A little tiger phantom flew out from Zu Yang, and Zu Yang was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

"The tiger has sent a message, saying that Mu Chen and Ye Shi have agreed, but every time the formation is activated, a lot of primeval stones are consumed, and we have to generate these primeval stones by ourselves, and every time we run the formation, we have to generate them. An eighth-level spirit grass or its equivalent."

"The primordial stone is not a problem, nor is the spiritual object a problem, as long as Bai Yanxing is willing to help." Mu Beifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Several people are not 30-year-old nine-star Martial Emperor, and they are all people who have tried to break through and failed. Their aptitude is far comparable to others. After entering the secret realm, the five of them joined forces and gained a lot.

It's just that if you can't break through Wuzong, no matter how big the harvest is, it won't be of much use to a few people.

"Mu Chen has another strange request." Zu Yang said.

"What?" Mu Beifeng asked.

Zu Yang sighed lightly and said: "Mu Chen said that he has an inscription on his hand, which can increase the probability of advancing to Wuzong according to calculations, but things are still in the test, there may be problems, ask if any of us are willing to Try, if someone is willing, that person can halve the prime stone of the formation, if, no..."

"If, no, the formation will not be used?" Mu Beifeng asked.

Zu Yang nodded and said, "That's what it means."

"I'll go." Mu Beifeng said.

"Brother Mu, think about it clearly. A few years ago, Jiang Feng of the Inscription Tower did not advance but retreated because there was a problem with the engraved inscription." Zu Yang said.

Mu Beifeng smiled nonchalantly and said, "No matter what, it will never be worse."

Four of the five people including Zu Yang had only failed once, but Mu Beifeng had already failed twice.

Zu Yang looked at Mu Beifeng's application, nodded, and said, "Okay then."

Zu Yang lowered his head and said secretly: I really don't know, what is in the hands of Liying Xingtian, making Mu Chen so painstakingly.

Mu Chenming obviously took a few of them as a test for the torture day.

"I heard that Lie Xingtian seems to have imposed a restriction on himself. If he fails to be promoted to Wuzong, he will explode himself." Zu Yang hesitated for a while.

"This guy is really a lunatic." Mu Beifeng smiled helplessly.

If he fails again, I am afraid that he will be as crazy as the day of torture.

Seeing other people keep going up, but oneself staying in the same place forever, this kind of feeling is really uncomfortable.

Zu Yang nodded and said, "Alright then, Tiger said, Mu Chen and the others are very short on time. If we want to use the formation, we should go as soon as possible."

"In that case, let's go." Mu Beifeng said.


Mu's Pill Pharmacy.

"They said it will be there soon." Xiaohu said to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

"Xiao Bailian has just refined the medicinal herbs, so I only have so much time to rest, is that okay?" Xiao Qinghu asked.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "It should be enough." The flow of time in the spiritual pagoda slowed down again. After a while, Mu Chen should be able to recover.

"It seems that the master of Xiaobailian is born to work hard! If he dies of overwork one day, Lord Xiaobailian, you will be a widow! Hahaha..." Xiao Qinghu laughed.

Ye Shi said with a dark face, "Mu Chen, if something happens, I will definitely remind him to let you die first, so as to save you from harming the world."

Xiao Qinghu accompanied the smiling face and said, "Just kidding, Xiao Bailian, don't take it so seriously. You can see that Xiaobailian's owner has a beast-like face and a beastly attire, and you know that he is definitely not a short-lived person."

Ye Shi: "..."

Mu Chen walked out of the spiritual pagoda and said, "Is anyone here?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Come on, you should be here soon."

"Have you rested enough?" Ye Shi asked.

"I'm used to being hacked, but I don't feel that the injury is serious." Mu Chen smiled and said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's good."

Xiao Qinghu looked at Mu Chen and said, "Master Xiaobai-faced, just from what you said, you know that you were born to be struck by lightning!"

"Go into the spiritual pagoda to rest, and I'll ask you to preside over the grand formation later." Mu Chen ignored Xiao Qinghu and said to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded, "Alright."

Outside of the secret, Wu Feng watched Ye Shi enter the spiritual pagoda, a little strange flashed in his eyes.


"I've seen Master Mu." Zu Yang and the others saw Mu Chen, and the six bowed their hands.

Although Mu Chen is younger than a few others, in this world where everyone is cultivating Yuan Li, they always only recognize their cultivation, not their age.

Mu Chen was an eighth-level alchemist, and his status was as precious as Wu Zun.

Mu Chen's eyes swept over Zu Yang and the others one by one. Although the five people in front of him were all Martial Emperors, their blood and vigor were more powerful than some Martial Emperors.

Central Continent has always been without talent. This time, so many nine-star Martial Emperors came in. Before that, he hadn't heard much rumors.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "You don't need to be too polite."

"Have you decided on the first person to engrave the inscription?" Mu Chen asked indifferently.

"I" Mu Beifeng said.

Mu Chen looked at Mu Beifeng, nodded, and said, "Others stop, come with me."

Mu Beifeng looked back at Zu Yang and the others, and followed Mu Chen into the dark room.


Outside the secret, a group of Wu Xiu saw the figures of Zu Yang and the others beside Mu Chen and couldn't help being a little surprised. The identities of the five people spread quickly.

