking the formation is simple, this tortoise shell is indestructible, and I don't know when it will be broken.

"Speaking of which, do you think this kid has changed?" Ning Huai said mysteriously.

Gu Miaoyu asked impatiently, "What changes?"

"That little brat is an eight-star martial arts." Ning Huai said gloomily.

Gu Miaoyu's face flashed blue, purple, red, yellow and green one after another. She didn't pay attention to five-star martial arts, nor did she pay attention to eight-star martial arts. However, in two months, the other party rose from five-star martial arts realm to eight-star martial arts. In the realm of Star Martial Spirit, she couldn't help but take it seriously. With such a speed, Mu Chen and Ye Shi must have gained huge benefits in the inner hall.

"Damn it, damn it." Gu Miaoyu was jealous and angry again, her heart was churning for a while, but uncle Yu couldn't dissipate it.

"You're back?" Mu Chen greeted Ye Shi, who was in high spirits.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Will eating meat in front of Gu Miaoyu and Ning Huai make you particularly appetizing? These two are very good at eating?" Mu Chen asked Ye Shi with a half-smile with his arms crossed.

Ye Shi's eyes widened, and he scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "You saw it all."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

"It's not that the two of them eat very well, but that I have something to eat, and the other side doesn't, and I'm happy." Ye Shi carried his hands on his back and said proudly.

Mu Chen shook his head and said angrily, "Virtue."

"Mu Chen, this gratifying person has been attacking the formation continuously for more than a month, and he has not made any progress. He is still enjoying it, and his patience is really good." Ye Shi said with a frown.

Mu Chen said with a gloomy face, "These people are all powerful emperors of the Martial Emperor, and their patience is amazing. If they really bombard the formation for more than ten years, if it doesn't work, they can really blow it away."

Ye Shi frowned and said with some confusion: "How can their patience be so good? Boom for more than ten years."

Mu Chen sighed lightly and said, "They are all powerful emperors. For us, more than ten years may be a long time. For them, it is just a blink of an eye." Long, many strong people retreat for dozens, or even hundreds of years, ten years, which is really nothing.

Ye Shi thought for a while and said, "In this case, let's repair the entire formation from start to finish."

Mu Chen said indifferently: "No hurry, this seventh-level formation is very stable. It's impossible for this group of people to make any progress in a while."

"We rashly repair the formation, which may be counterproductive. It's better to take some time to study this formation first."

"Actually, in a few years, we will all be sixth-level formation wizards. Are we still afraid that there will be problems with the formation?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's right!" For more than ten years, they would not have been this weak all the time.

"Mu Chen, recently, seeing that you are busy, what are you busy with?" Ye Shi asked curiously.

Mu Chen smiled, and there was a bit of wickedness in his eyes, "I was thinking, the formations we used to integrate into the 78-way constellation formations were all protective formations, why don't we just kill a few formations? Go in and surprise them."

He was also stunned for a moment, and then a little light flashed in his eyes, "Good idea! So, have you been researching killing formations recently?"

"Yeah! But this matter, don't rush it, you have to be fully prepared before you start." Mu Chen smiled.

His goal is not to hurt an emperor-level expert outside, but to kill one directly.


The days went by like water, and in a blink of an eye, it was a year, and in a year, Mu Chen and Ye Shi were busy improving their strength and learning formation techniques.

Lou Qing and others were busy attacking the formation, looking for the way to the inner hall.

All the palaces in the outer hall have been turned upside down by several people, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are digging three feet into the ground.

In the outer hall, Lou Qing and others gathered again.

Gu Miaoyu said with an ugly face: "Can we do this? It's been a year, and the formation is still unchanged." Even under the repairs of Mu Chen and Ye Shi, it became more and more solid. Gu Miaoyu was very suspicious. It is useless to do so, does it make sense?

Ning Huai looked at Gu Miaoyu and said, "Do you want to quit?"

A bit of embarrassment flashed on Gu Miaoyu's face, "No." Things have come to this point, and it is impossible for her to quit easily. She has been with the breaking method for more than a year. Now quitting, this Years of hard work, isn't it in vain?

Gu Miaoyu looked at Lin Moyuan, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Fellow Daoist Lin, it's too slow for us to attack the formation like this. Is there any shortcut?"

"Is that a seventh-level formation, the seventy-two constellation formation, this formation was once used by a big family as a great formation to protect the clan. It is rumored that this formation can even be blocked by strong martial artists, how could there be a shortcut. "Lin Moyuan said with disapproval.

