A simple-shaped spaceship is flying in the sky. Although the spaceship looks unremarkable, it is a genuine sixth-level spaceship.

This spaceship originally belonged to Mo Feng. Knowing that Mu Chen and Ye Shi were in a hurry to rush back to the Xuanfeng Empire, Mo Feng reluctantly gave up the spaceship and gave up the spaceship to the two of them.

In return, Mu Chen gave Mo Feng a special Grade 6 Fire Talisman.

This spaceship does not need human control. As long as the route is set, he can automatically fly to the destination. There are many induction circles on this spaceship. Once it senses the tricky monster breath, it can automatically adjust the route.

The spaceship looks unremarkable, but in fact it has a very strong defense. There are twelve primeval stone cannons hidden on the spaceship.

Ye Shi soaked in the wooden bucket soaked with soul water, and absorbed the essence of the soul water comfortably. Ye Shi originally said that the soul water was too much to be used up and could be used for bathing. However, a joke, but also After I found out that the soul water bath is really effective, I really used the soul water to take a bath.

Mu Chen hid in the cabin and kept refining his soul water.

Mu Chen opened his eyes, and his soul scattered out, and he was surrounded by tens of thousands of miles, and he was completely in sight.

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. For more than 20 days, he has been refining the soul water, and his soul power has more than tripled. Mu Chen feels that his soul power is now comparable to that of an emperor-level master. , it should not be weaker than the ordinary emperor-level master.

"Are you awake?" Ye Shi's voice rang in Mu Chen's ear.

Mu Chen opened his eyes, looked at Ye Shi's flushed face, and said, "Yes!"

Ye Shi was promoted to the Eight-Star Martial King more than half a month ago, but he was promoted three days ago.

Ye Shi's aptitude was better than his. If he didn't have enough chance, he would have to be thrown far away by Ye Shi.

Mu Chen narrowed his eyes. According to the records in the book, although the best qualifications identified by the Xuanfeng Empire and other countries are the eighth-level qualifications, in fact, in Zhongzhou after crossing the Endless Sea, above the eighth-level qualifications, there are other better qualifications.

Of course, this does not mean that the qualifications of cultivators in the Xuanfeng Empire and other countries are at most only eighth-level. It can only be said that the highest qualification that can be tested here is the eighth-level qualification.

Mu Chen was almost certain that Ye Shi's qualifications were more than eighth-level.

"Mu Chen, what do you think?" Ye Shi asked, holding his face.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "I think it's very good, and my soul power has increased a lot, but the mid-grade soul water is starting to not work well."

"It's alright, there is still high-grade soul water." Ye Shi said in disapproval.

Mu Chen nodded, smiled, and said, "Yes!"

"According to the route, it shouldn't be long before we reach the Sky Empire." Ye Shi said excitedly.

Mu Chen looked out through the porthole and murmured, "Is it finally coming?"

"Mu Chen, you seem to have been cultivating very hard recently!" Ye Shi said while holding his face.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes! Trying hard now is better than dying in the future! Besides, I don't want to leave you too far."

Ye Shi shrugged and said indifferently, "I just practice faster, and I don't have any other skills."

Mu Chen shook his head helplessly, and said, "Only this little skill is better than others."

Ye Shi scratched his head and said, "Maybe, I actually don't understand why I'm cultivating so fast. I'm actually just cultivating step by step."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Don't understand if you don't understand."


The Empire of Heaven, on the outskirts of Jingcheng.

A six-level demon snake, lazily chasing three king-level masters.

"It's just the beginning of the beast tide, how come there are sixth-level monster snakes?" The beast tide erupts once every few hundred years, and the scale of each outbreak is different. Historically, the sixth-level monster was in the first three months of the beast tide. , will not appear.

"It's pointless to investigate how the demon snake appeared now. Escape is what matters."

"There are sixth-level monsters appearing now, and in the future..." The scale of this beast tide must be larger than several times in history.

"Don't worry about the future, let's solve it first."

The aura of the monster snake is very powerful, and in the huge eyes, there is a light that is full of leisurely light.

The demon snake fully enjoyed the fear of its prey, chasing after the three of them slowly.

A strong coercion shrouded the heads of several people, and the three of them were terrified.

"This monster is playing tricks on us, we might as well fight it."

"Fellow Daoist Yan, don't be impulsive."

"There are two king-level masters coming this way."

"Ordinary kings come here, I'm afraid it won't work!"


Ye Shi stood on the side of the ship and had a panoramic view of the situation below.

"Mu Chen, there is a sixth-level monster chasing three people below, I'll go meet that monster." Ye Shi said eagerly.

"Level 6, how many stars can you see?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi frowned and said, "It seems that it is weaker than the ones we encountered in the wild before, and it is estimated that it only depends on entering the sixth level."

"In that case, go ahead and be careful." Mu Chen instructed.

Now that he has decided to return to the Xuanfeng Empire, there must be a lot of confrontation with the sixth-level monsters in the future, and there is no way to avoid it.

Ye Shi nodded and replied, "I know." The vitality behind him also fluttered, and the whole person couldn't wait to fly down into the air.

The demon snake sensed Ye Shi's breath, looked up and noticed that Ye Shi was only level five, so he didn't care much.

Ye Shi's eyes lit up, and the demon snake turned blood red in Ye Shi's eyes, but the blood-red demon snake had a huge green spot on its abdomen. Ye Shi knew that it was the deadly part of the demon snake's body. place.

Ye Shi raised the Fulu in his hand and threw it towards the demon snake.

