Zu Yang and the others followed Ye Shi to the location of the Lingzong Array.

Ye Shi looked at the Lingzong Array, his eyes slightly frowned. There were many different footprints around the Lingzong Array. Although the footprints were very light, they could not hide the eyes of Ye Shi and Mu Chen.

Ye Shi's eyes swept roughly, secretly guessing that there were about a hundred people who had seen his formation.

"Mu Chen, many people have come to see my formation. My formation is very popular." Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said beamingly to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen folded his arms, smiled, and said, "The formation you arranged is beautiful, so everyone will come to see it." Zu Yang and others should have also come to inspect the site, otherwise they would not have asked for a tiger.

Ye Shi smiled proudly and said, "I think so too. The formation I arranged is the most beautiful and the most beautiful."

Outside of the secret, Wu Feng rolled his eyes silently. Whether or not the formation is good is the second priority, and whether it is useful or not is the key.

"He Pagoda Master, do you think the formation arranged by Bai Shao looks good?" a cultivator asked.

He Xian turned his eyes and saw Bai Chenxing's gaze, looking at him absently.

"Bai Shao is talented and intelligent, this formation is naturally arranged, and it looks beautiful." He Xian said with a smile.


"Beifeng, are you really all right?" Zu Yang's voice transmission asked Mu Beifeng in the secret realm.

Mu Beifeng shook his head and said, "The engraving of the inscription was successful." The barrier became much thinner. Mu Beifeng didn't say this. Although Mu Beifeng didn't say it, other people saw what Mu Beifeng said. His expression also knew that the benefits he had obtained were not small.

"Which one of you will come first!" Ye Shi asked.

"Me." Mu Beifeng said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Go ahead."

Mu Beifeng took a space ring filled with primeval stones for Ye Shi, calmed down and walked into the formation. Ye Shi looked at the primeval stones in the space ring, and secretly said: Really rich.

Mu Beifeng and the others belonged to different forces. They used to be the favored sons of the major forces.

With a wave of Ye Shi's hand, the entire formation was like an awakened wild beast, with a mighty azure light.

Ye Shi changed his gestures, the entire formation was sealed, and a large number of primeval stones fell into the formation like raindrops.

As soon as the primordial stone entered the formation, the primordial energy was quickly evaporated.

In the formation, the vitality turned into mist, and the blue light was dazzling, and the scene inside was completely incomprehensible.

After a while, a thundercloud rose up in the sky, and Lei Jie smashed towards Mu Beifeng mercilessly.

"It's done." Wu Feng said. Since the whereabouts of the thunder calamity was triggered, it meant that Ye Shi's formation was effective. As for whether he could survive the thunder calamity, it was not Ye Shi's business.

Bai Chenxing nodded and replied, "Well."

"Chenxing, aren't you surprised?" Wu Feng said with a strange expression.

Bai Chenxing looked at Wu Feng lightly, and said, "Is there anything to be surprised about? Isn't this a matter of course?"

Wu Feng: "..." This guy Bai Chenxing is drawing hatred again.

In the secret territory, Lei Jie split for a long time, and finally stopped.

"Open." Ye Shi shouted loudly, and the formation was separated in an instant, the blue mist filled the formation, and the vitality was churning.

"Who are you to see!" Ye Shi said.

Tang Fang heard the words, walked quickly into the formation, and helped Mu Beifeng out.

Mu Beifeng was slashed by Lei Jie several times, but his eyes were surprisingly bright.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Beifeng and said, "Congratulations, Wu Zong." The half-dead Wu Zong was also Wu Zong.

"Thank you Master Mu, thank you Master Bai." Mu Beifeng hurriedly cupped his hands.

Ye Shi waved his hand and said, "Go and rest, who's next?"

"Me." Zu Yang came out and said.

"Okay, let's go in." Ye Shi waved his hand.

Mu Beifeng stepped aside, swallowed a few pills, and tried to recover from his injuries.


"What's the situation today!" Wu Jinque muttered while looking at the sky blankly.

"It's like the third time."

"Isn't it true, this thunder calamity is really the thunder calamity of Emperor Wu's promotion to Wu Zong?" Wu Jinque was full of doubts.

"Looks like it."

"Wu Zong is now worthless to this point, you can go out one by one." Wu Jinque said with a frown.

"Miss, Lei Jie has stopped."

Wu Jinque exhaled a breath and said, "It's finally stopped, there are only three things to do, let's go and go to Yanyue Building to see."

"Miss, Zhuang Jin's few people are too domineering. They are not allowed to grab anything they like. It was obviously the eighth-grade rhizoma weed that we saw first." A girl beside Wu Jinque , full of dissatisfaction.

"Is there any way, there are four Martial Sects by Zhuang Jin's side? If you choose any one, you can kill a group of us in seconds." Wu Jinque said.

"That Murong Feng is too arrogant. When he opens his mouth and shuts his mouth, we are all stupid pigs and trash, and we only occupy the kennel and don't poop."

Wu Jinque narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay, don't complain. In this world, the weak eat the strong, and who can let people have the ability."

"No matter how capable he is, how can Mu Chen be capable!"

Wu Jinque nodded and said, "That's true."

Murong Feng and the others got a lot of treasures, but these people have offended a lot of people in order to get the treasures, how can they compare to Mu Chen! A group of people rushed to give him a spiritual treasure, for fear that he would not look down on him.

In terms of harvest, Mu Chen already had nearly ten eighth-level elixir in his hands, and Murong Feng and the others' harvest was not small, but they couldn't compare to Mu Chen at all.

