Ning Huai looked at Qiu Feng who was full of distress and remorse, his eyes were full of sympathy, but he was a little gloating in his heart.

Qiu Feng was very proud. Although he didn't say it clearly, he was full of disdain for not taking down Mu Chen and Ye Shi in one year. They can't say how powerful Mu Chen and Ye Shi are, so they can only endure if they grow the ambition of others and destroy their own prestige.

Having personally experienced the strength of Mu Chen and Ye Shi, this person should know that they are not easy to deal with.

Ning Huai glanced at the elated Mu Chen and Ye Shi in the light curtain. Although these two little devils are weak, they have a lot of tricks!

"Fellow Daoist Qiu, are you alright?" Ning Huai said with concern.

"Mu Chen has a strange fire, why didn't you say it beforehand?" Qiu Feng raised his eyes, his face full of grimness.

Qiu Feng suddenly remembered that the jade slip that he had obtained to raise fire-devouring worms mentioned that although the fire-devouring worms are extremely powerful, the strange fires are their nemesis. He can't swallow the strange fire, but he hates him for driving the fire-eating insects all these years.

"You didn't ask!" Ning Huai said, besides, Mu Chen owns a strange fire, this is not a secret thing! Qiu Feng didn't think of who he could blame.

Over the past year or so, they have paid more attention to Mu Chen's formation spells, but they really haven't paid much attention to this thing.

"Mu Chen, you flame, you should be about to advance to the sixth level." Ye Shi said, looking at the flame in Mu Chen's hand.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "It's almost level six."

"Senior, do you still have those kinds of bugs! You can release a little more! The more the better!" Ye Shi looked at Qiu Feng expectantly.

Looking at Ye Shi's expectant expression, Qiu Feng spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Isn't that saying that the emperor-level masters are used to seeing the wind and rain, and Mount Tai collapsed in front of them, but their faces don't change? Why is this old guy spitting blood, vomiting blood, and spitting up non-stop! The mentality is too bad." Ye Shiman is weird.

Mu Chen smiled, looked at Qiu Feng with contempt, and said, "Perhaps this old guy only got into the emperor level after a lot of shit, so he has a bad mentality."

Ye Shi nodded, full of sense, "If the foundation is not strong, you will suffer sooner or later!"

Qiu Feng vomited blood again after listening to the conversation between the two.

Ning Huai looked at Qiu Feng's angry face, and finally couldn't help feeling sympathy for Qiu Feng.

Losing the fire-devouring worms that have been carefully cultivated for many years is not counted, but also to be ridiculed by these two little devils, Qiu Feng is really unlucky enough.

"Boy, don't let you, Grandpa Qiu, I catch you, catch you, I want you to die." Qiu Feng said angrily.

Ye Shi scratched his head helplessly, and there was another one who spoke harshly to them. Over the past year, he had heard too many harsh words. Qiu Feng's harsh words were not new or creative. Ye Shi listened to it. Comes painlessly.

"Old man, don't be so angry, it's not good for your health." Ye Shi said earnestly.

Qiu Feng clenched his fists, trembling with anger.

"Okay, Shito, let's go." Mu Chen took Ye Shi's hand and said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

Ye Shi was led by Mu Chen and walked forward, but he didn't forget to turn his head and made a "bye bye" gesture towards Qiu Feng.

Qiu Feng looked at the backs of the two, his eyes were splitting.

Ning Huai looked at Qiu Feng and said to himself: Qiu Feng probably felt the same anger they suffered over the past year.


"Okay, Brother Qiu, don't be too sad. The old ones won't go away, and the new ones won't come. Maybe these fire-eating worms are dead. Can you find a higher spiritual worm?" Mu Hepi smiled. Not smiling.

Qiu Feng gritted his teeth and looked at Mu He, Lou Qing and the others might not have thought that Mu Chen had a strange fire, but this old man Mu was scheming and should have thought of it long ago.

It's just that this person has been watching from the sidelines, knowing that he will capsize in the gutter, but he doesn't say anything and just looks at it like that.

Watching his defeat, watching his reputation in tatters, watching, Mu Chen and Ye Shi, two little devils, mocking him.

Mu He is a person who lacks great virtue. The rumors are indeed true.

Although Qiu Feng gritted his teeth in hatred, he didn't say much. Losing the fire-devouring worm, he had already lost his greatest support. Old Man Mu was much stronger than him. At this time, conflicting with him would be self-defeating. .

"Mu Chen, the new old man is good at delivering food, the other one must be not so good." Ye Shi said excitedly.

Mu Chen sighed lightly, he was not as optimistic as Ye Shi.

"If it wasn't for me who happened to have a strange fire, the one who delivered the food would be our nemesis, and the other one would be even more difficult to deal with." Mu Chen said coldly.

"Not really." Ye Shi blinked.

"Let's take a look first." Mu Chen said.

