"I'll take a look at this formation first, what's going on." Mu He carried his arms on his back, with an approachable smile on his face, looking extremely kind.

If you are unfamiliar with Mu He, you are afraid to regard Mu He as a benevolent person.

"Brother Mu, please." Lu Xingfeng immediately stepped forward to lead the way.

Mu He carried his hands on his back and followed Lu Xingfeng lightly. As he walked, Lu Xingfeng briefly told Mu He about their confrontation with Ye Shi and Mu Chen this year.

"Is this where Daoyou Lin happened?" Mu He asked.

Gu Miaoyu nodded and said, "Exactly." This ghost place not only took Lin Moyuan's life, but also seriously injured her. She would have to take care of such a serious injury for more than ten years.

"Friend Mu, do you see anything wrong with this place?" Ning Huai asked.

Mu He smiled and said with emotion: "Genius!"

Ning Huai and the others couldn't help looking at each other.

"With this place as the center, five five-element lore formations were integrated around him, and the fusion was perfect, even I couldn't easily see the problem. There is no problem with this place, but he is the center of the five five-element lore formations. , as soon as the five five-element lore formations are activated, with the power of the seventy-two-way nebula formation, people in this place will be murdered and smashed to pieces." Mu He smiled and said.

Gu Miaoyu's face changed, and she said, "Yes, at that time, Fellow Daoist Lin let the sword qi be smashed into pieces." Lin Moyuan died so tragically, his death made Gu Miaoyu subconsciously towards Mu Chen and Ye Shi. These two little devils are a little more afraid.

"Very hot boy, yes, yes, young Yingcai! It's a pity that Yingcai doesn't always live long." Mu He said cheerfully.


"Mu Chen, your promotion is over?" Ye Shi leaned up and asked.

Mu Chen nodded and opened his eyes. The brilliance in his eyes swirled and murderous intent surged. The strength of a martial king and the level of martial arts were completely different. Mu Chen felt that his body was full of power.

"Yeah! How's the situation outside?"

Ye Shi shrugged and said in a muffled voice, "There are two more bad old men."

Mu Chen looked out at the image on the wall, and a bit of sternness flashed in his eyes.

"What's going on with Lou Qing? Don't you just need to find an old man Mu? Why did you invite another person here? Mu Chen is a little puzzled.

Ye Shi thought for a while and said, "Perhaps, he thinks it's not safe to invite one person, so let's invite another person."

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "No, I don't think this person was invited by Lou Qing."

"He didn't invite him, so how could that person come here? Ye Shi asked in confusion.

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "Maybe he found it himself, no matter how he came here, since he has come, we have another opponent."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yeah!" He actually had to deal with six emperor-level masters. Thinking about it, it was a little incredible.


"Brother Lou, you have trapped such a formation for more than a year!" Qiu Fengman said in surprise, with a bit of disdain deep in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Qiu, if you have the means, even if you use it, the younger brother and other talents are ignorant, and the means are indeed limited." Lu Xingfeng slanted Qiu Feng coldly.

Qiu Feng carried his hands on his back, and said confidently: "I do have a way to try it, but the ugly words are ahead. If this formation is broken, I have to choose two things in it."

Lou Qing nodded and said, "This is natural."

Qiu Feng looked at Mu He, Mu He rolled up his sleeves, smiled with a good temper, and said, "If you have that ability, you should pick two more."

Mu He smiled coldly in his heart. Qiu Feng was in such a hurry to come forward, probably because he was afraid that he would break the formation, and he would not get any benefit. He did not think about it. Lu Xingfeng and others were not vegetarians. Level magic circle, where is it so good to deal with.

When Qiu Feng heard Mu He's words, he breathed a sigh of relief, slapped the spirit beast bag, and a group of red flying insects flew out. The red flying insects were about the size of a fist, and there were thousands of them. They flew up and covered the sky and the sun. Spectacular.

"Fire-devouring worm." Ning Huai's eyes flashed a bit of different colors.

Fire-devouring insects live by eating flames. The more flames they eat, the higher the quality of the flames, and the stronger the fire-devouring insects are.

Fire-devouring insects are accustomed to storing flames in their bodies, and can breathe out flames when facing enemies.

Qiu Feng's Insect Control Technique is very powerful, and several people have already heard of it.

"Qiu Feng, that's amazing! You swarming fire bug actually already has ten king-level leaders. If these little guys swarm up, they can kill even emperor-level masters." Lu Xingfeng smiled, full of admiration. typical.

Gu Miaoyu hid aside, looking at Qiu Feng's eyes, she couldn't help showing a bit of fear.

After she was seriously injured, her strength was greatly reduced, and her right to speak was also weakened a lot.

Qiu Feng smiled smugly, "I'm a little bit weaker, but I'm better in numbers." With these fire-eating insects, he has already killed two martial emperors, ordinary emperors. A master, when you see him, you have to give three points politely.

In order to cultivate these fire-eating worms, he traveled all over the volcanoes and bought no less than a dozen strange kinds of fire.

"Go." Qiu Feng raised his hand, thousands of fire-devouring insects fell on the formation at the same time, and thousands of flames ignited.

Ye Shi looked at the image on the wall, frowned, and said uneasy, "Mu Chen, he wants to burn down the Great Array!"

Thousands of fire-devouring insects spit flames toward the big formation at the same time. This scene looks extremely spectacular.