"Zu Yang, Yan Chengque, Tang Fang, Mu Beifeng, Lu Yun, it's actually a few of them. The five of them are actually mixed together."

People outside the secret realm can only see the influence of the people in the secret realm by engraving the names of the people in the secret realm. There are few Wu Zun and there are many people in the secret realm. The name, of course, will not pay attention to a few people.

"I didn't expect that they have all entered the secret realm. All five of them have tried to break through the Wuzong realm. There are many genius treasures, all of which fall into their hands."

"These guys all had a promising future, but they all failed to break through. It is very difficult to break through Wuzong."

"These five people found Mu Chen, it should be the idea of ​​the Lingzong formation."

"These few people broke through the barriers of Wu Zong, although they are not as hopeless as Li Xingtian, but it is not easy to break through."

"If the formation set up by Ye Shi really fully retains the ability of the Spirit Sect formation to help others advance, these five people will have a great chance of breaking through Wu Zong."

"If these five people break through, then the sky will change again in the secret realm."


Outside the Mu's Pill Pharmacy.

"Strange, why is it closed again?"

"I'm probably tired. Bai Yanxing recently set up an eighth-level formation, and Mu Chen refined an eighth-level spirit pill. Both of them may need to rest."

"I heard that the eighth-level formation that Bai Yanxing researched helped people break through."

"I also heard that the formation is an upgrade of the Spirit Sect formation. Some people speculate that it can help people enter Wu Zun."

"It is said that the nine-star Martial Emperor who is about to break through will go for a walk in that formation, and it will be an easy thing to advance to Martial Sect."

"Mu Chen refined the Spiritual Pill! If this thing can be exchanged and taken outside, the group of nine-star martial arts will be robbed."

"That's the Spiritual Heart Pill! The eighth-level pill! Where can I get such a good exchange!"

"There seem to be several unfamiliar atmospheres in the store! Young Master Mu will not be held hostage!"

"Who can hold these two freaks Mu Chen and Ye Shi hostage! You think too much."


In the dark room in the Mu's Pill Pharmacy.

Mu Chen mixed the liquid in his hands and said to Mu Beifeng indifferently, "Take off your clothes."

Mu Beifeng nodded and took off his clothes, revealing his lean back.

"A good figure." Mu Chen smiled.

Mu Beifeng smiled dryly and said, "Thank you Master Mu for your praise."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "No stone is better."

Mu Beifeng was stunned for a moment, full of embarrassment: "Master Mu is joking, how can I compare with Master Bai!"

"You don't have to be so nervous." Mu Chen said as he adjusted the inscription on his hand. "Although this is the first time I have engraved this inscription, under normal circumstances, even if the engraving fails, it will only leave a scar, and it will not kill you."

Mu Beifeng smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry, I haven't engraved an inscription, Master Mu, this inscription liquid seems to have a strong Yuan force!"

Mu Chen smiled and said, "The seventh-grade high-grade inscription liquid is naturally rich in Yuan Li, and the materials I have on hand can only make up three copies. If this inscription is confirmed to be effective, others will use the eighth-grade elixir to find it in the future. If you come to the door and ask me to engrave this inscription, I may not be willing."

Mu Beifeng frowned. He couldn't help feeling a little weird. There were only three inscription liquids, and the other one was definitely for Xing Xingtian. What about him.

Out of secrecy. Wu Feng looked at Mu Chen who engraved an inscription on Mu Beifeng with interest, "I don't know how the inscription will work, but Mu Beifeng is lucky."

Wu Feng thought to himself, Mu Chen has always done things with certainty. Although this is the first time, the success rate of Mu Chen's shot should not be low, and Mu Beifeng has made a lot of money.

"Hmph, I don't know the rules." Bai Chenxing said angrily.

Wu Feng smiled helplessly and said, "It is unavoidable to have an inscription engraved on a warrior's body and to take off his clothes."

"Undressing is unavoidable, there is no need to stare at others like a wolf!" Bai Chenxing said angrily.

Wu Feng: "..." Mu Chen didn't stare at others like a wolf.

In the secret realm, Mu Chen concentrated on engraving the inscription on Mu Beifeng's back, staring at the inscription in his eyes, showing a brilliant light, completely unaware that outside the secret realm, Bai Chenxing looked at him with a look as if he wanted to. Peel it off the bones.

Outside the secret, Zu Yang and the others who had been waiting for a long time were relieved when they saw Mu Beifeng come out.

"Beifeng, you have nothing to do!" Zu Yang asked.

"What can he do? It's just an inscription. This guy is taking a lot of the money. Okay, you guys, hand over the spiritual treasure with the formation method and the sensible person, and then come with me." Ye Shi crossed his hips, speaking carelessly.

"Tell you guys! After a while, prepare the primeval stones of the Lingzong Array. If you don't have enough primeval stones to keep the formation running, I won't post it upside down." Ye Shi said solemnly.

"Young Master Ye, how many Primordial Stones are needed to run the Spirit Sect Array!" Zu Yang asked.

Ye Shi shrugged and said, "You ask me, who am I to ask! It's the first time I've set up a Spirit Sect formation!"

Tortured Tianman looked at Ye Shi strangely. If other eighth-level formation wizards said this, it would be deliberately embarrassing. This guy Shi doesn't even know that the eighth-level formation will cause thunder tribulation.

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