"Oh." Gu Miaoyu lowered his head a little, but he didn't think there was no shortcut to breaking this formation, but he just thought that Lin Moyuan was ignorant and didn't know the method.

After a year, Lin Moyuan had nothing to do, Gu Miaoyu couldn't help feeling that Lin Moyuan was a little useless, and secretly speculated that Lin Moyuan's array spells might not have Mu Chen and Ye Shiqiang in the big array. Although Lin Moyuan was a little disdainful in his heart, Gu Miaoyu still gave Lin Moyuan enough face.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, Mu Chen and the others repaired the formation so that our attack was effective, and they were wiped out." Lou Qing said worriedly.

Lin Moyuan smiled and said: "It's too late, the formation has been repaired too much, and it's their turn to reap the consequences. Don't worry, although hard work will take a lot of time, it will definitely achieve results."

When Lou Qing heard Lin Moyuan's words, his heart suddenly settled.


"Today, it's the two of you on duty!" He also said lazily to Lu Xingfeng and Ning Huai.

Lu Xingfeng and Ning Huai are outside. They are real big men. When Wuwang and the strong see it, they will respectfully call out, "Senior."

Ye Shi, a martial arts spirit, had such a thorny attitude towards the two of them, that he regarded them as little servants sweeping the floor.

Lu Xingfeng and Ning Huai frowned. He had been on a mission for hundreds of years, and he didn't lose his sense because of Ye Shi's attitude.

Lu Xingfeng and Ning Huai ignored Ye Shi, removed the magic weapon, and began to attack the formation.

Ye Shi sat on the ground, holding a white jade ginseng, nibbling on it.

Ning Huai looked at the ginseng in Ye Shi's hand, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Such a large ginseng, if it is alchemy, it can at least refine a fifth-level medicinal pill, and it is also regarded as a radish.

Ye Shi looked at your wicked expression and rubbed his nose innocently.

He and Mu Chen found a piece of ginseng in the inner hall. The idea is that one ginseng is 5,000 years old, two are 3,000 years old, and the 5,000-year-old ginseng is 5,000 years old. Five baht ginseng of the year, slipped Liang Zhu to let him eat it to satisfy his cravings.

While nibbling on ginseng, he thought to himself: Actually, the taste of raw ginseng is not very good.

Fortunately, Jing Chiyan wasn't here now, and he didn't know what Ye Shi was thinking, otherwise, seeing Mu Chen messing things up like this, he would have died of anger.

Ye Shi finished eating the radish, oh no, ginseng, clapped his hands, and walked towards the inner hall.

Ning Huai gritted his teeth, looked at Ye Shi's back, and said, "The Nine Stars and Five Spirits are at their peak."

Lu Xingfeng nodded and said, "Yes!" The Nine Stars and Five Spirits reached their peak.

"These two guys, I don't know how many things have been lost over the years." Ning Huai gritted his teeth.

Lu Xingfeng squinted, and when he opened the formation and caught the two of them, he must have these two daring fellows to die.


"Mu Chen." Ye Shi walked lazily into the inner hall.

"I'm back, did you have fun?" Mu Chen smiled at Ye Shi and asked.

Ye Shi shrugged and said, "It's okay." The people outside were turning over and over, just those old men, old women, and the two little white faces Zhuang Yu and Lu Yao, it was really boring! Although the cultivation conditions in the inner hall are very good, but it has been a year, and it has been locked here, it is really boring, but fortunately there is Mu Chen.

"By the way, today it's Lu Xingfeng and Ning Huai's turn." Ye Shi said.

"Tomorrow is Lin Moyuan and Gu Miaoyu, we can start tomorrow." Mu Chen's eyes flashed with cold murderous aura.

Ye Shi was a little surprised: "Mu Chen, are you going to kill Lin Moyuan and Gu Miaoyu?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "It is estimated that only one can be killed. I think it is better to kill Lin Moyuan." Gu Miaoyu is also annoying enough.

Lin Moyuan coveted Ye Shi's eyes, and always pointed his finger at the formation. Although Mu Chen felt that this man was not a threat to him in the formation, but such a chrome man was always in front of his eyes, and he always felt awkward.

Ye Shi couldn't help but be eager to try it out. In the past few months, Mu Chen has been studying the 72-way constellation array. Although the two of them have not been able to study this array thoroughly, they can already control a part of the array. Mu Chen has been so long. Since then, he has been keeping a low profile, just to find time to launch a thunderous strike.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi spent the night, connecting five five-star lore formations into the seventy-two constellation formations.

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