In the Yunmo Mountains, more than a dozen young cultivators shuttled through the forest.

All of them have good qualifications, they are all students of Luoyue Empire Yaotian Academy.

"You can't go any further. Going forward, it's the restricted area. There are king-level monsters there. It's too dangerous."

"Senior, I heard that there is a white-striped tiger king in the restricted area in front of him. It's very arrogant!"

The boy in white nodded and said, "Yes! It is said that the tiger is very ferocious. Once it steps into its territory, it will rush out to eat people without hesitation. There were several warriors who entered his territory without permission. , let it be eaten."

Several people were talking, and a burst of cheers came.

"Senior Brother Lin killed a black-spotted two-tailed leopard!"

"Okay! Senior Brother Lin, it's amazing."

"Senior Brother Lin, you are truly a genius."

A loud chatter sounded in the ears of several people.

The boy in white turned back and said enviously, "Junior Brother Lin Yue is really amazing! He is only seventeen or eighteen years old and he is a seven-star martial arts spirit."

"Junior Brother Lin Yue is amazing, but I heard that there is a Mu Chen and a Ye Shi in the Saint Star Academy. These two talents are against the sky. They obtained the inheritance of Wu Zong a year ago and were promoted to Wu Wang, they are the younger generation. , an unmatched expert." A woman in Tsing Yi was full of admiration.

"I also heard that, I heard that the two still escaped and ascended to heaven under the siege of a group of Martial Emperor powerhouses."

"I heard that the two of them offended too many people, and the Saint Star Academy did not dare to go back. After coming out of the secret realm, they have been wandering everywhere, making their homes from all over the world." A green-clothed woman stepped forward.

"Those two people were rumored to be amazing. I heard that when he disappeared, Mu Chen was a three-star martial king, and he was still a sixth-level array mage. Now I don't know what level it is."

"In the beginning, there were many Martial Emperors who died in Mu Chen and Ye Shikeng. It is said that over the years, Martial Emperors were still chasing them, but they all missed."

"I think the rumors are exaggerated. The Saint Star Academy is just a small country, and its territory is not one-fifth the size of our Luoyue Empire. What kind of talents can that kind of country produce." A red-clothed girl raised the whip in her hand. Disdainful.

"Hong Ling, don't say that. Although the Xuanfeng Empire is a small country, it is still possible to have one or two geniuses occasionally."

Several people were talking, and a white tiger came out slowly from the depth of the forest.

There was a boy sitting on the tiger. Above the boy's head, there was a group of golden bugs buzzing around.

"What a cute tiger!" The girl in green couldn't help but opened her eyes wide.

The tiger-like monsters in this world, the higher the level, the bigger the growth, but not all of them are like this. After the level of monsters enters the fifth level, they have the ability to freely change their size.

"Looking at the size of this tiger, this is a cub. He seems to be very scared! It's so pitiful, that person's luck is so good that he actually caught a cub." The girl in red looked at Ye Shidao with jealousy. .

Tiger-like monsters are unruly and unruly, but if a young tiger is raised from an early age, it is possible to conquer it.

Ye Shi looked at the swallowing insects hovering above his head, and said with a sullen face: "Don't make noise, don't make noise! ​​I know Yuanshi, Yuanshi."

More than a dozen of the swallowing worms he raised have entered the king level. Since they entered the king level, these swallowing worms can transmit vague consciousness. , primeval stone, primeval stone...

In the past year, Mu Chen and Ye Shi had spent the amount of primeval stones in order to raise these worms.

Ye Shi grinded his teeth. Over the past year, he and Mu Chen have been wandering around. At the beginning, they were always chased by Emperor Wu. This group of swallowing insects was invincible and helped them escape and ascend to heaven several times.

A few girls looked at the tiger under Ye Shi with curiosity.

Ye Shi grinded his teeth. He lost his way in the mountains and forests. He hadn't met anyone for two months. It's just a string of numbers, it can't be turned into food.

"That tiger seems to be very afraid of those monsters on top of the boy's head!"

"It's strange, what are some bugs to be afraid of?"

"That tiger seems to be shaking!"

"That boy seems to have come out of the restricted area. This guy is so lucky that he didn't get eaten."

Ye Shi waved his hand and waved away all the bugs, "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, this tiger can't eat it, this is the mount I'm looking for, you guys ate it, what should I do?"

A group of swallowing insects flew higher, still reluctantly revolving around the tiger's head.

The white tiger looked at the insects flying in the sky with horror.

"Is there something wrong with this tiger! Why do I feel like his legs are shaking!"

"Little brother, are you selling your little tiger?" Hong Ling asked with red eyes looking at the tiger under Ye Shi.

Ye Shi patted the little tiger's head and said, "Xiao Bai, someone is going to buy you! I'm just in a hurry, so I'll sell you!"

The woman in red was overjoyed when she saw Ye Shi's cooperation, and said to herself: This is a stunner! Recklessly, ran to the restricted area, luckily, came out again.