Wu Jinque and others didn't walk for a while, and the thunder roared again.

Wu Jinque turned her head and looked at the beginning of Lei Jie, with a feeling of collapse, "It's the fourth time." This Martial Sect is now, and that is also Martial Sect. When will she be able to advance to Wu Sect!


Zhuang Jin looked at the place where Lei Jie started, a bit of confusion flashed on his face.

"What's going on today! Why does the thunder robbery keep ringing, it seems to be the fourth time." Zhuang Jin murmured.

"It seems that someone is advancing to Wuzong." Murong Feng said.

Zhuang Jin frowned and said, "But, it's been the fourth time! Could it be that someone has been promoted to Wuzong, how is this possible."

"Stop." Zeng Mo said.

Zhuang Jin exhaled and said with relief: "Yes!"

Before Zhuang Jin could take a breath, the thunder sounded again.

"What the hell is going on! Is this really the thunder tribulation of Emperor Wu's promotion to Wu Zong? If so, then will there be five more Wu Zongs appearing in this secret realm! Could it be that there is something in the secret realm? Lingbao, can you help people break through Wuzong?" Zhuang Jin asked thoughtfully.

Zeng Mo clenched his fists and looked into the distance, his face ashen.

Murong Yu looked at Zeng Mo's expression and said thoughtfully, "The place where the thunder calamity occurred seems to be where Bai Yanxing arranged the formation."

Before, Murong Yu heard that the eighth-level formation developed by Ye Shi was an upgraded version of the Spirit Sect formation, which could help Wu Zong break through to become Wu Zun...

After a few people heard this, they didn't pay much attention to it, they just thought it was absurd, and it was absurd, but now...

Zhuang Jin was stunned for a moment and said, "So, is the formation arranged by Bai Chenxing effective?"

Murong Feng squinted his eyes, and said a little puzzled: "Even if his formation is effective, there must be so many nine-star Martial Emperors! Are there so many geniuses in Central Continent?"

Shi Jingtian murmured in his heart, how could there be so few geniuses in Central Continent? Murong Feng only saw a few geniuses on the bright side of Central Continent.

Although he was extremely impatient with Murong Feng and the others in his heart, Shi Jingtian didn't say much. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was the weakest among the five.

"Shocking, how are you preparing?" Zhuang Jin asked.

Shi Jingtian nodded and said, "It's almost there." He probably understood the truth that one prosper and one loss all suffer. During this time, Murong Feng and others did not suppress Shi Jingtian. Although Murong Feng and others were reluctant, they still A lot of resources were given to Shi Jingtian.

"It's almost there, let's get promoted, don't wait any longer." Murong Feng said impatiently.

Shi Jingtian nodded and said lightly, "I see."


At the location of the Lingzong Array, the rumbling of thunder kept ringing, and Mu Beifeng, Zu Yang, Yan Chengque, Tang Fang, Lu Yun and others were promoted successively.

"This formation is really powerful!" Wu Feng couldn't help muttering.

Anyone who has failed in the promotion, it is difficult to think about success, but with this formation, all of them have been promoted. The power of this formation can be imagined.

Bai Chenxing smiled and said complacently, "That's natural, it's the formation created by Bai Yanxing, and Bai Yanxing's talent in formation is unparalleled."

Mu Chen looked towards Lie Xingtian and said, "Young Master Lie, it's your turn."

Lie Xing Tian's face changed, he took out a jade pendant and handed it to Mu Chen, "During this time, Lao Mu has been bothered, if I fail this time, it will be my clear letter, it has nothing to do with people, it will never be. So called Mu Shao, Bai Shao, busy for nothing, I have lifted the ban on this jade pendant."

Lie Xingtian pursed his lips, the eighth-level medicinal pill, the eighth-level formation, the seventh-level high-grade inscription, for his business, Mu Chen also worked hard...

At the beginning, when he found Mu Chen, he was desperate, but Mu Chen was able to achieve this step, which he never thought about.

Mu Chen took the jade pendant, smiled, and said, "You don't need to worry about Lie Shao, you've already made this step, and the chances of failure are not high, so let's go into battle."

Lie Xing Tian nodded gratefully towards Mu Chen and walked into the formation.

Mu Chen's soul power was swept away in the jade pendant, and a faint smile appeared on his mouth, Li Xingtian was finally a good person.

Off the screen, Bai Chenxing looked at the jade pendant in Mu Chen's hand, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That thing should be the elixir of the spirit-returning pill, or else Yanxing wouldn't ignore Zhuang Jin, just thinking about how to help Lie Xingtian become Wuzong.

Ye Shi glanced at Mu Chen and asked something silently with his eyes. Mu Chen nodded lightly at Ye Shi, and Ye Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's the turn of the day of torture! I don't know if it can be done. This guy has failed three times. He cultivates the Slaughter Sword, and it is difficult for him to advance."

"I heard that the situation of Liying Day is a terminal illness."

"Suxin Dan, Lingxin Dan, seventh-level high-grade inscriptions, eighth-level formations, which Martial Emperor can advance to Wuzong can have his battle, even if he is terminally ill, there should be a chance of survival."

"If Lie Xing Tian can succeed, then basically those nine-star Martial Emperors who are considered hopeless to advance to Martial Sect will have the possibility to advance."

"Mu Chen is an eighth-level alchemist, and Ye Shi is an eighth-level formation mage. How noble are the two of them, that is, the little guys in this meeting are lucky, when they come out, which Martial Emperor can invite both of them at the same time. man!"

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