Mu He circled around the great formation, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Looking at the smile on Mu He's face, Lou Qing couldn't help but ask, "Friend Mu, shall we continue to set up the Star Capture Array?"

Mu He smiled dryly, a bit of bloodthirsty flashed in his eyes, "No need."

Hearing Mu He's words, Lou Qing couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

There are a lot of materials needed to arrange three sixth-level star capture arrays. The thing that killed a thousand knives was ruthless and destroyed his previous arrangement. If it was to be rearranged, everyone would bleed heavily.

Lou Qing looked at the secret realm. For this secret realm, he has already paid a lot of money. Even if he can go in and make a fortune, I am afraid that he will still lose money!

Gu Miaoyu looked at Mu He and asked with some doubts, "If we don't rearrange the formation, how are we going to break the formation!"

Mu He sneered, and said, "The two guys, Mu Chen and Ye Shi, relying on their knowledge of the formation technique, they acted erratically, and even merged the sixth-level killing formation into the seventh-level formation. As a result, they launched one after another. The two attacks caused the formation to be riddled with holes."

Gu Miaoyu was a little surprised and said: "So, this formation is easier to break than before?"

Mu He nodded and said, "That's right."

Because they knew that Mu Chen and Ye Shi might be able to control everything outside, they didn't speak, they used ventriloquism.

"Then Muchen won't launch the killing formation again." Gu Miaoyu said a little uneasy.

Mu He carried his hands on his back and said disapprovingly, "No."

"Can Mr. Mu be sure?" Gu Miaoyu asked.

Mu He said indifferently: "If we fight again, it will collapse. If Mu Chen is smart enough, he will not do it."

Gu Miaoyu lowered her head and thought: Mu Chen is smart, but he is not only smart, but also crazy...

Ye Shi looked at the image of Mu He on the screen and gritted his teeth, "That dead old man seems to have found it."

Mu Chen lowered his head, Ye Shi was blessed with spirit-patterned eyes, but Mu He had lived for so long and was well-informed, so naturally he wasn't easy to mess with.

"We will start in three days." Tomb Chen said.

"In such a hurry? The big formation can last for a while!" Ye Shi couldn't help saying.

Mu Chen pursed his lips, "My cultivation and you are both at a bottleneck. If we practice for a few more months, I'm afraid it will be in vain. If we start suddenly, they will be more likely to leave without being prepared."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

In another courtyard.

Xiong Weiluo looked at Jing Chiyan with excitement and said, "Why are you here?"

Jing Chiyan smiled and said, "The trouble between Mu Chen and Ye Shi is too big, I have to come and see!"

Xiong Wei pouted. He used to be a master who could cause trouble, but compared to Mu Chen and Ye Shi, the little things he caused were nothing.

Jing Chiyan sat beside Xiong Wei and discussed the situation with Xiong Wei.

"You said, that person is Ye Shi's grandfather?" Xiong Wei couldn't help but ask in surprise.

Jing Chiyan nodded and said, "Yes!"

When Qu Kun first arrived at the Saint Star Academy, the dean seemed to be intimidated. Qu Kun's strength was too strong. Who would have thought that behind Ye Shi, such a big Buddha actually stood!

Xiong Wei was stunned for a moment, and said, "So it is."

He said that Ye Shi and Mu Chen didn't look like they could please people, so they were grandfathers? If it was my grandfather, even if Ye Shi was angry, he would have to protect those two boys.

"Senior Qu, with great strength, with him around, Mu Chen and Ye Shi will definitely not have an accident." Xiong Wei said.

The two were talking when Ji Feiyan hurried in.

Xiong Wei looked at Ji Feiyan's hurried look and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Mu Chen and Ye Shi, plan to leave the day after tomorrow." Ji Feiyan said nervously.

"What?" Xiong Wei said in surprise.

Ji Feiyan shrugged and said, "Mu Chen thinks that he can win by surprise if he starts in two days. Moreover, Mu Chen said, the day after tomorrow is an auspicious day, which will be auspicious."

Xiong Wei gritted his teeth and said, "The auspicious day, is he trying to take advantage of the auspicious day to rush to reincarnate?"

Ji Feiyan said helplessly: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I think Mu Chen's words about winning by surprise are fake. It's been more than a year. Maybe Mu Chen is bored and wants to come out and hang out." Xiong Wei said angrily.

Ji Feiyan smiled bitterly, and said, "No, Ye Shi would have such an idea. Mu Chen is not the kind of rash person."

"He's not, but he has soft ears!" Xiong Wei said angrily.

"Anyway, this guy has made up his mind, we have to get ready to meet them." Ji Feiyan shrugged.

Before Mu He and the others could prepare a new way to break the formation, Mu Chen and Ye Shi launched the lore formation again.

As soon as the killing formation was launched, there was an immediate chaos outside.

When the killing formation was launched for the first time, the deaths of Qiu Feng, Xia Chengmo, and Fu Gongming caused a huge shadow in the hearts of everyone. As soon as the killing formation was launched, the people outside immediately ran around in fright.

"This lunatic." Ning Huai couldn't help cursing.

He had long thought that Mu Chen and Ye Shi might still launch a killing formation, and the others must also know it, but Mu He said that Mu Chen would not do this, and everyone did not want to think so, so they felt that Mu Chen had no courage.

Ning Huai originally thought that Mu Chen and Ye Shi would not be so crazy, but he didn't expect...

The great formation has not been broken yet, are these two people in a hurry to commit suicide?

Or because of that mysterious powerhouse, the two felt confident.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi launched four strikes in a row, consuming all the energy stored in the great formation.

In the big formation, Mu Chen's face was gloomy, "Mu Chen, what's wrong with you?"

