Lin Yue walked over with a few people, "Brother Bai, what are you doing?"

The face of the man in white changed, and he said, "It's nothing, the two seniors are asking questions?"

Lin Yue is in the limelight in the academy, and these senior brothers and junior brothers are not in his eyes.

"Senior? The two of them?" Lin Yue frowned as he looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and there was a bit of disdain and warning in his eyes.

"Who exactly are the two of you?" Lin Yue asked coldly when he saw that the two of them looked young, but their strength was bottomless.

The face of the man in white changed, he was young and powerful, and the king-level monster was also terrified. The boy who rode the bird called the "stone" who rode the white tiger. The identities of the two were almost revealed.

According to rumors, people who are making a lot of noise will actually appear here.

"Lin Yue must not be rude." A mentor who had been secretly protecting finally came out.

When Lin Yue saw the mentor appear, he immediately restrained the expression on his face.

"Two fellow Daoists, who have come from afar, I am a landlord, I don't know how I can help?" A middle-aged man walked out and asked Ye Shi and Mu Chen respectfully.

"Is this the Luo Yue Empire?" Ye Shi asked, tilting his head.

"Exactly." The middle-aged man nodded.

"That's great, although I went the wrong way and wandered around for a long time, I finally found the right place." Ye Shi couldn't help but glanced back at Mu Chen with joy.

When Mu Chen heard Ye Shi's words, he couldn't help but smile.

"I heard that the Luoyue Empire is outstanding, and Shi and I came here because of this."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and said, "The two of you are willing to come, and the Luo Yue Empire is naturally very welcome."

Mu Chen lowered his head and controlled the swallowing worm to fight against the enemy. Although it consumed a lot of soul power to launch a talisman attack, it also required a lot of soul power. Although his soul power was different from ordinary people, he couldn't help but consume such a large amount of soul power. .

The Luoyue Empire has one, the Quiet Magic River, which is said to be very magical. I heard that the river in the center of this river is called the Soul Water, which can stimulate the growth of soul power.

After Mu Chen heard about it, he traveled thousands of miles and traveled across mountains and rivers.

"I don't know if you have a map around here." Mu Chen cupped his hands.

"Naturally." The middle-aged man took out a map and gave it to Mu Chen.

"Thank you." Mu Chen smiled.

"You're welcome, fellow Daoist." The middle-aged man said quickly.

"I want to come, Fellow Daoist has a heavy responsibility, so I won't disturb you." Mu Chen said lightly.

"Fellow Daoist, please!" the middle-aged man said.

"Stone, go." Mu Chen turned his head and said to Ye Shi who was behind him.

Ye Shi nodded, rolled over from the tiger, and quickly caught up with Mu Chen.

Seeing Ye Shi leaving, the white tiger spread his legs and ran into the depths of the forest impatiently, as fast as a man-eating monster behind him.

Seeing the staggering figure of the white tiger, everyone couldn't help but be speechless.

"That tiger, in fact, is the white-striped tiger in the forest." A girl in blue clothes said blankly.

"Mostly so." The power that the tiger showed just now was definitely at the level of a king of martial arts. This mountain forest is so big, and there should be no second king-level tiger monster in the forest.

"Didn't you say that the tiger is very powerful? Why did it run away with its tail between its legs?"

"It must have been frightened."

Seeing the two walking far away, the students slowly started talking.

"Teacher, that's Mu Chen and Ye Shi." A student couldn't help asking the middle-aged man.

"That's it." The middle-aged man looked at the backs of Mu Chen and Ye Shi with a solemn expression.

Although the students had guessed for a long time, they were still surprised when the guesses were confirmed.

"Teacher, what kind of strength are those two people!" Hong Ling couldn't help but ask.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, sighed lightly, and said, "Both of them should be seven-star Martial Kings."

"So fast? Impossible, how old are the two of them!" A student couldn't help but said.

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "There are always some geniuses in this world who can do things that ordinary people can't do."

He is also a king of martial arts, and it is difficult to improve his strength when he reaches the realm of king of martial arts. It took him three years to upgrade from a five-star martial arts king to a six-star martial arts king.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi have risen so much in just one year.

Hong Ling covered his mouth, how could it be possible, he thought he was a stunned young man, but it turned out to be a seven-star martial king, more powerful than the mentor who followed the protection, just now he actually... actually wanted to cheat a martial king.

The faces of many students fell on Hong Ling, "Senior sister, you've slaughtered the wrong head, and you've actually slaughtered on the head of King Wu, you are really amazing!"

Hong Ling's face suddenly turned blue and white, and there was a bit of unease in her eyes.

The boy in white looked at Hong Ling and comforted him: "Junior sister, Ye Shi is King Wu, he won't have the same knowledge as you."

Hong Ling bit her lip and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, her heart was sour for a while, and she said in her heart: With her own strength, she can't get into their eyes at all.

Lin Yue looked at the backs of Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and there was a bit of jealousy in his eyes.

It is also an eighth-level qualification. Lin Yue is only a seven-star martial arts spirit at the age of sixteen this year. Ye Shi and Mu Chen are not much older than him, but they are already seven-star martial arts kings.

Lin Yue lowered his head, a bit of sadness flashed across his face.