When the demon snake saw the Fulu thrown by Ye Shi, it seemed to sense something, and a bit of warning flashed in his eyes immediately, and his body flew quickly.

The path of the monster snake was all in Ye Shi's calculations, and the sixth-level explosive flame talisman hit the monster snake's abdominal cavity impartially.

A blood hole was blown open in the abdomen of the demon snake in an instant.

Seeing this, the three warrior kings who had been chased by the demon snake couldn't help but look a little excited.

The demon snake roared at Ye Shi full of anger, and charged straight towards Ye Shi.

Ye Shi flew up quickly, and with a wave of his hand, hundreds of swallowing insects flew towards the demon snake.

Hundreds of swallowing worms rushed towards the demon snake, and a few king-level swallowing worms nibbled at the wound of the monster snake.

The wound on the monster snake's abdomen expanded with lightning speed. The monster snake kept rolling over and flapping its tail, trying to kill the swallowing worm on its body, but the swallowing worm penetrated into the flesh and blood of the monster snake.

It didn't take long for the huge sixth-level monster snake to be devoured and only a skeleton remained.

The few kings who were planning to fight side by side with Ye Shi when they saw Ye Shi appeared, were stunned.

The battle was over in the blink of an eye. Is the shot really a king-level expert?

Ye Shi looked at the demon snake that had been devoured, and narrowed his eyes slightly. There were nearly 20 of the more than 100 Heaven Devouring Insects in his hands.

With a wave of his hand, the swallowing insect hurrahed into Ye Shi's spirit beast bag.

Ye Shi patted the spirit beast bag on his body. The Heaven-Swallowing Insects are very interested in the flesh and blood of the monster beasts filled with Primordial Stones. So, don't worry in the beast swarm, these Heaven-Swallowing Insects will consume too many Primordial Stones. .

"Plopped" a swallowing worm and put a demon core several times larger than its body into Ye Shi's hand before it fell into the spirit beast bag.

Ye Shi rubbed the animal core in his hand and thought with joy: Very good, very good, that group of bugs from the Bai family actually know how to support the family, and the children can be taught.

"Thank you for your help?" Several king-level experts stepped forward one after another.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Ye Shi put his hands on his back and waved his hands in a pretentious manner.

"Friend Daoist, your record is really amazing!" Yan Qingcheng, the only female among the three king-level masters, said.

"The sixth-level Fulu is naturally powerful." Ye Shi said proudly. The Fulu was made by Mu Chen, so how could it not be powerful.

"It turned out to be a sixth-level talisman? Daoist friends are really powerful, even the sixth-level talisman can be obtained." She said why this sixth-level monster died so easily, it turned out to be a sixth-level talisman.

"Little friend is so young and has such a cultivation base. It's really admirable! Seeing little friend, I realize that my hundreds of years of life have been in vain." Liu Jing said with a wry smile.

"I'm just lucky, the blessing is deeper." Ye Shi said indifferently.

"Little friend, where are you going! Or, we can go together." Yan Qingcheng suggested.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "I still have something to do."

When Yan Qingcheng heard Ye Shi's words, she was suddenly disappointed.


"Is the matter resolved? Let's go."

Ye Shi was talking to a few people, and a faint voice sounded.

Hearing this sound transmission, Yan Qingcheng's face suddenly darkened.

Hearing Mu Chen's words, Ye Shi immediately cupped his hands towards the few people and said, "Several people, I still have something to do, so I won't stay any longer."

Ye Shi spread his wings of vitality and flew down onto the spaceship.

The leaf stone fell on the spaceship, and the spaceship drove away.

Seeing Ye Shi leaving, Yan Qingcheng couldn't help frowning, full of dissatisfaction: "What's going on with the people on the spaceship! When the monster was alive before, it never showed up. The matter was resolved, and the person was called away in a hurry, the person on the boat was probably very afraid of death, and in a hurry, he called the person back to protect him."

This person is too ignorant of etiquette, he didn't even come out to say hello, what does this person mean!

"Fellow Daoist Yan, don't talk nonsense. The man on the boat didn't take action. That's because he didn't think it was necessary to take action. That person is not something you can talk nonsense about." Liu Jing said helplessly.

Yan Qingcheng looked at Liu Jing in disbelief, widened her eyes, and said, "Fellow Daoist Liu, do you know what you are talking about?"

Liu Jing looked at Yan Qingcheng, shook his head, and couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, fellow Daoist Liu is not talking nonsense, what he said is true." Fei Zhong said.

Yan Qingcheng was puzzled and said, "Brother Fei, what are you talking about?"

Fei Zhong smiled bitterly, "The boy just now, so young, has an eight-star king-level cultivation, can drive the swallowing worm, and is also carrying a treasure like a sixth-level talisman, can't you think of who he is? "

Yan Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, and it took a while to react, and said, "You mean, that Ye Shi who chased and fled with the emperor-level master back then."

"Naturally, Ye Shi and Mu Chen have always been inseparable. He is here, and Mu Chen should have been on the spaceship just now."

Liu Jing looked at the flying spaceship, and his eyes were full of fear. He heard that Mu Chen was already a third-level sixth-level alchemist, a talisman, and an array mage. The value of this person is far higher than that of ordinary sixth-level masters.

"Everyone knows that Mu Chen cares about Ye Shi's safety the most. He didn't show up just now. He couldn't be greedy for life and fear of death. Instead, he felt that Ye Shi could handle it." Fei Zhong looked towards the sky.

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