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "Nothing?" He just wanted to kill Lu Xingfeng, but he broke Lu Yao's arm, but he didn't expect this person's life to be so hard, it was a pity that he escaped.

"Stop, the formation can't be activated."

I don't know who shouted, and many masters swarmed up and launched an attack towards the big formation.

Mu Chen looked at the crazy cultivators outside, and frowned. Treasures are too tempting for people. These people actually don't even care about their lives in order to come in and grab the treasure.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi set up a large number of puzzle formations within the great formation, and many cultivators lost their way as soon as they broke into it.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi got into the crowd while they were in the chaos, and were taken away by Xiong Wei and Qu Kun who had already prepared.

"Mu Chen." Ning Huai shouted in surprise and rushed towards the two of them.

Hearing Ning Huai's shout, Mu Chen threw out more than a dozen fifth-level talismans without hesitation.

Ye Shi also took out more than a dozen fifth-level talismans and smashed them together.

More than 20 fifth-level Fulu smashed towards Ning Huai, and Ning Huai was instantly seriously injured by the two.

Mu Chen waved his hand, and a large group of swallowing bees flew out of the spirit beast bag, smelling the blood on Ning Huai's body, and the swallowing bees flew towards Ning Huai buzzing.

"Swallowing Bee." Ning Huai looked at the swallowing bee that flew over, turned around and fled.

"He escaped, do you want to chase!" Ye Shi said in surprise.

"What are you chasing! Hurry up and run for your life." Xiong Wei said angrily.

Ye Shi was taken away by Qu Kun, and there was an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

Qu Kun dragged Ye Shi without saying a word.

Back then, if it wasn't for his obsession with cultivation, he had to take the risk, go deep into the forbidden land, and search for an opportunity. If he had been trapped for more than ten years, his only son would not have died in depression.

Knowing what Ye Xun did to Qu Xinyang and Ye Shi from Chen Da's mouth, Qu Kun deeply felt that he was blind.

It's just that Ye He is dead, Ye Xun is alive like a dog, and Qu Kun is too lazy to take Ye Xun's life.

Several people rushed all the way, until two days later, they felt that they had completely got rid of the pursuers and stopped.

"Master, thank you!" Mu Chen bowed to Xiong Wei.

Xiong Wei carried his hands on his back, smiled heroically, and said, "There is no need to talk about this between us master and apprentice."

"Master, what you did for your disciple, your disciple will remember it in your heart." Mu Chen said.

Xiong Wei held his head high, and patted Mu Chen's shoulder in a masterful manner, "Not bad, not bad, disciple, you have done a good job, and you have the demeanor of a teacher back then."

This kid Mu Chen is too troublesome, this kind of thing is enough once, I hope this kid won't cause such trouble next time.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "If there is a teacher, there must be an apprentice."

Ye Shi pouted, thinking: Mu Chen is much stronger than Xiong Wei, although he thought so, but Ye Shi did not sneer at Xiong Wei as usual, but respectfully walked up to Xiong Wei , bowed and said, "Thank you, Senior Xiong."

When Xiong Wei saw Ye Shi's actions, he couldn't help widening his eyes. He secretly said: I haven't seen Ye Shi for more than a year, Ye Shi seems to have changed!

Xiong Wei smiled dryly, and said: "Actually, I didn't help much, and I almost dragged my feet. This is thanks to Senior Qu, Shi Shi, this is your grandfather."

Ye Shi looked at Qu Kun, his eyes involuntarily became a little more nervous.

Qu Kun clenched his fists, facing the emperor-level monster, Qu Kun was calm and comfortable, but now Ye Shi looked at Qu Kun, Qu Kun felt extremely nervous.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen next to him with some help, and Mu Chen smiled lightly at Ye Shi.

Ye Shi bit his lip, opened his mouth to Qu Kun, and called out, "Grandpa."

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi, grief and relief flooded into his heart together.

"Grandpa is sorry for you and your mother and father!" Qu Kun said sadly.

Ye Shi pursed his lips and said, "It's not my grandfather's fault for this."

Qu Kun glanced at Mu Chen and put Ye Shi's hand in Mu Chen's, "Mu Chen, please take care of Shi Shi."

Mu Chen nodded, clenched Ye Shi's hand, and said, "Don't worry, Grandpa, I will do my best to protect the stone."

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi, sighed deeply, and said, "Stone is ignorant. If there is something he doesn't do well, please bear with me."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Grandpa is joking. Stone is the best in my eyes."

Ye Shi lowered his head, his face flushed a bit.

The matter of Wuzong's secret realm was abuzz, and Mu Chen and Ye Shi suddenly became popular figures, and they became the target of many people's pursuit.

"Have you heard? The great formation outside the Wuzong Palace was broken."

"I heard, it is said that a group of Martial Emperor powerhouses set up a net of heaven and earth outside, and as a result, two people escaped."

"I heard that the two are reincarnations of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, with three heads and six arms, and several emperors died in their hands."

"It is said that the two got a lot of treasures in Wuzong's palace, and the creation is amazing."

"It is said that these two guys are very dark-hearted. The secret inner hall almost made them dig three feet in the ground, and the cultivators who went in later did not gain much."

"This time, the two are going to develop!"

"That's not true. Although these two are still Martial Kings, ordinary Martial Monarchs do not have the net worth of the two."

"Where are they going, have they returned to Saint Star Academy?"

"Going back to Saint Star Academy, how could they go back to Saint Star Academy, these two are already Martial Kings, Saint Star Academy, they can't teach them anything. Besides, the two of them killed so many people in the secret realm of Wuzong, Many people are waiting to find the two to settle accounts."

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