The old man seemed to know that he could deal with Qiu Feng, but he didn't remind Qiu Feng of anything, old fox!

Gu Miaoyu glanced at Qiu Feng with some disdain. Qiu Feng's eyes were higher than the top, and she was invincible. She thought that this person was very capable. As a result, she shot with confidence and aggressiveness, but ended up in such a situation. His own humiliation is not counted, and it also causes the self who trusts him to be humiliated along with it.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi should have died of laughter at this moment, that group of fire bugs seems to have helped Mu Chen's strange fire move forward a lot! This old man Qiu Feng has a bad life! Lose the wife and surrender again.

As soon as Qiu Feng regained his breath, he saw Gu Miaoyu's disdainful eyes, and almost spit out another mouthful of blood.


"Brother Mu, do you see any way?" Lou Qingman asked Mu He respectfully.

Mu He is not Lin Moyuan, his strength is much stronger than Lin Moyuan.

Mu He smiled and said nonchalantly, "See it a little bit."

Lou Qing and others couldn't help but feel refreshed, "What?"

Mu He smiled, and said slowly with his hands on his back: "A normal seventh-level formation requires primordial stones to maintain its operation, and the primordial stones needed are huge. It can be said that ordinary people can't support a seventh-level giant at all. However, this 72-way nebula array does not need to do so, it can absorb the power of the stars and maintain its operation.

Ning Huai's eyes widened, and he said with joy: "So, fellow Daoist Mu, what you mean is that as long as the star power is blocked and the transmission of the large formation is blocked, the formation will not be self-defeating without the energy supply. ?"

Mu He nodded and said, "It can be said that, but it is not a simple matter to block the star power."

"Although it's not an easy matter, but, Brother Mu, there must be a way." Lou Qing looked at Mu He and said. Since Mu He said so, he should have already made up his mind.

Mu He nodded and said: "I have a sixth-level star-snatching array in my hand, which can capture the power of the stars. As long as three star-snatching arrays are placed around this large array, the 72-way nebula array will be broken. The energy supply, this big array, will run for a year and a half, and it will not be self-defeating."

Mu Chen looked at the image on the screen, his face was full of evil spirits.

"Mu Chen, this old man is so scheming, what are we going to do!" Ye Shi said nervously.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes and said, "No hurry, the sixth-level formation is not easy to arrange, even if it is arranged, the 72-way nebula array, the stored star power, is enough for it to run for a year, we still have time. To find ways to."

Gu Miaoyu looked at Mu He, her eyes were full of joy, "That's great, since that's the case, let's quickly set up the formation."

Mu He glanced at Gu Miaoyu coolly and said, "Although the sixth-level formation is not as high as the seventh-level formation, the consumption required is equally astonishing. The arrangement of three star capture formations consumes huge resources. How do I know if the contents in it are worth what I do?"

Lou Qing and the others looked at each other in dismay and said, "Brother Mu, this is a training ground for a strong martial artist! Are you still afraid that there is no good thing?"

"Yeah, there are a lot of good things in it. Ye Shi, a tyrannical guy, uses Wannian ginseng as a radish to eat." Gu Miaoyu said.

Ye Shi, who was standing in front of the light and shadow, frowned and said unhappily, "I eat thousand-year-old ginseng, not ten thousand years."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Gu Miaoyu wants to push Muhe to take action. Naturally, he has to exaggerate a bit."

"This stinky mother-in-law is full of lies. I really hate it." Ye Shi said with a frown.

"Star Capture Array, what materials are needed, everyone can help me make it together." Lu Xingfeng said, it is impossible for them to bow their heads to Mu Chen and Ye Shi to admit defeat. Even if it is not a treasure, they cannot retreat for the sake of face.

Mu He nodded and said, "So, it's time for everyone."

"What should I do?" Ye Shi blinked and asked Mu Chen.

Mu Chen gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know either, the boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge, at least there will be more than a year to relax, let's take a look."

Ye Shi pursed his lips nervously. It took more than a year. If he could advance to the imperial level within this period of time, then these people would not be afraid. However, after more than a year, how could they be capable? Advance to the royal rank!


Saint Star Academy.

"It's been over a year, where did Mu Chen and Ye Shi go?"

"Who knows! I haven't shown my face for so long, I'm afraid it's more fortunate!"

"You don't want to die, don't let Senior Jing hear this, be careful, he will beat you to death!"

"But, that's what it was, it's been so long."

"Senior Xiong hasn't come back yet, so he probably hasn't given up yet."

Talented people like Mu Chen and Ye Shi are too dead..."

"Few geniuses die young. Think about it, in the secret realm back then, one eight-star martial arts spirit and three four-star martial arts spirits died. Those are also geniuses."

"I think it's impossible for Mu Chen and Ye Shi to die. Maybe they can make a fortune in silence."

"You're thinking too well, where are you really making a fortune, why don't you spread the news."

"Maybe it's inconvenient, I can't spread it!"

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