The middle-aged tutor sighed, Lin Yue went all the way smoothly, this time suddenly seeing someone who was about his age but so much stronger than him, he was naturally a little uncomfortable.

"There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky, Lin Yue, you have to look farther." The middle-aged tutor looked at Lin Yue and said meaningfully.

Lin Yue gritted his teeth, nodded slowly, and said, "Thank you for your guidance."

A student couldn't help but said, "Teacher, why don't you keep them?"

Mu Chen and Ye Shi's net worth is said to be very high! Even if both of them are seventh-level martial kings, there are many king-level tutors around, maybe...

It is said that these two people got the inheritance of Wuzong, and their net worth is very high.

The middle-aged tutor smiled helplessly and said, "Don't think too much, did you see the group of flying insects just now?"

The students looked at each other in dismay, and then nodded.

"There are more than a dozen bugs in there that are kings." The middle-aged tutor said gloomily.

"What?" The faces of the students suddenly changed.

Those bugs were all raised by Ye Shi. Ye Shi raised a group of swallowing insects, and Mu Chen also raised a group. Since Ye Shi raised more than a dozen king-level swallowing insects, could Mu Chen be worse than him?

"Why do you think the white-striped tiger king is so frightened? Such a group of insects swarms up, and the emperor-level master can only avoid its edge." The middle-aged tutor said coldly.

The worms like swallowing worms are not easy to mess with. No wonder the two dare to show up. Now that the emperor-level masters meet them, I am afraid that they will not be able to ask for anything.

"Why are there so many king-level bugs?" Hong Ling couldn't help but asked.

"If you have money, you can raise them." Even an emperor-level expert would have to raise that kind of worm, and he would have to support his family. However, Mu Chen is proficient in alchemy, talisman, and his combat power is not weak. , is not much less.

Ye Shi and Mu Chen walked through the forest and walked to Licheng in the Luoyue Empire.

"This city is very prosperous!"

"Luoyue Empire is much stronger than Xuanfeng Empire." Mu Chen sighed.

Ye Shi bit his lip. Back then, although they escaped smoothly, the trouble was too great, so they had to leave the country.

At that time, Mu Chen also had the intention of taking a look around and broadening his horizons, so the two of them left.

In the past year, he followed Mu Chen to travel south and north, and his horizons widened a lot. The Xuanfeng Empire is only a small country, and there are too many countries larger than the Xuanfeng Empire. The world is huge, hiding dragons and crouching tigers.

"Mu Chen, there are not many primeval stones on the primeval stone card." Ye Shi said while looking at the primeval stone card in his hand.

Ye Shi took out all the primeval stones on the primeval stone card, secretly estimating how long these primeval stones would last.

The swallowing insects he and Mu Chen raised were too expensive, and there were more than a dozen swallowing insects that had been promoted to the king level on Mu Chen’s side. Each of these guys was a big stomach king. An underwhelming cave!

"If that's the case, let's sell a sixth-level medicinal pill." Mu Chen said with a smile.

In the first half of the year, they often fled for their lives, but after the wind passed, it was better.

If he became a sixth-level alchemist, the emperor-level masters would have to please him, and those chasing and killing them would also automatically die.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Alright!"

Mu Chen has already become a sixth-level alchemist, but before, when Mu Chen refined the sixth-level elixir, he was in the wild, and not many people knew that Mu Chen became a sixth-level elixir.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said, "Mu Chen, since you can refine sixth-level medicinal herbs, Uncle Chen's illness, you should be able to do it."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

At that time, his strength was not enough. The two years of experience have broadened Mu Chen's horizons a lot. Chen Da's illness, he was helpless at the time, but now it is nothing more than a medicine pill for him.

"Great." Ye Shi couldn't help but said.

"We'll go back after we've been to Youhuan Qujiang." Mu Chen said with a smile.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay! I miss Master, Grandpa and the others."

Mu Chen smiled, Ye Luo returned to his roots, although he was not the real owner, he still regarded the Xuanfeng Empire as his homeland.

"Mu Chen, there is an auction house." Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Go in and have a look."

"Okay!" Ye Shi replied excitedly. In the past few years, they have been wandering outside, and the auction house has rarely been here.

"Hello, two guests, I don't know what you need."

As soon as Ye Shi and Mu Chen entered the door, a waitress greeted them. Although the woman's attitude seemed to be respectful, she was obviously lacking in interest.

"We're going to auction something." Ye Shi said.

The waitress glanced at Ye Shi lightly and explained helplessly: "This gentleman, not everything can enter the auction, it has to be precious enough. Our auction house just held it half a month ago. After the auction, the next auction will have to wait at least three months.”

"Wait three months? If you wait three months, those guys who eat people and don't spit out bones will eat me!" Ye Shi said with a puffed cheek and a bitter face.

Mu Chen glared at Ye Shi angrily, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ye Shi smiled dryly. He was telling the truth. Those guys were hungry and panicked. They were buzzing, buzzing and noisy. It was very troublesome.

The waitress glanced at the two of them disdainfully. The receptionist of the auction house can take a commission. The waitress, seeing the tattered clothes of the two, did not expect much oil and water, and did not pay much attention.

Just as the waitress was about to say something, the steward of the auction house hurried out, with a bit of excitement and nervousness on her face.

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