"Girl, how many primeval stones are you planning to give out!" Ye Shi blinked and asked the girl in red in a pure manner.

"How about a million?" The woman in red rolled her eyes and asked.

The green-clothed girl on the side glanced at the red-clothed girl, and secretly said: "Hong Ling is going to be empty-handed, Bai Erlang!" If this tiger changes hands, it will not be a problem to sell it for five or six million. After all, tiger cubs are very popular. Adult tiger monsters are rebellious, but young ones can be subdued. Many big families will Raise some monster cubs from a young age.

Ye Shi patted Bai Hu's head and said, "Xiao Bai, are you happy that someone bought you one million yuan!"

Baihu opened his mouth wide and screamed loudly. Although his voice was full of anger, his voice was a little low, as if he was afraid of something.

"Little brother, how is it! A million is a lot." Hong Ling looked at Ye Shi.

I thought to myself, I don't know where this person came from. Most of them came from a small family. For an unskilled guy, a million is not bad.

"Xiao Bai, this girl, I don't know how powerful you are, and I only made one million, so I just want to send you and give her some color. You're welcome." Ye Shi pointed at the girl in red.

When the girl in red heard Ye Shi's words, she felt a suffocation in her heart.

Hearing the words, the little white tiger began to grow as if he was getting angry, and jumped from a height of more than half a meter to a height of more than ten meters.

The woman in red was roared by the little white tiger, and she was so frightened that her soul flew away.

All the students panicked and staggered, looking at Ye Shi with eyes full of fear.

Where is this cub, this is clearly a terrifying king-level monster beast Tiger King!

What is the origin of this person, why is he able to ride on a king-level monster, aren't king-level monsters very ferocious? Why are you so obedient?

"Senior, don't blame me. Junior sister has no eyes. I hope senior will forgive me." The boy in white stepped forward and made his debut.

Ye Shi tilted his head, looked at the boy in white, blinked thoughtfully, and asked, "Is there any Primordial Stone?"

The face of the boy in white suddenly changed, "Yes."

"How many!" Ye Shi asked a little excitedly.

"One million." The boy in white said bravely, one million was already his entire net worth.

"The primeval stone card is still primeval stone!" Ye Shi continued to ask.

The boy in white was stunned for a moment, and said, "The Primordial Stone Card."

Ye Shi bit his lip and said, "I want primeval stones." Ye Shi and Mu Chen have been wandering in the jungle for three months.

Hearing the words, the boy in white endured his distress and said, "I'll put it together for you immediately."

"Hurry up, hurry up." Ye Shi raised his head and looked at the flying insects buzzing above his head.

The boy in white and the others quickly collected a sum of primeval stones and handed them over to Ye Shi.

As soon as the primeval stones appeared, the golden insects surrounding Ye Shi immediately moved by the wind. The hill-like primeval stones were snatched away, and everyone was shocked by the appetite displayed by the flying insects.

"It's scary." A girl covered her mouth and said.

"Eat primeval stones, what kind of worm is this! Living in primeval stones."

"A few of these bugs seem to be kings," a teenager said.

"What? Impossible."

"What's impossible, if it wasn't for the king level, how could that white tiger monster be so afraid of it?"

A murmur rang out

"Stone, what are you making a fool of?" A cold voice came over.

Hearing Mu Chen's words, Ye Shi immediately stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

Everyone saw a fiery red bird stagnating in the air, flapping its wings slowly, and standing on the bird was a man with a cold expression and a handsome appearance.

"Is that bird the king-level monster red flame bird in the territory next to it?"

"That's right, it's the Scarlet Flame Bird. I heard that the Scarlet Flame Bird, with its first phoenix feathers, is a different species."

"What is the origin of these two people! Beast trainer?"

"These two guys look very young!"

The fiery red bird slowly landed, and Mu Chen walked down from the red flame bird.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "Xiaojin and the others have no primeval stones to eat, they have been arguing, and I can't do anything about it! I can only find someone to borrow some primeval stones."

Mu Chen looked at the flying insects, sighed lightly, and said, "The appetite of these guys has grown again."

Ye Shi nodded and said hurriedly, "No."

The one million yuan stone was instantly eaten up by flying insects, and Mu Chen gave Ye Shi a helpless look.

A few girls looked at Mu Chen, and found that Mu Chen didn't really blame Ye Shi, and most of them were spoiled.

Mu Chen threw a bottle of elixir to the boy in white, "This elixir for you should be worth the primeval stone you handed over earlier."

The boy in white swept the pill bottle and found that there was a fourth-level spiritual building pill inside, which should help him break through to become a four-star martial arts spirit. He was overjoyed and said, "Thank you senior."

"Is there a town nearby?" Mu Chen asked.

"Yes, through this forest, there is a big city." The boy in white said hurriedly.

Ye Shi blinked and said with joy: "That's great, I can find a commercial bank to exchange primeval stones when I find a city."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

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