"Today's formation, it seems..." Lin Moyuan looked at the formation in front of him, hesitating in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, what's wrong?" Gu Miaoyu looked at Lin Moyuan puzzled and asked.

Lin Moyuan shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's just that today's formation gave me a bad feeling."

Gu Miaoyu said puzzledly, "What's wrong with the formation?"

"I don't know, but it seems that those two boys moved their hands and feet again." Lin Moyuan said with a cold face.

Gu Miaoyu said disapprovingly, "Aren't these two boys often patching everywhere? It shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

Lin Moyuan saw an ominous premonition in his heart as he looked at the flashing formation.

Seeing Lin Moyuan's solemn expression, Gu Miaoyu felt a little nervous in her heart. Gu Miaoyu carefully smashed the light curtain with a sword, and the light curtain trembled for a while, and then calmed down again.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual, Gu Miaoyu breathed a sigh of relief, it looked no different from usual!

The old man Lin Moyuan has no ability, and he is still babbling, Gu Miaoyu thought with some disdain.

Gu Miaoyu threw a few pieces on the array light curtain, and after the light curtain fluctuated for a while, it returned to calm.

Gu Miaoyu frowned, turned her head, and looked at Lin Moyuan, "Fellow Daoist Lin, is there any problem?"

Lin Moyuan looked at Gu Miaoyu's vague suspicion and disdain, and felt depressed for a while.

"At the moment, no." Lin Moyuan said.

"I said, Fellow Daoist Lin, you are too careful, aren't you just two little bastards who haven't even grown their hair yet? Can you still turn the sky over?" Gu Miaoyu raised her neck and said arrogantly.

Lin Moyuan frowned and didn't answer.

Ye Shi stood in the distance and observed the situation in the distance with his soul power, "Lin Moyuan seems to be suspicious."

Mu Chen said indifferently, "That person is just a sack of wine and rice. Even if he is suspicious, what can he do?" What's more, he is not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. set.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, do you see anything wrong?" Gu Miaoyu tilted her head, looked at Lin Moyuan, and said impatiently.

Lin Moyuan wanted to look for Zhuang Yu to come and have a look, but, looking at Gu Miaoyu's expression, he swallowed the words in his mouth, and was forced to such a point by the two little ghosts inside, and he had to ask Zhuang Yu for help. He really can't afford to lose this man.

Ye Shi felt a little excited when he saw Lin Moyuan come forward. "Mu Chen, Lin Moyuan is about to take action."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes! As soon as he made a move, we started."

Gu Miaoyu looked at Lin Moyuan's face as if he was facing a great enemy, and laughed, "Brother Lin, you have become more and more unfounded recently, and you have been frightened by two little devils."

Lin Moyuan looked at Gu Miaoyu's disdainful expression, and a burst of anger rose in his heart.

When Mu Chen's soul force observed this scene, he couldn't help sneering in his heart.

There are six more bone spurs in Lin Moyuan's hand. Whether each bone spur is radiant or not, a basket is not an ordinary thing, it should be refined from a sixth-level monster, and it looks very extraordinary.

The bone spur slammed into the formation.

"Do it." Mu Chen launched five killing formations above the formation in an instant.

In an instant, the 72-way constellation formation, which had been passively beaten, turned into a ferocious wild beast, and the boundless murderous aura turned into a torrent, sweeping towards Lin Moyuan, and the mighty murderous aura directly disturbed Lin Moyuan. became minced meat.

In the chaos, Lin Moyuan's screams sounded shrill and vicious, and the screams only lasted for a moment before disappearing.

As soon as Gu Miaoyu realized that something was wrong, she quickly backed away. The single page was still hit by the murderous aura of the killing array.


Hearing the movement, Lu Xingfeng and the others rushed over quickly.

"What's the matter?" Lu Xingfeng asked Gu Miaoyu, who was seriously injured.

Gu Miaoyu took a deep breath, calmed down the anger in her chest, gritted her teeth and said, "Those two little bastards have played their hands and feet in the confrontation. Fellow Daoist Lin... Fellow Daoist Lin was killed by them."

Gu Miaoyu felt a sense of remorse. She knew that when Lin Moyuan said that the formation was inappropriate, she should have been more cautious.

Looking at the formation, Zhuang Yu couldn't help frowning.

"Ayu, do you see something?" Lu Yao stood beside Zhuang Yu and asked Zhuang Yu.

Zhuang Yu frowned and said, "Murderous, boundless murderous."

Lu Xingfeng frowned and said, "I see, these two must be in the big formation and integrated into the killing formation."

"It's Mu Chen." Ning Huai said, Ye Shi is a straight person, and there are not so many twists and turns in his stomach, but Mu Chen is different. On the surface, he looks like a handsome gentleman, but in fact, he is sinister, vicious, despicable, and tricky. A belly of bad water.

He should have thought long ago that Mu Chen had died down during this period of time, and he seemed to have a tendency to accept his fate. This kid is too ruthless, but he is only a martial arts spirit, but he calculated to kill one of their fellow Daoists.

Lou Qing frowned and said puzzledly: "What's going on with Lin Moyuan? He is also a fifth-level formation mage. Apart from such a big problem with this formation, doesn't he have any doubts at all?"

