Ye Shi looked at the influence on the wall, and looked at Mu Chen a little uneasily, "Mu Chen, they said they were going to invite Old Man Mu."

Mu Chen folded his arms, his eyes were indifferent, "That old man Mu is a sixth-level formation mage. I heard that the formation spells are very powerful."

The strength seems to be very good. He killed Lin Moyuan, which seems to have annoyed these people! If I had known earlier, he should have been killed by someone else.

Ye Shi's eyes flashed a bit of worry, and then a bit of excitement flashed.

"Sixth-level formation wizard, I haven't seen the sixth-level formation wizard." Ye Shi said confidently.

There was a helpless smile on the corner of Mu Chen's mouth, "This old man doesn't sound as easy to mess with as Lin Moyuan."

Ye Shi puffed out his cheeks and said, "Then what should we do?"

"The soldiers will block, the water will cover, let's take a look first, Lou Qing will come and go, it must take half a month, this half month should be enough for us to break through to the king level." Mu Chen said lightly.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and said with some surprise: "Are you going to break through to become a Martial King?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "There is a sign."

Ye Shiman said happily: "That's great, congratulations."

Mu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said, "I think you're fast too!"

Ye Shi's aptitude is better than his, but Ye Shi spent a lot of time cultivating the Hundred Exercises, so the progress of his practice was delayed a lot.

Before, Xiong Weizai's king-level monsters and monster blood were all collected by Ye Shi and hidden in the space ring. The same is true for the spirit-level monsters they killed.

In the inner hall, when there is nothing to do, Ye Shi will take a bath with beast blood. If Ye Shi's several space rings were not stuffed with monster blood, then Ye Shi would have "run out of food" long ago.

With sufficient resources and sufficient time, Ye Shi's Hundreds of Body Exercises have made amazing progress. They have already broken through to the jade jade and are about to enter the golden jade stage.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes, I also sensed a bit of a king-level barrier, but it's not very clear."

"Eating a Jin Wangdan will make it clear. It's too slow to break through just by absorbing primeval stones."

"However, we haven't bought this kind of medicinal herb." Ye Shi said hesitantly. More than a year ago, he was only a five-star martial arts spirit, and being promoted to the king level was still a little far away for him at that time.

"No, but it doesn't matter, just refine a few." Mu Chen said indifferently.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and then said with a happy face: "Yes! I almost forgot, you are already a fifth-level alchemist."


Tianxin City.

In the year that Mu Chen and Ye Shi disappeared, Xiong Wei had been looking for their traces, and even went to the forbidden land several times in order to find them, but unfortunately, he returned without success.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi have been missing for a year, and the news of their deaths has become more and more prevalent in the Saint Star Academy, and even many people in Saint Star have acquiesced in the news that they "died prematurely".

Just as Ji Feiyan returned to Tianxin City, a message immediately reached her.

"Lou Qing has news." Ji Feiyan said to Xiong Wei.

Xiong Wei was stunned for a moment, and then said urgently: "Where is he? I have to find him to ask for someone."

Ji Feiyan looked at Xiong Wei and said hesitantly, "We came a step late, they have already left."

Xiong Wei's face suddenly turned very gray, "Leave?"

Ji Feiyan nodded and said, "Yes! Lou Qing came back to find Mu He and Qiu Feng and left again."

She explained to the people in Tianxin City that once Lou Qing appeared, she would keep an eye on her, but Lou Qing was an emperor-level expert, and the people she stayed in Tianxin City were too weak, how could she keep an eye on her?

"Did Lou Qing come back alone? Or..." Xiong Wei paused and asked nervously.

Ji Feiyan pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully, "He came back alone."

Xiong Wei's face suddenly turned ugly, "He came back alone, will Mu Chen and Ye Shi already..."

Ji Feiyan looked at Xiong Wei's face, and immediately said: "Don't think nonsense, Lou Qing is not alone, and Lin Moyuan, Lu Xingfeng, Gu Miaoyu and others are with him, he should have entrusted Mu Chen and Ye Shi to those individuals to take care of them. ."

When Xiong Wei heard Ji Feiyan's words, he breathed a sigh of relief, "What you said also makes sense."

Ji Feiyan grabbed Xiong Wei's hand and sighed helplessly. In just one year, Xiong Wei had lost more than 60 kilograms, which was even faster than when he chased and killed him.

Xiong Wei sighed lightly, and said, "This kid Ye Shi has been spoiled by Mu Chen, I hope he won't be open-mouthed and annoy those old bastards!"

"Ye Shi, it should be measured." Ji Feiyan said hesitantly.


"Lou Qing, why haven't you come back after going for so long?" Gu Miaoyu said impatiently.

"It always takes some time, so be patient." Ning Huai said lightly.

"Those two little devils have calmed down a lot recently!" Gu Miaoyu sneered.

When Lin Moyuan just died, Ye Shi often ran out and said strange things, such as: "Who is your turn to work today, why are you not seeing anyone!", "Smash! That's right, that old man Lin died really miserably." "Have you all gone on strike? Yes, you've all got old arms and legs, it's time to take a break."

Recently, Ye Shi, this kid, has been hiding out of sight.

"These two little bastards seem to be planning for something recently." Lu Xingfeng said.