"Fellow Daoist Qiu, it's a good way!" Gu Miaoyu made a burst of overwhelmed noises as she watched the large array being burned by the flames, and her face couldn't help but show a bit of joy.

Qiu Feng stroked his beard, smiled and said, "It's easy to say."

Ye Shi looked at the fire that covered the great formation, and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, "Mu Chen, if it's burning like this, it really won't cause any problems?"

Mu Chen said in disapproval, "There will be no problem in a while."

A seventh-level formation can be destroyed by a fifth-level fire-devouring worm, but if it is burned with a seventh-level strange fire, I am afraid that it will not take long to burn it clean.

"Although, there will be no problem for a while, but you can't let the other party burn like this!" Ye Shi said.

"You're right, let's go out and have a look." Mu Chen nodded.

Ye Shi scratched his head and said, "Do you have any ideas?"

Mu Chen raised the corners of his mouth, and his eyes flashed a bit of cold light, and said, "I have an idea? Of course I have it. I just entered the king level, and someone gave me such a big gift. I am very relieved!"

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen in confusion, and said, "Mu Chen, what are you talking about, I don't understand."

Mu Chen smiled, took Ye Shi's hand, and said, "Let's go out and meet the two new old men."

Ye Shi followed behind Mu Chen and muttered: "Actually, I have seen those two old men, both of them are... ugly."

Mu Chen turned his head, glanced at Ye Shi, and smiled helplessly.

Seeing the figures of Mu Chen and Ye Shi, Gu Miaoyu was instantly refreshed, "Two little bastards came out."

Qiu Feng's eyes passed through the formation light curtain and looked at the two people inside the light curtain. These two people are really young and promising!

It's a pity that all of this will pass. Soon, these two guys will be finished. Gu Miaoyu and the others grit their teeth with hatred for these two guys. If these two brats are smart enough, they should commit suicide immediately. The death was too painful, Qiu Feng looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi with sympathy and pity.

Mu Chen glanced at Qiu Feng lightly, this person seems to sympathize with him, and it will be his turn to sympathize with him after a while.

Mu Chen's eyes fell on Mu He, and his eyes shrank immediately. In Mu Chen's eyes, Qiu Feng was an idiot, and this Mu He was the real ruthless character.

Ye Shi raised his head and stared blankly at the fire-eating worm in the sky, his face pale.

"Little bastards, you are finished, how arrogant you are!" Gu Miaoyu looked at the two with a vicious face.

Ye Shi glared at Gu Miaoyu fiercely, and Gu Miaoyu scolded Ye Shi angrily: "Gaze at me, death is imminent, you dare to stare at me."

Mu Chen looked at Gu Miaoyu lightly, a little sneer flashed in his eyes.

With a wave of Mu Chen's hand, Qing Mingyan turned into thousands and landed on the great formation.

The screams of the fire-devouring insects suddenly came one after another.

"Qing Mingyan swallowed those bugs." Ye Shi said with wide eyes.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

In terms of the magic of flames, what kind of flame can be compared to Yihuo, this idiot, actually playing with a group of small fire-breathing bugs in front of him who has Yihuo, isn't this playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong?

Ye Shi watched this scene, and his heart could not help but boil with enthusiasm. Does the so-called "grand gift" actually refer to this? It is indeed a great gift!

In an instant, thousands of fire-eating insects were swallowed up, and even the dozens of king-level fire-eating insects were not spared.

Seeing that the carefully cultivated fire-devouring insects all died, Qiu Feng spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".

These thousands of fire-devouring worms and Qiu Feng definitely have a blood pact, one prosperous and one loss all lose. In order to cultivate these fire-devouring worms, Qiu Feng has almost exhausted all his net worth. However, he has never regretted it, because he has After these fire-eating insects, he rarely met an opponent among the powerhouses of the same level.

Qing Mingyan wandered around in the air and returned to Mu Chen's hands.

Mu Chen looked at Qing Mingyan in his hand, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Mu Chen, why do I think this flame seems to have grown a lot bigger!" Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "After swallowing thousands of fire-devouring worms, they will naturally grow stronger." This old man should have put a lot of effort into cultivating these worms, and all the thousands of worms will be raised for him. The oil is smooth and smooth, Dabu ah!

In an instant, decades of hard work were wasted, and Qiu Feng wanted to die.

Qiu Feng covered his heart and looked at Mu Chen in the light curtain full of anger.

Mu Chen tilted his head, smiled faintly, and bowed respectfully to Qiu Feng, "Thank you for your generous gift, Mu Chen, I am very grateful."

Qiu Feng was spit out a mouthful of blood by Mu Chen's "wow". Lou Qing looked at Qiu Feng who was spit out blood and couldn't help feeling pity for each other.

"Little brat, I remember you." Qiu Feng looked at Mu Chen with blood-red eyes.

"Oh, there seems to be one more person who wants to skin me, remove the bones, and cook the stew." Mu Chen tilted his head and said to Ye Shi with some resentment.

Ye Shi reached out and grabbed Mu Chen's hand, "Mu Chen, don't be afraid."

Mu Chen smiled lightly at Ye Shi, and said, "How could I be afraid? You worry too much. I want to protect you! How can I be afraid." I will remove the obstacles in front of us one by one. , even if it is a royal master, it is the same.

"This old man has a bad mentality! After losing a few bugs, he kept vomiting blood." Ye Shi said with disdain.

Mu Chen nodded and said with deep conviction, "That's not it."

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