Gu Miaoyu covered her chest, shook her head, and said, "As you all know, Lin Moyuan is above the spell formation, but he is only half-baked, how can there be any real material!"

Gu Miaoyu gritted her teeth and didn't dare to tell a few people. Lin Moyuan was suspicious, but she...

Speaking of which, Lin Moyuan is indeed ignorant of knowledge. If his array spells were more consummate, how could he have followed the words of Mu Chen and Ye Shi, Lin Moyuan died when he died, and pity she was also seriously injured.

Gu Miaoyu spat out a mouthful of blood, took out an elixir from the space ring, and took it.

Gu Miaoyu's eyes flashed a bit of gloomy color, this time she seemed to have hurt her origin, I'm afraid it will take decades to raise it back.

Lou Qing couldn't help but feel a sense of remorse, "Lin Moyuan's array spells are indeed not enough."

If he had known that things would turn out like this, he would not call Lin Moyuan, even if he had to take a risk, he would definitely hire a sixth-level formation mage.


Mu Chen walked out from the inner hall and walked to the other side with a graceful demeanor. Ye Shi followed behind Mu Chen step by step, poking his head behind Mu Chen.

"Extremely recently?" Mu Chen asked with a smile while standing behind the formation with his sleeves rolled up.

Ye Shi blinked. For some reason, he felt that Mu Chen's smile was extremely evil, but how handsome he was.

A few people on the opposite side looked at Mu Chen viciously, their eyes seemed to poke hundreds of holes in Mu Chen's body.

"Mu Chen, I'm going to slash you with a thousand swords." Lou Qing said viciously.

"Lin Moyuan Ye Shi thinks so, but it's a pity..." Mu Chen paused and said in a cadence: "He died, and there are no bones left."

"Mu Chen, if you have the ability, you will stay in this tortoise shell all your life. As soon as you come out, I will let you know what life is better than death." Lou Qing gritted his teeth.

Mu Chen smiled nonchalantly, and said, "Senior Lou, you really chill me when you say that. In fact, I've always been very grateful to you for giving me such a great opportunity. Now, Senior said this. If so, I'm really heartbroken!"

"You..." Lou Qing's face was ashen.

Looking at Lou Qing's face, Lian rolled his eyes lightly.

"Actually, I sigh in this secret realm, even if I stay for a hundred years, even thousands of years, there is nothing. I am still young and have a lot of time. I don't know, a few, can you accompany me to wait until that Time." Mu Chen smiled.

"It's going to be a long time coming to Japan, let's wait and see." Lu Xingfeng said coldly.

"Okay!" Mu Chen smiled.

Mu Chen took Ye Shi to show his appearance in front of several people, and the few emperor-level masters outside were so angry that they left.


"It's too much, it's too much, don't we just allow two guys to climb on our heads?" Ning Huai said angrily.

Gu Miaoyu frowned, the attack on the formation has been suspended, and Lin Moyuan's bones were gone, which put a lot of pressure on several people.

Lou Qing sighed and said, "I plan to leave and invite Old Man Mu."

Gu Miaoyu and the others looked at each other in dismay. Old Mu, Mu He, had a bad reputation. He was a guy with sores on the soles of his arms and pus on the top of his head. Although this man was an out-and-out bastard, he was a sixth-level array mage.

Lu Xingfeng sighed lightly and said, "In this situation, we can only invite her here."

I didn't invite Mu He before, on the one hand because Mu He was not available and he had a big shelf, on the other hand, because he was too strong, but now, in this situation, if we invite Mu He, they are still expected to get some things, don't ask Mu He Helai, they can't even drink the leftover soup.

"The two boys, Mu Chen and Ye Shi, are already Nine Stars and Five Spirits, and they are about to break through to become Martial Kings." Ning Huai said dully.

"These two boys are only fifteen years old." Gu Miaoyu couldn't help but said that when she was fifteen years old, she was just a rookie of nine-star martial arts.

Lou Qing clenched his fists tightly. He tried his best to find such a secret realm, but in the end, it was all about making wedding dresses for others. If he catches Mu Chen and Ye Shi, he must... Make sure to make these two guys regret being born.

Zhuang Yu lowered his head and stood aside.

Over the past year, he has been guarding outside the formation, watching Mu Chen and Ye Shi make a fortune in the formation, their strength has risen rapidly, and his heart has been tormented.

If I had taken a step forward and selected that painting, it would have been me who was sent into it.

Over the past year, Zhuang Yu has regretted how many times, but the occasional behind-the-scenes meeting is useless.

"Old man Lu, your grandson is not bad either, but unfortunately, he's worse than Mu Chen and Ye Shi!: You idiot said casually.

Lu Yao and Zhuang Yu are already seven-star martial arts. The progress cannot be slowed down, but, with Mu Chen. Ye Shi, these two freaks, were a little dwarfed by comparison.

Lu Yao hated the people who said he was inferior to Mu Chen, but he really couldn't refute those words.

Zhuang Yu tilted her head and glanced at Lu Yao, feeling a little down.

Lu Yao looked at Zhuang Yu's downcast eyes, and felt tormented in his heart.

Both Shengyu and He Shengliang knew earlier that when they were in the secret realm, they should join hands with senior brothers to solve Mu Chen and Ye Shi at all costs.

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