Gu Miaoyu said puzzledly: "What can they plan for!"

"Maybe it's planning how to advance to Martial King." Lu Xingfeng said with a dark face.

Gu Miaoyu was stunned for a moment and said, "No way, how big are those two little devils." Back then, she had been stuck in the Nine Star Martial Spirit Realm for five years!

"Without King Jin Dan, even if the two of them have good talents, it would be difficult for them to advance to the king rank." Ning Huai slightly disapproved.

"How do you know that they don't have Jin Wangdan in their hands?" Lu Xingfeng asked with a cold smile.

"Jin Wangdan is a fifth-level medicinal pill, I haven't seen them buy it!" Gu Miaoyu said.

Lu Xingfeng said with disapproval: "Where do I need to buy it, you forgot, Mu Chen is also an alchemist..."

"Although Mu Chen is an alchemist, he is a fourth-level alchemist!" Gu Miaoyu said with a cold face.

"That was a year ago. Mu Chen was a fifth-level formation mage a year ago. Who knows what his level of alchemy is now." Lu Xingfeng said with a gloomy face, Mu Chen's talent is not enough to make people afraid. .

"If these two bastards are promoted to the king level, it will be troublesome." Ning Huai said with a toothache.

Gu Miaoyu said in disapproval, "It's not like that, it's just a king."

Ning Huai smiled bitterly, and said, "They simply advance to the king level, naturally it's nothing, I'm afraid, after their strength rises, the array spells will also improve."

Hearing Ning Huai's words, Gu Miaoyu's face suddenly gloomy, Mu Chen and Ye Shi were both at the martial arts level, they could drive the formation and kill Lin Moyuan.

"These two damn bastards." Gu Miaoyu smashed the table next to her with one palm.


The alchemy room in the inner hall.

"Is this the King of Jin Pill?" Ye Shi leaned in front of the Pill Stove and looked inside the Pill Stove.

"Yes!" Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi said excitedly: "It smells so good!" Just smelling the smell of this medicine pill, he felt that the barrier that was imprisoning him was about to shatter.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "I underestimate the difficulty of refining the Jin Wang Pill. Fortunately, there are enough spirit herbs. Otherwise, it would be a pity that I would waste two batches of elixir in a row!" This batch of elixir came out Six, it should be enough for him and Ye Shi.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said indifferently, "It's good if you can refine it." The wasted spirit grass can be found later.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "That's right."

Ye Shi rubbed his hands together and said, "I think I have the omen of promotion these days."

"Then you advance first, and I will protect you." Mu Chen said lightly.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Alright."


Lou Qing brought Mu He and Qiu Feng back to the secret realm, just in time for the end of Mu Chen's promotion.

In the inner hall, the splendor of light and the aura soared into the sky, and the scene was magnificent.

"What's going on!" Lou Qing asked, looking at the vision in the inner hall.

Gu Miaoyu said coldly: "What else can happen, that kid Mu Chen is advancing. You came back a little late. If you came back two days earlier, you would still see Ye Shi advance."

Gu Miaoyu gritted her teeth and stared at the two boys inside, who were promoted to the king level, but couldn't do anything. Gu Miaoyu almost vomited blood in the past two days.

Qiu Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "Mu Chen? In the promotion? What a genius! He was promoted to King Wu so quickly. No wonder, Xiong Wei, in order to find these two people, took risks many times, went deep into the forbidden land, searched for The whereabouts of the two of them."

Gu Miaoyu looked at Lou Qing with some confusion, and asked with her eyes why she went to ask Mu He and recruited another Qiu Feng to come over. Mu He is not easy to mess with, just like Qiu Feng.

Lou Qing smiled helplessly, he didn't want to invite Qiu Feng over, Mu He was invited by him, and Qiu Feng was found by himself.

He made too much noise before, and many people guessed that he found the secret realm, but was trapped by the formation and could not enter.

As soon as he returned to Tianxin City, he was targeted by many people, and most of them were thrown away by him, but this Qiu Feng, because his strength was too strong, could not be thrown away.

Qiu Feng volunteered and begged for help, but Lou Qing could only pull him in.

Qiu Feng looked at Gu Miaoyu and the others, and a bit of suspicion flashed in his eyes, "Where is Fellow Daoist Lin? I heard that Brother Lou also invited Fellow Daoist Lin!"

"He is already dead." Gu Miaoyu said with a frown.

A bit of suspicion flashed on Qiu Feng's face. Lin Moyuan was a Martial Emperor after all. Although he was promoted to Martial Emperor not long ago, he was not outstanding among the emperor-level masters, but he shouldn't die if he said that.

"How did you die!" Qiu Feng couldn't help asking.

Lou Qing only told him that Mu Chen and Ye Shi were lucky, they inspired the teleportation formation and hid in a seventh-level formation. Counting to death.

"Those two little devils moved their hands and feet on the formation, and Fellow Daoist Lin accidentally followed their path." Ning Huai said lightly.

Qiu Feng was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief: "Lin Daoyou is also a fifth-level formation wizard! He actually capsized in the gutter and was killed by someone using the formation method." That guy must be dead.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, you are too careless." Gu Miaoyu said lightly.

Mu He glanced at the formation, Mu Chen's promotion had come to an end, the halo began to close, and all kinds of visions became silent.

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