Yan Qingcheng bit her lip, and after being analyzed by the two of them, the anger in Yan Qingcheng's heart instantly vanished.

Back then, Mu Chen and Ye Shikeng killed several king-level masters, and many hostile forces described the two as monstrous beasts. Many people who didn't know the inside story regarded the two as vicious men, and Yan Qingcheng did the same.

A strange look flashed in Yan Qingcheng's eyes, "Why did Mu Chen and Ye Shi suddenly appear here?"

"It is not surprising that Mu Chen and Ye Shi will appear soon after the summit of various countries." Fei Zhong said.

Liu Jing smiled wryly and said, "Isn't it strange? I heard that Mu Chen is already a sixth-level alchemist, and it is possible that he is a sixth-level Fulu master. Mu Chen would actually come to the Sky Empire at such a time."

The expert in Lingta calculated that the scale of this beast tide was huge. After the beast tide, the monks were afraid that there would be no one out of ten.

The Cang Empire, during this time, many masters have fled abroad. Mu Chen and Ye Shi have been fleeing for a long time. Even if they stay outside, there is nothing wrong with them. However, these two people actually came back. This person is not afraid of death.

"Just now, seeing Ye Shi's shot, it was really resolute!" Liu Jing said.

"That's not it, it's too scary. I'm afraid that when the emperor-level master encounters that monster, he can't solve it as neatly as Ye Shi." Fei Zhongdao.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi are both sixth-level formation wizards. The combat power of these two people is equal to that of the emperor-level masters. When these two people come back at this time, the Xuanfeng Empire is equal to two more emperor-level masters. The strength of each country , I'm afraid it has to be re-divided.

"Ye Shi just easily used a sixth-level talisman. It doesn't feel bad at all. It seems that Mu Chen is a sixth-level talisman. Most of it is true." Liu Jing pondered.

Yan Qingcheng frowned and said, "Mu Chen is a freak!"

Liu Jing nodded and said, "That's not it."

"The worm that Ye Shi drove before was the swallowing worm. I've heard that this worm is powerful, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful." Yan Qingcheng said.

Liu Jing nodded and said, "Yes!"

Among the group of swallowing worms that Ye Shi had envoyed just now, there should be more than 20 of them only at the fifth level.

Driving so many fifth-level monsters should consume a lot of soul power. Ye Shi's soul power should be much higher than that of ordinary king-level masters.

"Okay, let's go back quickly, Senior Lei Hong is still waiting for us to return to his life." Fei Zhong said.

Liu Jing and Yan Qingcheng nodded in cooperation.

"How do you feel!" Mu Chen asked with arms crossed, looking at some Ye Shi lightly.

Ye Shi lay down on the boat, spread out his hands and feet, and said weakly, "I'm tired."

First launched a sixth-level talisman, and then drove hundreds of swallowing insects against the enemy in a row. Although he watched him kill the sixth-level monster with ease, in fact, his soul force was exhausted. Ye Shi gritted his teeth. Although the soul water made his soul power much thicker than before, the soul power was still not enough!

"Since you're so tired, why are you wasting your time, taking care of that cultivator?" Mu Chen said coldly.

Ye Shi touched his face and said, "People want face, and trees want bark, so I can't let those people see that I'm actually the last resort. I want people to think I'm a master!"

"You! What's the use of letting a few king-level masters think you're a master..." Mu Chen shook his head helplessly.

Ye Shi held his head and whimpered twice, "Mu Chen, I have a headache."

Mu Chen shook his head helplessly, and went forward to give Ye Shi an elixir, "Is it better?"

He also leaned halfway on Mu Chen, his face softened a bit, and said, "It's much better."

"I'll let you show off." Mu Chen stretched out his hand and hugged Ye Shi.

Ye Shi was a little embarrassed when he was hugged by Mu Chen.

"Stone, you've grown up." Mu Chen smiled.

Ye Shi puffed out his cheeks, muttered sullenly, and said, "I have grown up long ago..." Ye Shi paused, then said, "It's very big." Ye Shi bit his lip, and there was a bit of a hint in his tone. sub grievance.

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi, a little dark light flashed in his eyes, "Since this is the case, then..."

Mu Chen lowered his head and kissed Ye Shi's lips fiercely. The aggression was stronger than ever.

Ye Shi keenly felt that Mu Chen's breath became heavier, and he felt the momentum on Mu Chen's body.

Ye Shi felt nervous for a while, but his body couldn't help softening.

Looking at Ye Shihong's bright face, although she was nervous, but her body was forcibly flattened, Mu Chen's eyes were blood red, and the desire that could be repressed could no longer be suppressed.

Originally, Mu Chen planned to wait a few more months until Ye Shi was eighteen years old. However, now, the beast tide may erupt on a large scale at any time. He didn't know whether he and Ye Shi would be able to retreat from the beast tide. , if something happened, wouldn't it be...

Ye Shi flickered with flickering eyes, feeling nervous, excited, and faintly excited as the dust settled.

Zhuang Yu gave his body to Lan Ruofeng a few years ago. After Lan Ruofeng died, this man and Lu Yao were mixed together. Although he knew that Mu Chen didn't touch him because he was "small", Ye Shi Occasionally, he would think wildly, worrying that he would not be able to attract Mu Chen's interest, so that's why.

Mu Chen hugged Ye Shi's body tightly, a surge of vitality circulated in the two's bodies, and the two's soul power also blended together.

At the moment when the two became one, Mu Chen felt that the strength that had been stagnant suddenly jumped up a lot, and there was a faint trend of entering the Nine Stars Martial King.

Ye Shi also felt the same way, Ye Shi secretly said: No wonder Zhuang Yu likes double cultivation. It turns out that dual cultivation is so powerful, it is not only comfortable, but also improves strength.

The soul power of the two people blended with each other, and they also increased rapidly.

Ye Shi stretched out his hand and repaid Mu Chen. Mu Chen kissed Ye Shi's lips fiercely, with an indescribable excitement in his heart. This person was finally his.

The spaceship flew upwards slowly, hiding in the high clouds, and there was a spring tide in the cabin.


"Senior Xiong, Senior Xiong." Lin Nan hurriedly rushed into Xiong Wei's room.

Xiong Wei raised his head, glanced at Lin Nan lightly, and said, "What happened, I'm panicking."

"Senior, there is news about the two junior brothers Mu Chen and Ye Shi." Lin Nan said excitedly.

Xiong Wei suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Really? Is there any news?"

Lin Nan nodded and said, "Yes, Junior Brother and the others showed up in Liucheng of the Vault of Heaven. Junior Junior Brother Ye Shi killed a sixth-level monster there without any effort..."

"Wait wait... You said a sixth-level monster? It's also a person, are you mistaken? It's not a sixth-level monster, it's a fifth-level monster!" Xiong Wei gritted his teeth.

Lin Nan didn't take it seriously: "Senior, it is indeed a sixth-level monster. I heard that the three martial king masters from Senior Lei Hong, Yan Qingcheng, Fei Zhong, and Liu Jing, have no way to go to the sky and no way to the ground to chase after the monster. , As a result, Junior Brother Ye Shi, with five divided by two, eliminated the monster."

The situation at that time happened to be recorded by a shadow stone, and the image of Ye Shi's shot has gone crazy.

Xiong Wei opened his mouth wide and said, "So amazing!"

Lin Nan nodded and said, "Yes!"

"These two boys have been out for more than a year and have taken gun medicine again." Xiong Wei murmured.

"Actually, the two junior brothers showed up in Liucheng. It stands to reason that Mu Chen and Ye Shi should have arrived long ago, but, for some reason, they haven't appeared yet." Lin Nan said strangely.

Xiong Wei raised his eyebrows and said, "It's nothing surprising. It's possible that they got lost. You know, this guy Ye Shi is Lu Chi. It's also possible that it's these two boys. Where are they hiding now?"

"Senior, Lei Hong, Miao Qing, Wu Ping, the three seniors are here?" Lin Mu said.

Xiong Wei was stunned for a moment. In addition to the Xuanfeng Empire, he was the only emperor who attended the summit of the four countries. There were at least two of them in other countries. Weak, those emperor-level masters rarely pay attention to him, and Xiong Wei is too lazy to pay attention to others.

"Rare visitor!" Xiong Wei said with a strange and authentic expression. The three Martial Emperors came together. It should not be his Xiong Wei's face, but Mu Chen and Ye Shi's.


Ye Shi opened his eyes and saw Mu Chen, who was lying beside him, pushed Mu Chen's arm with his hand.

Mu Chen glanced at Ye Shi lightly and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Shi blushed and said, "Let's go into the city quickly."

Mu Chen said in disapproval: "No hurry, the summit will be in three days, the beast tide has been controlled for the time being, we only need to arrive within three days."

Ye Shi rubbed his hands together and said, "But, Senior Xiong, most of them have already received our news. If we are late, he will be worried." What if Senior Xiong asked them what they were doing these days?

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi's red face, and asked in a playful manner, "What are you thinking? Your face is burning."

"It's nothing? My strength seems to have risen." Ye Shi changed the subject.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "That's right, so do I. I should break through to become the Nine Star Martial King soon."

Ye Shi tilted his head and said, "It turns out that the benefits of dual cultivation are so great. No wonder Zhuang Yu likes dual cultivation so much."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Yes!"


Ye Shi lowered the ship.

"Who is coming, spaceships are not allowed to fly in the imperial city, please get off the spaceship." Three martial arts masters walked out of the city sternly.

Ye Shi turned his head and looked at Mu Chen.

"Mu Chen, someone told us to disembark." Ye Shi said with puffed cheeks.

Rules are rules, and rules are always different from person to person.

Mu Chen walked out of the cabin and looked at the people below.

The three martial arts experts at the bottom were stunned when they saw Mu Chen and Ye Shi appearing.

"I didn't expect that the two masters, Mu Chen and Ye Shi, would arrive. Disrespectful and disrespectful. If the two masters have something to do, we will not delay the two of them."

Mu Chen and Ye Shi had killed several emperors in the past, and they were famous for their murder. After Yan Qingcheng, Fei Zhong, and Liu Jing returned to the city, Ye Shi single-handedly killed a sixth-level monster, which spread like wildfire. If they had known that it was Mu Chen and Ye Shi's spaceship, they would not have stopped it.

Mu Chen's spaceship is so simple that people who don't know the goods can see it as a third-level spaceship.

Ye Shi glanced at Mu Chen and said, "Mu Chen, what should we do now?"

"Come down, the spaceship is in the city, it's not convenient, go and find out where Xiong Wei lives." Ye Shi said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay! I haven't seen Xiong Wei for a long time. I don't know if Senior Xiong is getting fat again."

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